Make WordPress Core



23:47 Ticket #51275 (Auto logout loses your content if not saved) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report. WordPress …
22:22 Ticket #45891 (screen options and help tab do nothing on "edit post" admin page with ...) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: @zignorp Sorry for the slow response. I'm closing the ticket because …
20:21 Ticket #51384 (Incorrect Information in Date Column) created by louisgranato
I am currently on version 5.5.1 and I noticed a small bug with the …
18:37 Changeset [49039] by SergeyBiryukov
Build/Test Tools: Use trunk revision 2387243 of the WordPress Importer …
18:27 Ticket #51383 (PHP error body class added for suppressed errors) created by desrosj
When a PHP error occurs in the admin that is suppressed using the @
15:23 Ticket #51382 (Multisite: Add missing options to the list of languages) closed by johnbillion
invalid: Thanks for the report @henrywright , this needs to be reported on …
15:19 Ticket #51382 (Multisite: Add missing options to the list of languages) created by henry.wright
In a network install go to Settings > Network Settings and then scroll …
15:12 Ticket #51381 (ZIP replacement asks to network activate even when activated) created by stormrockwell
If you replace the zip of a network activated plugin in a multisite …
14:09 Ticket #51380 (@global $wpdb is not used but defined in documentation) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 49038: […]
14:09 Changeset [49038] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Remove obsolete $wpdb global reference from …
13:57 Ticket #41517 (Preview Changes results in Schedule button instead of Update fresh ...) closed by eclath
worksforme: Ha ha! I'm impressed that something this old was checked at all, lol. …
13:52 Changeset [49037] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Backport two changes from PHPUnit 9.3: * Replace the Match
10:07 Ticket #51380 (@global $wpdb is not used but defined in documentation) created by anonymized_18274256
@global $wpdb is defined in documentation but not used in this …
09:24 Ticket #51379 (Add filter to function email_exists()) created by apermo
At a current project I'm running WordPress together with a third party …
07:59 Ticket #51378 (Taxonomy is missing from wp_list_categories inline documentation) created by grapplerulrich
The taxonomy parameter is not documented in the inline documentation. …
06:25 Ticket #51377 (Front End elements break after too many shortcodes) created by ghostofharambe
I recently joined a wordpress project to try to fix some issues with …
06:08 Ticket #42511 (register_activation_hook with MultiSite) closed by markparnell
duplicate: @tazotodua it's not entirely clear what you're looking for here - …
05:55 Ticket #42496 (Add CSSTidy in WP) closed by peterwilsoncc
duplicate: Hi @tazotodua and I'm sorry it's taken so long for this ticket to be …
05:48 Ticket #42473 (Categories List on Post page Errors) closed by aristath
invalid: From the error log attached it is clear that this was an error with …
01:16 Ticket #51376 (wp_get_shortlink produces PHP Notice on unregistered post type) created by apedog
Calling wp_get_shortlink with an existing ID of an unregistered …
00:25 Ticket #51370 (Errors in the wp_dropdown_users() function when specifying a ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 49036: […]
00:25 Changeset [49036] by SergeyBiryukov
Users: Check if the user ID passed as selected to …


22:32 Ticket #51375 (Error 500 after intalling Autoptimize) closed by peterwilsoncc
invalid: @rokagress Hello and welcome to trac! Trac is used for tracking …
20:59 Ticket #51375 (Error 500 after intalling Autoptimize) created by rokagress
Hello , After i install the plugin "Autoptimize" …
18:38 Ticket #51371 (Use sentence case for Privacy Bulk Action response notices.) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 49035: […]
18:38 Changeset [49035] by desrosj
Privacy: Ensure bulk action related strings end with periods. Props …
18:35 Ticket #51311 (Update PHPMailer library) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 49034: […]
18:35 Changeset [49034] by desrosj
External Libraries: Upgrade PHPMailer to version 6.1.7. For a full …
14:12 Ticket #26021 (MP6: Custom color schemes don't apply to frontend admin bar.) closed by desrosj
wontfix: While there are valid use cases here and fixing this does not appear …
12:32 Changeset [49033] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use consistent trailing punctuation in fail() messages. See …
12:30 Changeset [49032] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Check if image metadata for a particular size was successfully …
09:58 Ticket #51374 (The initial revision of an imported post goes missing) created by johnbillion
There are two problems relating to revisions when making a change to …
09:01 Ticket #51373 (Include Site ID In WP_Post) created by xedin.unknown
Right now, it is not possible to, given a WP_Post instance, determine …
07:55 Ticket #51372 (Race condition causes an autoload option to leak outside of alloptions) created by kovshenin
There is a problem with add_option() which causes an autoloaded item …
05:36 Ticket #41082 (WordPress edit page flickering in Chome browser only) closed by peterwilsoncc
invalid: Hello, I am sorry it's taken so long for someone to reply to this …


23:54 Ticket #44673 ("Resend Email" Privacy bulk action can be confusing) closed by garrett-eclipse
fixed: Related - #44674 Closing this ticket as the Resend Bulk Action was …
23:18 Ticket #51371 (Use sentence case for Privacy Bulk Action response notices.) created by garrett-eclipse
The Bulk Actions for privacy request tables produce notices upon …
22:52 Ticket #50805 (i18n: Merge similar translation strings in rest api block types) closed by TimothyBlynJacobs
fixed: In 49031: […]
22:52 Changeset [49031] by TimothyBlynJacobs
REST API: Regenerate test fixtures after [48982]. Props …
22:37 Ticket #50805 (i18n: Merge similar translation strings in rest api block types) reopened by garrett-eclipse
Reopening to address the qunit wp-api-generated.js fixture as it uses …
21:42 Ticket #51370 (Errors in the wp_dropdown_users() function when specifying a ...) created by campusboy1987
Hello! When editing a page whose author was deleted in the classic …
20:18 Changeset [49030] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Fix typo in some markTestSkipped() messages. See #51344.
18:46 Ticket #51369 (Upgrade via a ZIP file doesn't work if password isn't cached) created by figureone
This is a follow-up to #9757. Aloha, we noticed that upgrading via a …
17:42 Ticket #51354 (Certificate verification disabled (sslverify=false) WP-CRON) closed by johnbillion
invalid: It's intentional that requests to the site itself don't verify the SSL …
17:18 Ticket #51354 (Certificate verification disabled (sslverify=false) WP-CRON) reopened by 123nadav
And this not only me is many and many people suffer from the same …
17:14 Ticket #42132 (Add filter to emails sent by wp-admin/user-new.php) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 49029: […]
17:14 Changeset [49029] by johnbillion
Users: Introduce the invited_user_email filter for filtering the …
16:44 Changeset [49028] by johnbillion
Docs: Correct the indentation for some array type docs. See #50768
14:05 Changeset [49027] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use consistent trailing punctuation in markTestSkipped()
13:49 Changeset [49026] by SergeyBiryukov
Privacy: Check if the accumulated data in …
13:25 Changeset [49025] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Convert a few more function_exists() and extension_loaded()
12:38 Ticket #51368 (Remove windows path check from validate_file) created by zieladam
Let's talk about validate_file function, and specifically about this …
12:36 Ticket #51367 (Classic editor toolbar buttons clicked when swiping on mobile.) created by maciejmackowiak
When swiping on mobile starts on toolbar item of classic editor it …
12:21 Ticket #50826 (Wrong Escaping Function Was Used) closed by audrasjb
fixed: This issue has been fixed upstream: …
11:34 Ticket #50639 ([PHP 8] Add @requires annotations for PHPUnit tests that assert ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 49024: […]
11:34 Changeset [49024] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Convert the checks for imagejpeg() function availability to …
11:11 Changeset [49023] by SergeyBiryukov
General: Give the $is variable in is_wp_error() a more descriptive …
07:21 Ticket #51366 (Taxonomy:post_format show_in_nav_menus has no effect) created by nextendweb
In wp-includes/taxonomy.php, the definition for post_format
06:18 Ticket #51364 (Media library: Custom right-click menu) closed by mukesh27
duplicate: Duplicate of #51363.
00:53 Ticket #51354 (Certificate verification disabled (sslverify=false) WP-CRON) closed by peterwilsoncc
invalid: @123nadav Trac is used for the development of WordPress core, not for …


21:12 Ticket #51365 (Introduce dedicated function to check if post meta exists) created by DaveyJake
Just wanted to suggest a simple function that checks for pre-existing …
19:16 Ticket #37366 (Restoring a scheduled post can cause it to be published) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: This is a nasty one! I think it can be covered by #23022. Restoring …
18:53 Ticket #50618 (Introduce the ability to restore a trashed post as a draft) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: Not quite a dupe, but consolidating this with #23022.
18:42 Ticket #51364 (Media library: Custom right-click menu) created by jordi00113
A small but handy feature for the media library could be an custom …
18:42 Ticket #51363 (Media library: Custom right-click menu) created by jordi00113
A small but handy feature for the media library could be an custom …
17:43 Ticket #40568 (Add an action in WP_Error::add()) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 49022: […]
17:43 Changeset [49022] by johnbillion
General: Introduce the wp_error_added and wp_error_checked
16:21 Ticket #47364 (Docs: Standardise the description for image size parameters) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 49021: […]
16:21 Changeset [49021] by johnbillion
Media: Standardise the description for image size parameters. This …
16:06 Ticket #51362 (Allow gallery_shortcode() and get_image_tag() to accept an array of ...) created by johnbillion
Of all the image-related functions in WordPress that include a $size
15:53 Changeset [49020] by johnbillion
Docs: Inline documentation improvements for media related functions …
14:26 Changeset [49019] by SergeyBiryukov
Media: Return a WP_Error from WP_Image_Editor_GD::load() if file …
14:13 Changeset [49018] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Correctly unset non-supported image editor engines in some …
14:03 Changeset [49017] by johnbillion
Media: Correct some types for attachment ID parameters passed to …
13:38 Changeset [49016] by johnbillion
Media: Correct some types in docblocks for filters related to …
13:31 Changeset [49015] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use more specific assertions in …
13:25 Changeset [49014] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Optimize some image tests to avoid checking for image editor …
13:16 Ticket #51359 (Add a language icon next to the Default Language network option) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 49013: […]
13:16 Changeset [49013] by johnbillion
I18N: Add a language icon next to the Default Language network option. …
13:13 Ticket #49655 (Correct the image thumbnail logic in media templates) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 49012: […]
13:13 Changeset [49012] by johnbillion
Media: Correct the image thumbnail logic in media templates. This …
12:56 Ticket #18848 (Filter post listing screen by post parent) closed by johnbillion
12:35 Ticket #50880 (Allow wpmu_create_user to return a WP_Error) closed by johnbillion
wontfix: As per …
12:14 Ticket #43534 (Wonky element attributes after coding standards cleanup) closed by johnbillion
12:12 Ticket #42403 (Introduce singular capabilities for network activating plugins) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: Duplicate of #41703.
12:01 Ticket #41441 (Deleting a theme from a single site's Themes screen should not be allowed) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 49011: […]
12:01 Changeset [49011] by johnbillion
Themes: Remove the ability to delete themes from the single site …
10:13 Ticket #51360 (Title and content not saving in Gutenberg Editor) closed by johnbillion
invalid: Thanks for the report and sorry you're having trouble @seanlance . …
09:22 Ticket #51361 (Provide documentation to indicate changes to wp_privacy_exports_url ...) created by garrett-eclipse
This is a follow-up of #44038 which was committed in 5.5 as [48127]
06:31 Ticket #51360 (Title and content not saving in Gutenberg Editor) created by seanlance
Hi, I am still on Classic editor because of a bug in WordPress default …
03:31 Changeset [49010] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Consistently require imagejpeg() function in …
02:45 Changeset [49009] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Skip some image tests if neither GD nor Imagick image editor …
01:16 Changeset [49008] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Fix WPCS issue in [49007]. See #50913.
00:55 Changeset [49007] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Fix the failures in REST API format keyword validation tests …


23:12 Ticket #40194 (Automatic text direction detection for input fields in the admin area) closed by johnbillion
23:00 Ticket #37996 (Unnecessary rewrite rules added for the /embed endpoint) closed by johnbillion
22:59 Ticket #34504 (get_blogaddress_by_name() does not reflect scheme of the blog) closed by johnbillion
22:52 Ticket #32991 (wp_delete_post() does not return a WP_Post object) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: Duplicate of #42030. Confirmed that this was fixed in [41642].
22:47 Ticket #30756 (Prompt for filesystem credentials if necessary when installing languages) closed by johnbillion
21:26 Ticket #51359 (Add a language icon next to the Default Language network option) created by johnbillion
In #43144 a language icon was added next to the "Language" option on …
20:52 Ticket #51358 (Add a clearer warning message before deleting a site from a network) created by johnbillion
Deleting a site from the Network Admin -> Sites screen is the most …
18:25 Ticket #51357 (Some core strings appear to not be localized) closed by carike
duplicate: Duplicate of #51203. I did switch afterwards (but before creating any …
17:53 Ticket #51357 (Some core strings appear to not be localized) created by carike
How to replicate: Switch installation's language to Afrikaans. Under …
15:52 Changeset [49006] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Add missing @covers tags for files in …
11:11 Changeset [49005] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Speed up slashed data tests by reusing some more shared …
10:53 Changeset [49004] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Give the $id variable in slashed data tests a more …
10:34 Changeset [49003] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Speed up slashed data tests by reusing shared fixtures. …
09:25 Ticket #51216 (Speed up tests for wp_allow_comment) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 49002: […]
09:25 Changeset [49002] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Speed up tests for wp_allow_comment() by reusing shared …
09:23 Ticket #51356 (Update Twemoji for 5.6) created by Hareesh Pillai
A new version of Twemoji …
09:11 Changeset [49001] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Simplify the logic in …
07:42 Ticket #51355 (Have the Copy URL button and Copied text conform to the Site Health ...) created by garrett-eclipse
The ClipboardJS implementation applied to the Copy URL button (#48463) …
05:52 Ticket #43605 (Add HTTP/1.0 emulation to apiRequest()) reopened by TimothyBlynJacobs
This is still necessary if people want to use the smaller …
05:27 Ticket #51354 (Certificate verification disabled (sslverify=false) WP-CRON) created by 123nadav
Is familier with the core... have recommendation? i active an deactive …
01:20 Ticket #51292 (`wp_publish_post` does not add default category to auto-drafts) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 49000: […]
01:20 Changeset [49000] by peterwilsoncc
Posts, Post Types: Ensure default terms are added by …


22:20 Ticket #51353 (Smart Quote Bug) created by xanathos
Hi there, There is a bug when you type a word between quotes "" at the …
21:52 Ticket #51352 (Unexpected behavior when switching autoload between update_option) created by pentatonicfunk
Autoload update, gives unexpected behavior. Replicated with this flow …
21:24 Ticket #51351 (Improve clarity of privacy error strings) created by garrett-eclipse
Branching off [
17:07 Ticket #51349 (New wordpress apache server is not sending email: add option to use ...) closed by fierevere
invalid: WordPress does use php's mail() function to send email. It does not …
16:51 Ticket #51350 (mysql nosql feature request) created by nabi009
WordPress cover 37% of the web, with plugins sites go heavy and NoSQL …
16:46 Ticket #51345 (Multisite confusion with adding plugins) closed by jeremyfelt
duplicate: Thanks for the ticket, @stormrockwell. I'm going to close this as a …
16:37 Ticket #51349 (New wordpress apache server is not sending email: add option to use ...) created by goofyseeker311
Even after waiting for some time, no account creation confirmation …
15:40 Ticket #51347 (Update SimplePie to Latest Version) closed by Hareesh Pillai
duplicate: Duplicate of #36669. Hi @mukesh27, Thanks for the ticket. SimplePie …
15:31 Ticket #51348 (Trailing slash redirect removes pipes from query strings) created by simjost
We are using some query strings for tracking and campaign purposes and …
14:50 Ticket #51347 (Update SimplePie to Latest Version) created by mukesh27
SimplePie Version 1.5.5 is now available. …
14:38 Ticket #51346 (MouseEvent.mozPressure is deprecated.) created by cmba
MouseEvent.mozPressure is deprecated. Use PointerEvent.pressure …
14:11 Changeset [48999] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Simplify PluralFormsTest::test_exceptions(). Previously, the …
13:56 Ticket #51345 (Multisite confusion with adding plugins) created by stormrockwell
If you are a super admin on a site, instead of hiding the "Add New" …
13:53 Changeset [48998] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update the code example in WP_Ajax_UnitTestCase::dieHandler()
13:48 Changeset [48997] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Switch Ajax tests to use the expectException() method …
13:22 Changeset [48996] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Consistently use the expectException() method instead of the …
13:05 Ticket #51344 (Unit test improvements for 5.6) created by SergeyBiryukov
Background: #38266, #50913. This ticket is for various fixes and …
12:48 Ticket #51343 (Move Current Submenu to top of Admin Menu) created by markpraschan
I propose moving the current open submenu to the top of the …
11:04 Changeset [48995] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add a @since note about adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head() no …
11:01 Changeset [48994] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add a @since note for the recovery_mode_email filter about …
10:56 Changeset [48993] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Fix the failure in test_get_weekday_undefined_index() on PHP …
10:42 Ticket #51335 (Twenty Twenty: Update URL of date format table) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 48992: […]
10:42 Changeset [48992] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Twenty: Update the URL for PHP date formats table in translator …
10:35 Ticket #51332 (Update URL of date format table) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 48991: […]
10:35 Changeset [48991] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update the URL for PHP date formats table in translator …
09:54 Ticket #51342 (FAQ Schema Causing Trouble in Gutenberg) created by aedindia
I am the fan of Gutenberg page Builder, that's why I have moved from …
09:52 Ticket #51339 (Ensuring wp-cli is as well maintained as WP core) closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello @malthert, thanks for the feedback. Please note that this Trac …
09:44 Ticket #51341 (Adding the epub/other ebook file formats to accepted file types (needs ...) created by inaikem
I'd like to open a discussion about adding .epub, .mobi and other …
08:38 Ticket #51340 (Stop chmodding files and folders) created by malthert
WP's filesystem handler has a chmod function, that is used e.g. when …
08:30 Ticket #51339 (Ensuring wp-cli is as well maintained as WP core) created by malthert
Since the WP5.5 release and the advent of PHP7.4 wp-cli is suffering …
07:55 Ticket #51338 (still have Can't find variable: commonL10n error in 5.5.1) closed by AngeloLazzari
invalid: sorry, was a cache problem of safari browser.... now all is working? thanks
07:50 Ticket #51338 (still have Can't find variable: commonL10n error in 5.5.1) created by AngeloLazzari
This is a follow-up to #51123. I still have the error on my site, do …
06:33 Ticket #51337 (Twenty Twenty: Custom Logo bug in the Customizer) created by acosmin
This ticket is based on a …
04:34 Ticket #51336 (Support php-error.php outside of WP_CONTENT_DIR) created by brookedot
Since 5.2 WordPress has supported a php-error.php drop-in which …
03:35 Ticket #51335 (Twenty Twenty: Update URL of date format table) created by mukesh27
Added new ticket for bundle theme. Check #51332 for more information. …


22:47 Ticket #22840 (Uploading an existing plugin saves the zip in media library) closed by pbiron
fixed: With the ability in 5.5 to update a plugin/theme by uploading a ZIP …
22:32 Ticket #51334 (Implement enhanced post_status transition capabilities) created by derweili
WordPress has some publishing related capabilities for post types …
22:16 Ticket #51329 (The (Create New Page) button on the options-privacy.php settings page ...) closed by garrett-eclipse
wontfix: Replying to zenithcity: > Hello @garrett-eclipse, I …
20:29 Ticket #20615 (Unknown error when running plugins_api() with invalid slug) closed by pbiron
fixed: As of [42631], core has been using API version 1.2, which correctly …
20:03 Ticket #51333 (Assign 'sites_pre_query' and 'networks_pre_query' filter results to ...) created by SergeyBiryukov
Background: #45749, #47599, #50521. [48990] assigns the array of …
19:53 Ticket #50521 (comments_pre_query doesn't align with other pre_query filters) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 48990: […]
19:53 Changeset [48990] by SergeyBiryukov
Comments: Assign the array of comment data returned from the …
19:27 Ticket #51332 (Update URL of date format table) created by iandunn
There are a lot of /* translators: ... */ comments pointing people …
18:48 Ticket #18239 (wp_ob_end_flush_all() hangs the output buffering, during plugin ...) closed by pbiron
duplicate: Duplicate of #18525.
18:42 Ticket #18097 (Themes update-check should check parent/child) closed by pbiron
duplicate: Duplicate of #14179.
18:20 Ticket #14465 (Update Plugins Hangs while displaying 'updating') closed by helen
maybelater: Hello everyone - I am going to close this ticket not because I don't …
17:46 Ticket #51331 (PHP Deprecated: Non-static method Wp2sv_Mailer::send()) closed by MattyRob
invalid: Thanks for posting. This error is coming from a plugin and I see you …
16:01 Ticket #51331 (PHP Deprecated: Non-static method Wp2sv_Mailer::send()) created by forgetme
PHP Deprecated: Non-static method Wp2sv_Mailer::send() should not be …
14:40 Tickets #46127,​47215,​50410 batch updated by antpb
fixed: In 48989: […]
14:40 Changeset [48989] by antpb
Media: Allow contextually generated images to show in Media Library …
14:15 Ticket #51330 (Allow more granular control over enqueuing editor scripts and styles) created by zieladam
As discussed in, …
11:41 Ticket #51329 (The (Create New Page) button on the options-privacy.php settings page ...) created by zenithcity
The (Create New Page) button on the options-privacy.php settings page …
11:28 Changeset [48988] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Move the data_wp_site_query_meta_query() data provider next …
11:18 Changeset [48987] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Correct comments in comments_pre_query, networks_pre_query, …
11:08 Changeset [48986] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Reformat comments_pre_query, networks_pre_query, …
10:43 Changeset [48985] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Fix typo in *_pre_query filter DocBlocks. See #50768.
10:35 Changeset [48984] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Correct the parameter type for networks_pre_query filter. The …
10:12 Ticket #51313 (Incorrect regular expression in links_add_target function) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 48983: […]
10:12 Changeset [48983] by SergeyBiryukov
Formatting: Make sure links_add_target() adds the target attribute …
07:27 Ticket #51328 (Classic Editor adds extra p tags to Instagram Embed) created by HannaIris
Issue: On Classic editor with wpautop enabled, when adding an …
05:25 Ticket #51327 (Conflict with tutor LMS and woocommerce) closed by carike
invalid: Hallo there! Please ask your question here: …
00:53 Ticket #51327 (Conflict with tutor LMS and woocommerce) created by abalancesas
Hi, I have a trouble when I am trying to insert in a page that i have …


21:57 Ticket #51326 (Site Health: Add all constants used by core) created by knutsp
These constants seems to be missing from Site Health Info WordPress …
20:12 Ticket #23291 (wp_mail should handle phpmailer exceptions instead of ignoring them) closed by desrosj
invalid: It looks like this was solved in #18926. [34221] adds the …
20:02 Ticket #25253 (Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class phpmailerException) closed by desrosj
wontfix: As of WordPress 5.6, PHPMailer has been brought up to date with the …
19:39 Ticket #48612 (critical error on website. please check admin email for instructions.) closed by brookedot
invalid: Hi @thomask0702 I'm going to go ahead and close this ticket out. …
19:22 Ticket #51325 (Add a filter for script/style tags injected by wp_add_inline_{script|style}) created by pjohanneson
In attempting to write a Content Security Policy for my WordPress …
19:21 Ticket #50805 (i18n: Merge similar translation strings in rest api block types) closed by helen
fixed: In 48982: […]
19:21 Changeset [48982] by helen
i18n: Ensure block type strings in the REST API end with a full stop. …
17:51 Ticket #21446 (plugins using curl with IPV6 enabled servers) closed by desrosj
worksforme: I don't think anything has changed here since the original closing of …
17:36 Ticket #34883 (Support TLS Client Certificates) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: Because this requires a change upstream in Requests and a ticket has …
17:25 Ticket #21872 (RSS Widget, and all of fetch_feed() I believe, forces its own feed ...) closed by desrosj
wontfix: Hi @madtownlems, Sorry that this ticket fell through the cracks for …
16:25 Ticket #51265 (Turned off comment moderation but still some comments held to moderation) closed by jeremyfelt
worksforme: Hi @navnathsawant, please reach out to Akismet support …
14:42 Ticket #51324 (sitemap.xml and sitemap-xml headers return html as content type) created by superpoincare
If WordPress is installed at, then the …
11:44 Ticket #51323 (Multiple Reference Id backend issue in Inner block component) created by posimyththemes
We want to show multiple inner blocks on backend in same block. For …
09:28 Ticket #49077 (Add to Packagist) reopened by clarinetlord
Hi @johnbillion, @dd32 on the Meta Trac sent me back here.... Do you …
07:49 Ticket #51322 (Upgrading from 5.4.2 to 5.5/5.5.1 gives multiple problems) created by torqueing
After upgrading to the 5.5 series of WordPress there are several …
07:34 Ticket #51321 ('The editor has encountered an unexpected error': can't add new posts ...) closed by pivic
invalid: Found it. It's (Editor …
07:07 Ticket #51321 ('The editor has encountered an unexpected error': can't add new posts ...) created by pivic
Hey there! I'm using WordPress 5.6-alpha-48978 on PHP 7.4 (ea-php74). …
06:29 Ticket #51320 (PHP Notice while moving post to trash (post_type has 2 registered ...) created by szaqal21
While moving post to trash a PHP Notice is thrown: […] post_type …
05:17 Ticket #51319 (Allow WordPress sites to opt-in to Beta & RC releases) created by dd32
As [
02:27 Changeset [48981] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Return an empty string from wpdb::prepare() if …
01:46 Changeset [48980] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Return an empty string from wpdb::_real_escape()
01:33 Changeset [48979] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Revert [48973]. These tests ensure that a _doing_it_wrong()
01:05 Ticket #51318 (WP_Sitemaps_Provider protected $name property) created by Tkama
See: …
00:35 Ticket #51317 (Remove deprecated JavaScript i18n globals) created by SergeyBiryukov
Background: #51123 [48923] added backward compatibility for …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.