Make WordPress Core



20:54 Ticket #45303 (XML parsing should be done in chunks, causing parser out of memory) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: Hi @amanmanglik, Thanks again for this ticket. My apologies it did …
20:34 Ticket #49989 (Invision embed code supported by WordPress) created by ArtGoddess
Hi all, Is there any possibility that WordPress consider Invision …
19:27 Ticket #49987 (Site Health Option Not Working Form Today.) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. I'm sorry …
18:56 Ticket #49977 (Multisite: 'mu_menu_items' filter leaves empty table on Network Settings) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47616: […]
18:56 Changeset [47616] by SergeyBiryukov
Networks and Sites: Don't display an empty Menu Settings section in …
18:39 Ticket #49988 (Incorrect usage of `get_home_url` in PHPUnit tests) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47615: […]
18:39 Changeset [47615] by SergeyBiryukov
Embeds: Fix incorrect usage of get_home_url() in oEmbed tests. …
18:11 Ticket #49988 (Incorrect usage of `get_home_url` in PHPUnit tests) created by david.binda
The Tests_oEmbed_Response_Data class uses the get_home_url
17:44 Ticket #49987 (Site Health Option Not Working Form Today.) created by sheershamedia
Site Health Option Not Working Form Today. Showing Blank.
17:32 Ticket #33003 (making simplepie class resistant to leading whitespace feed issues) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: This appears to have been fixed upstream in …
16:13 Ticket #49986 (Twenty Twenty: Remove unnecessary $css_dependencies variable in ...) created by ocean90
twentytwenty_block_editor_styles() defines $css_dependencies with …
16:06 Ticket #49985 (REST API: Using _embed and _fields query parameters in the same query) created by anouarbenothman
When performing a REST API request and adding the _embed and _fields …
15:39 Ticket #49896 (Twenty Twenty: Button styles produce inconsistent output and cannot be ...) closed by ianbelanger
fixed: In 47614: […]
15:39 Changeset [47614] by ianbelanger
Bundled Themes: Twenty Twenty button styles produce inconsistent …
14:08 Ticket #49984 (wp_list_table toggle-row) closed by leonchughes
12:46 Ticket #49984 (wp_list_table toggle-row) created by leonchughes
.toggle-row button still set to 'display:none' when column-primary set …
12:01 Ticket #49981 (Install button issue on small screen) closed by mukesh27
duplicate: This issue already submitted #49951
10:50 Ticket #49983 ([SUGGESTION] Add sorting by tag in "The last posts" Gutenberg block) created by arskrigitsioniets
There is a standard Gutenberg blog that allows displaying the last …
09:27 Ticket #49982 (WP_User_Query returns duplicates if a user has multiple meta keys of ...) created by radgh
Hi, I ran into a bug that seems to be reproducible in core WP. It is …
08:52 Ticket #49981 (Install button issue on small screen) created by passoniate
Install button issue on small screen
07:20 Ticket #39069 (added unit test for maybe_unserialize()) closed by whyisjake
duplicate: Duplicate of #39080.
06:30 Ticket #39149 (starter-content options limited to some names?) closed by poena
worksforme: Hi I apologize for the very late reply. The starter content …
06:14 Ticket #49980 (lift error suppression flag from parse_url function calls) created by netpassprodsr
This issue deals with just one of the PHP functions referenced in …
05:41 Ticket #38134 (Allow wp_no_robots to be hooked) closed by peterwilsoncc
worksforme: This was discussed in a triage session today, it may have changed …
05:24 Ticket #37626 (Filter for _list_meta_row function to show the serialized array/object ...) closed by whyisjake
wontfix: @implenton Thanks for contributing this ticket. While a great idea, …
04:59 Ticket #49979 (file_get_contents(): read of 8192 bytes failed with errno=21 Is a ...) created by Lwangaman
Using PHP 7.4.5 I have started getting this error when editing pages …
04:08 Ticket #49978 (Editing pages error) created by adambrown82
Hi, I have been experimenting with the new update and I can't see a …


20:47 Ticket #48532 (Sometimes image at the top of a page is not showing up in the editor) closed by knutsp
invalid: This is not a bug. As @sabernhardt points out, the html source …
19:23 Ticket #49600 (Twenty Twenty: Resized images are centered inside the editor (with no ...) closed by ianbelanger
fixed: In 47613: […]
19:23 Changeset [47613] by ianbelanger
Bundled Themes: Twenty Twenty resized images are centered inside the …
18:57 Ticket #49977 (Multisite: 'mu_menu_items' filter leaves empty table on Network Settings) created by dlh
As a developer maintaining a multisite network, I'd like to prevent …
17:15 Ticket #49976 (Allow plugin author to select a reason when closing a plugin) closed by Otto42
invalid: Tickets for modifying the behavior of the site should be …
17:07 Ticket #49976 (Allow plugin author to select a reason when closing a plugin) created by ttodua
When plugin developer closes the plugin, there needs to be some kind …
16:43 Ticket #49975 (Adding Button Link is not working) created by lizyams
Hello, You cannot add a button link using the pop up bottom or by …
16:31 Ticket #49974 (Let's backport some Gutenberg fixes to WordPress 5.4.1) created by whyisjake
Looks like this is the main block: …
15:40 Ticket #49938 (Deprecate wp_unregister_GLOBALS()) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 47612: […]
15:40 Changeset [47612] by desrosj
Bootstrap/Load: Deprecate wp_unregister_GLOBALS(). The …
10:29 Changeset [47611] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Synchronize parameter documentation for various metadata …
09:38 Changeset [47610] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document the default value of $single and $prev_value
09:12 Ticket #49973 (Changing multiple page parents does not work) created by ataub2qf
Following to reproduce: * Go to pages …


20:05 Ticket #49322 (Twenty Twenty: Submenu items disappear underneath the Cover block) reopened by ianbelanger
Reopening for backport.
20:04 Ticket #49322 (Twenty Twenty: Submenu items disappear underneath the Cover block) closed by ianbelanger
fixed: In 47609: […]
20:04 Changeset [47609] by ianbelanger
Bundled Themes: Twenty Twenty submenu items disappear underneath the …
19:42 Ticket #49316 (Twenty Twenty missed license for images.) reopened by ianbelanger
Reopening for backport.
19:41 Ticket #49316 (Twenty Twenty missed license for images.) closed by ianbelanger
fixed: In 47608: […]
19:41 Changeset [47608] by ianbelanger
Bundled Themes: Twenty Twenty missed license for images. Fixes the …
19:15 Ticket #49610 (Twenty Twenty: Block editor inserter is missing the '+') closed by ianbelanger
fixed: In 47607: […]
19:15 Changeset [47607] by ianbelanger
Bundled Themes: Twenty Twenty block editor inserter is missing the …
17:53 Ticket #21077 (Add support for custom ports in multisite site addresses) reopened by jeremyfelt
17:50 Ticket #15936 (IPv6 literal support in multisite broken) closed by jeremyfelt
maybelater: @johnjamesjacoby, @johnbillion, and I chatted about this ticket in …
15:09 Ticket #49972 (Add `rel="preload"` links/relation_type to `wp_resource_hints`) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Duplicate of #42438.
14:59 Ticket #49972 (Add `rel="preload"` links/relation_type to `wp_resource_hints`) created by apedog
Add 'preload' array to wp_resource_hints() and echo …
14:37 Ticket #49970 (Wrong is_ssl() result) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report, we're …
12:18 Ticket #49971 (Add get_admin_locale() that is separate from WPLANG / get_locale() / ...) created by apedog
As a WordPress administrator and developer that works with …
12:06 Ticket #49970 (Wrong is_ssl() result) created by duxabilii
wp-includes/load.php function is_ssl wrong result when use https load …
11:32 Ticket #49969 (Previewing the page designated as "latest posts" shows the frontpage) created by zieladam
This continues the discussion from …
11:24 Ticket #49949 (RTL: Network Admin > Sites > Add Site) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47606: […]
11:24 Changeset [47606] by SergeyBiryukov
Networks and Sites: Display the Site Address field on Add Site screen …
10:33 Ticket #49968 (Network Site Info - No hooks for customzsation) created by mikeyhoward1977
Currently, there are no hooks to enable developers to add fields to …
09:00 Ticket #49967 (Remove never-used commented out code in nav-menus.php update add menu block) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47605: […]
09:00 Changeset [47605] by SergeyBiryukov
Menus: Remove unused commented out code in wp-admin/nav-menus.php. …
08:42 Ticket #49967 (Remove never-used commented out code in nav-menus.php update add menu block) created by garrett-eclipse
Hello, While working on #44286 I noticed there was a piece of …
06:42 Ticket #49966 (Load smaller images when in a gallery) created by noisysocks
Originally reported in …
06:41 Ticket #49965 (wptexturize should also work when using before hook after_theme_setup) created by mguenter
Hi! Context: When using …


22:05 Ticket #49964 (Support asynchronously loading TinyMCE) created by sarayourfriend
In order to facilitate …
20:31 Ticket #49963 (Security of failed update/rollback) created by mahnunchik
As discussed on the …
17:57 Ticket #49962 (Remove hardcoded strong definition from title (admin) column) created by Beee
Reason for ticket In …
17:06 Ticket #49961 (Expose the reason for failures that occur within WP-Cron functions) created by johnbillion
Since WordPress 5.1, the various WP-Cron related functions …
15:53 Ticket #49960 (REST API: Support sanitize callbacks for nested properties) created by ocean90
Example schema: […] Unfortunately, the required and …
15:39 Ticket #49945 (PHP 7.4+ notice in getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioHeaderValid()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47604: […]
15:39 Changeset [47604] by SergeyBiryukov
External Libraries: Revert [47603]. With the Docker image for PHP 7.4 …
12:10 Changeset [47603] by SergeyBiryukov
External Libraries: Comment out magic quote functions in getID3(). …
12:05 Ticket #49945 (PHP 7.4+ notice in getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioHeaderValid()) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
[47601] caused some failures on Travis: […] Those lines have a …
11:32 Ticket #49945 (PHP 7.4+ notice in getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioHeaderValid()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47602: […]
11:32 Changeset [47602] by SergeyBiryukov
External Libraries: Backport a commit from getID3() trunk to fix a PHP …
11:11 Changeset [47601] by SergeyBiryukov
External Libraries: Update getID3() to 1.9.19. Changelog: …
11:02 Ticket #49959 (Introduce a new helper function to check if WordPress is currently in ...) created by Clorith
Initially thought of as wp_is_updating(), but as I've spent some …
10:21 Ticket #49958 (Improve paginator in general-template.php) created by lolitsjohnnyboy
I would like to add custom classes to the default paginator in the …
09:04 Ticket #49957 (Adopt a policy to remove deprecated functions) created by ayeshrajans
One of the things WordPress is known for is its …
08:37 Ticket #26769 (Change "Your Profile" under Users Menu to "My Profile") closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47600: […]
08:37 Changeset [47600] by SergeyBiryukov
Users: Change "Your Profile" and "My Profile" links in admin menu and …
06:46 Ticket #49954 (WordPress 5.4: Deprecated: tag_row_actions is deprecated since version ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! I'm sorry to hear you are having …
05:37 Ticket #49862 (Spacer block min size) closed by talldanwp
reported-upstream: Now being tracked on
05:33 Ticket #48034 (Video embeds fail if embed block is converted to a reusable block.) closed by noisysocks
reported-upstream: Change of plan here. As mentioned in …


20:58 Ticket #49956 (Spammers able to share unmoderated comments) created by jonkolbert
Hello, I am a volunteer contributor on Wikimedia projects, and we …
17:44 Ticket #49955 (Shortcode escaping not correctly handled when followed by enclosing ...) created by arildur
There are some special situations when shortcode escaping is not …
16:53 Ticket #49954 (WordPress 5.4: Deprecated: tag_row_actions is deprecated since version ...) created by kikito123
Hola estoy tratando de crear mi pagina web. y Me encuentro en las …
16:10 Ticket #49953 (Xdebug not working out of the box) created by Jules Colle
This issue is regarding the …
14:08 Ticket #49952 (Custom Field Settings) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! As noted above, the Custom …
12:44 Ticket #49952 (Custom Field Settings) created by eromi
The custom field box doesn't show on the screen menu even when …
12:11 Ticket #49951 (Plugin and Theme upload form issue in responsive) created by mukesh27
In responsive design plugin and theme upload form design issue.
09:45 Ticket #49914 (Plugin and Theme upload form input button alignment) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47599: […]
09:45 Changeset [47599] by SergeyBiryukov
Upload: Better align file input and buttons in plugin/theme upload …


18:15 Ticket #49947 (the_content can create potentially broken html) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report, we're …
17:32 Ticket #49674 (Error while Saving a page in WordPress) closed by tobifjellner
invalid: @abatechnicalhelp You're in the wrong place for now. While you're …
16:51 Ticket #49674 (Error while Saving a page in WordPress) reopened by abatechnicalhelp
Hi, I finally got the time to review this problem again and still I …
16:04 Ticket #49950 (Twenty Twenty: with horizontal menu, submenu should be dismissible) created by lcarevic
Hi there! I've tried adding a submenu in the horizontal menu but …
15:29 Ticket #49949 (RTL: Network Admin > Sites > Add Site) created by ramiy
The Network Admin > Sites > Add Site screen needs RTL love. See …
15:01 Ticket #49948 (Site Meta: Adding additional useful functions) created by mikeyhoward1977
There are useful functions for post meta such as get_post_custom(), …
13:44 Ticket #49947 (the_content can create potentially broken html) created by alekseizhuravlev
filter 'the_content' by default uses wpautop function, which contains …
13:22 Ticket #49946 (Twenty Seventeen: Missing Theme Options) closed by knutsp
invalid: Hello @carstenarenz, welcome to Trac and thanks for the ticket. …
09:50 Ticket #49946 (Twenty Seventeen: Missing Theme Options) reopened by carstenarenz
But I was able to set the options with the plugins active. I disabled …
09:01 Ticket #49946 (Twenty Seventeen: Missing Theme Options) closed by piyushmca
invalid: Hi, after update theme i think your plugin conflicts to your theme. …
08:55 Ticket #49946 (Twenty Seventeen: Missing Theme Options) created by carstenarenz
Hello, I have found some related topics but none with anything near a …
08:27 Ticket #49236 (Use 'comment' instead of '' for the comment_type db field for comments) reopened by ocean90
I'm seeing two issues in [47597]: * `wp_insert_comment( [ …
07:47 Ticket #49228 (Widgets: Checkbox overlap on small screens) reopened by mukesh27
Hi @SergeyBiryukov please check the attached screenshot for the issue. …
07:01 Ticket #49228 (Widgets: Checkbox overlap on small screens) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47598: […]
07:01 Changeset [47598] by SergeyBiryukov
Accessibility: Widgets: Prevent checkboxes in widget control forms …
06:42 Ticket #49944 (media_sideload_image() fails with no file extension.) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thank for the report, we're …
06:38 Ticket #49941 (Replace path building for include with direct filename) closed by SergeyBiryukov
wontfix: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. Using …
06:38 Ticket #49940 (Replace dirname( __DIR__ ) with relative path) closed by SergeyBiryukov
wontfix: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. Using …
06:29 Ticket #49945 (PHP 7.4+ notice in getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioHeaderValid()) created by schlessera
The getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioHeaderValid() method checks for an array …
06:26 Ticket #49944 (media_sideload_image() fails with no file extension.) created by secondlinethemes
The media_sideload_image() function is only able to use paths …
06:24 Ticket #42283 (Blank screen in Customizer) closed by SergeyBiryukov
06:20 Ticket #37060 (wp-load.php wrong paths) closed by SergeyBiryukov
06:12 Ticket #49943 (Async Site Health tests can throw PHP notices) created by schlessera
In the logic for checking asynchronous tests in the …
06:08 Ticket #49942 (WordPress 5.4 Bug - After create page there is no option to create new ...) closed by mukesh27
worksforme: Hi there! It seems you have enabled Fullscreen mode for the editor. …
05:53 Ticket #49942 (WordPress 5.4 Bug - After create page there is no option to create new ...) created by piyushmca
WordPress 5.4 Bug - After create page there is no option to create new …
00:40 Ticket #49937 (Magnet links are being broken when saving posts using Classic Editor) closed by apedog
invalid: This is a support question. "How to". Not a bug. WordPress allows …


23:12 Ticket #49941 (Replace path building for include with direct filename) created by flip101
23:09 Ticket #49940 (Replace dirname( __DIR__ ) with relative path) created by flip101
20:59 Ticket #49938 (Deprecate wp_unregister_GLOBALS()) created by desrosj
register_globals was …
20:48 Ticket #49937 (Magnet links are being broken when saving posts using Classic Editor) created by KarelDonk
When creating a new post using the Classic Editor on a self-hosted …
20:03 Ticket #49936 (Add "deactivate" & "archive" bulk options to network site management) created by afoc
On a multisite install, in site management for all subsites …
19:33 Ticket #49236 (Use 'comment' instead of '' for the comment_type db field for comments) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47597: […]
19:33 Changeset [47597] by SergeyBiryukov
Comments: Use comment instead of an empty string for the …
19:13 Ticket #49935 (Copy the Permalink does nothing in Safari) created by yroca23
In Chrome, copy the permalink above Post Title when editing a post …
18:53 Changeset [47596] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Fix WPCS indentation issue in …
18:29 Changeset [47595] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Fix WPCS indentation issue in …
17:45 Ticket #49934 (PHP Notice: Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in ...) created by juanlopez4691
Changes in method get_test_theme_version from class WP_Site_Health
16:11 Ticket #49933 (Some classes have no specificity on the back end admin area) created by saltnpixels
Now that we are using Gutenberg themes and blocks are adding more css …
16:06 Ticket #49932 (Small Typo in Twenty-Twenty) reopened by ianbelanger
Reopening for backport.
15:45 Ticket #49932 (Small Typo in Twenty-Twenty) closed by ianbelanger
fixed: In 47594: […]
15:45 Changeset [47594] by ianbelanger
Bundled Themes: Twenty Twenty fix typo in readme.txt. Fixed TikTok …
15:01 Ticket #49932 (Small Typo in Twenty-Twenty) created by Asif2BD
TikTok brand named is mentioned the wrong way in the readme, in the …
14:11 Ticket #49875 (Automatically Insert Alt Text Just like Title Text or A Reminder Prompt) closed by afercia
duplicate: @mayankmajeji thanks for your report. This ticket was discussed during …
09:42 Ticket #49931 (Twenty Nineteen: Group color styles prevent custom colors) created by Joen
When TwentyNineteen was created, the ability to colorize various …
09:41 Ticket #49930 (Replace wp-admin color schemes with CSS custom properties) created by kburgoine
There has been some discussion in the #core-css channel on Slack …
09:36 Changeset [47593] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Format the markup of widget forms in a more …
07:55 Ticket #48387 (No activity in dashboard indicator seems overly happy) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47592: […]
07:55 Changeset [47592] by SergeyBiryukov
Administration: Remove the smiley from overly happy "No activity yet!" …
06:13 Ticket #49928 (Parent Page Drop Down not loading correctly on site with large about ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report, we're …


23:39 Ticket #49929 (Twenty Twenty: CSS issue for modal-menu.php) created by Parvand
When the screen gets smaller, the following problems appear in the …
22:40 Ticket #49928 (Parent Page Drop Down not loading correctly on site with large about ...) created by Dan Rivera
19:53 Ticket #49927 (Editor: Introduce block context) created by aduth
Related: Related …
19:46 Ticket #49699 (Twenty Nineteen: Center- and right-aligned heading accents appear broken.) reopened by ianbelanger
Reopening for backport.
19:45 Ticket #49699 (Twenty Nineteen: Center- and right-aligned heading accents appear broken.) closed by ianbelanger
fixed: In 47591: […]
19:45 Changeset [47591] by ianbelanger
Bundled Themes: Twenty Nineteen center and right-aligned heading …
19:37 Ticket #49793 (Twenty Twenty: Images in list blocks are not positioned correctly) reopened by ianbelanger
Reopening for backport.
19:36 Ticket #49793 (Twenty Twenty: Images in list blocks are not positioned correctly) closed by ianbelanger
fixed: In 47590: […]
19:36 Changeset [47590] by ianbelanger
Bundled Themes: Twenty Twenty inline images in list blocks are not …
19:35 Ticket #49926 (Editor: Introduce WP_Block class) created by aduth
Related: Related: …
19:20 Ticket #49893 (TwentyTwenty: TikTok and ResearchGate Social Icons) reopened by ianbelanger
Reopening for backport.
19:00 Ticket #49893 (TwentyTwenty: TikTok and ResearchGate Social Icons) closed by ianbelanger
fixed: In 47589: […]
19:00 Changeset [47589] by ianbelanger
Bundled Themes: Twenty Twenty add TikTok to the social icon menu. …
17:35 Ticket #49916 (Add id attributes to the plugin activate/deactivate buttons) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Replying to mukesh27: > For the above situation, the new …
17:00 Ticket #49916 (Add id attributes to the plugin activate/deactivate buttons) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47588: […]
17:00 Changeset [47588] by SergeyBiryukov
Plugins: Add HTML ID attributes to plugin action links for easier …
14:57 Ticket #49613 (Twenty Nineteen: Editor style interferes with navigation menu.) closed by ianbelanger
fixed: Closing as fixed since this does not need to be backported because the …
14:55 Ticket #49613 (Twenty Nineteen: Editor style interferes with navigation menu.) reopened by ianbelanger
Reopening for backport.
14:54 Ticket #49613 (Twenty Nineteen: Editor style interferes with navigation menu.) closed by ianbelanger
fixed: In 47587: […]
14:54 Changeset [47587] by ianbelanger
Bundled Themes: Twenty Nineteen editor style interferes with …
14:37 Ticket #45865 (Twenty Nineteen: Consider decreasing the font size for widget titles) reopened by ianbelanger
Reopening for backport.
14:36 Ticket #45865 (Twenty Nineteen: Consider decreasing the font size for widget titles) closed by ianbelanger
fixed: In 47586: […]
14:36 Changeset [47586] by ianbelanger
Bundled Themes: Twenty Nineteen decrease the font size for widget …
14:18 Ticket #49924 (Support for Multiple selected options in wp_dropdown_roles() function) created by abdulawal39
Currently wp_dropdown_roles() function accepts $selected parameter …
13:26 Ticket #49923 (Change "Critical Issue" to "Recommendation") created by La Geek
Why do you call this a critical Issue? (see screenshot please) I know, …
13:16 Ticket #49922 (PHP Compatibility fixes for 5.5) created by desrosj
Previously in #46152, a job was added to Travis builds to run the …
13:15 Ticket #49920 (Theme directory uri on multisite website) created by ReHo20
I've noticed that on a subsite in the multisite the url to files in …
13:11 Ticket #49919 (Explore renaming double underscore functions) created by desrosj
Adding the PHP Compatibility checker to Core's Travis builds in …
08:18 Ticket #47320 (Site Health: Call to API with $_COOKIE and PHPSESSID) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 47585: […]
08:18 Changeset [47585] by SergeyBiryukov
Site Health: Detect an active PHP session as a possible reason for …
06:10 Ticket #49918 (Issue related to then comment count in edit comment page.) closed by mukesh27
invalid: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. I'm sorry …
05:49 Ticket #49918 (Issue related to then comment count in edit comment page.) created by sumitsingh
Hi, I have develop some custom plugin & exclude our comment in …
04:34 Ticket #49917 (Latest WP update clash with Visual Composer) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. I'm sorry …
03:10 Ticket #49917 (Latest WP update clash with Visual Composer) created by sarahp1508
Website 4 column format (Astrid Theme) displays fine in the Visual …
01:42 Ticket #49916 (Add id attributes to the plugin activate/deactivate buttons) created by shooper
I'm working on a project that includes browser-based testing of a …
01:04 Ticket #49915 (Function registered on `upgrader_process_complete` does not run on ...) created by apedog
Adding the following line to a plugin will not run on first plugin …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.