Make WordPress Core



22:06 Ticket #43874 (REST API: Only render fields specific to request when _fields= is used) created by danielbachhuber
Given a request like: […] It doesn't make sense for the REST API …
21:16 Ticket #43873 (Relocate 'Privacy / Export / Erasure' pages into more appropriate menus) created by xkon
As far as I remember we couldn't create a top level menu to host the …
15:45 Ticket #43872 (Add page template filter for all post types) created by desrosj
In 4.7, a dynamic filter was introduced that filters page templates. …
14:30 Ticket #41191 (Create browse happy type notice for PHP versions) closed by flixos90
fixed: In 43006: […]
14:30 Changeset [43006] by flixos90
General: Implement editorial, design and accessibility feedback for …
14:16 Ticket #43868 (Pagination exceeding number of pages causing a 500 error) closed by seusmaniqbal
invalid: Hello @joehatch, Welcome to core trac! I am unable to reproduce it …
14:06 Ticket #43871 (JSDoc: wp-includes/js/admin-bar.js) created by manuelaugustin
props to @terwdan, @sjardo and @LisanneKluitmans
14:02 Ticket #43870 (JSDoc: wp-includes/js/wp-emoji-loader.js) created by nicollle
Added and adjusted documentation to the file wp-emoji-loader.js. Also …
13:58 Ticket #43869 (Do not initialize current user too early in `get_user_locale()`) created by flixos90
The current user in WordPress is typically initialized right before …
13:17 Ticket #43868 (Pagination exceeding number of pages causing a 500 error) created by joehatch
If you navigate to pages > screen option and set the pagination number …
12:52 Ticket #43867 (Introduce the ability to control which fields are searched in a search ...) created by johnbillion
The s argument of the WP_Query::parse_query() method always …
12:25 Ticket #43866 (JSDoc: wp-includes/js/media/controllers/gallery-edit.js) created by manuelaugustin
Please give props to @Xyfi @nataliashitova @igorsch @ireneyoast …
09:47 Ticket #43865 (Privacy Policy Tools Page: Improve readability) created by birgire
The text lines on the Tools > Privacy page can get very long on …
04:34 Ticket #43864 (A comment inside an i18n function will cause makepot/extract.php to ...) created by julesaus
If you put a comment inside a translation function, makepot misses the …
01:50 Ticket #42202 (REST API: no equivalent for `who=authors` to display potential authors) reopened by pento


22:37 Ticket #43863 (Fix broken check in testcase class to prevent multisite-only or single ...) closed by flixos90
fixed: In 43005: […]
22:37 Changeset [43005] by flixos90
Tests: Skip multisite-only or single site-only tests correctly based …
22:34 Changeset [43004] by iseulde
TinyMCE: Update to 4.7.11
22:22 Ticket #43863 (Fix broken check in testcase class to prevent multisite-only or single ...) created by flixos90
There have been issues reported (for example …
20:03 Ticket #43862 (TinyMCE: Update to 4.7.11) created by iseulde
Current version: 4.6.7. This is a minor version bump, so there should …
19:30 Ticket #43861 (Administrator cannot upload .cpp file to mediafiles) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @acbaile, thanks for the ticket! .cpp files are not in the list …
19:08 Ticket #43861 (Administrator cannot upload .cpp file to mediafiles) created by acbaile
My account is first in installation and I see in the list of users …
18:10 Changeset [43003] by azaozz
Privacy: add better docs for wp_add_privacy_policy_content() and …
17:34 Ticket #43860 (Dead code in feed_links_extra()) created by dmenard
Probably a detail, but in general-template.php, function …
16:07 Ticket #43859 (UI adjustments for select month dropdown. Make the select month input ...) created by jainnidhi
The select month input height and font size on the quick-edit forms …
15:54 Changeset [43002] by iandunn
Privacy: Add template tags for building link to privacy policy page. …
14:34 Ticket #41987 (Should use strict comparison at line 71 in wp-admin/admin.php) closed by rnaby
13:05 Ticket #42202 (REST API: no equivalent for `who=authors` to display potential authors) closed by pento
fixed: In 43001: […]
13:05 Changeset [43001] by pento
REST API: Add who=authors as a query parameter for `GET …
10:38 Ticket #43858 (Website-Icon with filename "favicon.ico.png" causes problems) created by info@…
Hello, I added an Website Icon with the name "favicon.ico.png" via …
10:24 Ticket #37526 (Introduce the possibility to register new administration panels) closed by flixos90
maybelater: This is an edge-case issue and involves tons of changes, so let's not …
09:58 Ticket #43857 (Show the comment / awaiting moderation message even without opt-in) created by imath
In #43436 a new opt-in checkbox was introduced which is great. But It …
08:48 Ticket #43856 (Include submitter IP details in password reset emails?) created by cefiar
Could WP password reset emails include the IP of requester when …
01:42 Ticket #43855 (Comments with date in the future must not showing) created by smartgest
If I change date of a comments to "now +1 day", the comments is show …
00:29 Ticket #43854 (Add cards to the Tools page for personal data tools) created by desrosj
If the privacy tools are going to live under the Tools menu, cards …


22:34 Ticket #43853 (HTML details element toggles on space) created by steve.clason
Gutenberg 2.7.0 and WP 5.0-alpha-42996. In a Gutenberg block, typing a …
22:11 Ticket #43852 (Fix spacing on responsive for Use This Page button in Privacy Tools) created by PressTigers
Hi, On Privacy page, page drop down and button should be properly …
21:35 Ticket #43846 (Fix Count Styling on Personal Data Request Tables Post Status Links) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 43000: […]
21:34 Changeset [43000] by azaozz
Privacy: fix styling of counts on the list tables for user requests. …
21:22 Changeset [42999] by azaozz
Make the string WordPress translatable. Props mnelson4. See #43620.
20:15 Ticket #43851 (Network admin allows updating one site to have the same domain and ...) created by giacocorsiglia
The network admin page for updating sites in multisite (site-info.php) …
20:14 Ticket #43849 ("Add media" and "text" in the editors window do not work) closed by seusmaniqbal
invalid: Hello @bkleine, Welcome to WordPress Core. Please try to test after …
19:41 Ticket #43850 (Add privacy policy URL template tags) created by iandunn
( This is a split off of ticket:43620#comment:30, since this has …
19:17 Ticket #43849 ("Add media" and "text" in the editors window do not work) created by bkleine
WP4.9.5 de, all plugins up-to-date with Plugins: Akismet, TinyMCE, …
18:20 Ticket #43848 (Function "user_can_access_admin_page" refactor.) created by rnaby
I think this user_can_access_admin_page function should looks more …
18:06 Ticket #41988 (Strict comparison for JavaScript type of check at line 110 in ...) closed by rnaby
duplicate: Duplicate of #41057.
18:05 Ticket #41989 (Some PHP and JavaScript type checking strict rule should be applied in ...) closed by rnaby
duplicate: Duplicate of #41057.
18:01 Ticket #43847 (Cleaned "handle_featured_media" method of "WP_REST_Posts_Controller" class.) created by rnaby
Cleaned handle_featured_media method of WP_REST_Posts_Controller
15:56 Ticket #43846 (Fix Count Styling on Personal Data Request Tables Post Status Links) created by allendav
The post status links (at the top of the personal data request tables, …
13:22 Ticket #43845 (Incorrect sorting with åæøäö characters) closed by tobifjellner
invalid: Better to ask this question over at the support forum: …
13:17 Ticket #43845 (Incorrect sorting with åæøäö characters) created by bilievesser
When viewing lists of items in the WordPress admin area (pages, posts) …
12:50 Ticket #43844 (PHP list language construct changed behaviour in PHP 7) created by javorszky
The inline docs for the method as of 24th April, 2018: […] See …
12:35 Ticket #43843 (Set nocache_headers in wp-signup.php) created by herregroen
Currently no cache headers are being set on wp-signup.php. This can …
12:06 Ticket #43842 (get_children() function enhancement.) created by rnaby
This get_children function can be rewritten this way. And I think …
11:42 Ticket #43650 (Add Requires PHP Version to Plugin - View Details) reopened by flixos90
This still needs to be backported to 4.9.6.
11:40 Ticket #43650 (Add Requires PHP Version to Plugin - View Details) closed by flixos90
fixed: In 42998: […]
11:40 Changeset [42998] by flixos90
Plugins: Show the required PHP version in the plugin details view, if …
10:10 Ticket #43841 (Add request confirmation and security logging for major user actions) created by azaozz
This is a follow-up from #43443. We can extend the methods and …
02:42 Ticket #43840 (CSS variables are flagged as errors in Theme Editor) created by kandb
When using theme-editor.php to edit CSS, Our code shows "There is x …


23:51 Ticket #43839 (Video Player Mobile) created by studiosx
I usually use the video player with autoplay on. But I noticed …
23:38 Ticket #43837 (Make the alt attribute a required field in the Media Library) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi @thatdevgirl, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket, …
22:52 Ticket #43838 (Strange <div> on beginning of resulting page) closed by seusmaniqbal
invalid: Hi @acbaile, I am unable to reproduce it on my end. Please try to …
20:37 Ticket #43838 (Strange <div> on beginning of resulting page) created by acbaile
WordPress 4.9.5. I open source code of page in browser and I see on …
19:15 Ticket #43837 (Make the alt attribute a required field in the Media Library) created by thatdevgirl
The "alt" attribute in the Media Library should be a required field. …
16:41 Ticket #38315 (Implement a new Highlight button in tiny MCE using the semantic <mark> ...) closed by karmatosed
maybelater: Closing this as work is going on in Gutenberg to resolve highlighting …
14:15 Ticket #43827 (rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config-example.php) closed by danieltj
invalid: Welcome to Trac @littlebizzy. As @Presskopp said, the file has been …
14:04 Ticket #43836 (Update or patch getID3 library) created by sanchothefat
The getID3 library is a little out of date now and currently has the …
07:23 Ticket #43835 (Add thumbnail to category (like to posts)) created by tazotodua
Was it discusses ever, to integrate thumbnail support for categories …
07:21 Ticket #43834 (Matt is not a cofounder, he's a co-founder) closed by pento
wontfix: As excited as I am about bikesheds, both "Cofounder" and "Co-founder" …
06:51 Ticket #43834 (Matt is not a cofounder, he's a co-founder) created by danieltj
On the credits.php page, Matt is listed as the `Cofounder, Project …
04:11 Ticket #42465 (Add `permalink_structure` to REST API general site data) closed by pento
fixed: In 42997: […]
04:11 Changeset [42997] by pento
REST API: Remove permalink_structure from the index. This was …


19:02 Ticket #43832 (When we are install plugin in local server issue.) closed by pratikthink
invalid: Hi @pravinparmar2404 , Welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the …
16:15 Ticket #43833 (Problem to customize anz theme in fresh installed wordpress) created by piotrek1992
Hello, …
16:13 Ticket #43832 (When we are install plugin in local server issue.) created by pravinparmar2404
I am just install and setup wordpress in local server but just i have …
16:00 Ticket #43831 (parse_order method of WP_Query class.) created by rnaby
the parse_order method of WP_Query class can be rewritten like …
14:36 Ticket #35465 (Improve wp.Backbone docs) closed by atimmer
fixed: In 42996: […]
14:36 Changeset [42996] by atimmer
Docs: Improve JSDoc for wp-includes/js/wp-backbone.js. Changes some …
12:00 Ticket #43830 (Being able to set a page as a homepage under the "Page Attribute" meta box) created by dssaez
Hi everyone, As the file attached shows, the idea is to allow the …
10:58 Ticket #43829 ([proposal] Add unit test for Japanese language) created by ryotsun
I propose to add unit test for Japanese language. It may help …
09:34 Ticket #43828 (Add JSDoc ESLint script) created by netweb
This script seeks to add a JSDoc focused ESLint script to check the …


23:56 Ticket #43827 (rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config-example.php) created by littlebizzy
As per commonly understood English language definitions and …
11:50 Ticket #43826 (get_post_galleries() should return gallery blocks) created by pento
Originally reported here: …
11:25 Ticket #34290 (Not possible to have a percent symbol contained in the default value ...) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Apparently still an issue, per #43824. Replying to [comment:4
11:22 Ticket #43824 (get_theme_mod: sprintf on $default parameter would (wrongly) strip any '%') closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi @daviedR, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report, we're …
08:27 Ticket #43825 (Style/script loading infrastructure: Etag header as a hash of ...) created by kanishk.dudeja
We've been exploring on how to bundle styles and scripts together for …
06:09 Ticket #43824 (get_theme_mod: sprintf on $default parameter would (wrongly) strip any '%') created by daviedR
Hi, I noticed that the get_theme_mod function use sprintf on the …


20:58 Ticket #43823 (Posts can not be saved with /etc/ as part of the content) created by fgluck
I created a post using the latest version of WordPress with one line …
20:12 Ticket #43822 (Add UX in the Network Admin for exporting/anonymizing/deleting ...) created by coreymckrill
It's not practical for a super admin to hunt down personal data by …
20:05 Ticket #43821 (Add UX in the Network Admin for setting a network-wide privacy policy) created by coreymckrill
Some multisite instances will need to set one privacy policy for the …
19:50 Ticket #43820 (Add "Mine" filter for attachments similarly to posts and comments) created by azaozz
This will be quite useful for users that want to see, edit or export …
15:37 Ticket #43819 (Improve performance of function "wp_update_attachment_metadata" in post.php) closed by lucasbustamante
invalid: Please ignore this ticket, it was the plugin "Smush it" that was …
14:43 Changeset [42995] by azaozz
Privacy: fix get_privacy_policy_url() to only return the URL when …
14:18 Ticket #43819 (Improve performance of function "wp_update_attachment_metadata" in post.php) created by lucasbustamante
I had to import thousands of images to WordPress and it was taking an …
12:18 Changeset [42994] by azaozz
Privacy: add functionality to anonymize commenters. Props xkon, …
11:19 Ticket #35465 (Improve wp.Backbone docs) reopened by birgire
35465.6.diff is a suggestion that: - Aligns related …
08:13 Ticket #43818 (Invalidate query caches less aggressively by using a `last_changed` ...) created by flixos90
Currently, the meta implementations for posts, terms, comments and …
04:52 Ticket #43817 (REST API: Include 'formats' attribute on Post Type resource) created by pento
We need to know which post formats we can display when editing a post …
00:04 Ticket #43816 (Editing Image Can Lead to Mixed Metadata) created by rogerlos
== Summary If an image is uploaded at a size allowing the creation of …


21:09 Ticket #43815 (Text Widget: Warnings thrown when using invalid HTML in legacy mode) created by jeherve
Steps to reproduce the issue 1. Start with a site running WP …
20:29 Ticket #43814 (Checkbox label has a period in Add New User page.) created by pratikthink
In a previous ticket (#33780) @SergeyBiryukov fixed some checkbox …
19:06 Ticket #43813 (Meta API should set `last_changed` cache key internally) created by johnjamesjacoby
See #40669, r41848, r41849. Sorry, but I completely missed this work …
16:38 Ticket #43812 (Retrieving Blog/site description in multisite) created by sebastien@…
Hello, In a project on a Multisite I need on site 1 (for example) to …
14:01 Ticket #35465 (Improve wp.Backbone docs) closed by atimmer
fixed: In 42993: […]
14:01 Changeset [42993] by atimmer
Docs: Improve JSDoc for wp-includes/js/wp-backbone.js. Props …
13:56 Ticket #43811 (Licence & Policy notice during installation) created by xkon
This was a thought mentioned in #43492 originally but it deserves it's …
13:31 Ticket #43810 (Apostrophe issue) created by colomet
Take a look. Instead of to have normal apostrophe, we have open and …
12:38 Changeset [42992] by azaozz
Privacy: make the sections in the suggested privacy policy text …
12:35 Ticket #43809 (Add personal data from posts to personal data export) created by TZ Media
Add personal data from posts to the personal data export …
08:36 Ticket #43808 (Photos do not keep rotation when uploaded from iPad) created by timlings
When I take photos on my iPad and then upload them to a wordpress site …
08:22 Ticket #43807 (sticky posts can rank first with normal posts in rest api ?) closed by danieltj
invalid: Hi @jkhaoqi110, welcome to Core Trac. Core Trac is meant for bug …
08:11 Ticket #43807 (sticky posts can rank first with normal posts in rest api ?) created by jkhaoqi110
How can I get sticky posts at the top of the posts array from REST API …
08:02 Ticket #43806 (Post Format & Custom Post Type) closed by danieltj
maybelater: Hi @prismaindonesia, welcome to Core Trac! Trac is for reporting bugs …
07:53 Ticket #43806 (Post Format & Custom Post Type) created by prismaindonesia
Any future update to create post format that using CPT? I run several …
03:18 Ticket #43805 (Add "in reply to" in comment moderation email notification) created by galbaras
The comment moderation notification email provides quick ways to …
00:39 Ticket #43804 (Undefined offset: 0 in ../wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 1903) created by vasyltech
The issue is pretty trivial. When there are no terms assigned to a …
00:25 Changeset [42991] by jorbin
Wow. I really shouldn't try to fix the build. Previous [42989]
00:23 Changeset [42990] by jorbin
Remove accidental addition to package.json Introduced in [42989]. …
00:22 Changeset [42989] by jorbin
Privacy: Fix JSHint errors Introduced in [42986]. See #43440.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.