Make WordPress Core



23:53 Ticket #43609 (Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wptexturize() (during installation)) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 42988: […]
23:53 Changeset [42988] by johnbillion
Upgrade/Install: Don't include wp-includes/formatting.php twice …
22:54 Changeset [42987] by azaozz
Privacy: fix docs, formatting, white space, add tests for the personal …
22:29 Changeset [42986] by azaozz
Privacy: add means to erase personal data by username or email …
21:58 Ticket #43803 (Change all the occurrences of `(opens in a new window)` to `(opens in ...) created by afercia
Today, it's very likely that browsers will open links with a …
19:59 Ticket #43794 (Appreance >> Menu Needs some improvement by providing a remove icon ...) closed by melchoyce
duplicate: Hi @kartiks16! Thanks for putting together these concepts. We're …
19:38 Ticket #43802 (Default timezone for new sites in WP multisite) created by moreauf
In WordPress Multisite, the super admin may set a default language for …
15:47 Ticket #43801 (Need better documentation to show importance of checking for args ...) created by digamberpradhan
While the user notes …
13:08 Ticket #43800 (Unnecessary <br /> tag in a note on the category page.) created by pratikthink
An unnecessary <br /> element produces a line break in a note on the …
12:34 Ticket #43799 (Add a UI and functionality to deactivate gravatar completely (for ...) created by TZ Media
In the standard behaviour, WordPress automatically includes gravatar …
12:15 Ticket #43798 (Add multiple parent ids in get_terms function) created by anonymized_8711240
Please let uns use get_term parent arg as an array with multiple ids: …
11:03 Ticket #43797 (Logging for GDPR privacy/security) created by xkon
After a little chat in #gdpr-compliance as some questions where raised …
08:40 Ticket #43793 (Better visibility of: Discourage search engines from indexing this site.) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Duplicate of #35288.
08:38 Ticket #43796 (User Role with integer role name not showing in admin filter list) created by aiyaz
When we create a new user role using add_role function and role name …
07:39 Ticket #43795 (Update All Libraries for 5.0) closed by netweb
wontfix: Thanks for the ticket @bkerensa, but rather than a catch all
07:27 Ticket #43795 (Update All Libraries for 5.0) created by bkerensa
Since 5.0 will probably break things for theme devs anyways it seems …
05:48 Ticket #43794 (Appreance >> Menu Needs some improvement by providing a remove icon ...) created by kartiks16
Hello Team, Recently I observed that we can improve the Menu section …


23:06 Ticket #43793 (Better visibility of: Discourage search engines from indexing this site.) created by paaljoachim
It would be good to have an additional more visible message when …
22:14 Ticket #43792 (get_comment_excerpt filter should tell if the comment was shorted or not) created by mattkeys
The design I am currently working on has long comments shortened to …
21:08 Changeset [42985] by azaozz
Fix typo in 'wp_get_default_privacy_policy_content' filter. Props …
20:03 Ticket #43791 (Add the call to pingback_url to core instead of themes) created by joyously
The <head> section contains a lot of <link> items that WordPress …
19:36 Ticket #43790 (b(in before) should be capital in WordPress core update warning.) created by chetan200891
Currently WordPress core update warning is …
19:25 Ticket #43789 (the_posts_pagination() outputs the slash at the first link) created by campusboy1987
Hello. Permanent link settings:
12:49 Ticket #43788 (Widgets.php Errors) closed by mtecuk
worksforme: OK I disabled all the plugins, switched theme to default and the error …
11:22 Ticket #43788 (Widgets.php Errors) created by mtecuk
Getting some Array errors in widgets.php header output. Surely this …
11:07 Ticket #43787 (sql error in wp_get_post_terms) created by d1sabled
hi guys, i create new plugin, and when i try to fetch all custom …
10:26 Ticket #43786 (Post comment by guest gets auto approved) closed by subrataemfluence
invalid: Replying to swissspidy: > That's not a bug, but an option …
09:54 Ticket #43786 (Post comment by guest gets auto approved) created by subrataemfluence
When I post a comment as a guest against a Post, it awaits moderation. …
08:33 Ticket #43784 (No space between two words in a sentence on Media Setting page.) closed by danieltj
invalid: As much as I hate to admit it because it looks so wrong having a lone …
07:51 Ticket #43785 (wptexturize fails to skip JavaScript if code contains <) created by nextendweb
As the [


23:15 Ticket #43784 (No space between two words in a sentence on Media Setting page.) created by pratikthink
See at the Uploading Files(bottom) option on media setting page. …
18:36 Changeset [42984] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Use consistent pattern for placeholder references in a …
18:35 Changeset [42983] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Correct placeholder references in a translator comment in …
18:21 Ticket #43783 (Bulk Actions for Large Post Counts will create request URL which is ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi @brianjfleming, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report, …
16:39 Ticket #43770 (accept 'menu_order' for 'orderby' get_sites() argument) closed by gnowland
wontfix: @earnjam @soulseekah Thank you gentlemen, I had not realized the …
16:24 Ticket #43783 (Bulk Actions for Large Post Counts will create request URL which is ...) created by brianjfleming
When applying bulk actions to large post counts (over 30), WP …
14:57 Ticket #43782 (Images not cropping properly on ipad mini 4) created by timgs
Select media Select Image Edit Image Select desired region Press the …
14:26 Ticket #43781 (adding apply_filters on $handle in localize) created by DuckDagobert
in functions.wp-scripts.php we have: return $wp_scripts->localize( …
13:38 Ticket #43780 (Class "bypostauthor" isn't always added) created by maddyra
When the author of an article replies to a comment, the class …
11:33 Ticket #43779 (Update ca-bundle.crt to support newest certificate authorities) created by yani.iliev
ca-bundle.crt (wp-includes/certificates/ca-bundle.crt) has last been …
11:27 Ticket #43778 (Spamming via Contact Form 7 (even Contact Form 7 was deleted)) created by knguyen2011
I was confused these days. I disabled Contact Form 7, then they could …
10:13 Changeset [42982] by azaozz
Fix typo (missing !). See #43491.
09:39 Ticket #43753 (Media Grid does not respect taxonomy URL parameters) closed by soulseekah
08:59 Ticket #43491 (Automatically create a Privacy Policy page when installing WordPress) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 42981: […]
08:59 Changeset [42981] by azaozz
Privacy: automatically create a Privacy Policy page when installing …
08:52 Changeset [42980] by azaozz
Privacy: add a postbox that is shown when editing the privacy policy …
00:12 Ticket #43727 (Update Dashboard: Use high-dpi icon assets) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 42979: […]
00:12 Changeset [42979] by peterwilsoncc
Upgrade/Install: Use high-dpi plugin icons on update dashboard. …


18:22 Ticket #43777 (Refactor Customizer expandable section JS for ease of reuse for core, ...) created by joyously
In the Customizer, the widgets section and the menu section have …
17:04 Ticket #43735 (Theme editor will not saved changes made on theme files) closed by soulseekah
invalid: Hey there, welcome to Trac! This is definitely not a core issue, …
11:27 Ticket #43776 (CS: minor adjustment to the PHPCS ruleset) created by jrf
The reference to the WordPress.Variables.GlobalVariables sniff needs …
08:40 Ticket #43768 (Dashboard->Activity, Recent Comment Actions Missing) closed by birgire
invalid: Thanks for the feedback.
07:24 Ticket #42910 (Default Post Format doesn't apply on post created from Quick Draft) reopened by 1naveengiri
07:23 Ticket #42910 (Default Post Format doesn't apply on post created from Quick Draft) closed by 1naveengiri
07:22 Ticket #42910 (Default Post Format doesn't apply on post created from Quick Draft) reopened by 1naveengiri
03:45 Ticket #43775 (Three-way conflict between WordPress Revisions, and UpdraftPlus ...) closed by Clorith
invalid: Hiya, and welcome to WordPress' bugtracker. As you've mentioned, this …


21:32 Ticket #43775 (Three-way conflict between WordPress Revisions, and UpdraftPlus ...) created by larzarino
Sat, 14 April 2018 about 2:30 PM Pacific Time USA SUBJ: Three-way …
21:31 Ticket #43774 (Plural-form parser Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in ...) created by frkhan
This warning message appears when I try to access Learndash group page …
18:20 Ticket #43773 (TinyMCE: some keyboard shortcuts are not displayed in the tooltips) created by afercia
In [38897] some TinyMCE keyboard shortcuts were made more discoverable …
17:51 Ticket #43772 (Undefined property: WP_Error::$term_id in ...) created by mahnunchik
I've faced with the following error while using …
15:39 Ticket #43771 (use wp_rand instead of mt_rand()) created by BjornW
wp_rand() should be used instead of mt_rand() according to the docs: …


23:53 Ticket #43770 (accept 'menu_order' for 'orderby' get_sites() argument) created by gnowland
Trying to show a list of sites in a multisite network with …
19:52 Ticket #43769 (Error) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi @sidivan, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report, we're …
18:49 Ticket #43769 (Error) created by sidivan
CSS: .dashicons, .dashicons-before:before transition: 0 is not a …
17:55 Changeset [42978] by azaozz
Privacy: improve the screen for setting a privacy policy page. Props …
17:54 Ticket #43768 (Dashboard->Activity, Recent Comment Actions Missing) created by hnwp
In the WP Dashboard, toggling Activity in the Screen options, the …
17:29 Ticket #43767 (Auto Delete Users after a period of time) created by David 279
Principle 5 of the GDPR requires you to retain personal data no longer …
17:05 Ticket #43766 (Update WP_Script::localize to be JSON standard compliant) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Thanks for the report, this issue is already being tracked in #25280.
16:36 Ticket #43766 (Update WP_Script::localize to be JSON standard compliant) created by jason_the_adams
Presently, when using wp_localize_script all of the scalar values are …
16:14 Changeset [42977] by azaozz
Privacy: fix error message and list table sorting errors on the Export …
15:29 Ticket #43667 (signup_nonce_check does not use wp_verify_nonce.) closed by flixos90
fixed: In 42976: […]
15:29 Changeset [42976] by flixos90
Multisite: Verify the signup nonce using wp_verify_nonce() in …
15:09 Ticket #43762 (CS Violations: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-color-control.php) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 42975: […]
15:09 Changeset [42975] by ocean90
Customize: Remove a stray whitespace. Props tfrommen. Fixes #43762.
15:08 Ticket #43765 (CS Violations: wp-includes/version.php) created by sephsekla
14:02 Ticket #43465 (Remove an extra space in the admin body class.) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 42974: […]
14:02 Changeset [42974] by ocean90
Administration: Avoid an extra space in the admin body class. Props …
14:01 Ticket #43764 (CS: Fix violations for admin-header.php) created by marcomartins
Fixes the coding standard violations for wp-admin/admin-header.php …
13:56 Ticket #43763 (Auto-fixable CS violations in Core) created by tfrommen
There are Core files with unopinionated CS violations that should be fixed.
13:39 Ticket #43762 (CS Violations: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-color-control.php) created by tfrommen
There are CS violations that should be fixed.
13:25 Ticket #43761 (CS: Fix violations for wp-admin/install-helper.php) created by jipmoors
Working on this currently, during WordCamp London contributor day.
13:08 Ticket #43760 (Create a revision when autosaving if the content has changed significantly) created by azaozz
Sometimes a user may edit a post for hours without saving it. We have …
12:24 Ticket #42061 (Add new utility function for checking if the current request is a REST ...) reopened by flixos90
I think this needs to be revisited, for the same purpose we have …
11:50 Ticket #43545 (Helper functions: Anonymizing data in a standardized way) reopened by azaozz
Reopen for "next minor".
11:46 Ticket #43759 (CS: Fix violations for wp-includes/class-wp-comment-query.php) created by jipmoors
Working on a patch for this during WordCamp London, currently.
11:02 Ticket #43758 (To not charge the content of the Boxes in the admin page if a boxed is ...) created by colomet
Revisions, Slug, Owner... are boxes of the screen option of the editor …
10:35 Ticket #43756 (Use of < in wp-login.php) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Hi @thedemon12, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report. …
10:33 Ticket #43757 (`WP_REST_Attachments_Controller` includes entire admin includes for a ...) created by lonelyvegan
Looks like …
10:24 Ticket #43756 (Use of < in wp-login.php) created by thedemon12
In the line 367 of wp-login.php : $message .= '<' . network_site_url( …
10:19 Ticket #43755 (CS: Fix violations for wp-includes/canonical.php) created by jipmoors
Started working on this at WordCamp London contributor day.
09:32 Ticket #43754 (Problem with is_page() function when gets "NULL" parameter) created by pawels
Problem with function is_page() when it gets "NULL" parameter then …
09:22 Ticket #43753 (Media Grid does not respect taxonomy URL parameters) created by mclaurent
The media items are correctly filtered on the list page but the grid …
00:55 Ticket #42707 (Show taxonomy visibility information in the REST API) closed by pento
fixed: In 42973: […]
00:55 Changeset [42973] by pento
REST API: Fix a typo introduced in [42729]. Props danielbachhuber. …
00:53 Changeset [42972] by pento
Tests: Update the REST API fixtures. [42967] included new post …


23:34 Ticket #43752 (ID, post_parent, menu_order on global $post object is a string in edit ...) created by javorszky
When I'm on an edit post screen, the ID, post_parent, menu_order …
23:26 Ticket #43751 (REST API: Attachments controller should respect "Max upload file size" ...) created by danielbachhuber
When the REST API is in use on WordPress multisite, the …
21:19 Ticket #43545 (Helper functions: Anonymizing data in a standardized way) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 42971: […]
21:19 Changeset [42971] by azaozz
Privacy: add helper function for anonymizing data in a standardized …
17:35 Ticket #43750 (Establish a standard means of core reading privacy declarations from ...) created by allendav
To help administrators create and maintain their site's privacy …
16:32 Ticket #43749 (Update zxcvbn to 4.4.2) created by desrosj
4.4.2 contains several bug fixes. For a full list of changes, see …
16:11 Ticket #43748 (Create new action edit_user_updated_user similar to edit_user_created_user) created by macbookandrew
I would like to see a new action edit_user_updated_user similar to …
14:52 Ticket #43747 ($query set post__not_in not accepting inputs from variables correctly) closed by swissspidy
invalid: Hi there The documentation for post__not_in is pretty clear: > An …
14:36 Ticket #43747 ($query set post__not_in not accepting inputs from variables correctly) created by Venutius
If I enter: $query->set('post__not_in', array(316,319,321)); posts …
13:58 Ticket #43746 (Custom post type single post feed returns a 404 if has_archive is set ...) created by henry.wright
When using register_post_type(), the single post feed returns a …
11:11 Ticket #43745 ((Yet another ;-) Redirect loop with encoded query keys) created by wrwrwr0
Some live examples:
09:29 Ticket #43744 (`WP_REST_Server::EDITABLE` should not contain POST) created by soulseekah
Editable != creatable. The POST method is used to create resources, …
07:31 Ticket #43743 (Terms list table should be full width when user cannot edit terms) created by swissspidy
The edit-tags.php screen is split into two columns. On the left hand …
07:17 Ticket #43742 (Add $_wp_admin_css_colors variable to front-end) created by danieltj
I've developed a plugin that uses the admin colour scheme …
00:30 Ticket #43741 (Improve media_sideload_image() image extensions detection) created by Karzin
media_sideload_image() applies a pattern to the URL trying to …


21:33 Ticket #43740 (Filter WP_Post methods (vs. removing final/'get_post' filter)) created by MikeSchinkel
There has been a lot of demand to remove final from WP_Post and to …
16:08 Ticket #43739 (Include 'viewable' attribute on Post Type resource for 'edit' context) created by danielbachhuber
We need to include a 'viewable' attribute on the Post Type resource in …
10:30 Ticket #43738 (Make the personal data Export/Delete functionality available in ...) created by TZ Media
There are approaches where single sites in a network are not …
09:12 Ticket #43737 ("Updating..." text in wrong tense) created by drawcard
The tense of the word "Updating" doesn't change to "Updated", when …
03:21 Ticket #43736 (Audio continues to play in Media Modal after close) created by bahia0019
When previewing an audio file in the Media Library modal, if you click …
02:58 Changeset [42970] by dd32
Bump $wp_version to latest revision. …
02:49 Changeset [42969] by dd32
Bump $wp_version to latest revision. …
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