Make WordPress Core



21:11 Ticket #43455 (apply_filters not passing by ref) created by lordspace
Hey folks, I've tried passing some extra params to a filter by …
20:44 Ticket #43454 (Add UI elements to make the user aware of image geo data) created by desrosj
During the most recent media component chat …
15:38 Ticket #43453 (heartbeat_received filter requires data in order to execute) created by brianscaturro
With regards to the heartbeat api, the plugin developer handbook …
13:08 Ticket #43452 (Toolbar: Target for page-jump links hidden behind admin bar after a jump) created by kokkieh
Page jump links cause the target text to be hidden behind the admin …
13:01 Ticket #43451 (Disallow objects as meta values) created by tonybogdanov
OK, I know this is probably going to be closed before anyone even …
10:57 Ticket #43450 (Not able to do anything) closed by swissspidy
invalid: Hello @developerraj1999, welcome to WordPress Trac! I'm sorry that …
10:53 Ticket #43450 (Not able to do anything) created by developerraj1999
not able to edit posts, not able to deactivate plugins, please help
09:38 Ticket #43447 (Setting up an author for a post, gifs) reopened by alekmil
How stopping gifs are not a bug? And the author menu — I gotta learn …
09:07 Ticket #43447 (Setting up an author for a post, gifs) closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello @alekmil, welcome to WordPress Trac! I'm sorry that you have …
09:03 Ticket #43449 (Use composer.json in plugins?) closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello @dingo_bastard, this Trac is used for enhancements and bug …
08:53 Ticket #43449 (Use composer.json in plugins?) created by dingo_d
Would it be good to ask (require of) plugin developers to use …
06:48 Ticket #43448 (Document $wp_registered_sidebars global in wp_map_sidebars_widgets()) created by mukesh27
global $wp_registered_sidebars is used but it is not mentioned in the …
06:29 Ticket #43447 (Setting up an author for a post, gifs) created by alekmil
Hi. Updated WP to 4.9.4. Not being able to set author through the …
04:12 Ticket #43446 (`meta_compare_key` should support more operators than `LIKE` and `=`) created by boonebgorges
meta_compare_key was introduced in #42409. The default is = and it …
04:09 Ticket #43445 (Wildcard `LIKE` support for `WP_Meta_Query` (and maybe other queries?)) created by boonebgorges
Passing LIKE as the compare parameter for a meta query (or …
04:02 Ticket #42409 (Add LIKE support to meta_key comparisons in WP_Meta_Query) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 42768: […]
04:02 Changeset [42768] by boonebgorges
Allow LIKE queries against the 'key' value in meta queries. The new …


22:55 Ticket #43444 (CSS Editor Error Not Displaying Correctly) created by nistuj817
Every time I’m making a change in the custom CSS I get this annoying …
22:36 Ticket #43376 (Semantic elements for non-link links: class-wp-comments-list-table.php) closed by afercia
fixed: In 42767: […]
22:36 Changeset [42767] by afercia
Accessibility: Change the comments "Quick Edit" and "Reply" links to …
19:19 Ticket #43443 (Add a method for confirmation of requests for deleting or anonymizing ...) created by azaozz
To avoid misuse when a request is made to anonymize or delete personal …
19:12 Ticket #43442 (Add tools for anonymizing of commenters) created by azaozz
Site visitors and logged-in users that submit comments can request the …
18:16 Ticket #43441 (WordPress News and Events widget: posts only show ...) created by hlashbrooke
In the WordPress News and Events widget, there is only ever one post …
18:11 Ticket #43440 (Add personal data from comments to personal data export) created by azaozz
The "right to data portability" in GDPR also applies to site visitors …
17:58 Ticket #43439 (&_embed only embedding first 10 categories) created by manyourisms
Normally our posts don't have more than 10 categories, but I did …
17:04 Ticket #43438 (Add filters and Ajax support for personal data export) created by azaozz
It is a GDPR requirement that users should be able to export their …
16:04 Ticket #43437 (Add way for registered users to request deletion or anonymization of ...) created by azaozz
All registered users can edit or delete most of their data in …
15:45 Ticket #43436 (Add opt-in for commenter cookies) created by azaozz
The commenter cookies are a good example of data stored for …
15:33 Ticket #40462 (Add placeholders to wp_login_form()) closed by afercia
wontfix: > In this instance, @afercia is the person who makes this decision, as …
13:22 Ticket #43435 (Add settings screen for creating a privacy policy) created by azaozz
Add a page under the Tools menu to make it easier to create …
13:12 Ticket #43434 (Add sprintf function and target attribute in href) closed by SergeyBiryukov
wontfix: Hi @mukesh27, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the patch. * The …
12:55 Ticket #43434 (Add sprintf function and target attribute in href) created by mukesh27
It is better to use sprintf in static link also add target blank …
09:01 Ticket #43433 (mixed-content for install page stylesheets) created by mimke
I am trying to install wordpress 4.9.1 on my https website but the …
09:00 Ticket #43432 (Streamline tests with installation skips) created by soulseekah
In line with the recent and amazing #42282 feature I'm proposing we …
08:31 Ticket #43431 (Display sidebar in right panel) closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello @hugeman, welcome to WordPress Trac! This Trac is used for …
08:29 Ticket #43431 (Display sidebar in right panel) created by hugeman
I've create shop page, but i dont know how Display sidebar in right …
06:59 Ticket #39482 (wp_customize_support_script() has a javascript comment which breaks ...) closed by ocean90
04:04 Ticket #39482 (wp_customize_support_script() has a javascript comment which breaks ...) reopened by dylanfitzger
Site speed is of top concern for me. I use HTML compression on many of …
03:47 Ticket #43414 (Deprecate WP_Http::_dispatch_request()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42766: […]
03:47 Changeset [42766] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Mark WP_Http::_dispatch_request() as deprecated. It's no …
03:27 Ticket #42779 (Docs: add description to the register_admin_color_schemes() function) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42765: […]
03:27 Changeset [42765] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add description for register_admin_color_schemes(). Props …
03:18 Ticket #42266 (i18n: unify "access" error messages in XML-RPC) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42764: […]
03:18 Changeset [42764] by SergeyBiryukov
XML-RPC: Unify permission error messages in wp_xmlrpc_server. Props …
00:25 Changeset [42763] by iandunn
External Libraries: Test for MEjs files in src instead of build. …
00:01 Ticket #43430 (Copy & Cursor Issue in visual editor) created by heller_benjamin
This is a weird one. If you copy and paste text with multiple lines …


20:33 Ticket #40462 (Add placeholders to wp_login_form()) reopened by s3w47m88
@afercia you stated that you've not heard a actual use case that …
14:44 Ticket #43429 (Add "In response to ..." before threaded comments in comment feed) created by zodiac1978
Imagine this in your feed reader: Comment 1: WordCamp Miami was …
14:40 Ticket #43101 (Test to ensure MediaElement SWFs aren't accidentally added to build) closed by iandunn
fixed: Fixed in r42762, but I forgot the #... > External Libraries: Test …
14:37 Changeset [42762] by iandunn
External Libraries: Test that MediaElement SWF files remain deleted. …
14:24 Ticket #43428 (Improve CORS headers sent to REST Api requests) created by andrei.igna
Currently some CORS headers are not sent correctly for REST API …
12:27 Ticket #43427 (My website is down for 15 minute at particular time, daily basis on ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi @arunkumarsaw, welcome to WordPress Trac! This Trac is used for …
12:26 Ticket #43064 (wordpress on different port doesn't run customizer) closed by tpaksu
maybelater: Hi Weston, I'm only using it for browsersync to automating CSS/JS …
12:22 Ticket #43427 (My website is down for 15 minute at particular time, daily basis on ...) created by arunkumarsaw
Working fine on localhost while error is on only server at 18:15 to …
10:30 Ticket #43105 (CSS editor in customizer doesn't support everything) closed by drivdigital
02:30 Ticket #42742 (Add a has_errors() method to WP_Error) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42761: […]
02:30 Changeset [42761] by SergeyBiryukov
General: Introduce WP_Error::has_errors() method and use it where …
02:06 Ticket #43426 (Media Replace (Upload New File Versions)) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi @tomiastikainen, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket, …
01:15 Ticket #43426 (Media Replace (Upload New File Versions)) created by tomiastikainen
Allow Admininstrator to replace a file in the media library by …
00:31 Ticket #42282 (Provide means of executing PHPUnit continuously over watched files in ...) closed by iandunn
fixed: In 42760: […]
00:31 Changeset [42760] by iandunn
Build/Test Tools: Add watch:phpunit task. This allow PHPUnit test …


23:09 Ticket #43415 (Remove "aria-required" attribute when "required" attribute is already used) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42759: […]
23:09 Changeset [42759] by SergeyBiryukov
Media: Remove unnecessary aria-required attribute from legacy …
22:15 Ticket #43425 (WP_Mail BCC and CC - RCPT TO Errors) created by JWGarber1725
Adding BCC and CC Fields are having inconsistent results. …
20:49 Ticket #39045 (W3C Validator warning: Attribute aria-required is unnecessary for ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42758: […]
20:49 Changeset [42758] by SergeyBiryukov
Comments: Remove unnecessary aria-required attribute from …
20:12 Ticket #43424 (Use access modifiers in POMO library) created by SergeyBiryukov
Background: #22234, #42803. Most of class methods and properties in …
19:34 Ticket #43072 (Explain what type of editor it is in Appearance) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 42757: […]
19:34 Changeset [42757] by ocean90
Administration: Remove unnecessary capitalization when referencing to …
19:03 Ticket #43072 (Explain what type of editor it is in Appearance) reopened by ocean90
I'm going to fix this.
19:01 Ticket #43423 (Adminbar Icons Resize Incorrectly) created by johnjamesjacoby
Icons in the adminbar are not resizing according to the correct screen …
18:46 Ticket #43072 (Explain what type of editor it is in Appearance) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: The initial issue is fixed, feel free to open a new ticket if the help …
18:41 Ticket #43404 (CS: Fix violations for wp-activate.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #42885.
18:40 Ticket #43422 (Problems with differents prices in variation) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi @klox85, welcome to WordPress Trac! This Trac is used for …
18:37 Changeset [42756] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add missing @since entries for functions in …
18:33 Ticket #43422 (Problems with differents prices in variation) created by klox85
Hi, We have actualized Woocommerce with 4.9.4. But when we have …
18:22 Ticket #43370 (Consider to make the `Format` taxonomy name plural) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42755: […]
18:21 Changeset [42755] by SergeyBiryukov
Taxonomy: Make the "Format" taxonomy name plural, for consistency with …
18:20 Ticket #39289 (TinyMCE wpview: make inserting oEmbed previews smoother) closed by mizejewski
maybelater: Looks like this is currently being handled better in Gutenberg.
18:15 Ticket #42965 (Widgets not restored to previous widget area after switching back to ...) closed by westonruter
18:04 Ticket #40462 (Add placeholders to wp_login_form()) closed by afercia
wontfix: Discussed again during today's accessibility meeting. As nothing new …
17:51 Ticket #43418 (Fix typo in the inline documentation for ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42754: […]
17:51 Changeset [42754] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Fix typo in wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.placements()
17:19 Ticket #43421 (The $capabilities argument in the `add_role()` function is ...) created by eclev91
Reproduce: Add a role to WP using add_role(), and pass it custom …
16:45 Ticket #38676 (Semantic elements for non-link links: class-wp-comments-list-table.php) closed by afercia
duplicate: Closing in favor of #43376, sorry for the confusion with duplicate tickets.
15:56 Ticket #43419 (esc_html__ function description has an extra full stop) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 42753: […]
15:56 Changeset [42753] by swissspidy
Docs: Remove erroneous period in the description for esc_html__(). …
15:52 Ticket #43420 (Individual role array is $wp_roles->roles does not contain role slug) created by subrataemfluence
I don't find role in dump using the following […] `var_dump( …
12:02 Ticket #43419 (esc_html__ function description has an extra full stop) created by danieltj
In the documentation block for the esc_html__ function, it contains …
10:54 Ticket #43418 (Fix typo in the inline documentation for ...) created by Nikschavan
File - wp-includes/js/customize-selective-refresh.js Line - 248 …
10:36 Ticket #43417 (Infinite loop in wp_mkdir_p with open_basedir restrictions) created by 1265578519
[[Image(...)]] Cause the head exceeds the …
04:02 Ticket #43416 (Function to Maybe Convert Tables to InnoDB) created by bhubbard
We already have a function called …


23:40 Ticket #43415 (Remove "aria-required" attribute when "required" attribute is already used) created by audrasjb
Quote from Andrea in #39045 : > There was a time when both were …
22:19 Ticket #42803 (Remove @static tags from core DocBlocks) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: The only instance left is MO::make_entry() in …
21:44 Changeset [42752] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Remove erroneous @static notation from …
21:34 Changeset [42751] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Remove erroneous @static notation from …
21:31 Changeset [42750] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Remove duplicated DocBlock for http_response hook in …
21:27 Ticket #43414 (Deprecate WP_Http::_dispatch_request()) created by SergeyBiryukov
WP_Http::_dispatch_request() is unused since [37428] and should …
20:48 Changeset [42749] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Fourteen: Remove redundant @access and @static notations …
20:44 Ticket #41995 (It says "Plugin Activated" but the plugin is still inactive.) closed by soulseekah
invalid: Your issue seems to be related to the plugin you downloaded. Please …
20:37 Changeset [42748] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Remove @access notation from …
20:31 Changeset [42747] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Remove @static notations from property DocBlocks in …
20:21 Changeset [42746] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Remove @static notations from method DocBlocks in …
20:05 Changeset [42745] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Remove @static notations from method DocBlocks in wp-admin/*
18:54 Ticket #43413 (wp_prepare_attachment_for_js missing image size medium_large) created by Themezly
I have a function that creates a media size in case the size is called …
18:47 Ticket #43333 (Unable to add menu item) closed by adamsilverstein
fixed: In 42744: […]
18:47 Changeset [42744] by adamsilverstein
Customizer: in menus, reset results when closing the 'add items' …
18:46 Ticket #42736 (Avoid hard-coded in ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42743: […]
18:46 Changeset [42743] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Correct a "false positive" assertion in …
18:42 Changeset [42742] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Avoid hardcoded domain name in …
18:06 Ticket #40071 (Relative path used in test suite forces tests to be ran from tests dir) closed by adamsilverstein
fixed: In 42741: […]
18:06 Changeset [42741] by adamsilverstein
Unit Tests: add a DIR_TESTROOT constant to avoid relative paths. Fix …
16:48 Changeset [42740] by adamsilverstein
Fix eshint error since r42739. Remove a trailing comma in [42739]
16:41 Ticket #42968 (Media: Grid View: new upload, file is in the wrong position in the ...) reopened by adamsilverstein
Reopening for consideration for the 4.9.5 branch.
16:40 Ticket #42968 (Media: Grid View: new upload, file is in the wrong position in the ...) closed by adamsilverstein
fixed: In 42739: […]
16:40 Changeset [42739] by adamsilverstein
Media: grid view - correct placeholder positioning during uploads. …
16:35 Ticket #43346 (Fix code indent in unescape_invalid_shortcodes()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42738: […]
16:35 Changeset [42738] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Fix code indent in unescape_invalid_shortcodes(). …
16:29 Ticket #43412 (Comments: row action links and forms accessibility improvements) created by afercia
In the Comments screen, all the "row action" links behave differently …
16:27 Ticket #38922 (Use REST API for ajax tag search) closed by adamsilverstein
fixed: In 42737: […]
16:27 Changeset [42737] by adamsilverstein
Taxonomy: restore TagSearch unit tests and correct deprecated version …
16:07 Ticket #43299 (function paginate_comments_links() results in a Notice instead of ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42736: […]
16:07 Changeset [42736] by SergeyBiryukov
Comments: After [42703], make sure $args['type'] in …
15:52 Ticket #43379 (Allow themes to know if they are the parent or child theme) closed by denvercoder9
wontfix: As I've thought it over it probably doesn't make sense to do this. It …
15:38 Ticket #43410 (Docs of WP_User::get_role_caps() mix up roles and capabilities) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42735: […]
15:38 Changeset [42735] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Correct description for WP_User::get_role_caps(). Props …
13:17 Ticket #34565 (Warning after change theme) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42734: […]
13:17 Changeset [42734] by SergeyBiryukov
Themes: Pre-translate theme names on Themes screen before sorting the …
12:16 Ticket #34290 (Not possible to have a percent symbol contained in the default value ...) closed by kuus
invalid: I think I was doing something wrong..closing as not an issue anymore …
11:29 Ticket #43411 (Remove `vendor` file name entry from `.gitignore`) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42733: […]
11:29 Changeset [42733] by SergeyBiryukov
Build/Test Tools: Remove vendor file name entry from .gitignore. …
08:57 Ticket #43411 (Remove `vendor` file name entry from `.gitignore`) created by netweb
It looks like vendor snuck into the .gitignore via [41681] and …


23:44 Ticket #43410 (Docs of WP_User::get_role_caps() mix up roles and capabilities) created by thomaswm
The documentation of the WP_User member function get_role_caps()
19:33 Ticket #43409 (Site Crashed) closed by tobifjellner
invalid: Hi @ejm91101 Although you may right now feel very stressed, please …
19:27 Ticket #43409 (Site Crashed) reopened by ejm91101
I have no access to my WordPress account and cannot change any settings.
19:22 Ticket #43409 (Site Crashed) closed by audrasjb
invalid: Hi, Thanks for submitting this ticket but core.trac is used to track …
19:16 Ticket #43409 (Site Crashed) created by ejm91101
I downloaded a WordPress theme, not sure which theme, and my entire …
18:08 Ticket #43408 (Dashboard screen after login when session logout) created by jainnidhi
Sometimes when session is logout and if we again login to the …
16:41 Ticket #43407 (Make site_url filter aware of wp-login.php actions) created by jfarthing84
For instance, wp_registration_url() passes the action to …
14:44 Ticket #43406 (CS: Fix violations for wp-trackback.php) created by GaryJ
Address code standard violations for wp-trackback.php.
14:42 Ticket #43405 (CS: Fix violations for wp-signup.php) created by GaryJ
Address code standard violations in wp-signup.php.
14:40 Ticket #43404 (CS: Fix violations for wp-activate.php) created by GaryJ
Addresses the code standard violations for wp-activate.php.
13:43 Ticket #43401 (Support urldecoded URLs in current menu item detection logic) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42732: […]
13:43 Changeset [42732] by SergeyBiryukov
Menus: When checking if a Custom Link matches the current URL to add …
12:47 Ticket #43403 (Improve wp_add_inline_script()) created by alpipego
Just an idea for the moment: Instead of testing if the js has script …
11:59 Ticket #43402 (Update WordPress Importer in the official repository) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #36281. See …
11:56 Ticket #43402 (Update WordPress Importer in the official repository) created by Looimaster
Can someone please move the Github version to the official repository? …
10:51 Ticket #43399 (Non-admin roles get error 500 when creating new post) closed by ninke
worksforme: Thank you for your quick reply. I thought I'd disabled all plugins …
10:39 Ticket #43401 (Support urldecoded URLs in current menu item detection logic) created by soulseekah
When adding a urldecoded custom link to a menu it is not being …
09:29 Ticket #40416 (Use HTTPS in wp_dashboard_primary()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42731: […]
09:29 Changeset [42731] by SergeyBiryukov
Administration: Use HTTPS for dashboard_primary_feed URL. …
09:24 Ticket #43400 (Update "WordPress News" widget references) created by SergeyBiryukov
"WordPress News" dashboard widget was renamed to "WordPress Events and …
09:19 Ticket #43399 (Non-admin roles get error 500 when creating new post) created by ninke
I didn't notice this issue until my client pointed this out to me when …
09:04 Ticket #43396 (Use HTTPS for dashboard_primary_feed) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #40416.
00:36 Ticket #40462 (Add placeholders to wp_login_form()) reopened by s3w47m88
@afercia Allowing WordPress developers to pass an argument that is …
00:05 Ticket #43398 (Avoid using visual tabs when it's irrelevant: menu screen, about.php ...) created by audrasjb
Related: #40678 In several part of WordPress admin, visual tabs are …


23:37 Ticket #43397 (Add columns titles to menu screen and a help text about data saving) created by audrasjb
Related: #40678 The menu screen is a bit complicated to understand at …
22:42 Ticket #43396 (Use HTTPS for dashboard_primary_feed) created by SergeyBiryukov
#27115 changed most of links in WordPress core to HTTPS. …
22:13 Ticket #43063 (wp customizer is missing core events) closed by westonruter
wontfix: You can listen for controls being added via …
20:10 Ticket #43395 (Add Automated E2E Tests for Core Updates) created by jorbin
This is a follow up to the issues introduced in #43103 and described …
20:02 Ticket #43394 (wpautop inserts extraneous line breaks if hard return around commented ...) created by davidshq
Problem: If one has code comments before content in a WordPress …
14:38 Ticket #43393 (get_user_by can return wrong user info) created by hberberoglu
I am using memcached object cache dropin (I use …
14:36 Ticket #43392 (Support 'object' and 'array' types in register_meta()) created by diegoliv
Currently, register_meta() is used to expose meta data by setting …
09:47 Ticket #43391 (WP_User_Query bug) created by zkingdesign
I've got an issue when doing a query with WP_User_Query and trying to …
05:39 Ticket #43385 (Removed meetup still appears in dashboard widget.) closed by dd32
invalid: Hey @chetan200891 Thanks for reporting this, but we're tracking this …
01:29 Ticket #43390 (get_super_admins() should not return "admin" by default) created by thomaswm
The function get_super_admins(), introduced in [14206], returns an …


18:16 Ticket #43389 (Add a privacy policy page setting to options-reading.php) created by allendav
Proposed: Add a privacy policy page setting to options-reading.php or …
17:46 Ticket #43024 (Twenty Fifteen: ul li > blockquote has styling issues) closed by ketanumretiya030
invalid: Hi, i have check in all browser never found issue.
17:37 Ticket #43388 (Long string without spaces in wptexturize() breaks layout in ...) closed by ocean90
wontfix: Closing as wontfix since it's just a UI issue which actually doesn't …
16:32 Ticket #40560 (REST API: Unicode characters are escaped in the response) closed by jnylen0
invalid: @hwgehring sorry, but your claim that "Unicode-escaped text is only …
16:19 Ticket #43388 (Long string without spaces in wptexturize() breaks layout in ...) created by tobifjellner
Whenever I open for …
15:20 Ticket #43387 (wpautop() adds "</p>" where it should not) created by 1994rstefan
There are a few cases where wpautop() creates invalid HTML code by …
14:22 Ticket #43386 (render-partials-init similar to render-partials-response in customiser ...) created by gandham
These are the events that are triggered when a selective refresh takes …
12:52 Ticket #43384 (wp_enqueue_script:require authors to document these in the readme.txt ...) closed by danieltj
invalid: Hi, welcome to Core Trac! :) This site is for WordPress Core, …
12:49 Ticket #43385 (Removed meetup still appears in dashboard widget.) created by chetan200891
We have removed Meetup last month which is created by mistake with …
12:42 Ticket #43384 (wp_enqueue_script:require authors to document these in the readme.txt ...) created by design_dolphin
A. Problem description: Too often finding a script not to run on …
00:58 Ticket #42707 (Show taxonomy visibility information in the REST API) closed by pento
fixed: In 42730: […]
00:58 Changeset [42730] by pento
REST API: Translate the taxonomy visibility description strings. This …
00:54 Ticket #42707 (Show taxonomy visibility information in the REST API) reopened by pento
00:24 Ticket #42707 (Show taxonomy visibility information in the REST API) closed by pento
fixed: In 42729: […]
00:24 Changeset [42729] by pento
REST API: Show taxonomy visibility settings. For Gutenberg and other …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.