Make WordPress Core



23:40 Ticket #36984 (Customizer Menus: Show Pages at the top of the list, expanded) closed by westonruter
fixed: In 38767: […]
23:40 Changeset [38767] by westonruter
Customize: Show Pages section first and pre-expanded in list of …
22:18 Ticket #38273 (HTTPS install is broken) created by yohgaki
HTTPS install results in no admin access. == ENV == OS: CentOS7 …
21:17 Ticket #26523 (Quick action links on 2 rows for tags and categories) closed by karmatosed
21:08 Ticket #36922 (Customizer message when not showing widget area needs refinement) closed by westonruter
fixed: In 38766: […]
21:08 Changeset [38766] by westonruter
Customize: Improve message displayed in widgets panel when there are …
20:07 Ticket #37638 (Allow plugins to do comprehensive late validation of settings) closed by westonruter
fixed: In 38765: […]
20:07 Changeset [38765] by westonruter
Customize: Ensure customize_validate_{$setting->id} filters apply on …
18:31 Ticket #23227 (Properly reflect date and time formats throughout admin area) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: I feel the point about context is right here, I'd be keen to maybe see …
18:06 Ticket #38272 (Media Library - Featured image is marked as Unattached) created by mikehaceman
Ive been struggling with this for quite some time. But with more …
16:06 Ticket #38269 (WordPress 4.6.1 editor causes loss of content) closed by Clorith
worksforme: Hi there, The post editor looks perfectly fine with no plugins and a …
15:58 Ticket #38271 (`wp-remove-post-lock` Ajax request generates notice in ...) created by dlh
Before [38425], when no #active_post_lock was in the DOM, the POST …
15:34 Ticket #38270 (Better handling of widget errors) created by dustwolf
This change makes debugging broken widgets a lot less painful -- in …
11:13 Ticket #38269 (WordPress 4.6.1 editor causes loss of content) created by rsspanic
Hi, since the upgrade to 4.6 (or perhaps it is 4.6.1) our editorial …
09:31 Ticket #38267 (debug not reporting wp_footer() missing) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Hey there, Thanks for your report and welcome to WordPress Trac! I'm …
09:21 Ticket #38268 (WP_Comment_Query Pagination) created by wordpresssites
Is it possible to build pagination into WP_Comment_Query so previous & …
05:41 Ticket #38267 (debug not reporting wp_footer() missing) created by Brandora
hi i recently came across a problem (my fault) because i accidentally …
04:23 Changeset [38764] by peterwilsoncc
Emoji: Update Emoji CDN filter default for resource hints. Updates …
03:51 Ticket #36664 (Input lag in text editor) reopened by MarioKnight
Interestingly, though my issue submission to the Chrome dev team …
01:38 Ticket #38266 (Tests: Use assertSame() when the type of the value in the assertion is ...) created by johnbillion
Several tests use assertEquals() on a falsey value where the type is …
01:29 Changeset [38763] by johnbillion
Build/Test Tools: Continue eliminating randomness in tests. See …
01:11 Changeset [38762] by johnbillion
Build/Test Tools: Begin eliminating unnecessary randomness in tests. …
01:11 Ticket #38265 (Add term_relationship_id column to wp_term_relationships) created by johnjamesjacoby
I have a need to attach additional information to the post/term …


23:46 Ticket #38264 (Tests: Uploads aren't deleted after running individual tests) created by johnbillion
Steps to reproduce: 1. Run phpunit and verify the tests pass. 2. …
22:42 Ticket #38256 (Make use of PHPUnit's @requires notation) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 38761: […]
22:42 Changeset [38761] by johnbillion
Build/Test Tools: Revert [38759]. PHPUnit's @requires syntax was …
22:30 Ticket #38263 (Color picker: add a hue-only mode) created by celloexpressions
Twenty Seventeen will make use of a hue picker for its custom colors. …
17:06 Ticket #38262 (Task: Opt in SSL Improvements) created by LoreleiAurora
In the core-https meeting we have been discussing how we can improve …
17:06 Ticket #38261 (A FORCE_SSL_SCRIPTS constant) created by LoreleiAurora
If this constant is set, we will: - Force local enqueued scripts and …
17:04 Ticket #38260 (A FORCE_SSL_CANONICAL constant) created by LoreleiAurora
If this constant is set, we will: - Force canonical links to https - …
17:03 Ticket #38259 (A FORCE_SSL_CONTENT constant) created by LoreleiAurora
If this constant is set, we will: - Force local URLs within content …
12:41 Ticket #38256 (Make use of PHPUnit's @requires notation) reopened by swissspidy
Looks like it causes a couple of test failures on PHP 5.2, see …
12:04 Changeset [38760] by johnbillion
Media: Correct the hostname used in the wp_get_attachment_metadata()
06:12 Ticket #38258 (Improve inline docs for the_author_meta) created by grapplerulrich
In the inline documentation for the_author_meta() there is no …
02:39 Ticket #38257 ("Home" page redirecting issue) created by davidcolangelo
I have found an issue where in an attempt to set a static home page …
01:19 Ticket #38256 (Make use of PHPUnit's @requires notation) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 38759: […]
01:19 Changeset [38759] by johnbillion
Build/Test Tools: Make use of PHPUnit's @requires notation. Fixes #38256
01:12 Ticket #38256 (Make use of PHPUnit's @requires notation) created by johnbillion
Several unit tests include logic to skip the test if certain …
01:02 Changeset [38758] by johnbillion
HTTP API: Remove an unnecessary duplicate HTTP request in the HTTP …
00:29 Changeset [38757] by johnbillion
HTTP API: Convert the POST redirect test to use a dataProvider in …


21:41 Changeset [38756] by azaozz
TinyMCE: Allow pasting in image captions. Remove blocks and insert …
21:02 Ticket #38162 (Remove paged.php from the theme template hierarchy) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 38755: […]
21:02 Changeset [38755] by johnbillion
Themes: Remove paged.php from the theme template hierarchy. The …
20:55 Ticket #35576 (Menus the "Select All" link should be hidden in the "quick search" tab) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 38754: […]
20:55 Changeset [38754] by ocean90
Menus: Hide controls in the search tab if no items are found. Props …
20:46 Ticket #12706 (Custom post status bugs) reopened by ocean90
20:44 Ticket #12706 (Custom post status bugs) closed by Mosterd3d
worksforme: I'm getting a little bit confused. The fix is …
20:16 Ticket #36802 (wp_editor doesn't display "Add Media" button in Firefox, Safari or Chrome) closed by jdorner
invalid: DOH!!! Sorry to waste your time.
20:15 Ticket #38255 (inclusion of javascript script) created by nmoral
When I was working on my themes. I tried to include scripts with …
20:12 Ticket #37573 (Edit Tag page after click "Update") closed by ocean90
fixed: In 38753: […]
20:12 Changeset [38753] by ocean90
Taxonomy: On wp-admin/term.php, don't show a 'Back to' link which …
20:05 Changeset [38752] by ocean90
Taxonomy: Remove paged argument from referer and add it only if …
19:43 Ticket #37892 (Make sure rewrite rules are written once 'wp_loaded' is fired) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 38751: […]
19:43 Changeset [38751] by jorbin
Make sure rewrite rules are not written until wp_loaded has fired …
19:40 Ticket #19631 (Consider a doing_it_wrong call for query_posts()) closed by johnbillion
wontfix: Closing due to lack of movement. As much as I'd like to trigger a …
19:38 Ticket #38194 (Term order and current page is lost when bulk deleting terms) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 38750: […]
19:38 Changeset [38750] by ocean90
Taxonomy: Don't drop term order and current page when bulk deleting …
19:30 Ticket #38254 (outdated blog post in register_meta doc for 4.6 update) created by Mista-Flo
Hello, The 4.6 WordPress version update the register_meta function, …
19:28 Ticket #15811 (Self-referrent links should be made avoidable in wp_list_pages / ...) closed by johnbillion
wontfix: Closing based on lack of interest in 6 years. Re-open if anyone's …
19:23 Ticket #35590 (Add filters to allow creating REST API middleware plugins) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 38749: […]
19:23 Changeset [38749] by ocean90
Docs: Improve formatting of filter docs added in [38689]. Fixes #35590.
19:12 Ticket #14449 (Create add_permastruct() filters for register_taxonomy() and ...) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: Duplicate of #33990.
18:31 Ticket #37955 (Make it possible to whitelist URLs in check_comment()) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 38748: […]
18:31 Changeset [38748] by ocean90
Comments: Pass $comment to the comment_max_links_url filter. …
17:11 Ticket #36224 (WP_Taxonomy class) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 38747: […]
17:11 Changeset [38747] by swissspidy
Taxonomy: Introduce WP_Taxonomy and use it in register_taxonomy()
16:59 Ticket #37173 (get_the_content() has undocumented globals) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 38746: […]
16:59 Changeset [38746] by swissspidy
Docs: Document global variables used by get_the_content(). Props …
16:57 Tickets #17552,​24122 batch updated by swissspidy
fixed: In 38745: […]
16:57 Changeset [38745] by swissspidy
Plugins: Correctly display the current plugin in the plugin editor. …
16:49 Ticket #19038 (Menu Items aren't deleting on page being trashed, only when deleted) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 38744: […]
16:49 Changeset [38744] by swissspidy
Menus: Do not show trashed posts in nav menus. Trashed posts cannot …
16:40 Ticket #20253 (SSL login in custom port) closed by johnbillion
wontfix: This ticket doesn't have much chance of going anywhere because of the …
16:36 Ticket #37554 (update last checked time does not match the system time) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 38743: […]
16:36 Changeset [38743] by swissspidy
Upgrade/Install: Show correct time of last checked update. Props …
16:33 Ticket #16167 (FORCE_ADMIN_SSL broken if site runs on port different from 80) closed by johnbillion
wontfix: This ticket doesn't have much chance of going anywhere because of the …
16:18 Ticket #12400 (Add a wp_loaded hook, an ob_start hook, and an front end ajax hook) closed by johnbillion
wontfix: I'm going to close this off as wontfix. A front-end AJAX handler would …
14:03 Ticket #38253 (Site icon functions using `ms_is_switched()` incorrectly) created by jdgrimes
get_custom_logo(), get_site_icon_url(), and has_custom_log() all …
13:04 Ticket #38251 (Promote security during installation) closed by pento
wontfix: Thank you for the suggestion, @FR_lucien! This kind of security …
12:33 Ticket #38252 (Introduce a new option to WordPress WP_EMOICONS) closed by pento
duplicate: Thank you for the ticket, @prosti! The reasons for not providing this …
12:30 Ticket #38252 (Introduce a new option to WordPress WP_EMOICONS) created by prosti
If not set or by default this will be true. […] else if set in …
12:06 Ticket #38251 (Promote security during installation) created by FR_lucien
Hi, during the installation process, the purpose of the table prefix …
09:44 Ticket #38250 (Author archive page showing email) closed by Clorith
invalid: Hiya, Email addresses are not secret information, it's something you …
09:30 Ticket #38250 (Author archive page showing email) created by Maigret
Hi, since WordPress allows you to login with your email, we could …
01:02 Ticket #38242 (Support media queries in wp_enqueue_script() akin to ...) closed by dd32
wontfix: As I said in #core @ …


22:31 Ticket #16031 (Bulk actions: Reactivate bulk actions hook + add hander hook for all ...) reopened by johnbillion
The dynamically-named handle_bulk_actions-* hook receives different …
22:05 Ticket #38249 (Improvements to docblock descriptions of query template functions) created by johnbillion
The docblock descriptions for the various get_*_template() functions …
21:45 Ticket #38246 (Ensure that the first populated network is a `WP_Network`) closed by flixos90
invalid: This was way too rushed - the WP_Network class is not available at …
20:21 Ticket #36714 (Moving cursor down into Twitter embed produces two text carets) closed by ericlewis
worksforme: > I can't reproduce Me either, let's close
20:16 Ticket #38149 (Customizer mousewheel scrolling issue in Safari on Mac) closed by westonruter
fixed: In 38742: […]
20:16 Changeset [38742] by westonruter
Customize: Add workaround for Safari bug causing preview frame to be …
20:11 Ticket #38244 (Class name of the widget title is incorrect) closed by westonruter
wontfix: Thanks for the report! However, this cannot be changed due because of …
18:40 Ticket #36664 (Input lag in text editor) closed by iseulde
worksforme: Thanks for the ticket! Is this still an issue with the latest Chrome …
18:11 Ticket #38248 (Extend Widgets UX and Capabilities) created by davidakennedy
After some great discussion in #37974 and at the recommendation of …
18:08 Ticket #38214 (Trackback Error Strings are not translateable) closed by rachelbaker
fixed: In 38741: […]
18:08 Changeset [38741] by rachelbaker
Trackbacks: Allow the error message strings passed to …
17:41 Ticket #31101 (get_page_of_comment returns wrong page if comments are ordered with ...) closed by rachelbaker
fixed: In 38740: […]
17:41 Changeset [38740] by rachelbaker
Comments: Account for the comment_order option in …
17:17 Ticket #34347 (Sometimes image modal does not fill in link) closed by iseulde
wontfix: This is a very rare issue, and it makes sense to let the modal edit …
17:05 Ticket #33233 (Enter at the start of a heading should give a paragraph) closed by iseulde
wontfix: Closing as the behaviour is the same like all other major editors …
16:58 Ticket #32587 (Unlink does not work when link is at the end) closed by iseulde
worksforme: Seems to work fine now in all browsers.
16:55 Ticket #38247 (Use `is_main_site()` to determine whether to redirect network/user ...) created by flixos90
In wp-admin/network/admin.php and wp-admin/user/admin.php two …
16:42 Ticket #38246 (Ensure that the first populated network is a `WP_Network`) created by flixos90
When the function populate_network() is called on upgrade from …
16:37 Ticket #38245 (Caret does not move down on enter when next to view) created by iseulde
To reproduce, create a view (e.g. gallery) and put the caret on the …
16:09 Ticket #38244 (Class name of the widget title is incorrect) created by youthkee
There is an incorrect class name of the widget title at …
15:51 Changeset [38739] by helen
Login: Don't rely on wp_is_mobile() for functionality. Making …
15:50 Ticket #28603 (Improve "previously approved comment" test for logged-in users) closed by rachelbaker
fixed: In 38738: […]
15:50 Changeset [38738] by rachelbaker
Comments: Improve check for previous comments for authenticated users …
13:52 Ticket #38243 (Attempting to create a term with invalid UTF8 characters creates a ...) created by dd32
Attempting to insert a term which contains invalid UTF8 characters …
09:17 Ticket #38242 (Support media queries in wp_enqueue_script() akin to ...) created by BjornW
I'd like to suggest wp_enqueue_script() to support the option to load …
06:55 Ticket #38241 (Correct the docblock description for is_single()) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #38225.
01:29 Ticket #38007 (Improvements needed to docblock for register_taxonomy()) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 38737: […]
01:29 Changeset [38737] by boonebgorges
Docs: Improvements to register_taxonomy() docblock. * Fix spelling …
01:05 Ticket #36811 (Remove Download option from the Updates Screen) closed by dd32
fixed: In 38736: […]
01:05 Changeset [38736] by dd32
Updates: Remove the 'Download' button on the Updates screen. Props …
00:53 Ticket #38240 (Email Subscription Not Working) closed by johnbillion
invalid: Please report your problem on the [
00:14 Ticket #38241 (Correct the docblock description for is_single()) created by johnbillion
The docblock description for is_single() states: > Is the query for …


22:56 Ticket #38240 (Email Subscription Not Working) created by janejxt
Wordpress cron error
22:12 Ticket #38239 (Add font-size to root HTML element for rem support?) created by tripflex
Currently the common.css file does not define font-size in the …
21:32 Ticket #38238 (Sorting a list table by some kind of count should default to DESC initially) created by helen
List tables that can be sorted by some kind of count (posts with that …
21:25 Ticket #36964 (Show/hide the tag-cloud on `edit-tags.php` admin pages using a filter) closed by helen
fixed: In 38735: […]
21:25 Changeset [38735] by helen
Taxonomy: Remove the popular tag cloud from edit-tags.php. Sorting …
19:56 Ticket #34823 (image_send_to_editor filter is not fired when an Image is edited or ...) closed by joemcgill
fixed: In 38734: […]
19:56 Changeset [38734] by joemcgill
Media: Improve docs for image_send_to_editor filter. This updates …
19:50 Ticket #22744 (Media search doesn't include file name) closed by joemcgill
fixed: In 38733: […]
19:50 Changeset [38733] by joemcgill
Media: Better handling of JOINs when searching filenames. Following …
18:47 Ticket #34823 (image_send_to_editor filter is not fired when an Image is edited or ...) reopened by adamsilverstein
18:45 Ticket #34823 (image_send_to_editor filter is not fired when an Image is edited or ...) closed by adamsilverstein
wontfix: Replying to nicola.peluchetti: > Replying to [comment:6
17:35 Ticket #38237 (Increase the slow test threshold for tests that perform external HTTP ...) created by johnbillion
Tests that perform external HTTP requests will always trigger a slow …
17:17 Ticket #38236 (Yet more complete user capability tests) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 38732: […]
17:17 Changeset [38732] by johnbillion
Role/capability: Add more complete capability and role assertions to …
17:13 Ticket #38236 (Yet more complete user capability tests) created by johnbillion
Some existing user capability tests can be made more complete by …
16:58 Ticket #38235 (Reuse more fixtures in the user capability tests) closed by johnbillion
16:56 Changeset [38731] by johnbillion
Role/Capability: Reuse some user account fixtures in the user …
16:42 Ticket #38235 (Reuse more fixtures in the user capability tests) created by johnbillion
Some of the tests in Tests_User_Capabilities create user accounts, …
16:41 Ticket #38229 (Open link in new tab stays checked when creating new links.) closed by adamsilverstein
wontfix: Hi @JoelStransky - thanks for the bug report and the screen capture …
13:44 Ticket #24686 (Introduce generic filter on transient return value) reopened by welcher
I have a use case where a generic filter would be extremely useful. I …
11:49 Ticket #38234 (wp_get_users_with_no_role() generates query based on role display ...) created by szaqal21
This is a follow-up to #22993. wp_get_users_with_no_role() doesn't …
10:06 Ticket #38233 (Page names not visible) closed by butterflymedia
invalid: Replying to ocean90: > Does it still happen with all …
09:33 Ticket #38233 (Page names not visible) created by butterflymedia
Using WordPress 4.7-alpha-38726, I cannot see page titles. When going …
05:18 Ticket #34794 (CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST should be set to 2 or not be set at all) closed by dd32
invalid: Due to the switch to Requests, I …
05:11 Ticket #13841 (Some HTTP Transports do not respect transfer timeouts) closed by dd32
invalid: Marking as invalid due to no traction in 6 years and we no longer use …
05:09 Ticket #22952 (WP_HTTP can cause PHP Warnings during attempted decompression) closed by dd32
duplicate: Marking as duplicate, as this was fixed as the switch to Requests (in …
05:08 Ticket #25738 (WP_HTTP uses transports that incorrectly claim to support a request) closed by dd32
wontfix: Due to no traction in 3 years and the recent switch to …
05:06 Ticket #36280 (HTTP API (Streams backend) secured proxy tunnels and chunked and zlib ...) closed by dd32
wontfix: As we've now switched to using [
03:59 Ticket #33271 (WP_Http streaming should use 'w' mode, not 'w+') closed by dd32
invalid: As we've switched to using [
03:57 Ticket #35388 (Add support to wp_remote_request to support multipart/form-data) closed by dd32
wontfix: Since WordPress has switched to [
03:50 Ticket #37722 (wp_remote_retrieve_headers no longer an array in WordPress 4.6) closed by dd32
fixed: In 38730: […]
03:50 Changeset [38730] by dd32
HTTP: Document that the return value of wp_remote_retrieve_headers()
03:40 Ticket #36253 (Host header should not include port in WP_Http_Streams) closed by dd32
duplicate: This was fixed by switching to Requests / fixed in #37991
03:37 Ticket #34381 (verify_peer_name should be set for stream_context_create()) closed by dd32
duplicate: This has been fixed in the latest Requests, via #38232. I'm marking …
03:32 Ticket #37509 (Make plugin number of active installs consistent with plugin directory) closed by dd32
fixed: In 38729: […]
03:32 Changeset [38729] by dd32
Plugins: Display 'Less Than 10' active installs of a plugin rather …
03:26 Changeset [38728] by dd32
HTTP: Update Requests to master (0048f3c) which fixes a number of …
03:23 Tickets #37839,​37991,​37992,​38070,​38232 batch updated by dd32
fixed: In 38727: […]
03:23 Changeset [38727] by dd32
HTTP: Update Requests to master (0048f3c) which fixes a number of …
03:10 Ticket #38232 (Setting `sslverify` to false still validates the hostname) created by dd32
Under 4.5.x when you set sslverify to false it'd make a HTTPS …


23:37 Ticket #29783 (User Admin Language) closed by pento
21:53 Ticket #38230 (wp_get_sites still in use in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 3707; ...) closed by jeremyfelt
worksforme: Hi @snowboardmommy, thanks for opening a ticket. The notice in your …
21:39 Ticket #38231 (Allow download_url to respect content-disposition header) created by cklosows
In #34938 it was proposed to use a filter in the wp_tempnam function …
21:39 Ticket #38230 (wp_get_sites still in use in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 3707; ...) created by snowboardmommy
Since upgrading to Multisite 4.6.1, my error logs are getting bloated …
21:30 Ticket #38229 (Open link in new tab stays checked when creating new links.) created by JoelStransky
If while creating a link in TinyMCE you check the "Open link in new …
20:32 Ticket #36356 (Function signature of wp_parse_url() does not match parse_url()) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 38726: […]
20:32 Changeset [38726] by peterwilsoncc
HTTP API: Simplify wp_parse_url() to ensure consistent results. …
20:26 Ticket #38145 (Remove target="_blank" from help tab in several Admin screens) closed by afercia
fixed: In 38725: […]
20:26 Changeset [38725] by afercia
Accessibility: Remove target=_blank from the help tab links on several …
18:27 Ticket #38228 (Add filter to default gallery shortcode output) created by tristangemus
Right now the only way to alter the default gallery shortcode output …
15:52 Ticket #38227 (Term Status API) created by boonebgorges
See #37914, #37915, and make/core post (coming in a moment).
11:28 Ticket #38226 ("cURL error 23: Failed writing body" when updating plugins or themes) created by SergeyBiryukov
After upgrading to 4.6, …
10:37 Changeset [38724] by pento
Emoji: Update some failing unit tests. The changes in [38717] weren't …
10:33 Ticket #38225 (Improve documentation for is_single()) created by danburzo
Please note that this is just by reading through the source code for …
09:42 Ticket #38224 (Not enough results in menu-page-add-search) created by clearsite
While editing menu, trying to add a page, searching for the page …
07:31 Ticket #38223 (Add indicators to off-site links in wp-admin) created by Clorith
Now that target="_blank" has been removed from links in the help tab …
07:09 Ticket #38217 (Remove target="_blank" from help tab in user and widget Admin screens) closed by afercia
fixed: In 38723: […]
07:09 Changeset [38723] by afercia
Accessibility: Remove target=_blank from the Users and Widgets screens …
07:07 Ticket #38215 (Remove target="_blank" from help tab in plugin, theme and update ...) closed by afercia
fixed: In 38722: […]
07:07 Changeset [38722] by afercia
Accessibility: Remove target=_blank from the Plugins, Themes, Media, …
07:02 Ticket #38159 (Remove target="_blank" from help tab in Network screens in the Admin) closed by afercia
fixed: In 38721: […]
07:02 Changeset [38721] by afercia
Accessibility: Remove target=_blank from the Network screens help tabs …
06:58 Ticket #38143 (Remove target="_blank" from help tab option files for settings in the Admin) closed by afercia
fixed: In 38720: […]
06:58 Changeset [38720] by afercia
Accessibility: Remove target=_blank from the Settings screens help …
06:56 Ticket #38141 (Remove target="_blank" from help tab custom-background/custom-header) closed by afercia
fixed: In 38719: […]
06:56 Changeset [38719] by afercia
Accessibility: Remove target=_blank from the old custom …
06:53 Ticket #38140 (Remove target="_blank" from help tab comment/comment-edit) closed by afercia
fixed: In 38718: […]
06:53 Changeset [38718] by afercia
Accessibility: Remove target=_blank from the comment/edit-comments …
04:27 Ticket #29783 (User Admin Language) reopened by pento
load_default_textdomain () is called from wp-settings.php, it …
03:24 Ticket #38113 (Update Twemoji for Emoji 4.0) reopened by pento
Re-opening for 4.6.2.
03:23 Ticket #38113 (Update Twemoji for Emoji 4.0) closed by pento
fixed: In 38717: […]
03:23 Changeset [38717] by pento
Emoji: Add support for the upcoming Emoji 4 release. Emoji 4 adds 32 …
02:28 Ticket #37224 (term_exist PHPDoc does not state clearly what string argument allows) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 38716: […]
02:28 Changeset [38716] by boonebgorges
Docs: Improve description for term_exists() $term param. Props …
02:26 Ticket #36624 (Add nicename__in and nicename__not_in to WP_User_Query) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 38715: […]
02:26 Changeset [38715] by boonebgorges
Query: Add nicename and login params to user query. New parameters …
00:50 Changeset [38714] by SergeyBiryukov
Unit Tests: Remove unused variable in …
00:38 Ticket #32790 (Filter for do_shortcode_tag()) closed by pento
fixed: In 38713: […]
00:38 Changeset [38713] by pento
Shortcodes: Add a do_shortcode_tag filter. The addition of the …
00:18 Ticket #38208 (Get total number of paged comments not working anymore) closed by y2kand13
invalid: I'll admit it, I might have ignored the remark about "Also make sure …


23:42 Ticket #38219 (Introduce MVC design pattern in wordpress) closed by pento
wontfix: Thank you for the ticket, @lpkapil008! This idea has been discussed …
21:32 Ticket #16031 (Bulk actions: Reactivate bulk actions hook + add hander hook for all ...) closed by chriscct7
fixed: With great happiness, closing as no issues have been reported in 10 days.
18:44 Changeset [38712] by obenland
Tests: Add newly introduced theme to theme list. Introduced in …
18:38 Ticket #38174 (Cannot add a new category from the post edit screen) closed by obenland
fixed: In 38711: […]
18:38 Changeset [38711] by obenland
wpLists: Pass the current element to process() to properly register …
18:13 Ticket #38222 (Customize themes section doesn't show theme screenshots, border hover ...) created by celloexpressions
There are some odd visual regressions in the themes section in trunk. …
18:12 Ticket #37924 (Cannot delete or update themes in directories containing an uppercase ...) closed by obenland
fixed: In 38710: […]
18:12 Changeset [38710] by obenland
Themes: Account for uppercase chars when managing themes. Fixes a bug …
16:29 Ticket #38221 (Incorrect page id/name search blocks future searches) created by bencroskery
After an incorrect page id or name search in the media library, ex …
16:27 Ticket #36908 (Customizer menus and widgets "search" usability and visual improvements) closed by afercia
fixed: In 38709: […]
16:27 Changeset [38709] by afercia
Customize: Improve the widgets and menu items search. - adds a …
14:57 Ticket #38220 (Can't edit a pic and applying changes to Thumbnail only isn't working) created by jnickelberry
Add a pic to the media library. Select a post and assign the image as …
13:32 Ticket #38219 (Introduce MVC design pattern in wordpress) created by lpkapil008
Currently with latest version 4.6.1 we are stick to the functional or …
09:49 Ticket #38218 (Make post type labels work during locale switching) created by swissspidy
This came up while working on #38157 and #26511. Moving the logic …
09:24 Ticket #38217 (Remove target="_blank" from help tab in user and widget Admin screens) created by rianrietveld
Patch removes target="_blank" from links in the help tabs in the Admin …
09:16 Ticket #38216 (Plugin details modal tabs) created by butterflymedia
The tabs inside the plugin details modal window are 18px high, which …
09:04 Ticket #38215 (Remove target="_blank" from help tab in plugin, theme and update ...) created by rianrietveld
Patch removes target="_blank" from links in the help tabs in the Admin …
08:37 Ticket #34113 (Add a 'View Archive' link to admin bar for post types.) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 38708: […]
08:37 Changeset [38708] by swissspidy
Toolbar: Be more strict about adding a 'View Posts' link to the …
07:54 Ticket #37321 (Improve documentation of user_can_richedit()) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 38707: […]
07:54 Changeset [38707] by swissspidy
Editor: Improve documentation for user_can_richedit(). Clarifies …
07:06 Changeset [38706] by swissspidy
Plugins: Fix odd typo introduced in [38703]. even should of course …
07:05 Ticket #38214 (Trackback Error Strings are not translateable) created by websupporter
The strings in /wp-trackback.php are not translateable. These …
07:03 Ticket #29783 (User Admin Language) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 38705: […]
07:03 Changeset [38705] by swissspidy
I18N: Introduce a user-specific language setting. By enabling the …
06:41 Ticket #37943 (Invalid link to the "Run importer" action while installing importer ...) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 38704: […]
06:41 Changeset [38704] by swissspidy
Import: Fix plugin activation link after installing an importer on …
06:36 Ticket #37973 (When searching installed plugins "select all" checkbox fails) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 38703: […]
06:36 Changeset [38703] by swissspidy
Plugins: Fix checkbox selection when searching for installed plugins. …
03:47 Ticket #38213 (Coding standards - html5 friendly?) created by rklis
Should it be the time where coding standards meet html5 or at least …
02:34 Ticket #33742 (Menu Customizer: Adding draft items?) closed by westonruter
fixed: In 38702: […]
02:34 Changeset [38702] by westonruter
Menus: Restore checkboxes in post type search which were lost in …


19:09 Ticket #38212 (Incorrect default value for next_text in paginate_links() function) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 38701: […]
19:09 Changeset [38701] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Correct default value for next_text in paginate_links(). …
14:47 Ticket #38212 (Incorrect default value for next_text in paginate_links() function) created by truongwp
The doc says that default value for next_text is « Previous. It …
14:37 Ticket #28411 (Remove misplaced label from submitdiv and remove some obsolete css) closed by afercia
fixed: In 38700: […]
14:37 Changeset [38700] by afercia
Accessibility: Editor, Publish meta box: remove a stray label and …
12:09 Ticket #38211 (Interference of AJAX search with input field auto-complete) created by armandsdz
In WordPress 4.6 new feature was introduced in "Add Plugin" page - …
10:39 Ticket #38210 (WPMS sites list table doesn't display the blog name by default) created by Mista-Flo
I really don't understand why in WPMS sites list table …
10:11 Ticket #38209 (Add active theme column to list table on wp-admin/network/sites.php) created by Mista-Flo
It will be far easier to know the current active theme of each blog in …
08:30 Ticket #38208 (Get total number of paged comments not working anymore) created by y2kand13
The prescribed method of assessing the amount paged comments had been …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.