Make WordPress Core



23:07 Ticket #32366 (wp_count_comments() is hardcoded into /wp-admin/menu.php and queries ...) created by justindocanto
wp_count_comments() is hardcoded into /wp-admin/menu.php and queries …
20:13 Ticket #28743 (clean_term_cache does not obey wp_suspend_cache_invalidation) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32498: […]
20:13 Changeset [32498] by boonebgorges
Respect $_wp_suspend_cache_invalidation in clean_term_cache(). …
19:24 Ticket #28743 (clean_term_cache does not obey wp_suspend_cache_invalidation) reopened by boonebgorges
[29915] was reverted, so I think we should reopen this ticket and …
19:18 Ticket #32365 (get_core_updates() returns a duplicate with empty "current" and "version") closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello aymanalzarrad, thanks for your report. This is because of a bug …
19:05 Ticket #32365 (get_core_updates() returns a duplicate with empty "current" and "version") created by aymanalzarrad
Looking at the update screen to update from 4.1.x to 4.2.x, it shows a …
18:57 Ticket #32364 (Library page (upload.php) blank after update to 4.2.2) closed by vseow
worksforme: Replying to johnbillion: > Thanks for the report, vseow. > …
18:14 Ticket #32332 (Twenty Fifteen: Add Missing Social Link Genericons) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 32497: […]
18:14 Changeset [32497] by lancewillett
Twenty Fifteen: add missing social link Genericons styles for Skype …
17:55 Ticket #32364 (Library page (upload.php) blank after update to 4.2.2) created by vseow
PHP error shows wp_edit_attachments_query_vars() undefined, adding the …
17:27 Ticket #32363 (Filter in `wp_get_attachment_image_src`) created by eclev91
I’ve been working on a plugin for filler images on posts without …
17:11 Ticket #32361 (/wp-admin/post.php is so slow because of wrong query) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: Thanks for the report wolfkang! This is a duplicate of an existing …
17:05 Ticket #32362 (Comments count: wp_count_comments() should not count spam toward totals) created by afercia
Or at least shouldn't be used to update the "displaying items" count …
17:00 Ticket #32361 (/wp-admin/post.php is so slow because of wrong query) created by wolfkang
I have 28,732 rows in the wp_posts table, and 1,631,109 rows in the …
16:53 Ticket #32360 (Add oEmbed provider unit tests) created by johnbillion
A unit test should be added which tests each of our supported oEmbed …
16:41 Ticket #32359 (Add oEmbed support for created by johnbillion provides an oEmbed endpoint for all of its sites. This …
16:19 Ticket #15646 (Theme menu locations don't appear until a menu is created) closed by DrewAPicture
worksforme: When we refreshed the menus UI in #23607, this was adjusted so the …
16:19 Ticket #31376 (Add oEmbed support) closed by johnbillion
maybelater: Thanks for the suggestion, MateuszRakus. As noted in the comments …
16:18 Ticket #31435 (Add ZippCast oEmbed support) closed by johnbillion
maybelater: Thanks for the suggestion, funny2be, but at this time ZippCast is not …
15:28 Ticket #19471 (Support use of custom post types in category and tag archives) closed by jorbin
maybelater: The above patch is still to automatic. Despite being a bug to many, …
15:22 Ticket #32358 (Add unminified jQuery to core for better debugging with SCRIPT_DEBUG ...) created by CrazyJaco
I looked through old trac tickets to see if anyone proposed this in …
14:00 Ticket #32357 (Pasting a URL on top of another URL links first URL, not replaces it.) created by rhyswynne
Suppose if I have a URL, that I want to replace in …
10:56 Ticket #32356 (Bulk Edit & Quick Edit for User List Table) created by swissspidy
I wondered for quite some time why there's no bulk edit and quick edit …
10:49 Ticket #32355 (cannot redeclare WP_Customize_Setting::$_original_value) closed by magnus78
invalid: Never mind... seems I had a bad merge.
10:47 Ticket #32240 (/theme-compat/header.php loads images from Kubrick in header, causing ...) closed by johnbillion
fixed: Fixed in r32496
10:46 Changeset [32496] by johnbillion
Add a sanity check to theme-compat/header.php to avoid outputting …
10:28 Ticket #32355 (cannot redeclare WP_Customize_Setting::$_original_value) created by magnus78
Fatal error: cannot redeclare WP_Customize_Setting::$_original_value …
09:17 Ticket #32354 (is_ssl() does not work on cloud hosting) closed by dd32
duplicate: Duplicate of #31288. I don't believe we can trust the …
08:35 Ticket #32354 (is_ssl() does not work on cloud hosting) created by mdawart
On our clients cloud hosting the $_SERVERHTTPS? nor '443' == …
08:15 Ticket #32353 (Extend oEmbed parameters support in media modal) created by ramiy
oEmbed is great! But it's not customizable like …
07:46 Ticket #22127 (strange behaviour with shortcode with the_content filter) closed by chriscct7
duplicate: Duplicate of #17817. The key is that shortcodes are themselves …
07:01 Ticket #23575 (Standard UI Classes and Functions) closed by chriscct7
duplicate: Duplicate of #13375 and #18850.
05:23 Ticket #20232 (Adding custom link / page to menu item renders 500 Internal Server Error) reopened by chriscct7
Whoops. Didn't mean to close that.
05:23 Ticket #20232 (Adding custom link / page to menu item renders 500 Internal Server Error) closed by chriscct7
invalid: Someone should probably re-review exactly how much data is sent back …
05:10 Ticket #21098 (Out of memory errors in XML-RPC) closed by chriscct7
worksforme: Doesn't look like there's anything left here to fix. After bumping the …
05:02 Ticket #23350 (Pingback Denial of Service Fix - filter_var based IP validation) closed by chriscct7
invalid: filter_var() when run on 5.2.x and 5.3.x can't validate some of the …
04:44 Ticket #22195 (URL for views are defined statically.) closed by chriscct7
worksforme: No reporter feedback needed to proceed in 2 years, and there doesn't …
04:01 Ticket #32352 (Kill execution at unrecoverable database insert fails) created by chriscct7
In #32308 it was discovered when WordPress fails to insert a critical …
03:57 Ticket #32351 (sanitize_option desperately needs unit tests) created by chriscct7
Sanitize_option, one of the more critical functions in WordPress, …
03:54 Ticket #32350 (Sanitize_Option needs to be able to handle a WP Error Object) created by chriscct7
As discovered in #32212, sanitize_option cannot currently handle a WP …
03:51 Ticket #32308 (WP Multisite: Can't add new site.) closed by chriscct7
duplicate: When you attempt to add a new site on the test install provided, the …
01:21 Ticket #32349 (Comments postbox on the Edit Post screen) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32495: […]
01:21 Changeset [32495] by azaozz
Fix comments postbox: - Add comment button text. - Positioning of the …
01:17 Ticket #32349 (Comments postbox on the Edit Post screen) created by azaozz
Two bugs: - The "Add comment" button text. - Position of the Author, …
00:26 Ticket #32348 (Remove CSS styling of Microformats/Hatom elements in Bunded Themes) created by dshanske
Related to #32336, rewrite of bundled themes in wordpress(2013-2015 as …


23:31 Changeset [32494] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: fix typo in readme.txt file. See #31814, props TomasM.
21:55 Changeset [32493] by lancewillett
Twenty Fifteen: fix typo in readme file, props obenland. Format the …
21:52 Ticket #31814 (Bundled themes: add README files to explain basic theme usage) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 32492: […]
21:52 Changeset [32492] by lancewillett
Twenty Ten: add readme file to explain basic theme usage, link to …
21:51 Changeset [32491] by lancewillett
Twenty Eleven: add readme file to explain basic theme usage, link to …
21:48 Changeset [32490] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: add readme file to explain basic theme usage, link to …
21:47 Changeset [32489] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: add readme file to explain basic theme usage, link to …
21:45 Changeset [32488] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: add readme file to explain basic theme usage, link to …
21:41 Changeset [32487] by lancewillett
Twenty Fifteen: update readme file. Props mercime, lancewillett. See …
21:37 Ticket #32347 (Saving Menu Breaks Cyrillic Characters) created by lordspace
When saving the Menu Structure Cyrillic characters do not come back as …
21:35 Ticket #31074 (Twenty* themes should have an official change log) closed by lancewillett
21:00 Ticket #32232 (Twenty Twelve: Skip Link Does Not Appear on :focus) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 32486: […]
21:00 Changeset [32486] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: fix content skip link appearance. Props davidakennedy, …
19:33 Ticket #32294 (Focus style: Switch View links) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 32485: […]
19:33 Changeset [32485] by ocean90
Improve focus styles for the Switch View links in Posts listings and …
17:21 Ticket #32346 (Admin menu: improve accessibility when collapsed) created by afercia
Screen reader users may activate the "Collapse menu" item maybe …
17:02 Ticket #32336 (Add Class to Remove Dependence on HEntry) closed by johnbillion
wontfix: I concur. .hentry shouldn't have been used for styles, but it has …
16:58 Ticket #22436 (escape recent posts widget post titles) closed by johnbillion
16:41 Ticket #32226 ('get_the_posts_pagination' Filter) closed by obenland
duplicate: Duplicate of #31315. Ideally that would be handled in …
15:28 Ticket #32345 (ssh2/sftp doesn't work in chrooted environments, FTP_BASE, ...) created by aberbenni
The SSH2 extension doesn't work with chrooted environments. …
14:51 Ticket #32344 (Menu items in large menus disappear unexpectedly in ...) closed by DrewAPicture
duplicate: Duplicate of #14134.
14:48 Ticket #32344 (Menu items in large menus disappear unexpectedly in ...) created by Zuige
== Issue == Due to the way nav-menus.php handles a save action, the …
14:28 Ticket #32342 (Ampersand (&) in name breaks custom taxonomy) closed by boonebgorges
duplicate: mediumdeviation - Thanks very much for the detailed report. It appears …
13:41 Ticket #32343 (Issue if you log-out with-in the previsualisation panel of the theme ...) created by tititou36
Hi, on my website, when I: - go to the main page - click on the …
13:34 Ticket #32342 (Ampersand (&) in name breaks custom taxonomy) created by mediumdeviation
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create custom taxonomy, for posts - this bug …
13:10 Ticket #32330 (Option not selected in Walker_CategoryDropdown) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32484: […]
13:10 Changeset [32484] by boonebgorges
In category dropdown, 'selected' should match against 'value_field'. …
13:05 Ticket #32338 (Wp-emoji-script causes a js error in ie, ie11) closed by peterwilsoncc
duplicate: Duplicate of #32305.
11:31 Ticket #32341 (4.2.2 problem with rss agragator) closed by Clorith
invalid: Hi, It sounds like you are having issues with one of yoru plugins, …
11:27 Ticket #32341 (4.2.2 problem with rss agragator) created by RP_Joe
I have several WordPress sites. Two of them are web development …
08:50 Ticket #32340 (Press This: Missing back button and URL check) created by pavelevap
I tried Press This in WP admin: wp-admin/press-this.php I added wrong …
08:38 Ticket #32339 (Wrong logic for adding category in Press This) created by pavelevap
I noticed some strange behaviour and it seems to me, that logic is …
07:53 Ticket #32338 (Wp-emoji-script causes a js error in ie, ie11) created by pavelthq
[…] In ie: f.className is an object that has two keys: animVal …
07:23 Ticket #32337 (Menu and widget items removal without toggling) created by cookie_pa
I have a proposal for Widgets and Menu sections in WordPress …


23:34 Ticket #32336 (Add Class to Remove Dependence on HEntry) created by dshanske
Hentry is a microformat class. However, because it is the only class …
21:41 Ticket #32335 (Update convert_chars()) created by azaozz
This function is used a lot as a "display filter". It hasn't been …
20:52 Ticket #32334 (Removing some not needed context) created by pavelevap
There are several "Mark as Spam" strings with different context. But …
19:56 Ticket #31126 (wp_register_script|style() should return boolean success/failure value) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 32483: […]
19:56 Changeset [32483] by johnbillion
Add a return value to wp_register_script() and wp_register_style()
18:56 Ticket #32333 (Define SCRIPT_DEBUG early, similarly to WP_DEBUG) created by azaozz
Currently SCRIPT_DEBUG in defined in script-loader.php. That is …
18:23 Changeset [32482] by azaozz
Check if running from /src or SCRIPT_DEBUG is defined in …
16:58 Ticket #32331 (Inline docs for update_option need updating to account for the new ...) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: In 32481: […]
16:58 Changeset [32481] by DrewAPicture
Update the DocBlock description for update_option() to account for …
15:35 Ticket #32332 (Twenty Fifteen: Add Missing Social Link Genericons) created by philiparthurmoore
Skype and Path are missing. See screenshots and attached patch.
10:45 Ticket #32331 (Inline docs for update_option need updating to account for the new ...) created by Clorith
The documentation currently includes a section stating that you can't …
06:42 Ticket #32330 (Option not selected in Walker_CategoryDropdown) created by tlexcellent
In function start_el() of class Walker_CategoryDropdown …
01:09 Ticket #31846 (Using the browser's Back and Forward buttons doesn't update the media ...) reopened by wonderboymusic
This router implementation kinda sucks and there are edge case bugs …
00:55 Ticket #32169 (Dashicon NEW icon request) closed by melchoyce
duplicate: Added to #30902.
00:55 Ticket #32200 (Create new Dashicon for TripAdvisor) closed by melchoyce
duplicate: Added to #30902.
00:35 Ticket #32094 (Unable to drag widgets down page past certain length.) reopened by azaozz
Reopen for 4.2. Still needs some more testing.
00:31 Ticket #32094 (Unable to drag widgets down page past certain length.) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32480: […]
00:31 Changeset [32480] by azaozz
Widgets: - Fix dragging to the bottom of the screen. - Fix hiding of …
00:05 Ticket #28551 (Add Better Debugging Documentation Into wp-config.php) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: In 32479: […]
00:05 Changeset [32479] by DrewAPicture
Lightly clean up and improve inline documentation in …


23:44 Ticket #32305 (Emoji script is producing errors on pages with SVG content) reopened by azaozz
Reopen for 4.2.
23:43 Ticket #32305 (Emoji script is producing errors on pages with SVG content) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32478: […]
23:43 Changeset [32478] by azaozz
Emoji: do not try to replace emoji chars inside dynamic SVGs. Fixes …
21:08 Ticket #32329 (Duplicate invalid strings) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 32477: […]
21:08 Changeset [32477] by ocean90
Merge similar error strings for invalid data. props pavelevap. fixes …
21:04 Tickets #32284,​32291 batch updated by ocean90
fixed: In 32476: […]
21:04 Changeset [32476] by ocean90
Improve focus styles for: * Quick Draft links * Media Library list …
20:34 Tickets #32287,​32288,​32289,​32292 batch updated by ocean90
fixed: In 32475: […]
20:34 Changeset [32475] by ocean90
Improve focus styles for: * Welcome Panel dismiss link * Welcome …
20:32 Ticket #32329 (Duplicate invalid strings) created by pavelevap
[…] Merge them all, please, see attached patch…
20:07 Ticket #32328 (Merge a help tab string for pages) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 32474: […]
20:07 Changeset [32474] by ocean90
Merge a help tab string for pages. fixes #32328.
20:06 Ticket #32328 (Merge a help tab string for pages) created by ocean90
From GlotPress: […]
19:31 Ticket #31835 (Merge the subdomain/subdirectory translation strings) closed by ocean90
wontfix: Replying to SergeyBiryukov: > I think someone might want …
19:21 Ticket #32034 (Add placeholder to a plural string in class-wp-list-table.php) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 32473: […]
19:21 Changeset [32473] by ocean90
List Table: Add placeholder to a plural string. props SergeyBiryukov. …
19:18 Ticket #31849 (Fix wrong use of __x()) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 32472: […]
19:18 Changeset [32472] by ocean90
Sites List Table: Replace context with a translators comment for the …
18:47 Ticket #32303 (Changes of [32324] was not documented in 4.2.2 release notes.) closed by ocean90
fixed: Thanks for the hint. We indeed missed the inital commit for 4.2.2. …
18:26 Ticket #32327 (Duplicate error strings) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 32471: […]
18:26 Changeset [32471] by ocean90
Merge similar error strings. props pavelevap. fixes #32327.
18:05 Changeset [32470] by ocean90
4.2 branch is now 4.2.3-alpha.
16:57 Ticket #32319 (the_content filter should provide reference to post) closed by DrewAPicture
wontfix: It's also worth mentioning that this a template tag, which is meant to …
16:27 Ticket #32327 (Duplicate error strings) created by pavelevap
There are following strings with the same meaning and values. […] …
14:50 Ticket #32326 (Improve Support for Structured Data) created by dshanske
There has been discussion before on various types of structured data. …
11:23 Ticket #32325 (Media Library Bulk Select button size should be smaller) created by afercia
In the Media Library grid, the Bulk Select button is larger than …
10:55 Ticket #32324 (Media Library grid spinner hidden after bulk selection) created by afercia
Now that spinners are toggled using the CSS’s visibility property (see …
10:51 Ticket #32323 (Empty "link text" tag in link does not add the link) created by Zoker
When I want to insert a link into a page, but leave the "link text" …
10:01 Ticket #32322 (Custom permalink structure incorrect for Future posts) created by greencode
From V4.2 there is a bug with custom permalink structures used for …
09:58 Ticket #32321 (Localize forgot password link) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #21352.
08:49 Ticket #32321 (Localize forgot password link) created by spacedmonkey
So in wordpress multisite, the forgotten password experience is a …
08:17 Ticket #32320 (WordPress Importer: WXR_Parser_Regex adds newlines to import data, ...) created by justinbusa
Original ticket: Our …
07:04 Ticket #32319 (the_content filter should provide reference to post) created by shramee
the_content filter must provide at least post_id or if possible whole …
06:48 Ticket #10713 (Output encoding not set in fetch_feed) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 32469: […]
06:48 Changeset [32469] by wonderboymusic
In fetch_feed(), call ->set_output_encoding() on the SimplePie
06:38 Ticket #15110 (Useless MIME type served for rss feeds) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 32468: […]
06:38 Changeset [32468] by wonderboymusic
Serve RSS feeds with the proper mime-type: application/rss+xml. The …
06:06 Changeset [32467] by wonderboymusic
In media-template.php, change a few <a href="#" class="button">s …
05:41 Ticket #31846 (Using the browser's Back and Forward buttons doesn't update the media ...) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 32466: […]
05:41 Changeset [32466] by wonderboymusic
Media Grid: clean up our flawed Backbone.Router implementation so …
05:37 Ticket #23687 (Filter Contextual Help Label) closed by voldemortensen
maybelater: This hasn't seen any traction in 2 years. Additionally, #21273 and …
04:57 Ticket #32285 (define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );) reopened by voldemortensen
Thanks for the reponse @JPry, but there is still more discussion …
00:41 Ticket #22305 (Credits Page Should Include more than 'just' people who commit a patch) closed by chriscct7
invalid: I think the solution here, is to (hopefully accurately paraphrase …
00:39 Ticket #30247 (Cannot manually set token for wp_set_auth_cookie) closed by johnbillion
fixed: Fixed in r32465
00:27 Changeset [32465] by johnbillion
Introduce a $token argument to wp_set_auth_cookie() so session …
00:16 Ticket #19898 (Create an is_login() function similar to is_admin()) closed by chriscct7
wontfix: So no activity has happened on this ticket for 2+ years now. The …
00:08 Ticket #21425 (the 'edit_users' capability also allows 'promote_users') closed by chriscct7
wontfix: If someone wants to add the hook proposed, a new ticket should be …
00:03 Ticket #19296 (add/apend templates 'transparently' via plugin to currently active ...) closed by chriscct7
invalid: Closing as invalid. See John's comment
00:02 Ticket #24081 (Simplifying the 5 minute setup) closed by chriscct7
wontfix: This belongs in the documentation, and it's pretty well documented now …
00:00 Ticket #23368 (Random order for wp_user_query) closed by chriscct7
wontfix: Querying by rand is a bad idea, particularly when there's alot of …


22:34 Ticket #32318 (Upload fails, wp_insert_attachment returned 0) created by programmin
One specific mp3 file was failing to attach, and it seems …
22:22 Ticket #22770 (Tweak Browse Happy so it doesn't jump the gun with out-of-date browser ...) closed by chriscct7
wontfix: I've debated whether its actually an issue to tell users that their 8 …
22:08 Ticket #19980 (Localized oEmbed providers) closed by chriscct7
wontfix: I agree with Sergey on this. If an oembed service is in core it should …
21:52 Ticket #32317 (Twenty Fourteen: Attribute updated missing in entry-meta) created by neoxx
Google's structured data testing tool …
21:02 Ticket #31784 (Plugin update gives notice) reopened by mordauk
I've seen this several times now. As far as I can tell, it only …
20:38 Changeset [32464] by wonderboymusic should create <button>s, not <a href="#">s. …
20:29 Ticket #32059 (Media views EmbedLink should check for empty url string) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 32463: […]
20:29 Changeset [32463] by wonderboymusic
In EmbedLink, a URL needs to be at least 11 chars to be useful. …
20:09 Ticket #32036 (Media views EmbedLink spinner) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 32462: […]
20:09 Changeset [32462] by wonderboymusic
When creating an EmbedLink view, don't add a spinner - it already …
19:44 Ticket #32081 (comments query w/ meta_value and comments__in returns clause is ...) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32461: […]
19:44 Changeset [32461] by boonebgorges
Use table prefix for comment__in and comment__not_in SQL clauses …
19:19 Ticket #32316 (Caps: Pass cap being checked to the 'user_has_cap' filter) created by r-a-y
Is there a reason why we don't pass the cap being checked from …
19:15 Ticket #32035 (Media views EmbedLink debounce) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 32460: […]
19:15 Changeset [32460] by wonderboymusic
When fetching in media/views/embed/link.js, call abort() on any …
18:33 Ticket #32037 (Media views EmbedLink valid URL check) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 32459: […]
18:33 Changeset [32459] by wonderboymusic
In media/views/embed/link.js, URLs should have a valid protocol …
17:44 Ticket #32315 ($wpdb->insert fails without error msg) created by dlt101
Given a field in MySQL defined as char(8), but the string you attempt …
16:57 Ticket #32285 (define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );) closed by JPry
invalid: Replying to colomet: > But if you put in the correct …
16:52 Ticket #21354 (Prefix toolbar site menu title with "Visit " when in the admin.) closed by helen
worksforme: There's a dropdown that says "Visit Site" now along with an icon, I …
16:48 Ticket #13433 (Replace "admin" with "administrator" or "administration") closed by helen
wontfix: New ticket if disambiguation is needed for translators, otherwise I …
16:26 Changeset [32458] by nacin
Add a comment to maybe_serialize().
16:07 Ticket #32008 (Wrapper method for esc_attr) closed by obenland
maybelater: I agree, it's too close to the translation functions syntax which is …
14:41 Ticket #32314 (Database error on update to 4.2.2 from 4.2.1) created by milleronic
More of an FYI. The following PHP error logged when upgrading from …
13:58 Ticket #32313 (Image upscale as Media's settings option) created by odie2
Hello, I had to searching for hours to find image upscale (because …
13:55 Ticket #32312 (Post Comment button disappeared in some themes) created by SergeyBiryukov
[31699] caused the Post Comment button to disappear in some themes. …
13:15 Ticket #32279 (Creating new posts/terms with non-latin characters is broken for ...) closed by pento
duplicate: Duplicate of #32165. This is happening for the same reasons as …
12:27 Ticket #32310 (Timeout on big tables upgrade to utf8mb4_unicode_ci) closed by pento
fixed: In 32457: […]
12:27 Changeset [32457] by pento
Upgrades: If a table has already been converted to utf8mb4, there's …
12:21 Changeset [32456] by pento
Upgrades: If a table has already been converted to utf8mb4, there's …
12:00 Ticket #32311 (Incorect redirection on install when including wp-load.php from an ...) created by selnomeria
Hello. if i include('wp-load.php') from an external MYFILE.php . when …
11:58 Ticket #32298 (Remove convert to smilies option) closed by pento
fixed: In 32455: […]
11:58 Changeset [32455] by pento
When saving Writing Options, check that the UI is enabled for …
11:47 Ticket #32310 (Timeout on big tables upgrade to utf8mb4_unicode_ci) created by gabrielperezs
If a table like wp_options is too big, the upgrade process can't …
11:36 Ticket #32298 (Remove convert to smilies option) reopened by netweb
r32454 should be reverted, bbPress and BuddyPress both use …
11:17 Ticket #32309 (.check-column select all should not toggle disabled inputs) created by ragulka
In common.js, starting on line 401 …
09:44 Ticket #32308 (WP Multisite: Can't add new site.) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Looks like wpdb::strip_invalid_text_for_column() returns a WP_Error …
09:44 Ticket #21128 (Sort Users by Sites) closed by chriscct7
invalid: I would assume that this wouldn't work as a sort but rather as a …
09:40 Ticket #32308 (WP Multisite: Can't add new site.) closed by chriscct7
invalid: You'll unfortunately need to take this up with your host or support on …
09:29 Ticket #32308 (WP Multisite: Can't add new site.) created by thesun2012
I'm not sure if this is core's bugs, and sorry if I post in wrong …
08:42 Ticket #30779 (Call to undefined function wp_json_encode()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Replying to okulsayfam: > i had selected all plugins and …
08:39 Ticket #14674 (HR destroys HTML) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
I can still reproduce comment:7 in 4.2 exactly as described.
08:10 Ticket #32307 (Media library grid layout loading takes a (very) long time) created by jipmoors
Situation Corporate site with around 300 media items. CMS user …
08:04 Ticket #24209 (Install Themes/Plugins Custom Page Hooks) closed by chriscct7
worksforme: Since 3.7 there's filters for this: For plugins use …
07:51 Ticket #14674 (HR destroys HTML) closed by chriscct7
worksforme: Replying to SergeyBiryukov: > I can still reproduce in …
07:49 Ticket #32306 (wp-cron throws 500 errors for SSL enabled sites) created by coatesg
I have several WP installs that are throwing 500 error codes when …
07:04 Ticket #32305 (Emoji script is producing errors on pages with SVG content) created by martynasma
On pages that contain dynamic SVG content, such as charts generated by …
06:51 Tickets #5161,​32298 batch updated by pento
fixed: In 32454: […]
06:51 Changeset [32454] by pento
On the Writing Options screen, hide the Balance Tags and Convert …
06:20 Ticket #19019 (Reduce duplication in $wpdb) closed by nacin
fixed: This was done in 4.2.
05:55 Ticket #32304 (Duplicate permalink and subdomain installation causing weird 404 issue.) created by morleyt
I recently set up a subdomain installation of Wordpress with the same …
03:49 Ticket #32285 (define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );) reopened by voldemortensen
03:32 Ticket #32301 (Changes of [32324] was not documented in 4.2.2 release notes.) closed by taka2
duplicate: I'm sorry, my Firefox plugin destroyed the description text before …
03:25 Ticket #32303 (Changes of [32324] was not documented in 4.2.2 release notes.) created by taka2
In 4.2.2 release notes, * …
03:22 Ticket #32302 (Filename policy of IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE==true seems to create CDN and ...) created by aidanlane
Just something to check, as discussed over at …
03:14 Ticket #32301 (Changes of [32324] was not documented in 4.2.2 release notes.) created by taka2
Unquoted string "https" may clash with future reserved word at …
02:02 Ticket #32300 (twemoji.js - validate data before passing to twemoji.parse) created by peterwilsoncc
Per #32109 passing an null or undefined node to twemoji for parsing …
01:23 Ticket #32299 (Cancel comment reply link broken in AJAX call) created by Shelob9
related #31333 and both of that & this could arguably be a dupe of …
00:20 Ticket #32298 (Remove convert to smilies option) created by chriscct7
Given smilies are pretty much deprecated, and the (default on) option …


23:49 Ticket #32285 (define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );) closed by nacin
invalid: Replying to voldemortensen: > I do think this brings up a …
21:27 Ticket #32297 (Use of <!--more--> fails, over and over) closed by kraftbj
invalid: Howdy! Thanks for the bug report. I could not duplicate this using …
21:12 Ticket #32297 (Use of <!--more--> fails, over and over) created by pfhenshaw
After updating my blog,, to 4.2.2, using Theme: …
20:15 Ticket #32293 (Visual Editor Javascript Bugs) closed by ianatkins
invalid: After re-uploading Wordpress, turned out it was an issue with the …
20:09 Ticket #32272 (Built In 'Post' Archive Ignored Using is_post_type_archive()) closed by Howdy_McGee
duplicate: Duplicate of #23826.
19:46 Ticket #32296 (Customize: Increase width of controls pane to give more room on high ...) created by grapplerulrich
It would great if the customizer would be wider than the current 300px …
19:45 Ticket #32277 (get_comment_reply_link() uses $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] for post link, ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #31333.
19:42 Ticket #32272 (Built In 'Post' Archive Ignored Using is_post_type_archive()) reopened by Howdy_McGee
Replying to SergeyBiryukov: > Duplicate of #23826. The …
18:47 Ticket #32295 (Pagination on preview/scheduled posts) created by jacklyn.jade
The option to add a NextPage (Pagination) is not functioning in page …
18:40 Ticket #10249 (Page slug in cyrillic = Error 404 - Not Found!) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
The issue still exists for PATH_INFO permalinks …
18:27 Ticket #10249 (Page slug in cyrillic = Error 404 - Not Found!) closed by chriscct7
worksforme: This works just fine on WordPress 4.2 for posts, pages, and custom …
18:22 Ticket #21770 (Multiple New Feature Pop-ups mess UI) closed by chriscct7
invalid: This is more of an issue with the way a particular plugin decided to …
18:15 Ticket #22070 (Deleting menus with no title / slow menu saving) closed by chriscct7
worksforme: Menus can no longer be saved without a title due to some JS validation …
18:13 Ticket #21563 ("Save as" button disappearing on edit/new post screens) closed by chriscct7
worksforme: The only oddity here that I can replicate in 4.2 is when a post is …
16:48 Ticket #32294 (Focus style: Switch View links) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #29897. See screenshot before and after patch. …
16:42 Ticket #32275 (get_page_by_title could return an array with all the matches) closed by boonebgorges
invalid: > Thank you for your comment. It's my first time here in core …
16:38 Ticket #32293 (Visual Editor Javascript Bugs) created by ianatkins
On toggling between the Visual and Text editor I see the following …
16:32 Ticket #11414 (Sidebar Calendar Widget broken) closed by SergeyBiryukov
15:46 Ticket #15644 (When deleting a user, corresponding comment user IDs aren't reset) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Implementing the idea from comment:8 still makes sense to me.
15:38 Ticket #32292 (Focus style: Dashboard Activity box Publishing Soon and latest ...) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #29897. See screenshot before and after patch. …
15:23 Ticket #32291 (Focus style: Quick Draft links) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #29897. See screenshot before and after patch. …
15:19 Ticket #32290 (Problem wpdb->update and update_post_meta) created by mwanteam
I'm developing plugins and wordpress theme for my private project. To …
15:12 Ticket #32289 (Focus style: At a Glance links) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #29897. See screenshot before and after patch. …
14:49 Ticket #32190 (mb_strlen doesn't account for encoding) closed by DrewAPicture
14:20 Ticket #32288 (Focus style: Welcome Panel assembled links) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #29897. See screenshot before and after patch. …
14:02 Ticket #32287 (Focus style: Welcome Panel dismiss link) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #29897. See screenshot before and after patch. …
13:49 Ticket #32286 (How do I change my profile picture?) created by iseulde
Nowhere does it mention the profile picture under "Your Profile", not …
13:46 Ticket #32285 (define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );) created by colomet
in the default installation of wp define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true …
13:22 Ticket #32284 (Focus style: Media Library thumbnails) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #29897. In the Media Library list mode, …
12:52 Ticket #32283 (Selecting Widgets From Top WordPress Bar Takes You To Customize Instead) closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello Brian Ash, welcome to Trac. The link to the widgets panel of …
12:43 Ticket #32283 (Selecting Widgets From Top WordPress Bar Takes You To Customize Instead) created by Brian Ash
For the last few versions of WordPress, whenever you select Widgets …
11:10 Ticket #32282 (WordPress image cropping is buggy) created by Jossnaz
see here …
09:39 Ticket #32281 (get_blogs_of_user should not set archived, spam and delete to 0) created by realloc
get_blogs_of_user creates blog-objects and adds them to an array …
08:44 Ticket #15644 (When deleting a user, corresponding comment user IDs aren't reset) closed by chriscct7
invalid: Given the user_id column is an autoincrementing index, the user would …
07:08 Ticket #32280 (Problem with Customizer referrer link) closed by westonruter
duplicate: Duplicate of #31850.
06:47 Ticket #32280 (Problem with Customizer referrer link) created by shaileshsavaliya
Hi, I can't say it is issue but it's every time trying to download …
06:34 Ticket #32279 (Creating new posts/terms with non-latin characters is broken for ...) created by vloo
The issue is identical to #32051. Problematic code is in …
06:13 Changeset [32453] by DrewAPicture
Fix a wide variety of syntactical, spacing, wording, and other issues …
06:04 Ticket #32272 (Built In 'Post' Archive Ignored Using is_post_type_archive()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #23826.
05:33 Ticket #31800 (Improve documentation for /wp-includes/taxonomy.php) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: Closing as fixed. Any further fixes will be handled over in #32246.
05:32 Ticket #32278 (Preview button opens multiple tabs if preview post contains a tinymce) created by elliotcondon
Hi guys, Here's an odd one for you. If a tinymce instance exists …
05:32 Changeset [32452] by DrewAPicture
Ensure the optional parameter in get_object_taxonomies() is …
05:27 Changeset [32451] by DrewAPicture
Add a description to the hook documentation for the …
05:25 Ticket #32276 (Incomplete 'created_term' hook docs) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: In 32450: […]
05:25 Changeset [32450] by DrewAPicture
Add missing parameter descriptions to the created_term hook …
05:03 Ticket #32277 (get_comment_reply_link() uses $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] for post link, ...) created by Shelob9
When get_comment_reply_link() is used to get the reply link, not the …
04:22 Ticket #31341 (Works faster about update_user_option()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
04:10 Ticket #32276 (Incomplete 'created_term' hook docs) created by dlh
The attached patch adds the three @params.
03:32 Ticket #32274 (Works faster that use __DIR__ instead of dirname(__FILE__) .) closed by knutsp
maybelater: As long as WordPress requires PHP version 5.2.4 or greater this will …
03:28 Ticket #32275 (get_page_by_title could return an array with all the matches) created by brgweb
With the post_type support for get_page_by_title() it could be a good …
03:25 Ticket #32274 (Works faster that use __DIR__ instead of dirname(__FILE__) .) created by kmvan
We have better choice to improve performance. Why not use __DIR__
03:21 Changeset [32449] by helen
Tag 3.7.8
03:20 Changeset [32448] by helen
Tag 3.8.8
03:20 Changeset [32447] by helen
Tag 3.9.6
03:19 Changeset [32446] by helen
Tag 4.0.5
03:18 Changeset [32445] by helen
Tag 4.1.5
03:16 Changeset [32444] by helen
Tag 4.2.2
03:16 Milestone 4.2.2 completed
01:40 Changeset [32443] by nacin
Twenty Fifteen is 1.2 after [32392].
01:38 Changeset [32442] by nacin
Twenty Fifteen is 1.2 after [32392].
01:12 Changeset [32441] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: Since MySQL may auto-expand column widths when changing a …
01:10 Changeset [32440] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: Since MySQL may auto-expand column widths when changing a …
00:40 Ticket #32165 (wp-db.php destructs all the multibyte characters) reopened by kjmtsh
I tested wp-db.php in trunk checked out today. No, I'm afraid the …


23:34 Changeset [32439] by ocean90
3.7.8 version bumps.
23:33 Changeset [32438] by ocean90
3.8.8 version bumps.
23:29 Changeset [32437] by ocean90
3.9.6 version bumps.
23:27 Changeset [32436] by ocean90
4.0.5 version bumps.
23:14 Changeset [32435] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: $wpdb->get_col_length() sanity check: bail on unexpected …
23:14 Changeset [32434] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: $wpdb->get_col_length() sanity check: bail on unexpected …
23:13 Changeset [32433] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: $wpdb->get_col_length() sanity check: bail on unexpected …
23:12 Changeset [32432] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: $wpdb->get_col_length() sanity check: bail on unexpected …
23:12 Changeset [32431] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: $wpdb->get_col_length() sanity check: bail on unexpected …
23:11 Changeset [32430] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: $wpdb->get_col_length() sanity check: bail on unexpected …
23:10 Changeset [32429] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: $wpdb->get_col_length() sanity check: bail on unexpected …
23:03 Changeset [32428] by ocean90
Add closing paragraph tag for the 4.1.5 changelog entry.
23:02 Changeset [32427] by ocean90
Add closing paragraph tag for the 4.2.2 changelog entry.
22:51 Ticket #32273 (TinyMCE results in lost data if post save fails and back button is clicked) created by archon810
Here's a pretty annoying and destructive behavior that I'd like to …
22:48 Changeset [32426] by boonebgorges
Remove duplicate semicolon introduced in [32384].
22:17 Changeset [32425] by ocean90
4.1.5 version bumps.
22:06 Changeset [32424] by ocean90
4.2.2 version bumps.
21:52 Changeset [32423] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: Ensure unintelligible DB schemas don't result in content …
21:52 Changeset [32422] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: Ensure unintelligible DB schemas don't result in content …
21:51 Changeset [32421] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: Ensure unintelligible DB schemas don't result in content …
21:50 Changeset [32420] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: Ensure unintelligible DB schemas don't result in content …
21:50 Changeset [32419] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: Ensure unintelligible DB schemas don't result in content …
21:49 Changeset [32418] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: Ensure unintelligible DB schemas don't result in content …
21:48 Ticket #32090 (Bug: Can not update tables in non-wordpress-installation databases ...) closed by samuelsidler
fixed: Fixed for 4.2.2.
21:45 Changeset [32417] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: Ensure unintelligible DB schemas don't result in content …
21:30 Ticket #32271 (Permalink is displayed for not publicly queryable posts) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #17609.
21:18 Ticket #32165 (wp-db.php destructs all the multibyte characters) closed by samuelsidler
fixed: Fixed for 4.2.2.
21:13 Changeset [32416] by johnbillion
WPDB: Allow queries to reference tables in the dbname.tablename …
21:12 Changeset [32415] by johnbillion
WPDB: Allow queries to reference tables in the dbname.tablename …
21:04 Changeset [32414] by johnbillion
WPDB: Allow queries to reference tables in the dbname.tablename …
21:03 Changeset [32413] by johnbillion
WPDB: Allow queries to reference tables in the dbname.tablename …
21:01 Changeset [32412] by johnbillion
WPDB: Allow queries to reference tables in the dbname.tablename …
20:49 Changeset [32411] by jorbin
When upgrading WordPress remove genericons example.html files [32385]
20:39 Changeset [32410] by jorbin
When upgrading WordPress remove genericons example.html files [32385]
20:29 Changeset [32409] by jorbin
Remove debugging comments from [32408]
20:19 Changeset [32408] by jorbin
When upgrading WordPress remove genericons example.html files [32385]
20:19 Ticket #32272 (Built In 'Post' Archive Ignored Using is_post_type_archive()) created by Howdy_McGee
I've tested this a couple times and using the built-in post type …
20:16 Ticket #32270 (Update Core updates translations when updating plugin or theme) closed by ocean90
wontfix: That was a design decision. The auto_update_ filters don't make …
20:07 Ticket #32104 (Import of data into database (starting from 4.1.2) fails) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 32407: […]
20:07 Changeset [32407] by ocean90
WPDB: When sanity checking query character sets, there's no need to …
20:06 Changeset [32406] by ocean90
WPDB: When sanity checking query character sets, there's no need to …
20:05 Ticket #28091 (We need to shield machine review) closed by rachelbaker
invalid: @marshalmackes I agree with @SergeyBiryukov, your specific use-case …
20:04 Changeset [32405] by ocean90
WPDB: When sanity checking query character sets, there's no need to …
20:04 Changeset [32404] by jorbin
When upgrading WordPress remove genericons example.html files [32385]
20:03 Changeset [32403] by ocean90
WPDB: When sanity checking query character sets, there's no need to …
20:01 Changeset [32402] by ocean90
WPDB: When sanity checking query character sets, there's no need to …
19:57 Changeset [32401] by jorbin
When upgrading WordPress remove genericons example.html files [32385]
19:48 Ticket #32270 (Update Core updates translations when updating plugin or theme) reopened by MattyRob
Thanks for clarifying that but I have the following in the plugin on …
19:43 Ticket #32204 (Problem with UTF8 charset) closed by helen
fixed: In 32400: […]
19:43 Changeset [32400] by helen
The UTF-8 regex can occasionally fail on very low memory machines. …
19:43 Changeset [32399] by helen
The UTF-8 regex can occasionally fail on very low memory machines. …
19:42 Changeset [32398] by helen
The UTF-8 regex can occasionally fail on very low memory machines. …
19:42 Changeset [32397] by helen
The UTF-8 regex can occasionally fail on very low memory machines. …
19:41 Changeset [32396] by helen
The UTF-8 regex can occasionally fail on very low memory machines. …
19:40 Ticket #32270 (Update Core updates translations when updating plugin or theme) closed by ocean90
wontfix: That's by design. Translation updates should happen in background. But …
19:40 Changeset [32395] by mdawaffe
Upgrade: Fix typo in [32391]/3.7. See #32165.
19:35 Ticket #32271 (Permalink is displayed for not publicly queryable posts) created by ipm-frommen
TLDR: Why would I want to see a permalink (and have a button …
19:33 Changeset [32394] by ocean90
Bundled Themes: Remove Genericons example.html files. Merge [32392]
19:30 Changeset [32393] by ocean90
Bundled Themes: Remove Genericons example.html files. Merge [32392]
19:28 Ticket #32270 (Update Core updates translations when updating plugin or theme) created by MattyRob
The update-core.php page not only updates the core WordPress files but …
19:26 Changeset [32392] by ocean90
Bundled Themes: Remove Genericons example.html files.
19:16 Changeset [32391] by mdawaffe
WPDB: When checking that a string can be sent to MySQL, we shouldn't …
19:14 Changeset [32390] by mdawaffe
WPDB: When checking that a string can be sent to MySQL, we shouldn't …
19:11 Changeset [32389] by mdawaffe
WPDB: When checking that a string can be sent to MySQL, we shouldn't …
19:08 Changeset [32388] by mdawaffe
WPDB: When checking that a string can be sent to MySQL, we shouldn't …
19:06 Changeset [32387] by mdawaffe
WPDB: When checking that a string can be sent to MySQL, we shouldn't …
18:58 Ticket #32269 (Avoid using <code> in translation strings (wp-admin/plugins.php)‎) created by voldemortensen
In /wp-admin/plugins.php there are a couple strings that are using …
18:38 Changeset [32386] by jorbin
When upgrading WordPress remove genericons example.html files [32385]
18:36 Changeset [32385] by jorbin
When upgrading WordPress remove genericons example.html files Props …
17:28 Ticket #32268 (Editor inserts images with https URL) closed by boonebgorges
duplicate: Duplicate of #32112. Thanks for the report.
17:25 Ticket #32268 (Editor inserts images with https URL) created by debplatt
This bug occurs even when I have deactivated all plugins. When adding …
16:20 Ticket #32112 (wp_get_attachment_url returns https when it should not) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32384: […]
16:20 Changeset [32384] by boonebgorges
Attachment URLs should only be forced to SSL on the front end. …
16:18 Ticket #32144 (get_terms with child_of) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32383: […]
16:18 Changeset [32383] by boonebgorges
Improve performance of loop detection in _get_term_children(). …
14:48 Ticket #32267 (is_page function return true even if it gets 0 as an argument) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #31723.
14:45 Ticket #32267 (is_page function return true even if it gets 0 as an argument) created by chandrapatel
13:26 Ticket #32266 (Add Excerpt to Export) created by arjunskumar
Noticed that if there isn't any manual excerpts for posts, there's no …
10:53 Tickets #31325,​32227 batch updated by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 32382: […]
10:53 Changeset [32382] by SergeyBiryukov
Customizer: Use a semantic, accessible element for Remove Header Image …
09:48 Ticket #32265 (Border issue after updated plugin.) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #32129.
09:20 Ticket #32265 (Border issue after updated plugin.) created by sagarjadhav
Go to Dashboard -> Plugins Check plugin which is active and has …
09:11 Ticket #32263 (Add translator comments to default email messages with non typical ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 32381: […]
09:11 Changeset [32381] by SergeyBiryukov
Multisite: Add translator comments to default email messages with …
09:02 Ticket #32264 (wp_enqueue_media() is slow on large sites) created by philipjohn
Following on from #27985: Despite the improvements in #27985, it …
08:02 Ticket #32263 (Add translator comments to default email messages with non typical ...) created by yoavf
Some sample email messages (i.e. welcome email) include non typical …
07:41 Ticket #32099 (Wrong index name in 4.2 database upgrade routine) closed by pento
fixed: In 32380: […]
07:41 Changeset [32380] by pento
Upgrades: When converting to utf8mb4, we were trying to change the …
07:40 Changeset [32379] by pento
Fix an incorrect version number check in [32378]. See #32099.
07:33 Changeset [32378] by pento
Upgrades: When converting to utf8mb4, we were trying to change the …
07:13 Changeset [32377] by pento
WPDB: When sanity checking query character sets, there's no need to …
07:08 Ticket #32212 (Multisite Sites Cannot Create Database tables in 4.2.1 fresh clean install) closed by pento
duplicate: Duplicate of #32127.
07:05 Changeset [32376] by pento
The UTF-8 regex can occasionally fail on very low memory machines. …
06:57 Changeset [32375] by pento
The UTF-8 regex can occasionally fail on very low memory machines. …
06:04 Changeset [32374] by pento
WPDB: When sanity checking query character sets, there's no need to …
05:35 Changeset [32373] by azaozz
TinyMCE: work-around a bug in the tags matching regex. For 3.9.
05:33 Changeset [32372] by azaozz
TinyMCE: work-around a bug in the tags matching regex. For 4.0.
05:32 Changeset [32371] by azaozz
TinyMCE: work-around a bug in the tags matching regex. For 4.1.
05:16 Changeset [32370] by pento
WPDB: Allow queries to reference tables in the dbname.tablename
05:11 Changeset [32369] by azaozz
Add some of the TinyMCE 4.1.10 fixes to 4.2. See [32366], 32262.
05:00 Changeset [32368] by pento
WPDB: Allow queries to reference tables in the dbname.tablename
03:29 Changeset [32367] by pento
WPDB: When checking that a string can be sent to MySQL, we shouldn't …
03:22 Ticket #32262 (Update TinyMCE) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32366: […]
03:22 Changeset [32366] by azaozz
TinyMCE: update to 4.1.10. Fixes #32262.
03:19 Ticket #32262 (Update TinyMCE) created by azaozz
Version 4.1.10 was released today. Includes several bug fixed and updates.
03:17 Ticket #32260 (YouTube oEmbeds always return HTTPS iframe src, breaking unit test) closed by pento
fixed: In 32365: […]
03:17 Changeset [32365] by pento oEmbed test should always expect HTTPS. YouTube recently …
03:14 Ticket #32260 (YouTube oEmbeds always return HTTPS iframe src, breaking unit test) reopened by pento
Re-opening for backport to 4.2 branch, so that unit tests aren't …
02:59 Changeset [32364] by pento
WPDB: When checking that a string can be sent to MySQL, we shouldn't …
02:29 Ticket #32122 (cmd+s does not work to save on a mac) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32363: […]
02:29 Changeset [32363] by azaozz
TinyMCE: fix Mac keyboard shortcut for save from the visual editor. …
02:24 Ticket #32197 (Twemoji script and editor expansion combo making editor ridiculously ...) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32362: […]
02:24 Changeset [32362] by azaozz
Emoji: add an exclude class to wp-emoji checked when monitoring for …
02:09 Ticket #32146 (emoji script becomes unresponsive while making Ajax calls in admin) closed by azaozz
fixed: Assuming this was the same problem as #32128. #32125 seems to affect …
01:34 Ticket #32109 (Emoji: JavaScript error in Internet Explorer 9 and 10) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32361: […]
01:34 Changeset [32361] by azaozz
Emoji: - Fix loading errors in IE9 and IE10. - Add fallbacks for the …
01:25 Ticket #32128 (Emoji error loop) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32360: […]
01:25 Changeset [32360] by azaozz
Emoji: fix loop when replacement images fail to load. Props iseulde. …


22:12 Ticket #32261 (Security: Wordpress Admin/Backend: No Passwordlength is enforced = Big ...) created by iamwordimpressed
Hello, in the wordpress admin on a profile page …
21:58 Ticket #31939 (paginate_links() - incorrect links on return to the first page) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32359: […]
21:58 Changeset [32359] by boonebgorges
In paginate_links(), improve handling of custom pagination query …
21:30 Ticket #32260 (YouTube oEmbeds always return HTTPS iframe src, breaking unit test) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32358: […]
21:30 Changeset [32358] by boonebgorges oEmbed test should always expect HTTPS. YouTube recently …
21:29 Ticket #32260 (YouTube oEmbeds always return HTTPS iframe src, breaking unit test) created by boonebgorges
See #23149, [26978]. test_youtube_com_secure_embed() expects an …
21:29 Changeset [32357] by jorbin
Update grunt-autoprefixer to 3.0.0 Two changes we need to know about: …
20:29 Changeset [32356] by jorbin
Update grunt-contrib-qunit to 0.7.0 This upgrade adds two changes, …
20:25 Ticket #32259 (Quick Edit: password field disabled for non private posts) created by afercia
Edge case but can break your work flow. To reproduce: - "Quick Edit" a …
20:25 Ticket #32258 ('Expand Details' in Media Modal breaks on Mobile) closed by teamadesign
19:51 Ticket #32258 ('Expand Details' in Media Modal breaks on Mobile) created by teamadesign
This piggybacks on ticket:#30154. There are already major issues with …
19:36 Ticket #10852 (improve get_page_children) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32355: […]
19:36 Changeset [32355] by boonebgorges
Improve performance of get_page_children(). The new algorithm uses …
19:36 Changeset [32354] by boonebgorges
Unit tests for get_page_children(). Props santagada, boonebgorges. …
15:43 Ticket #29638 (Multiple nav menu items added in reverse order) closed by boonebgorges
worksforme: The only way I could manage to reproduce anything like this is by …
15:03 Ticket #32257 (Patch: add support for multi-line textarea sanitization) created by ottok
New function: sanitize_textarea_field Add new function that can be …
13:45 Ticket #32256 (domain mapping in core) closed by ocean90
duplicate: This is already the third ticket for the same topic from you. Please …
13:32 Ticket #32247 (two factor authentication system) closed by pento
wontfix: Just like Joomla, we're going to leave 2FA as a plugin. …
13:29 Ticket #32256 (domain mapping in core) created by camaran
insert domain mapping in core
11:13 Ticket #32248 (adding a term containing "&" and renamed) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32353: […]
11:13 Changeset [32353] by boonebgorges
Improve sanitization of 'name' param in get_terms(). Values of …
08:47 Ticket #32255 (List Table: media wp-list-table lacks table header content for column-icon) created by rianrietveld
In wp-admin/upload.php wp-list-table the <th> for the image/file …
08:28 Ticket #32254 (List Table: avoid adjacent links pointing to the same resource) created by rianrietveld
In the list table of for example wp-admin/edit.php there are two …
08:03 Ticket #32253 (List table: posts navigation links pointing to same page) created by rianrietveld
In for example wp-admin/edit.php the links inside tablenav-pages can …
07:27 Ticket #32252 (wp-emoji makes my site unusuable on IE10 (with temporary fix included)) closed by pento
duplicate: Duplicate of #32109.
06:51 Ticket #32252 (wp-emoji makes my site unusuable on IE10 (with temporary fix included)) created by jobst
Hi I wish you would put a setting somewhere to disable emoji - would …
02:19 Changeset [32352] by DrewAPicture
Fix documentation syntax and formatting for the …
02:17 Ticket #31925 (Improve some changelogs) closed by DrewAPicture
02:16 Changeset [32351] by DrewAPicture
Add a changelog entry for the $resource_type parameter added to the …
02:15 Changeset [32350] by DrewAPicture
Add two changelog entries for functional changes introduced in 4.2.0. …
02:04 Changeset [32349] by DrewAPicture
Ensure the optional parameters for get_taxonomies() are documented …
02:00 Changeset [32348] by DrewAPicture
Improve inline documentation in wp-includes/taxonomy.php. * Adds …
01:40 Changeset [32347] by azaozz
Emoji: add shorter/faster regex for testing for emoji chars in added …
00:37 Ticket #31666 (Add 'webcal' to protocol whitelist) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32346: […]
00:37 Changeset [32346] by boonebgorges
Add 'webcal' to the list of URI protocols whitelisted by default. …
00:33 Ticket #31872 (WP_Theme's scandir() is missing @return docstring) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: In 32345: […]
00:33 Changeset [32345] by DrewAPicture
Add a missing @return tag and description to the DocBlock for …
00:32 Changeset [32344] by DrewAPicture
Properly document WP_Theme::scandir() as a static method, adjust …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.