Make WordPress Core



23:59 Ticket #30355 (Create get_author_posts_link() function to return rather than echo ...) created by chipbennett
Patch is fairly simple: 1. Create get_author_posts_link() function, …
22:39 Ticket #30354 (get_posts_by_author_sql doesn't also return prefixed where is asked to) created by pbearne
In get_posts_by_author_sql() if you set the full to false it doesn't …
21:17 Ticket #30353 (Update Hello Dolly to current standards) created by pbearne
The Hello Dolly plugin hasn't had any love for a while so now is not …
20:05 Ticket #30352 (Prevent an editor to move the front page / posts page to trash) created by benoitchantre
When an admin choose to use static pages for the front page and the …
19:14 Changeset [30351] by ocean90
Change Twenty Eleven's header preview callback too, missed in [30327]. …
15:48 Ticket #30351 (Input field with HTML tag as default value) created by GDragoN
If you create a widget with INPUT field, and if default value for that …
14:34 Ticket #30350 (Can’t assign media library image to category after search) closed by sabreuse
14:22 Ticket #30350 (Can’t assign media library image to category after search) created by is0ph
I’m trying to add thumbnails to categories. When I click on the …
13:55 Ticket #30349 (Admin menu gets disarranged when using tab key to navigate) created by florianziegler
When "tabbing" through the admin menu, if the browser window height is …
09:46 Ticket #30348 (Arrow key navigation in Media Grid skips ids) created by UmeshSingla
In grid view, on opening the attachment (Attachment Details screen ), …
05:59 Ticket #26072 (Bundle the Open Sans font) reopened by howardtw
Dear all, I beg your attention to the following as I re-opened the …
05:16 Ticket #30347 (Image Editor in WP-Admin Library is broken) created by sujay.sarma
The editor for images in the Library media editing screen is broken. …
02:08 Ticket #29227 (Visual editor bug from turning to floating to simple TinyMCE in 4.0) closed by azaozz
wontfix: Thanks @knutsp :) Closing this as wontfix, as this is expected …
02:02 Ticket #29357 (tinymce.activeEditor.formatter.apply is not working properly for links) closed by azaozz
invalid: Looking at the plugin, it seems you've updated it and converted the …
01:56 Ticket #29328 (impossible to paste with keyboard shortcuts on Firefox) reopened by Djibs13
I tried disabling all firefox plugins and addon but I still have the …
01:52 Ticket #29328 (impossible to paste with keyboard shortcuts on Firefox) closed by azaozz
worksforme: Works for me too in 4.1-beta1. May have been caused by a Firefox …
01:42 Ticket #30338 (Spell check the title field) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 30350: […]
01:42 Changeset [30350] by azaozz
Editor: enable spellchecking of the post title field on the Edit Post …
01:20 Ticket #30112 (TinyMCE editor's cursor is not accesible.) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 30349: […]
01:20 Changeset [30349] by azaozz
TinyMCE: fix the cursor appearance while it is outside the editor …


23:53 Ticket #30346 (Attachments not being found with attachment_url_to_postid()) created by bradyvercher
The …
23:28 Ticket #30345 (Quick edit: form submitted when activating Cancel via keyboard) created by afercia
Post listings > any post > Quick Edit - edit any field (change the …
23:05 Ticket #26989 (WP_Customize_Upload_Control cannot be extended to only accept .ico files) closed by celloexpressions
fixed: With [30309], favicon uploads now work in the Customizer. Note that …
21:56 Changeset [30348] by johnbillion
WordPress 4.1-beta1
21:52 Changeset [30347] by boonebgorges
Flush cache for newly created term in _split_shared_term(). The …
21:33 Changeset [30346] by pento
If a saving a post fails, remove any invalid characters (such as …
21:27 Changeset [30345] by pento
When creating a post containing emoji, the post can be saved …
21:26 Changeset [30344] by boonebgorges
Reinstate term splitting on term update. Originally introduced in …
20:14 Ticket #28650 (Allow Customizer elements (controls, sections, and panels) to be ...) closed by ocean90
fixed: The panel position issue will be handled in #28709.
19:29 Ticket #29168 (Can't update translation effectively) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #28949.
19:27 Ticket #26843 (Let jQuery UI 1.11 handle touch-action compatibility for IE Touch) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 30343: […]
19:27 Changeset [30343] by ocean90
Sync our jQuery UI styles with jQuery UI 1.11.2 CSS. Removes also our …
18:17 Ticket #30344 (Curly Quotes Missing for Strange Input) created by miqrogroove
wptexturize() gives unexpected results if an Administrator uses a post …
17:54 Ticket #28736 (Allow site language to be chosen on single site installs) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #15677.
17:45 Changeset [30342] by ocean90
Media: Remove another unused string. props pavelevap. see #29741.
17:30 Ticket #29741 (allMediaTypes string is not used) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 30341: […]
17:30 Changeset [30341] by ocean90
Media: Remove unused string. props pavelevap. fixes #29741.
17:27 Ticket #30343 (Hello Dolly borks "Upload Plugin" and "Upload Theme" on small screens.) created by voldemortensen
Pretty much what the title says. On smaller screens, the "Upload …
16:56 Ticket #30149 (Twenty Fifteen: review documentation and code comments) reopened by DrewAPicture
Sorry I didn't come around to this until now. Reopening for some …
15:48 Ticket #27118 (WP_Customize_Image_Control should return attachment ID instead of image URL) closed by celloexpressions
duplicate: Sadly, we can't do this for back compat purposes. The proposed …
14:22 Ticket #30342 (Domain Path Line in twenty fifteen style.css) closed by ocean90
invalid: The domain path is optional. Translations will be loaded from …
14:15 Ticket #29951 (Document closed by ocean90
fixed: Closing as fixed, #28459 is still open and can be used for further patches.
14:13 Ticket #30342 (Domain Path Line in twenty fifteen style.css) created by michelwppi
For better theme "translation ready" management, do not forgot to add …
13:47 Ticket #9931 (Extra class for the wrap div's in custom-header.php) closed by ocean90
wontfix: See #25571.
13:44 Ticket #22648 (No error reporting for failed upload of background image in theme ...) closed by ocean90
fixed: Fixed in [30309].
13:36 Ticket #27774 (Customizer: Incorrect image scaling under image picker) closed by ocean90
invalid: Invalid since [30309].
13:32 Ticket #22231 (Add action to provide additional options to the Custom Background page) closed by ocean90
wontfix: Replying to celloexpressions: > The admin page is likely …
13:30 Ticket #22148 (Customizer Uploader doesn't handle large files properly) closed by ocean90
fixed: Fixed in [30309].
12:45 Ticket #30330 (Email Notification of Comments Not Working) closed by marsjaninzmarsa
worksforme: problem with one of the plugins, probably. you can try to disable all …
10:12 Ticket #30341 (Additional hook for list table navigation area) created by hlashbrooke
The extra_tablenav() function in …
07:32 Ticket #30340 (.htaccess bug) created by MarjWyatt
I'm writing some redirects for a client. When I was redirecting to a …
05:36 Ticket #30339 (Infinite loop while checking for post slug uniqueness) created by julien731
When inserting a new hierarchical post of any type using …
04:38 Ticket #30338 (Spell check the title field) created by MikeBeas
When auto-tweeting your newest posts, the title is often the only …
04:16 Ticket #30337 (Recommended plugins to replace Popular plugins tab) created by tellyworth
If you look at the Plugins / Add New / Popular tab with 4.1, you …
03:23 Changeset [30340] by nacin
Only use the 'Installed' optgroup in wp_dropdown_languages() if it's …
03:07 Ticket #30334 (New Precommit Grunt Task to avoid __DIR__ and 5.3+ stuff in Core.) closed by jorbin
wontfix: I agree with Nacin. As I had mentioned in slack earlier: :At first I …
02:59 Ticket #21188 (Fullscreen (distraction-free) editor should have a preview button) closed by johnbillion
invalid: #29806 has landed, effectively rendering this moot.


23:28 Changeset [30339] by azaozz
TinyMCE: set the image toolbar's z-index higher than the editor when …
22:46 Ticket #14584 (HTML entities in category and tag elements) reopened by ianmjones
22:43 Ticket #14584 (HTML entities in category and tag elements) closed by ianmjones
worksforme: Confirmed and tested refreshed patch (14584v3.diff) on …
22:30 Ticket #29806 (Focus (continued)) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 30338: […]
22:30 Changeset [30338] by markjaquith
Introduce Distraction-Free Writing v2, a re-think of DFW that uses the …
22:03 Ticket #30336 (microtime returning a string causes false test failures) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 30337: […]
22:03 Changeset [30337] by jorbin
When asserting microtime output as a number, make it a number …
21:46 Ticket #30336 (microtime returning a string causes false test failures) created by jorbin
One of the assertions inside test_get_pages_cache (and possibly …
20:04 Changeset [30336] by boonebgorges
Don't split shared terms on term update. Splitting shared terms means …
19:26 Ticket #30335 (Splitting shared terms on term update breaks backward compatibility ...) created by boonebgorges
See #5809. When a shared term is split into two separate terms, one …
18:52 Ticket #30136 (Array Check in post-template.php start_el function) closed by 5um17
duplicate: Duplicate of #26901. It has been fixed.
17:30 Ticket #30334 (New Precommit Grunt Task to avoid __DIR__ and 5.3+ stuff in Core.) created by georgestephanis
As was noted in [30311], a __DIR__ crept in, which isn't available …
17:00 Changeset [30335] by ocean90
Site Language: Install translations on the fly. The language dropdown …
16:40 Ticket #30322 (word-wrap space and &nbsp%) closed by fjalestad
worksforme: There is a short-term fix I'e applied for now to solve my issue. Not …
15:53 Changeset [30334] by ocean90
Improvements to [30333]: * Move .hide-if-no-js class to table row * …
15:34 Ticket #30333 (Media filtering behavior should be the same in list and grid mode displays) created by Fab1en
When the Media Library is displayed using the grid layout, selecting …
15:23 Ticket #30264 (Users should have a UI for managing sessions) closed by johnbillion
fixed: Marking as fixed for 4.1. Future enhancements can go into another ticket.
15:20 Changeset [30333] by johnbillion
Introduce a button on the user profile screen which clears all other …
12:49 Ticket #30158 (Customizer Pointer from 3.9 broken as of 4.0) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 30332: […]
12:49 Changeset [30332] by ocean90
Fix selector for the "Live Widget Previews" feature pointer. props …
12:41 Ticket #30332 (Twenty Fifteen: Link in the footer jumps on hover.) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 30331: […]
12:41 Changeset [30331] by ocean90
Twenty Fifteen: Add a transparent border to a link in the footer to …
12:35 Ticket #30332 (Twenty Fifteen: Link in the footer jumps on hover.) created by iamtakashi
ocean90 reported in Slack, and I was able to reproduce in Safari. …
12:33 Ticket #30182 (All Iris options should be able to be overridden via wpColorPicker options) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 30330: […]
12:33 Changeset [30330] by ocean90
Color Picker: Allow to override mode and width values for Iris via …
12:18 Ticket #30235 (Improve ability to filter active state for widget area Customizer sections) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 30329: […]
12:18 Changeset [30329] by ocean90
Customizer: Improve ability to filter active state for widget area …
12:14 Changeset [30328] by boonebgorges
Correct @since tag in count_user_posts() docs. Props pavelevap, …
11:59 Ticket #29289 (Keyboard focus on the header and background settings screens) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 30327: […]
11:59 Changeset [30327] by ocean90
Improve keyboard accessibility on Custom Header and Custom Background …
11:43 Ticket #29572 (Customizer: add a framework for rendering controls from JS templates) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 30326: […]
11:43 Changeset [30326] by ocean90
Customizer: Prevent double-encoding in WP_Customize_Control. …
09:55 Ticket #30328 (The ability to customize the resizing of images is no longer available ...) closed by ocean90
05:05 Ticket #30326 (Twenty Fifteen: awkward mobile header when header text is hidden) reopened by celloexpressions
Sorry, the specific use-case caused the issue here to be confused. Let …
03:38 Ticket #30274 (wp-login.php Logo Image Use "img" tag rather than CSS background) closed by johnbillion
wontfix: Thanks for the suggestion. While this would be a reasonable change, …
03:26 Ticket #29799 (Twenty Fifteen) closed by iandstewart
fixed: We've introduced Twenty Fifteen! It's kind of awesome! Let's consider …
03:17 Ticket #29988 (Twenty Fifteen: Use JS/postMessage to update the color scheme instead ...) closed by iandstewart
fixed: In 30325: […]
03:17 Changeset [30325] by iandstewart
Twenty Fifteen: cleaning up JS introduced in r30305 that doesn't pass …
03:13 Ticket #30326 (Twenty Fifteen: awkward mobile header when header text is hidden) closed by iandstewart
wontfix: In that case, closing with a wontfix.
03:08 Ticket #30208 (Twenty Fifteen: expanding a sub-menu when the sidebar is fixed needs ...) closed by iandstewart
fixed: In 30324: […]
03:08 Changeset [30324] by iandstewart
Twenty Fifteen: unfix the sidebar if we have a menu with submenus as …
03:01 Ticket #30302 (Network sites taxonomy) closed by johnbillion
maybelater: I like this idea too. Let's see how the plugin pans out.
02:54 Ticket #29988 (Twenty Fifteen: Use JS/postMessage to update the color scheme instead ...) reopened by boonebgorges
[30305] introduced some JS that doesn't pass grunt jshint. See …
02:48 Ticket #30329 (After deleting users the number of users listed remains.) closed by johnbillion
invalid: A user in WordPress is made up if a combination of data from the users …
02:24 Ticket #30327 (Pass query reference to "the_post" action) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 30323: […]
02:24 Changeset [30323] by boonebgorges
Pass query object to 'the_post' filter. Props tlovett1. Fixes #30327.
02:18 Ticket #21364 (Pass post type to count_user_posts()) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 30322: […]
02:18 Changeset [30322] by boonebgorges
Introduce $post_type param for count_user_posts(). Props Caspie, …
02:01 Ticket #30331 (Twenty Fifteen: reduce the editor body margins) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 30321: […]
02:01 Changeset [30321] by azaozz
Twenty Fifteen: reduce the margins on the editor body in …
01:59 Ticket #28155 (mysqli flush issues) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 30320: […]
01:59 Changeset [30320] by boonebgorges
Manually delete fixture in test_mysqli_flush_sync(). This test …
01:52 Ticket #30331 (Twenty Fifteen: reduce the editor body margins) created by azaozz
Currently Twenty Fifteen's editor-style.css adds larger margins (8% …
01:47 Ticket #28155 (mysqli flush issues) reopened by boonebgorges
01:44 Ticket #30330 (Email Notification of Comments Not Working) created by andreaTPC
Hello, I have not been receiving email notifications for comments on …
01:37 Ticket #28001 (WP_Http still fails on some requests with relative url redirects) reopened by dd32
This method should also be used in the helpers in …
00:59 Changeset [30319] by azaozz
Fix typo in translatable string, see #30147.
00:55 Changeset [30318] by azaozz
TinyMCE: enhance the inline toolbar for images: - Add alignment (left, …


23:57 Ticket #30329 (After deleting users the number of users listed remains.) created by RDall
After deleting a number of users from a site via the database table …
23:38 Ticket #30301 (Twenty Fifteen; Better spacing around page links.) closed by iandstewart
fixed: In 30317: […]
23:38 Changeset [30317] by iandstewart
Twenty Fifteen: improve appearance of page links when there are tons …
23:25 Ticket #30152 (Twenty Fifteen: archive pagination links accessibility) closed by iandstewart
fixed: In 30316: […]
23:25 Changeset [30316] by iandstewart
Twenty Fifteen: adding context to pagination links for screenreaders. …
23:22 Ticket #30328 (The ability to customize the resizing of images is no longer available ...) created by Jazluvr
I am using WP 3.8.4 because I cannot upgrade to 4.0 without losing the …
23:00 Ticket #30316 (Twenty Fifteen: color scheme labels are unclear when using a ...) closed by iandstewart
fixed: In 30315: […]
23:00 Changeset [30315] by iandstewart
Twenty Fifteen: since color schemes can be customized let's call them …
22:55 Ticket #30327 (Pass query reference to "the_post" action) created by tlovett1
An action is fired in WP_Query::setup_postdata "the_post". Right now …
22:54 Ticket #30174 (Twenty Fifteen: paginated posts navigation (page break) accessibility) closed by iandstewart
fixed: In 30314: […]
22:54 Changeset [30314] by iandstewart
Twenty Fifteen: adding context to page links for screenreaders. Props …
21:30 Ticket #30326 (Twenty Fifteen: awkward mobile header when header text is hidden) created by celloexpressions
See screenshots (from @ehang) - if a user is using a logo (via a …
20:27 Ticket #30323 (Increase color contrast on default scheme admin bar hovers) closed by helen
fixed: In 30313: […]
20:27 Changeset [30313] by helen
Use a brighter blue against dark backgrounds in the admin menu and …
19:21 Ticket #30325 (WP List Table: allow filtering view switcher modes) created by ragulka
I suggest the view mode switcher for post/media/site list views should …
19:08 Ticket #30324 (get_plugin_data does not return License) created by jkmassel
get_plugin_data doesn't return the License field
18:20 Ticket #30323 (Increase color contrast on default scheme admin bar hovers) created by melchoyce
It's been pointed out in #28599 that the default scheme admin bar …
18:11 Ticket #30322 (word-wrap space and &nbsp%) created by fjalestad
WP 4.0 (TwentyFourteen theme) is randomly replacing space character …
17:34 Ticket #30321 (Favorite plugins, alphabetic and search option for them) created by Stagger Lee
Title says all, more or less. Favorite plugins part in Admin is very …
17:21 Ticket #30319 (Twenty Fifteen: Incorrect use of sprintf() and _x() in template-tags.php) closed by iandstewart
fixed: Fixed in r30312. Nice work, @aprea!
17:20 Changeset [30312] by iandstewart
Twenty Fifteen: clean up sprintf from template tags and use the …
12:31 Ticket #29628 (Undefined variable: arg class-ftp.php:508) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: [30311] missed the ticket.
11:08 Ticket #30320 (wp_attachment_is_image() return false if extension is Uppercase) created by netinial
Although image is correct. wp_attachment_is_image() return false if …
10:44 Ticket #30319 (Twenty Fifteen: Incorrect use of sprintf() and _x() in template-tags.php) created by aprea
The current /inc/template-tags.php has several incorrect uses of …
10:43 Changeset [30311] by dd32
PHP 5.2 compatibility for [30310], DIR wasn't added until PHP 5.3. …
10:08 Ticket #29628 (Undefined variable: arg class-ftp.php:508) reopened by TobiasBg
For [30310]: __DIR__ was only added in PHP 5.3.0, so we can't use …
09:55 Ticket #30318 (WP 4.0 default_editor bug) created by wpxritter
Dear WordPress, I using WP 4.0. I like WordPress..but I´ve got the …
05:34 Ticket #30003 (Database error when site not found in multisite) closed by jeremyfelt
invalid: I'm going to close this ticket out as it appears to be expected …
05:13 Ticket #30313 (get_blog_details gets Fatal error) closed by jeremyfelt
invalid: This is actually expected behavior. sunrise.php loads very early in …
04:46 Ticket #28155 (mysqli flush issues) closed by pento
fixed: I still can't reproduce this, so I'm not sure what happened. We can …
04:09 Ticket #30222 (Add documentation for revisions.js) closed by ericlewis
03:05 Changeset [30310] by dd32
Always use a full filesystem path when including the FTP handler in …
01:41 Ticket #30278 (Incorrect background color in auth check modal) reopened by melchoyce
The patch may be wrong, but the ticket isn't. There is definitely a …
01:21 Ticket #30278 (Incorrect background color in auth check modal) closed by valendesigns
invalid: The background of #wp-auth-check is #eee and the body of the login …


23:51 Changeset [30309] by ocean90
Customizer: Add support for the media library in Background Image …
22:45 Ticket #30236 (Trigger widget-added event in Customizer when initializing) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 30308: […]
22:45 Changeset [30308] by ocean90
Customizer: Trigger widget-added event when initializing. Widget …
22:36 Ticket #30251 (Customizer inconsistent contextual behavior) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 30307: […]
22:36 Changeset [30307] by ocean90
Customizer: Use jQuery.fn.toggle() instead of slideUp/slideDown
22:28 Ticket #28542 (Navigating within Customizer preview should update parent document title) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 30306: […]
22:28 Changeset [30306] by ocean90
Customizer: When navigating around the site within the Customizer …
20:50 Ticket #30317 (On setup-config page, some words are in contracted form (Short form) ...) created by Ankit K Gupta
On setup-config page, some words are in contracted form (short form) …
19:42 Ticket #29988 (Twenty Fifteen: Use JS/postMessage to update the color scheme instead ...) closed by iandstewart
fixed: Created #30316 for the issue @ryan reported as a separate ticket. …
19:41 Ticket #30316 (Twenty Fifteen: color scheme labels are unclear when using a ...) created by iandstewart
As reported by @ryan in #29988 … "Customized Twenty Fifteen. The …
19:35 Changeset [30305] by iandstewart
Twenty Fifteen: Minor formatting and docs tweaks, clearer variable …
19:23 Ticket #30305 (Twenty Fifteen: Simplify Code for h1 on Blog Index Page when Front ...) closed by iandstewart
fixed: In 30304: […]
19:23 Changeset [30304] by iandstewart
Twenty Fifteen: simplify the code used to generate screen reader text …
19:03 Ticket #30286 (Twenty Fifteen: embeds descender space) closed by iandstewart
fixed: In 30303: […]
19:03 Changeset [30303] by iandstewart
Twenty Fifteen: create consistent spacing with embeds and images. …
19:01 Ticket #30296 (Twenty Fifteen: Better spacing between navigation items and their ...) closed by iandstewart
fixed: In 30302: […]
19:01 Changeset [30302] by iandstewart
Twenty Fifteen: simpler CSS by using divs instead of spans for menu …
18:12 Ticket #30315 (Improve inline documentation of widgets API) created by ericlewis
There's a few places we need more documentation, and the existing …
14:55 Changeset [30301] by boonebgorges
Correct grammar error in WP_Date_Query error message. Props …
13:58 Ticket #25834 (WP_Date_Query not allowed values possible) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: [30300] missed the ticket. Thanks for the feedback, dd32 :)
13:51 Ticket #30314 (Mediaelement time-float span positioning) created by arthurpeace
Having a little issue with the default mediaelement player today: …
13:24 Changeset [30300] by boonebgorges
Improve localization for WP_Date_Query error strings. * Don't …
13:21 Ticket #30313 (get_blog_details gets Fatal error) created by spacedmonkey
When calling the get_blog_details function from sunrise.php, it gives …
12:48 Ticket #28155 (mysqli flush issues) reopened by pento
Unit tests are still failing. Interestingly, it seems to be the …
07:54 Ticket #25834 (WP_Date_Query not allowed values possible) reopened by dd32
[29925] introduced a bunch of strings which needlessly use HTML within …
07:52 Ticket #30311 (Missing @param in docblock for ‘check_password' filter) created by coffee2code
The docblock for the 'check_password' filter in wp_check_password()
05:00 Ticket #30310 (Fix missed space before get_categories_taxonomy hook in ...) created by tw2113
Missed a space above the hook's phpdocs.
03:46 Ticket #30289 (Include GSAp in core) closed by helen
wontfix: We typically do not bundle libraries that we do not use (there are …
02:52 Ticket #30309 (Protect forms in the visual editor) created by jsruby22
I pasted the paypal buy button code in the text of my webpage then …
02:16 Ticket #28155 (mysqli flush issues) closed by pento
fixed: In 30299: […]
02:16 Changeset [30299] by pento
wpdb: When flushing results on a mysqli connection, make sure that …
01:01 Ticket #30308 (Bracket characters ( and ) are incorrectly removed from ...) created by jkohlbach
According to the URI spec under section 2.3 Unreserved Characters …


23:40 Ticket #30307 (wp_update_comment does not update user_id column) created by jphase
wp_update_comment() does not allow the update of the user_id column. …
17:18 Ticket #30306 (wp_dropdown_categories values as slug) created by gputignano
wp_dropdown_categories returns value attribute in option tag as a …
15:32 Ticket #30305 (Twenty Fifteen: Simplify Code for h1 on Blog Index Page when Front ...) created by davidakennedy
In Twenty Fifteen, there is a chunk of code that creates a h1 for the …
14:53 Ticket #28155 (mysqli flush issues) reopened by boonebgorges
[30297] appears to have broken a couple of tests. See eg …
14:48 Ticket #30304 (external-http automated tests should not run by default) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 30298: […]
14:48 Changeset [30298] by boonebgorges
Exclude external-http tests when running phpunit. The external-http …
14:22 Ticket #30304 (external-http automated tests should not run by default) created by boonebgorges
A number of our automated tests in the groups external-http and …
09:36 Ticket #30303 (Twenty Thirteen: Drop down menus no longer close on iPad in WordPress 4) created by dubsdj
Hi since a recent update of wordpress I have found that on the twenty …
07:58 Ticket #30302 (Network sites taxonomy) created by aurovrata
If we consider sites to be equivalent to posts in a Network Dashboard, …
06:31 Ticket #20178 (wpdb class : provide a disconnect / connect to db functions) closed by pento
duplicate: Duplicate of #5932. If the MySQL connection is lost mid-page load, it …
06:07 Ticket #26896 (Quotes not added around strings using wpdb->prepare with sprintf ...) closed by pento
wontfix: Hi neonWired! Thanks for the bug report! As mentioned in the …
05:51 Ticket #27604 (MyISAM or InnoDB, why new plugins creates new tables as default MySQL ...) closed by pento
wontfix: We don't plan on overriding MySQL's default-storage-engine option to …
05:39 Ticket #28155 (mysqli flush issues) closed by pento
fixed: In 30297: […]
05:39 Changeset [30297] by pento
wpdb::flush() was not flushing results correctly when using mysqli. …
02:07 Ticket #30293 (Enable direct calls to _WP_Editors::wp_mce_translation()) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 30296: […]
02:07 Changeset [30296] by azaozz
TinyMCE: enable direct calls to _WP_Editors::wp_mce_translation(). …
02:04 Changeset [30295] by boonebgorges
Fix PHP notice in Tests_Feed_RSS2::test_items(). A notice was being …
01:59 Ticket #27797 (Improve loading of TinyMCE translations) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 30294: […]
01:59 Changeset [30294] by azaozz
TinyMCE: remove strings that are not translated before outputting the …
01:46 Ticket #29779 (Update Heartbeat to use the "page visibility" API and add a setting ...) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 30293: […]
01:46 Changeset [30293] by azaozz
Heartbeat: - Use the page visibility API (when available) and …


23:14 Ticket #27909 (Pasting Tables from Excel Strips Tables) closed by azaozz
fixed: Replying to FreestyleMD: The 'paste' plugin was updated …
23:01 Ticket #30301 (Twenty Fifteen; Better spacing around page links.) created by iamtakashi
Minor and kind of an edge case but we can make spacing around page …
20:22 Ticket #30288 (set import directory for get_template_part()) reopened by Billy Mathews
To clarify, not necessarily outside the themes directory. I'd like to …
17:08 Ticket #30300 (setUserSetting js function only removes first unwanted character) created by TV productions
The function comments of the function setUserSetting in …
15:25 Ticket #30299 (Inconsistent custom-background Body Class Behavior) created by philiparthurmoore
Possibly related to #22030 and [21054] (specifically …
14:04 Ticket #30298 (Plupload: Unable to upload directly from mobile device's camera) created by henry.wright
Testing was done on the following handsets: - Chrome on a Samsung …
12:04 Ticket #30295 (wpdb __get() should use strict name checks) closed by pento
fixed: Forgot to reference this ticket in the commit message. Fixed in [30292].
12:03 Changeset [30292] by pento
WPDB's __get() function should perform strict comparisons against …
10:47 Ticket #30297 (Notice for missing HTTP_USER_AGENT in get_calendar) created by elusiveunit
Just like in #27374, a notice can appear if …
09:26 Ticket #30296 (Twenty Fifteen: Better spacing between navigation items and their ...) created by philiparthurmoore
When styles are disabled menu items and their descriptions are flush …
08:24 Ticket #30295 (wpdb __get() should use strict name checks) created by pento
__get() currently uses a loose comparison against column names. It …
00:22 Ticket #30294 (Introduce get_main_network_id() function) created by johnjamesjacoby
r25147 introduced the function is_main_network() for determining if …
00:07 Ticket #30293 (Enable direct calls to _WP_Editors::wp_mce_translation()) created by azaozz
When a plugin loads TinyMCE directly (without using wp_editor()) it is …


23:48 Ticket #21243 (move password hint text to a function) closed by johnbillion
fixed: Ah I see. The function was renamed _wp_get_password_hint() to bring …
23:42 Ticket #30288 (set import directory for get_template_part()) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: Thanks for the report. The aim of this is suitably similar enough to …
23:26 Ticket #30257 (wpdb::get_var() returns NULL for existing values that are empty strings) closed by pento
wontfix: Thanks for the bug report, tyxla! I agree that this behaviour isn't …
23:14 Changeset [30291] by jorbin
Remove failing Unbalanced tags tests Patch with tests added to #6297
22:50 Changeset [30290] by jorbin
Remove failing shortcode unit tests Test added to #14050 in case we …
21:55 Changeset [30289] by jorbin
Remove failing uploadfile test in trunk The test has been added to …
21:38 Changeset [30288] by jorbin
Remove failing uploadfile test The test has been added to #11946 and …
21:38 Ticket #30292 (Stop get_post() overwriting non-WP_Post objects passed as first parameter) created by MikeSchinkel
In his 2014 New York WordCamp @nacin answered a question about …
21:13 Ticket #30291 (htaccess is missing in instalation package) closed by DrewAPicture
21:07 Ticket #30249 (Improve documentation for get_lastpostmodified and _get_last_post_time) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: In 30287: […]
21:07 Changeset [30287] by DrewAPicture
Fix incorrect documentation in the DocBlocks for …
21:07 Ticket #30256 (Create and exclude an area for ms-files.php specific unit tests) closed by jeremyfelt
fixed: In 30286: […]
21:07 Changeset [30286] by jeremyfelt
Move tests for ms_files_rewriting to separate group, ms-files When …
21:01 Changeset [30285] by boonebgorges
Remove failing test related to post galleries. It relied on the old …
20:57 Ticket #30230 (Improve some post status related documentation) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: Let's call this fixed and open new tickets for specific, …
20:55 Changeset [30284] by DrewAPicture
Fix the syntax for some status-related documentation introduced in …
20:54 Changeset [30283] by boonebgorges
Improve Tests_Feed_RSS2::test_items(). * Better reference to post …
20:36 Changeset [30282] by boonebgorges
Remove failing unit tests from 'canonical' group. Each removed test …
20:35 Ticket #30111 (Default argument documentation for WP_Comment_Query) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: In 30281: […]
20:35 Changeset [30281] by DrewAPicture
Cross-reference WP_Comment_Query::query() as the location for …
20:25 Ticket #30291 (htaccess is missing in instalation package) created by Petr Kapsia
During the instalation error "too many redirection" was appear.
20:18 Changeset [30280] by DrewAPicture
Document default arguments for WP_Comment_Query class as a hash …
20:17 Ticket #30290 (WP_XMLRPC_UnitTestCase tearDown should remove added uploads) closed by jeremyfelt
fixed: In 30279: […]
20:17 Changeset [30279] by jeremyfelt
Use remove_added_uploads() in tearDown() for XMLRPC tests This …
20:14 Ticket #30290 (WP_XMLRPC_UnitTestCase tearDown should remove added uploads) created by jeremyfelt
A handful of tests in the XMLRPC area upload files, but the group does …
19:55 Changeset [30278] by boonebgorges
In unit tests, use wpmu_delete_user() to delete users when …
19:28 Changeset [30277] by boonebgorges
Share fixtures across 'canonical' automated tests. Sharing these …
15:46 Ticket #30289 (Include GSAp in core) created by nikolay.yordanov
GSAP ( is a great library and it is pretty …
15:29 Changeset [30276] by boonebgorges
Share fixtures across a number of query-related test classes. This …
05:55 Ticket #30288 (set import directory for get_template_part()) created by Billy Mathews
Either a function or an action hook in functions.php that allows you …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.