Make WordPress Core



23:18 Tickets #25942,​25943,​25944 batch updated by nacin
fixed: In 26232: […]
23:18 Changeset [26232] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in three files. props tommcfarlin. fixes #25942, …
22:54 Ticket #26057 (Remove redundant current_user_can() check in site-new.php) created by jeremyfelt
When site-new.php was created in [15886], a `current_user_can( …
22:28 Changeset [26231] by nacin
Revert these action blocks in wp-admin/post.php to their pre-[26144]
22:22 Changeset [26230] by nacin
More dash updates. * Shuffle around some pixels. * Rename some …
21:46 Changeset [26229] by iammattthomas
Move media uploader responsive styles from wp-admin.css to …
21:24 Ticket #25945 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-includes/js/shortcode.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26228: […]
21:24 Changeset [26228] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in shortcode.js. props tommcfarlin. fixes #25945.
21:19 Changeset [26227] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: general cleanup for spacing, inline comments. Props …
21:18 Changeset [26226] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: fix an issue with keyboard navigation where you …
21:17 Ticket #26056 (Database is not upgraded in multisite if loopback is disabled) created by creativeinfusion
If on a server that disables loopback connections (like several shared …
21:14 Changeset [26225] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: limit back compat to 3.6 and later versions. See …
21:09 Ticket #26054 (Menu manager hangs) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: > After Wordpress 6 update So the actual version you're using is 3.6, …
21:02 Ticket #25947 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/editor.js) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 26224: […]
21:02 Changeset [26224] by azaozz
JSHint fixes for editor.js. Props dougwollison, fixes #25947
20:58 Ticket #25976 (MP6: Install Plugins table overflowing) closed by iammattthomas
fixed: In 26223: […]
20:58 Changeset [26223] by iammattthomas
Make the Install Plugins search results page responsive, so the table …
20:50 Ticket #26055 (Twenty Fourteen: Limit back compat to 3.6) created by obenland
Twenty Thirteen was not backwards compatible with WordPress versions …
20:47 Ticket #26054 (Menu manager hangs) created by gezginrocker
After Wordpress 6 update, it became almost impossible to edit large …
20:40 Changeset [26222] by nacin
Add JavaScript tests for shortcode.js. props jorbin, iandunn. see #25784.
20:39 Changeset [26221] by nacin
Merge wp_dashboard_recent_quickdrafts() into …
20:19 Ticket #26053 (Auto-expand quick draft textarea) created by lessbloat
Within the quick draft description field, we should auto-expand the …
20:14 Changeset [26220] by nacin
Dash cleanup. * Use wp_add_dashboard_widget() rather than …
20:08 Ticket #26052 (Hook Docs: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php) created by JoshuaAbenazer
Attached patch has docs for the manage_link_custom_column action in …
20:02 Ticket #26028 (Styles for activity widget comments are incorrectly appearing on ...) closed by iammattthomas
worksforme: r26175 appears to have taken care of everything here.
19:53 Changeset [26219] by iammattthomas
Improvements to the media uploader at responsive sizes: * Change load …
19:32 Ticket #26051 (Hook Docs (2): wp-admin/menu-header.php) created by piontkowski
Attached patch has inline docs for parent_filter filter and …
19:14 Ticket #26050 (Continual Admin Page POST (HeartBeats?) Can Cause SQL Connection Issues) created by
The admin pages (/wp-admin/widget.php, /wp-admin/index.php, etc..) …
19:02 Changeset [26218] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: remove a font weight of 900 italic which isn't …
19:01 Changeset [26217] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: remove main-content element where not necessary, …
16:41 Changeset [26216] by nacin
Sort themes by name on the new themes.php page. see #25948.
16:39 Changeset [26215] by nacin
Remove debug cruft. props dimadin. see #25948.
16:34 Ticket #25948 (THX - themes.php updates based on THX38 plugin) reopened by nacin
16:08 Ticket #26049 (Hook Docs (21): wp-includes/class-http.php) created by kraftbj
Holding ticket for upcoming inline docs patch for …
15:04 Ticket #26048 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: */editor_plugin_src.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26214: […]
15:04 Changeset [26214] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in remaining WP TinyMCE plugin files. fixes #26048.
14:57 Ticket #26048 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: */editor_plugin_src.js) created by nacin
Patch attached.
14:26 Ticket #26044 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/plupload/wp-plupload.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26213: […]
14:26 Changeset [26213] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in wp-plupload.js. props atimmer. fixes #26044.
14:25 Ticket #26046 (jshint shouldn’t throw errors - wp-includes/js/quicktags.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26212: […]
14:25 Changeset [26212] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in quicktags.js. Ignore deprecated API rather than …
14:19 Changeset [26211] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: use HTML entity for arrow in Help text string, props …
14:15 Ticket #26045 (jshint shouldn’t throw errors - wp-admin/js/theme-install.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26210: […]
14:15 Changeset [26210] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in theme-install.js. props kovshenin. fixes #26045.
12:02 Ticket #26047 (Unable to add menu items to menus) created by butterflymedia
Unable to add posts/pages to custom menus using Twenty Fourteen. No …
11:42 Ticket #26043 (Hooks Docs: wp-admin/update-core.php) closed by kpdesign
duplicate: Duplicate of #25991. My apologies @kraftbj - this file was claimed …
11:08 Ticket #26046 (jshint shouldn’t throw errors - wp-includes/js/quicktags.js) created by kovshenin
Let's fix jshint errors for quicktags.js. The arguments.callee part …
10:25 Ticket #26045 (jshint shouldn’t throw errors - wp-admin/js/theme-install.js) created by kovshenin
Let's fix jshint errors in theme-install.js.
09:21 Ticket #26044 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/plupload/wp-plupload.js) created by atimmer
18 errors to fix.
07:56 Ticket #26043 (Hooks Docs: wp-admin/update-core.php) created by kraftbj
Attached patch has inline docs for update-core-custom-{$action} and …
06:51 Ticket #25187 (.jshintrc & .jshintignore support) closed by nacin
06:51 Changeset [26209] by nacin
JSHint fixes for word-count.js and wp-mediaelement.js. see #25187.
06:36 Changeset [26208] by nacin
Residual JSHint fixes in common.js and edit-comments.js. see #25912, …
06:24 Changeset [26207] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in two files. see #25957, #25864. (Similar names but …
06:07 Ticket #25917 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/customize-control.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26206: […]
06:07 Changeset [26206] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in customize-controls.js. props jorbin. fixes #25917.
05:55 Ticket #26041 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/plupload/handlers.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26205: […]
05:55 Changeset [26205] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in plupload handlers.js. props mdbitz. fixes #26041.
05:34 Ticket #25994 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/post.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26204: […]
05:34 Changeset [26204] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in post.js. props atimmer. fixes #25994.
05:26 Ticket #25957 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/utils.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26203: […]
05:26 Changeset [26203] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in utils.js. props adamsilverstein. fixes #25957.
05:19 Ticket #26035 (jshint shouldn't throw errors:wp-includes/js/autosave.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26202: […]
05:19 Changeset [26202] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in autosave.js. props seanchayes. fixes #26035.
05:17 Tickets #26024,​26027 batch updated by nacin
fixed: In 26201: […]
05:17 Changeset [26201] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in the wpview and wplink editor plugins. props …
05:15 Tickets #26015,​26019,​26020,​26022,​26034 batch updated by nacin
fixed: In 26200: […]
05:15 Changeset [26200] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in 5 files. props seanchayes. fixes #26015, #26020, …
05:11 Tickets #25990,​25993,​26008 batch updated by nacin
fixed: In 26199: […]
05:11 Changeset [26199] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in 3 files. props atimmer. fixes #25990, #25993, #26008.
05:01 Ticket #26009 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/tags.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26198: […]
05:01 Changeset [26198] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in tags.js. props atimmer. fixes #26009.
04:59 Ticket #25986 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/heartbeat.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26197: […]
04:59 Changeset [26197] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in heartbeat.js. props dziudek. fixes #25986.
04:52 Ticket #26023 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/media-upload.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26196: […]
04:52 Changeset [26196] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in media-upload.js. props iblamefish. fixes #26023.
04:41 Tickets #26011,​26012,​26013,​26014,​26038,​26039 batch updated by nacin
fixed: In 26195: […]
04:41 Changeset [26195] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in six files. props mdbitz. fixes ##26011, #26012, …
04:33 Ticket #25997 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/xfn.js) closed by nacin
duplicate: Fixed in #26030, it appears. Oops.
04:30 Ticket #26042 (wp_save_post_revision() can compare against the wrong $last_revision post) created by wonderboymusic
There is a unit test that now consistently fails: …
04:30 Ticket #26040 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/customize-loader.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26194: […]
04:30 Changeset [26194] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors for customize-loader. props mdbitz. fixes #26040.
04:27 Ticket #25914 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-includes/js/wplink.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26193: […]
04:27 Changeset [26193] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in wplink.js. props jorbin. fixes #25914.
03:18 Ticket #26041 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/plupload/handlers.js) created by mdbitz
jshint cleanup of wp-includes/js/plupload/handlers.js […]
03:04 Ticket #26040 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/customize-loader.js) created by mdbitz
jshint cleanup of wp-includes/js/customize-loader.js W117 : …
03:04 Ticket #25831 (Clicking "Check Again" within 1 minute of a previous check does nothing) closed by dd32
fixed: In 26192: […]
03:04 Changeset [26192] by dd32
Updates: Force an update check to occur when the 'Check Again' button …
02:54 Ticket #26039 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/customize-base.js) created by mdbitz
jshint cleanup of wp-includes/js/customize-base.js W098 : 'callback' …
02:45 Tickets #16448,​20124,​25303 batch updated by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 26191: […]
02:45 Changeset [26191] by wonderboymusic
Don't place smilies inside of pre or code tags. Don't skip smilie …
02:42 Ticket #25036 (Twenty Fourteen: Ensure old versions of Internet Explorer degrade ...) closed by lancewillett
fixed: Let's open new tickets for IE or browser bugs.
02:42 Changeset [26190] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: remove unneeded translator context from theme Help …
02:36 Changeset [26189] by wonderboymusic
Don't call is_home() before the query is run in Featured Content's …
02:34 Changeset [26188] by dd32
Invalidate the 'update_core' Update check transient when $wp_version …
02:33 Ticket #26038 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/comment-reply.js) created by mdbitz
jshint cleanup of wp-includes/js/comment-reply.js W033 : Missing …
02:32 Changeset [26187] by wonderboymusic
Remove the Featured Content term filters when running Unit Tests. Set …
02:30 Ticket #25887 ($comparison is unused in maintenance_nag()) reopened by dd32
02:30 Ticket #25887 ($comparison is unused in maintenance_nag()) closed by dd32
fixed: In 26186: […]
02:30 Changeset [26186] by dd32
Updates: When a failed Background Update occurs, only show the failed …
00:58 Ticket #25980 (Twenty Fourteen: Widgets are not working when page is set as home page) closed by lancewillett
invalid: Thank you for the update, NikV.
00:37 Ticket #26037 (wp_sanitize_redirect removing valid URIs characters) created by omarabid
I'm using the wp_redirect function on one of my plugins. One of my …
00:14 Changeset [26185] by helen
We only need to declare Open Sans once in wp-admin.css. See #25858.
00:08 Changeset [26184] by iammattthomas
Fixing some inconsistent behavior on toolbar icons: - Use …


23:58 Changeset [26183] by nacin
Clean up wp-admin/index.php after dash merge. see #25824.
23:48 Changeset [26182] by helen
Remove now-unused #adminmenushadow. see #25858.
23:45 Ticket #26036 (Remove unused images) created by helen
Hooray, Dashicons. Previously: #20980
23:45 Changeset [26181] by iammattthomas
Color schemes should use .ab-icon:before instead of .ab-item:before to …
23:29 Changeset [26180] by iammattthomas
Move the color rule for adminbar icons to a less-specific selector so …
23:12 Changeset [26179] by iammattthomas
Reduce responsive menu transition animation from .2s to .05s to reduce …
22:47 Ticket #25919 (Storage space links wrap to several lines) closed by iammattthomas
fixed: In 26178: […]
22:47 Changeset [26178] by iammattthomas
In multisite, set storage space labels to nowrap to prevent …
22:43 Changeset [26177] by iammattthomas
Move the responsive padding for html.wp-toolbar to wp-admin.css since …
22:36 Ticket #25971 (MP6: Inconsistent icon for site name menu) closed by iammattthomas
fixed: In 26176: […]
22:36 Changeset [26176] by iammattthomas
Move #wpadminbar responsive styles from wp-admin.css to admin-bar.css. …
22:35 Ticket #26035 (jshint shouldn't throw errors:wp-includes/js/autosave.js) created by seanchayes
Resolving reported JSHint errors: […]
22:10 Changeset [26175] by nacin
More specific CSS for the dashboard activity widget. props …
22:06 Ticket #26034 (jshint shouldn't throw errors:wp-admin/js/link.js) created by seanchayes
Resolving JSHint errors as shown: […]
21:57 Ticket #26030 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/xfn.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26174: […]
21:57 Changeset [26174] by nacin
JSHint and coding style fixes for xfn.js. props dougwollison. fixes …
21:48 Ticket #26033 (Dashboard math error with scheduled posts) created by Ipstenu
Today is the 15th. I have a post set to go up tomorrow at 7:30am. …
21:33 Ticket #26032 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: ...) created by dougwollison
Patch to come
21:33 Ticket #26031 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: ...) created by dougwollison
Patch to come
21:33 Ticket #26030 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/xfn.js) created by dougwollison
Patch to come
21:32 Ticket #26029 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/wp-fullscreen.js) created by dougwollison
Patch to come
21:29 Ticket #26028 (Styles for activity widget comments are incorrectly appearing on ...) created by iammattthomas
On edit-comments.php, gravatars are displaying outside the comment …
21:14 Ticket #26025 (WP main page is blank on FreeBSD installation) closed by ocean90
invalid: Please try the support forums: ​
21:00 Ticket #26027 (jshint shouldn't throw ...) created by seanchayes
Resolving JSHint reported issues: […]
20:43 Ticket #26026 (Dashboard resizing) created by RDall
Widgets are getting re-sized with the width of the browser. Dragging …
20:43 Ticket #25975 (MP6: Menu location screen too narrow) closed by iammattthomas
fixed: In 26173: […]
20:43 Changeset [26173] by iammattthomas
Make the menu location screen full-width at responsive sizes. Fixes …
20:40 Ticket #25978 (MP6: Bulk/Quick Edit gets in a mess) closed by iammattthomas
fixed: In 26172: […]
20:40 Changeset [26172] by iammattthomas
In bulk editing mode, make all columns full-width and increase the …
20:34 Ticket #26025 (WP main page is blank on FreeBSD installation) created by yurivict
The main page of WP is completely blank. Page source in browser also …
20:28 Ticket #26024 (jshint shouldn't throw ...) created by seanchayes
2 W109's and 3 W117's […]
20:16 Ticket #25982 (Regression: missing Hi-DPI admin pointer flag) closed by iammattthomas
fixed: In 26171: […]
20:16 Changeset [26171] by iammattthomas
Replace icon-pointer-flag.png with the flag Dashicon. Fixes #25982.
20:12 Ticket #26023 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/media-upload.js) created by iblamefish
Resolving globals: qtags, tinymce. Made send_to_editor an explicit …
19:55 Ticket #26022 (jshint shouldn't throw errors:wp-includes/js/media-editor.js) created by seanchayes
Resolving multiple W117's for "tinymce", "QTags", "getUserSetting", …
19:54 Ticket #26021 (MP6: Custom color schemes don't apply to frontend admin bar.) created by bpetty
While the custom color schemes apply to the admin bar while in the …
19:45 Ticket #26004 (MP6: No visual difference between active and disabled state of ...) closed by iammattthomas
fixed: In 26170: […]
19:45 Changeset [26170] by iammattthomas
Add a :disabled style for radio inputs and checkboxes. Fixes #26004.
19:43 Ticket #26020 (jshint shouldn't throw errors:wp-admin/js/media.js) created by seanchayes
Resolving JSHint reported errors: W041 Use '===' to compare with '0'. …
19:29 Ticket #26019 (jshint shouldn't throw errors:wp-includes/js/customize-preview.js) created by seanchayes
Resolving reported JSHint errors
19:25 Ticket #26018 (Coding standards / whitespace for wp-admin/js/word-count.js) created by dougwollison
Patch to come
19:25 Ticket #26017 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/user-suggest.js) created by dougwollison
Patch to come
19:24 Ticket #26016 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/user-profile.js) created by dougwollison
Patch to come
19:14 Ticket #26015 (jshint shouldn't throw errors:wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.table-hotkeys.js) created by seanchayes
The (soon to be) included patch resolves the JSHint reported missing …
19:02 Ticket #26014 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/tinymce/mark_loaded_src.js) created by mdbitz
jshint cleanup of wp-includes/js/tinymce/mark_loaded_src.js W033 : …
18:54 Ticket #26013 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/wp-pointer.js) created by mdbitz
jshint cleanup of wp-includes/js/wp-pointer.js W109 : Strings must …
18:40 Changeset [26169] by azaozz
Heartbeat: clean up code style, better naming, better code structure. …
18:38 Ticket #26012 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/wp-lists.js) created by mdbitz
jshint cleanup of wp-includes/js/wp-lists.js W117 : 'ajaxurl' is not …
18:28 Ticket #26011 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/wp-auth-check.js) created by mdbitz
Cleanup of wp-includes/js/wp-auth-check W002 : Value of 'e' may be …
18:21 Ticket #26010 (SSL via `WP_Http_Curl` breaks on HTTP version mismatch) created by soulseekah
Requesting on 3.6.1 works fine, while 3.7 and …
18:17 Ticket #25992 (grunt jshint file filtering fails with long filenames) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 26168: […]
18:16 Changeset [26168] by azaozz
Grunt jshint: ensure the file passed with --file=filename.js matches …
18:15 Ticket #26009 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/tags.js) created by atimmer
17 errors to fix.
18:09 Ticket #26006 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/postbox.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26167: […]
18:09 Changeset [26167] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in postbox.js. props atimmer. fixes #26006.
17:53 Ticket #26008 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/set-post-thumbnail.js) created by atimmer
9 errors to fix.
17:52 Ticket #26007 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/revisions.js) closed by atimmer
duplicate: Duplicate of #25955.
17:51 Ticket #26007 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/revisions.js) created by atimmer
8 errors to fix
17:44 Ticket #26006 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/postbox.js) created by atimmer
10 errors to fix
17:37 Ticket #26005 (Internal jump links and shift-clicking on links in widgets (to edit) ...) created by afercia
thx to …
16:54 Ticket #25858 (Integrate MP6 into core) closed by helen
fixed: I think that completes the merge. Going to call this fixed - new …
16:50 Changeset [26166] by nacin
Add a unit test to confirm that the version number in readme.html …
16:45 Ticket #26004 (MP6: No visual difference between active and disabled state of ...) created by TobiasBg
For the customized checkboxes and radio buttons, there's no visual …
16:41 Changeset [26165] by helen
Remove old control/accordion section title gradients that were still …
16:33 Ticket #26003 (Appearance Themes: current theme on grid obscures a bit too much of ...) created by matveb
Some people mentioned the current theme information was covering too …
16:09 Ticket #26002 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/inline-edit-tax.js) created by dougwollison
Patch to come
16:09 Ticket #26001 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/inline-edit-post.js) created by dougwollison
Patch to come
16:09 Ticket #26000 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/image-edit.js) created by dougwollison
Patch to come
15:59 Ticket #25999 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/gallery.js) created by dougwollison
15:13 Ticket #25988 (3.7.1 disables stretching background images to full width) closed by helen
invalid: This is probably best first investigated on the …
14:46 Ticket #25998 (Hook Docs (7): wp-admin/includes/update-core.php) created by JoshuaAbenazer
Attached patch has docs for the update_feedback filters and …
14:26 Ticket #25997 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/xfn.js) created by OriginalEXE
Changed != comparison to !==
14:07 Ticket #25996 (Hook request: to filter the plugin description on /wp-admin/plugins.php) created by fcrossen
I have a plugin framework that assists with development of plugins, …
13:55 Ticket #25995 (Improved inline docs for the WP_Date_Query constructor) created by dziudek
The inline docs for the constructor WP_Date_Query don't contain …
13:40 Ticket #25994 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/post.js) created by atimmer
51 errors to fix.
13:16 Ticket #25993 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/plugin-install.js) created by atimmer
5 errors to fix.
13:09 Ticket #25992 (grunt jshint file filtering fails with long filenames) created by atimmer
"grunt jshint:core --file=password-strength-meter.js" shows more than …
13:08 Ticket #25991 (Hook Docs (2): wp-admin/update-core.php) created by JoshuaAbenazer
Attached patch has docs for the core_upgrade_preamble and …
12:55 Ticket #25990 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/password-strength-meter.js) created by atimmer
It shouldn't throw errors.
12:25 Ticket #25989 (In Quick Edit view, old slug is not saved when changing URL slug) created by markowe
As I understand it, when you edit a page/post in the normal editor …
12:20 Ticket #25988 (3.7.1 disables stretching background images to full width) created by SuzanneL
I find after updating to 3.7.1, that stretching background images to …
11:20 Ticket #25987 (CSS text-rendering property causing issues with headlines in Chrome) created by OriginalEXE
I am running Google Chrome Version 30.0.1599.114 on latest Kubuntu and …
08:49 Ticket #25986 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/heartbeat.js) created by dziudek
6 JSLint errors to fix 2 JSLint errors are connected with checking …
06:28 Ticket #25841 (Action to occur after Automatic Updates have finished) closed by dd32
fixed: In 26164: […]
06:28 Changeset [26164] by dd32
Bacground Updates: Move the 'automatic_updates_complete' hook to only …
06:26 Ticket #25985 (The readme.html in the download for 3.7.1 still says 3.7) created by Ipstenu
I know it's not wrong. I'm tired of arguing with customers though ;) …
06:14 Ticket #25841 (Action to occur after Automatic Updates have finished) reopened by nacin
I could go either way on this, but — should this hook fire only when …
06:08 Ticket #25953 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/nav-menu.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26163: […]
06:08 Changeset [26163] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in nav-menu.js. props atimmer. fixes #25953.
05:55 Ticket #25955 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/revisions.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26162: […]
05:55 Changeset [26162] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors (again) for revisions.js. props adamsilverstein. …
05:53 Ticket #25974 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/media-views.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26161: […]
05:53 Changeset [26161] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in media-views.js. props kadamwhite. fixes #25974.
05:50 Ticket #25970 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/admin-bar.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26160: […]
05:50 Changeset [26160] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in admin-bar.js. props kadamwhite. fixes #25970.
05:42 Ticket #25954 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/wp-ajax-response.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26159: […]
05:42 Changeset [26159] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in the old XML-based ajax response JS. props …
05:39 Ticket #25941 (JSHint configuration: Set "smarttabs" to false) closed by nacin
fixed: [26136]
05:39 Tickets #25915,​25916 batch updated by nacin
fixed: In 26158: […]
05:39 Changeset [26158] by nacin
Fix JSHint errors in custom-header.js and custom-background.js. props …
05:29 Changeset [26157] by nacin
JSHint: Make commentReply a declared global from elsewhere. props …
05:09 Ticket #25979 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/edit-comments.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26156: […]
05:09 Changeset [26156] by nacin
Avoid jshint errors in edit-comment.js. props adamsilverstein. fixes …
05:07 Ticket #25841 (Action to occur after Automatic Updates have finished) closed by dd32
fixed: In 26155: […]
05:07 Changeset [26155] by dd32
Background Updates: Add a 'automatic_updates_complete' hook that fires …
04:56 Changeset [26154] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: fix tabs to spaces in two files. See #25946.
04:52 Changeset [26153] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: first pass at adding help text to to "Help" tab for …
04:49 Changeset [26152] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: simplify and prefix post thumbnail sizes, props …
04:45 Changeset [26151] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: remove unused class name, props obenland. See #25946.
04:19 Ticket #25938 (Twenty Fourteen: "Featured Images" section cut off when front page is ...) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26150: […]
04:19 Changeset [26150] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: make sure styles for featured content on a static …
04:03 Ticket #25833 (Background Updates should be spread over the hour) reopened by dd32
04:03 Ticket #25833 (Background Updates should be spread over the hour) closed by dd32
fixed: In 26149: […]
04:03 Changeset [26149] by dd32
Background Updates: Spread them over the hour. Props Pento. Fixes …
03:54 Ticket #25984 (MP6: Admin pointers on smaller screens) created by johnbillion
On smaller screens (ie. smartphones in any orientation, and tablets in …
03:51 Ticket #25983 (Appearance Themes: #appearance needs to have a computed height) created by matveb
Since the content of #themes is all floated, #appearance
03:48 Ticket #25982 (Regression: missing Hi-DPI admin pointer flag) created by johnbillion
r26072 erroneously removed the 2x DPI image for the flag icon on admin …
02:51 Ticket #25981 (Appearance Themes: use Underscore.js throttle function instead of ...) created by matveb
Instead of building a custom throttling rely on _.throttle to …
02:45 Ticket #25980 (Twenty Fourteen: Widgets are not working when page is set as home page) created by NikV
It seems that when I set a page to be my home page, the widgets lose …
02:45 Ticket #25979 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/edit-comments.js) created by adamsilverstein
51 errors: […]
02:15 Ticket #25978 (MP6: Bulk/Quick Edit gets in a mess) created by johnbillion
The bulk edit and quick edit UI looks fine on larger screens, but it …
02:04 Ticket #25977 (MP6: the media modal is broken in smaller windows) created by azaozz
After the MP6 merge the media modal looks broken when the window …
02:01 Ticket #25817 (PHP Fatal error on background update: $wp_filesystem is not an object) reopened by dd32
02:01 Ticket #25817 (PHP Fatal error on background update: $wp_filesystem is not an object) closed by dd32
fixed: In 26148: […]
02:01 Changeset [26148] by dd32
Background Updates: Fix a PHP Fatal error which could be encountered …
01:56 Ticket #25976 (MP6: Install Plugins table overflowing) created by johnbillion
The plugin listing table used on the Plugins -> Add New screen …
01:45 Ticket #25975 (MP6: Menu location screen too narrow) created by johnbillion
On the Appearance -> Menus -> Manage Locations screen, the table on …
01:45 Ticket #25974 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/media-views.js) created by kadamwhite
Most of the issues were variables that were defined but not used. I …
01:28 Ticket #25973 (MP6: Network admin Sites listing table not responsive) created by johnbillion
The listing table on the Sites screen under Network Admin is not …
01:22 Ticket #25972 (MP6: Network admin menu not functional) created by johnbillion
In the <782px media query, the Network Admin submenu of the My Sites …
01:19 Ticket #25971 (MP6: Inconsistent icon for site name menu) created by johnbillion
The site-name menu icon changes between a globe and a home icon …
01:16 Ticket #25970 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/admin-bar.js) created by kadamwhite
Aside from onevar fixes, this file has two JSHint directive changes: …
01:09 Ticket #25969 (MP6: admin menu transition causes considerable lag) created by johnbillion
In the <782px media query, the admin menu gets a transition effect …
00:59 Ticket #25968 (MP6: buttons.css is incorrectly overriding wp-admin.css) created by johnbillion
MP6 in plugin form enqueues its stylesheets after core's …
00:02 Changeset [26147] by nacin
Remove SCRIPT_DEBUG reference from register_admin_color_schemes(). …


23:58 Changeset [26146] by helen
Avoid a notice when SCRIPT_DEBUG is not defined. props MikeHansenMe. …
23:53 Ticket #25967 (Appearance Themes: current theme highlight color should match the ...) created by matveb
The current theme highlight is currently set to blue, but it should be …
23:46 Ticket #25966 (Appearance Themes: move theme.css to wp-admin.css) created by matveb
CSS needs to be properly namespaced to avoid possible conflicts: …
23:44 Ticket #25965 (MP6ify the readme) created by johnbillion
Not a lot needs doing here except consistency with the other changes. …
23:37 Changeset [26145] by nacin
Move to grunt-sass, which which has less bells and whistles than …
23:37 Ticket #25964 (Appearance Themes: find a way to provide a no-js fallback) created by matveb
Right now all the views are rendered with wp.Backbone. We need to …
23:35 Ticket #25963 (Appearance Themes: Backbone.Router should use pushState with ?query ...) created by matveb
Make the Backbone routes pushSTate capable with ?theme=themename
23:32 Ticket #25962 (Appearance Themes: if a user has no switch_themes privileges, show the ...) created by matveb
Instead of showing a mostly empty screen, take advantage of the …
23:29 Ticket #25961 (Appearance Themes: theme detailed view can use more of the viewport's ...) created by matveb
The overlay used to show theme details should have more flexible top …
23:26 Ticket #25960 (Appearance Themes: the add-new block on the theme grid doesn't trigger ...) created by matveb
Make sure the whole element is able to trigger the link.
23:23 Ticket #25959 (Appearance Themes: base64 encode a default theme screenshot for when a ...) created by matveb
Display a fallback image when a theme lacks a screenshot instead of …
23:11 Ticket #25958 (Allow wp.getUsersBlogs to return the primary_blog flag) created by daniloercoli
Would be nice if wp.getUsersBlogs could return the primary blog flag …
23:09 Ticket #25957 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/utils.js) created by adamsilverstein
fixing these: […]
22:28 Ticket #25956 (MP6ify wp_die()) created by johnbillion
Similar to #25951. I'll work on this at the same time.
22:08 Changeset [26144] by nacin
Merge the new dashboard design into core. Merges …
22:07 Ticket #25955 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/revisions.js) created by adamsilverstein
wp-admin/js/revisions.js is still throwing some errors, not sure how …
22:06 Ticket #25954 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-includes/js/wp-ajax-response.js) created by OriginalEXE
Added missing semicolon and changed == comparison to ===
21:47 Ticket #25953 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/nav-menu.js) created by atimmer
Ticket to remove jshint warnings from nag-menu.js
21:46 Ticket #25952 (Allow widgets to be dropped onto closed sidebars) created by shaunandrews
It should be possible to drag-and-drop a widget onto a closed sidebar. …
21:44 Changeset [26143] by nacin
Temporarily remove CSS preprocessing until we can get our Ruby …
21:42 Ticket #25951 (MP6ify the install / update screens) created by johnbillion
I'll take a look at this.
21:38 Ticket #25950 (Focus trapped in TinyMCE Editor in Firefox) created by grahamarmfield
When editing posts using keyboard only, focus becomes trapped within …
21:36 Ticket #25949 (THX38 does not check theme support for current theme) created by MikeHansenMe
I have been working on a theme that happens to not have a widget area. …
21:23 Ticket #25931 (MP6: Narrow media query layout is missing) closed by johnbillion
21:03 Changeset [26142] by nacin
THX needs this file, for now. see #25948.
20:57 Ticket #25948 (THX - themes.php updates based on THX38 plugin) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26141: […]
20:57 Changeset [26141] by nacin
Update the Themes screen, merging THX into core. * Name: THX38 * …
20:51 Ticket #25948 (THX - themes.php updates based on THX38 plugin) created by matveb
20:38 Ticket #25947 (jshint shouldn't throw errors: wp-admin/js/editor.js) created by dougwollison
Pretty much only spacing fixes.
20:29 Ticket #25946 (Twenty Fourteen: General code cleanup) created by obenland
Major development is done, now follows the polishing phase. Lets round …
20:22 Ticket #25945 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-includes/js/shortcode.js) created by tommcfarlin
The included patch for this ticket will resolve JSHint errors for the …
20:21 Ticket #25944 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/theme-preview.js) created by tommcfarlin
The included patch for this ticket will resolve JSHint errors for the …
20:19 Ticket #25943 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/dashboard.js) created by tommcfarlin
The included patch for this ticket will resolve JSHint errors for the …
20:17 Ticket #25942 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/media-gallery.js) created by tommcfarlin
The included patch for this ticket will resolve JSHint errors for the …
20:05 Changeset [26140] by iammattthomas
Bring in the widgets component of MP6. See #25858. * A cleaner UI, …
19:53 Changeset [26139] by helen
Turns out it helps if you add those pesky Sass files if you're going …
19:46 Ticket #25662 (Hook Docs: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26138: […]
19:46 Changeset [26138] by SergeyBiryukov
Inline documentation for hooks in …
19:37 Changeset [26137] by helen
Merge the color schemes component from MP6. Introduces Light, Blue, …
19:23 Changeset [26136] by nacin
Remove smarttabs from .jshintrc per IRC discussion. see #25187.
19:21 Ticket #25941 (JSHint configuration: Set "smarttabs" to false) created by kadamwhite
jQuery has the JSHint "smarttabs" option set to "true," meaning they …
19:01 Changeset [26135] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: use numbered placeholders for Customizer help text in …
17:59 Changeset [26134] by iammattthomas
Bring in the responsive component of MP6. See #25858. * Makes the …
16:37 Ticket #25940 (CSS Selector Causing Issues) closed by helen
duplicate: I have no idea what button_bar is, but I'm going to assume this is a …
16:23 Ticket #25479 (Twenty Fourteen: wp-activate.php and wp-signup.php) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26133: […]
16:23 Changeset [26133] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: style multisite pages wp-activate.php and …
16:21 Ticket #25940 (CSS Selector Causing Issues) created by dovyp
Inside /wp-admin/css/wp-admin-rtl.min.cs is the following class: …
15:35 Changeset [26132] by iammattthomas
Reinstating this fix for the issue described in #18868, wherein some …
15:25 Changeset [26131] by iammattthomas
Clean up the new svg-painter.js so that it passes our jshint; see …
15:00 Ticket #25939 (add_options_page(..., 'options.php') and 1000 vars limit) created by tivnet
(Related to the discussion in #14134) There is a "common knowledge" …
14:25 Ticket #25938 (Twenty Fourteen: "Featured Images" section cut off when front page is ...) created by taupecat
When switching to a static front page instead of lists of posts, the …
14:00 Ticket #25937 (WP_Locale::_strings_for_pot() is method, not function) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26130: […]
14:00 Changeset [26130] by SergeyBiryukov
Better description for WP_Locale::_strings_for_pot(). props dimadin. …
13:54 Ticket #25937 (WP_Locale::_strings_for_pot() is method, not function) created by dimadin
Change "method" to "function" or add better description too.
13:47 Ticket #25936 (Invalid callback when attempting to access certain pages while logged out) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: I don't think it's theme-specific, looks more like a conflict between …
11:57 Ticket #25551 (Hook Docs: wp-mail.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26129: […]
11:57 Changeset [26129] by SergeyBiryukov
Inline documentation for hooks in wp-mail.php. props kpdesign, …
11:51 Ticket #25936 (Invalid callback when attempting to access certain pages while logged out) created by henrywright
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid …
11:03 Ticket #25935 (multisite installs have non-configurable path settings) created by tfogal
We've got a multisite install, where each site is && will be a …
07:08 Ticket #25117 (The distribution build process should be fully available to anyone.) reopened by mark-k
Reopening since #24976 was closed without providing the documentation …
05:12 Ticket #25934 (Spacebar does not toggle checkbox to open link in new window/tab when ...) created by travisnorthcutt
To reproduce: 1. Edit a post 2. Enter distraction free writing mode …
05:09 Changeset [26128] by nacin
Fix new RTL file loading when style concatenation is enabled. see #24977.
04:43 Changeset [26127] by nacin
3.8-alpha-26127 to bust all the caches.
04:38 Ticket #25531 (Hook Docs: wp-includes/capabilities.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26126: […]
04:38 Changeset [26126] by SergeyBiryukov
Inline documentation for hooks in wp-includes/capabilities.php. props …
04:29 Changeset [26125] by helen
Merge the sticky menu component from MP6. The admin menu is now fixed …
04:28 Ticket #25158 (Use get_current_site() instead of the $current_site global when possible) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
25158.5.diff reverts [26124] and checks for …
04:16 Changeset [26124] by SergeyBiryukov
Restore the $current_site global in wp-admin/admin-header.php to avoid …
04:06 Ticket #24923 (Quick Edit: Title, author, and post date blank/reset on save in IE8) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
04:05 Ticket #24923 (Quick Edit: Title, author, and post date blank/reset on save in IE8) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26123: […]
04:05 Changeset [26123] by SergeyBiryukov
Change jQuery selector in Quick Edit to avoid losing data in IE8. …
03:55 Ticket #25796 (capital_P_dangit : why only 'the_title' === current_filter() ?) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26122: […]
03:55 Changeset [26122] by SergeyBiryukov
Use a simple replacement for 'wp_title' filter in capital_P_dangit(), …
03:44 Ticket #25789 (Remove redundant cleanup of PHPMailer addresses in wp_mail) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26121: […]
03:44 Changeset [26121] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove redundant cleanup of PHPMailer addresses in wp_mail(). props …
03:22 Ticket #25158 (Use get_current_site() instead of the $current_site global when possible) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26120: […]
03:22 Changeset [26120] by SergeyBiryukov
Use get_current_site() instead of the $current_site global when …
03:20 Changeset [26119] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: remove unnecessary width rule that broke …
03:17 Ticket #25933 (Paragraph Width In Editor Styles Introduces Resize Handles In All ...) created by kyleunzicker
To reproduce: 1. Load an editor stylesheet via …
03:15 Ticket #25920 (About WordPress screen should have a background color) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: I was under an impression that we don't have a lot of text on grey …
03:07 Changeset [26118] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: updated (and more PNG crushing) screenshot. Props …
02:50 Ticket #25932 (Twenty Fourteen: logged-out comment form needs additional styles) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26117: […]
02:50 Changeset [26117] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: enhanced styles for logged-out comment form …
02:48 Ticket #25929 (Twenty Fourteen: file cleanup and organization) closed by lancewillett
fixed: Things are in good shape, we can re-open if any issues pop up in testing.
02:45 Ticket #25930 (Twenty Fourteen: Search Bar Widget style is very dark) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26116: […]
02:45 Changeset [26116] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: fix low-contrast input elements in Firefox by …
02:40 Ticket #25779 (wp_notify_moderator() sends multiple emails to the same person if the ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26115: […]
02:40 Changeset [26115] by SergeyBiryukov
Use case-insensitive comparison for email addresses. fixes #25779.
02:31 Ticket #25880 (wp_notify_postauthor() does not initialize the subject and content ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26114: […]
02:31 Changeset [26114] by SergeyBiryukov
Avoid PHP notices in wp_notify_postauthor() when using a custom …
02:17 Ticket #25923 (function no_update_actions() is not used) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26113: […]
02:17 Changeset [26113] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove no_update_actions(), unused since [12157]. props jdgrimes. …


23:55 Ticket #25912 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/common.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26112: […]
23:55 Changeset [26112] by nacin
Free common.js of JSHint errors. props jorbin. fixes #25912.
23:42 Ticket #25911 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-includes/js/zxcvbn-async.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26111: […]
23:42 Changeset [26111] by nacin
Mark zxcvbn global to avoid JSHint errors. props jorbin. fixes #25911.
23:41 Ticket #25907 (Add grunt jshint task for twentyfourteen) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26110: […]
23:41 Changeset [26110] by nacin
Add grunt jshint:themes for linting Twenty Fourteen and future …
23:27 Ticket #25903 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce-schema.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26109: […]
23:27 Changeset [26109] by nacin
Ignore our TinyMCE schema fork for JSHint purposes. fixes #25903.
23:20 Ticket #25781 (QUnit should be testable on both compiled and minimized JS) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26108: […]
23:20 Changeset [26108] by nacin
Don't remove the compiled.html QUnit file. Ignore it instead. props …
22:07 Ticket #25932 (Twenty Fourteen: logged-out comment form needs additional styles) created by lancewillett
Two things I noticed that need additional styling in the logged-out …
21:31 Ticket #25931 (MP6: Narrow media query layout is missing) created by johnbillion
MP6 is now in core so we're tracking issues in core Trac. The narrow …
21:18 Changeset [26107] by nacin
Use CSSJanus via a Grunt task to generate right-to-left CSS. RTL …
20:14 Changeset [26106] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: remove extra newline from footer.php file.
19:12 Ticket #25930 (Twenty Fourteen: Search Bar Widget style is very dark) created by RDall
The search bar in the Twenty Fourteen primary sidebar is very dark. …
19:04 Ticket #25781 (QUnit should be testable on both compiled and minimized JS) reopened by jorbin
We should ignore the created compiled.html file so that after running …
19:02 Changeset [26105] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: move page templates into their own directory. See #25929.
18:56 Changeset [26104] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: move CSS files except for rtl.css and style.css into …
18:37 Changeset [26103] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: rename fonts to genericons. See #25929.
18:31 Ticket #25929 (Twenty Fourteen: file cleanup and organization) created by lancewillett
Let's clean things up a bit now that we have more files, and are …
18:18 Changeset [26102] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: update two over-qualified selectors in main stylesheet.
18:05 Ticket #25928 (Remove the theme information from style.css and add a theme manifest file) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #25927.
17:31 Ticket #25928 (Remove the theme information from style.css and add a theme manifest file) created by jolyonruss
Currently the metadata related to a theme is store in a comment at the …
17:31 Ticket #25927 (Remove the theme information from style.css and add a theme manifest file) created by jolyonruss
Currently the metadata related to a theme is store in a comment at the …
17:12 Changeset [26101] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: add in more contextual help for setting up Featured …
17:10 Changeset [26100] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: adjust fixed header top margin now that MP6 is …
16:47 Ticket #25922 (Twenty Fourteen: Remove unused font weights to reduce page load) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26099: […]
16:47 Changeset [26099] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: don't load unused font weights. Props iamtakashi, …
16:46 Ticket #25925 (Twenty Fourteen: Make sure full-width page template displays ...) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26098: […]
16:46 Changeset [26098] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: full-width page template should display a full-width …
14:34 Ticket #25926 (Source code is not included for the zxcvbn library) created by Denis-de-Bernardy
While scanning the code base wondering if a js-based sha1 …
11:35 Ticket #25925 (Twenty Fourteen: Make sure full-width page template displays ...) created by iamtakashi
This is just an oversight. Unless it's viewed from mobile, the …
11:24 Ticket #25924 (Conflicting error messages in plugin editor) created by MattyRob
I have recently been testing out the plugin editor in the …
09:50 Ticket #25923 (function no_update_actions() is not used) created by juliobox
Hello in /wp-admin/update-core.php there is a function named …
06:19 Ticket #25922 (Twenty Fourteen: Remove unused font weights to reduce page load) created by iamtakashi
In The theme, some weights for Lato: thin (100) and thin italic (100 …
04:17 Changeset [26097] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: first pass at older Internet Explorer browser …
00:41 Ticket #25921 (User has to log in twice if redirect_to URL has other scheme than login URL) created by thomaswm
I'm using WordPress Multisite version 3.7.1. Suppose you open the …


23:43 Ticket #25920 (About WordPress screen should have a background color) created by SergeyBiryukov
About WordPress screen looks weird to me without a white background …
23:34 Ticket #25919 (Storage space links wrap to several lines) created by SergeyBiryukov
In Multisite, storage space links on Dashboard wrap to several lines, …
23:30 Ticket #25918 (Pending comments count doesn't fit) created by SergeyBiryukov
In languages with longer words, the pending comments count in the …
23:09 Ticket #25917 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/customize-control.js) created by jorbin
22:26 Ticket #22876 (Wrong robots meta output) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 26096: […]
22:26 Changeset [26096] by wonderboymusic
Change nofollow to follow in wp_robots_noindex(). "The noindex …
22:26 Ticket #25916 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/custom-header.js) created by jorbin
22:14 Ticket #25871 (Always Clean Install in PHPUnit Tests) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 26095: […]
22:14 Changeset [26095] by wonderboymusic
Always clean install in PHPUnit Tests. Props bpetty. Fixes #25871.
22:13 Ticket #25915 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/custom-background.js) created by jorbin
21:53 Ticket #23756 (make_clickable should not convert the URLs in pre,code tags) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 26094: […]
21:53 Changeset [26094] by wonderboymusic
Make HTML tag searches for <code> and <pre> case-insensitive in …
21:23 Changeset [26093] by wonderboymusic
The test for #5953 doesn't require the ticket to be closed for its …
21:09 Ticket #25914 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-includes/js/wplink.js) created by jorbin
19:31 Changeset [26092] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: update the theme description with more information …
18:57 Changeset [26091] by wonderboymusic
Set the page_comments option to true in Tests_Canonical to …
18:35 Ticket #15256 (?cat=## permalinks do not redirect when category is a parent) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 26090: […]
18:35 Changeset [26090] by wonderboymusic
Fix canonical redirection of cat as described in #15256 by rolling …
18:01 Ticket #25575 (Lock the compatibility mode in IE) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 26089: […]
18:01 Changeset [26089] by azaozz
Fix the X-UA-Compatible header for IE8, fixes #25575
17:54 Ticket #25913 (Investigate why we skip so many Unit Tests) created by wonderboymusic
My hunch as that we shouldn't be skipping so many tests. I am creating …
17:51 Changeset [26088] by wonderboymusic
Avoid Out of range value for column 'post_parent' error in …
17:45 Changeset [26087] by wonderboymusic
Fix a failing unit test: an XML-RPC unit test for getPosts with …
17:42 Ticket #25867 (Admin CSS: Make suggest script visible in customizer) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26086: […]
17:42 Changeset [26086] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove the code for increasing z-index for the tag suggestion script …
17:38 Changeset [26085] by SergeyBiryukov
Make suggest script visible in the customizer. props celloexpressions …
17:26 Tickets #25908,​25909,​25910 batch updated by lancewillett
fixed: In 26084: […]
17:26 Changeset [26084] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: changes to JavaScript files to pass jshint, props …
15:50 Ticket #25866 (Ajaxurl should be defined in the customizer) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26083: […]
15:50 Changeset [26083] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove the code for setting ajaxurl from Twenty Fourteen. props …
15:46 Changeset [26082] by SergeyBiryukov
Define ajaxurl in the customizer. props celloexpressions. see #25866.
13:31 Ticket #25893 (parse_tax_query : missing star in inline docs) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26081: […]
13:31 Changeset [26081] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix docblock formatting. fixes #25893.
13:15 Ticket #25447 (Hook Docs: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26080: […]
13:15 Changeset [26080] by SergeyBiryukov
Inline documentation for hooks in wp-admin/edit-link-form.php. props …
05:58 Ticket #25912 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/common.js) created by jorbin
05:38 Ticket #25911 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-includes/js/zxcvbn-async.js) created by jorbin
05:26 Ticket #25910 (jshint shouldn't throw errors in twentyfourteen - ...) created by jorbin
05:25 Ticket #25909 (jshint shouldn't throw errors in twentyfourteen - ...) created by jorbin
05:24 Ticket #25908 (jshint shouldn't throw errors in twentyfourteen - ...) created by jorbin
05:23 Ticket #25907 (Add grunt jshint task for twentyfourteen) created by jorbin
In order to easily run jshnit on twentyfourteen, we should have a task …
03:04 Ticket #25906 (Twenty Fourteen: adjust fixed header margin for MP6 merge) created by celloexpressions
Now that MP6 is in core, we need to account for its admin bar size …
02:15 Ticket #25575 (Lock the compatibility mode in IE) reopened by azaozz
00:25 Ticket #25549 (Twenty Fourteen: implement featured content "tag" mechanism) closed by lancewillett
fixed: I'd prefer if you didn't re-open tickets. :) Feel free to open a new …


23:54 Ticket #25549 (Twenty Fourteen: implement featured content "tag" mechanism) reopened by celloexpressions
It's definitely working a lot better! There's still some undesired …
23:37 Ticket #25549 (Twenty Fourteen: implement featured content "tag" mechanism) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26079: […]
23:37 Changeset [26079] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: improve Featured Content experience in the …
21:16 Ticket #25904 (Ability to disable admin new user email notifications) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #20007.
20:19 Ticket #25905 (Hook Docs (53): wp-includes/option.php) created by siobhyb
Patch forthcoming.
19:46 Ticket #25904 (Ability to disable admin new user email notifications) created by ericlewis
As an administrator, I want to disable new user email notifications.
19:43 Ticket #25902 (Enable use of termmeta table) closed by ocean90
duplicate: > there already exists a termmeta table. There is no meta table for …
19:26 Ticket #25903 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce-schema.js) created by jorbin
19:21 Ticket #25902 (Enable use of termmeta table) created by jackreichert
This pertains to tickets regarding termmeta: #19048, #10142, #5183. I …
18:32 Changeset [26078] by azaozz
Widgets screen: adjust the placeholder to match the new widget …
10:05 Ticket #25901 (/wp-admin/customize.php can't be navigated to with wp_redirect()) created by brianfeister
With WordPress Multisite, programmatically creating a new user, with …
06:11 Changeset [26077] by dd32
Add a white WordPress logo for use on the about pages. See #25858
03:52 Changeset [26076] by iammattthomas
Fixing a typo, see #25858. Props designsimply.
03:49 Changeset [26075] by iammattthomas
Add missing wordpress-logo.svg, see #25858.
02:42 Changeset [26074] by nacin
Fix order, declaration, tabbing of vars in color-picker.js. props …
00:39 Changeset [26073] by helen
Add spinner images that were inadvertently left out of [26072]. see #25858.
00:26 Changeset [26072] by helen
Say hello to a fresh new look for the WordPress admin. Still to come: …


23:27 Ticket #25897 (Twenty Fourteen: allow slider "Previous" and "Next" labels to be translated) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26071: […]
23:27 Changeset [26071] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: allow slider "Previous" and "Next" labels to be …
23:19 Ticket #25888 (Bundled Themes: Add Mobile Viewport Handling for IE10+ "Snapped" View, ...) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26070: […]
23:19 Changeset [26070] by lancewillett
Bundled Themes: implement Microsoft-specific @viewport rules for …
23:15 Ticket #25898 (Twenty Fourteen: consider removing non-standard `::selection` selectors) closed by lancewillett
23:15 Changeset [26069] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: implement UX features in spite of being non-standard …
21:29 Ticket #25885 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/comment.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26068: […]
21:29 Changeset [26068] by nacin
Avoid JSHint errors in admin comment.js. Declare globals, use single …
21:28 Ticket #25877 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/color-picker.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26067: […]
21:28 Changeset [26067] by nacin
Avoid JSHint errors in color-picker.js. One var, single quotes, add …
21:25 Changeset [26066] by nacin
Make [25064] lint-free. see #25854.
21:20 Ticket #25870 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/about.js) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26065: […]
21:20 Changeset [26065] by nacin
Avoid JSHint errors. Use dot notation when able and declare pwsL10n as …
21:18 Ticket #25854 (PHPUnit Configuration for Grunt) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26064: […]
21:18 Changeset [26064] by nacin
Add grunt phpunit which runs three tasks: phpunit, ajax tests, and …
20:43 Ticket #25781 (QUnit should be testable on both compiled and minimized JS) closed by nacin
fixed: In 26063: […]
20:43 Changeset [26063] by nacin
Add grunt qunit:compiled to run the QUnit tests on the compiled JS. …
20:25 Ticket #25900 (Allow exclude_tree to accept a comma-separated list of parent page IDs) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #9153, #16202, and #19478.
20:13 Ticket #25898 (Twenty Fourteen: consider removing non-standard `::selection` selectors) reopened by celloexpressions
I'd argue that just because it's non-standard doesn't mean we …
19:53 Ticket #25900 (Allow exclude_tree to accept a comma-separated list of parent page IDs) created by awoz
Reference: …
18:46 Ticket #25898 (Twenty Fourteen: consider removing non-standard `::selection` selectors) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26062: […]
18:46 Changeset [26062] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: remove non-standard ::selection selectors. Closes …
18:15 Ticket #25899 (Adding mediaelement CSS links outside of head tags breaks HTML5 validation) created by AlphaK
Medialement CSS links are added by default outside of the head …
17:47 Ticket #25898 (Twenty Fourteen: consider removing non-standard `::selection` selectors) created by lancewillett
See for …
17:37 Ticket #25897 (Twenty Fourteen: allow slider "Previous" and "Next" labels to be translated) created by lancewillett
See // Text labels: @todo allow translation in slider.js file …
17:29 Ticket #25896 (Wrapping div surrounding video shortcode cannot be reffered easily) created by AlphaK
In changeset [24789], I found it was very annoying having that div …
16:04 Ticket #25894 (parse_search : inline docs - missing @return) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26061: […]
16:04 Changeset [26061] by SergeyBiryukov
Add @return for WP_Query::parse_search(). props tivnet. fixes #25894.
15:53 Ticket #25895 (get_search_stopwords : undefined var) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
15:52 Ticket #25895 (get_search_stopwords : undefined var) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26060: […]
15:52 Changeset [26060] by SergeyBiryukov
Declare the variable before using it. props tivnet. fixes #25895 for trunk.
15:31 Ticket #25554 (Twenty Fourteen: Revise the primary navigation style pattern.) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26059: […]
15:31 Changeset [26059] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: when header is more than 48px tall (like two lines of …
13:25 Ticket #25895 (get_search_stopwords : undefined var) created by tivnet
If translators decide to have an empty list of stopwords, there will …
13:16 Ticket #25894 (parse_search : inline docs - missing @return) created by tivnet
Added @return string
13:10 Ticket #25893 (parse_tax_query : missing star in inline docs) created by tivnet
The comment must start with /** […]
13:05 Ticket #25892 (tax_query docs) created by afercia
hi, not 100% sure but on tax_query documentation …
12:46 Ticket #25891 (Invalid url in xml feeds) created by Denis-de-Bernardy
There's a reference to a namespace in export.php: …
10:41 Ticket #25626 (Twenty Fourteen (and Thirteen): Gallery Captions are Not ...) closed by celloexpressions
wontfix: See #25890 for the buggy behavior. With that ticket, we'll make …
10:32 Ticket #25890 (Twenty Fourteen: Inconsistent Gallery Caption/Link Behavior with Touch) created by celloexpressions
If you tap in the space where a caption will appear (like on hover) in …
09:40 Ticket #25889 (Use selected() in touch_time(), page_template_dropdown(), ...) created by meloniq
Use selected() in touch_time(), page_template_dropdown(), …
09:26 Ticket #25888 (Bundled Themes: Add Mobile Viewport Handling for IE10+ "Snapped" View, ...) created by celloexpressions
This was just added to MP6. By default, IE10+ assumes that you want …
05:45 Ticket #23756 (make_clickable should not convert the URLs in pre,code tags) reopened by bpetty
For good measure, added in case insensitive modifier for <pre> and …
04:56 Ticket #25855 (Remove about.min.js from closed by nacin
fixed: In 26058: […]
04:56 Changeset [26058] by nacin
Remove the empty about.min.js. See [25912] for the 3.7 branch. props …
02:44 Ticket #25232 (Twenty Thirteen: entry-title overflows the content area) closed by lancewillett
01:51 Ticket #25887 ($comparison is unused in maintenance_nag()) created by SergeyBiryukov
Noticed while working on #14028. There's a line in …
00:17 Ticket #25625 (Twenty Fourteen: Gallery Images Initially Load Small in IE) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26057: […]
00:17 Changeset [26057] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: fix gallery layout issue in IE, props jartes and …


23:13 Changeset [26056] by wonderboymusic
Fix inexcusable whitespace in tests/phpunit/tests/post/query.php. …
23:10 Ticket #23033 (Decimal and numeric options in meta_query do not produce correct MYSQL ...) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 26055: […]
23:10 Changeset [26055] by wonderboymusic
Produce proper CAST for DECIMAL and NUMERIC in Meta Query. Adds …
23:04 Changeset [26054] by azaozz
Merge the Widgets Area Chooser feature plugin. First run, see #25821
22:51 Ticket #22967 (Null value in meta query changes the type of comparison) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 26053: […]
22:51 Changeset [26053] by wonderboymusic
Respect the compare operator value in meta_query when value
22:37 Ticket #25886 (Sortable items gets stuck when dragging over TinyMCE) created by tollmanz
When dragging a metabox over an active TinyMCE instance in a post/page …
22:37 Ticket #23756 (make_clickable should not convert the URLs in pre,code tags) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 26052: […]
22:37 Changeset [26052] by wonderboymusic
Don't convert URLs inside <pre> and <code> tags when parsing …
22:23 Ticket #25865 (Remove old debug comment from wp-diff.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26051: […]
22:23 Changeset [26051] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove old debug comment. props nofearinc. fixes #25865.
22:21 Changeset [26050] by wonderboymusic
Split the content to balance open tags when <!--nextpage--> and …
21:49 Ticket #25885 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/comment.js) created by jorbin
21:09 Ticket #25008 (Twenty Fourteen: Add word-wrap to title, avoid overflows) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: Discussed again in #wordpress-themes IRC during Twenty Fourteen work …
20:04 Ticket #21295 (Retroactively generate new images sizes if requested) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #15311.
20:02 Ticket #25884 (Create media sizes when selected, not on initial upload) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #15311.
19:28 Ticket #25884 (Create media sizes when selected, not on initial upload) created by drrobotnik
Currently it's possible for plugins and themes to add_image_size for …
17:03 Ticket #25882 ('upgrader_process_complete' action for theme has 'plugin' type) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
17:03 Ticket #25882 ('upgrader_process_complete' action for theme has 'plugin' type) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 26049: […]
17:03 Changeset [26049] by SergeyBiryukov
Pass correct 'type' parameter to 'upgrader_process_complete' action in …
16:23 Ticket #25883 (get_site_option cache logic for notoptions is incorrect) created by broveloper
The core function get_site_option has incorrect logic for …
16:13 Ticket #25882 ('upgrader_process_complete' action for theme has 'plugin' type) created by bamadesigner
I believe the 'upgrader_process_complete' action for themes has the …
14:48 Ticket #25881 (Hook Docs (3): wp-admin/network/upgrade.php) created by miyauchi
Attached patch has done for the all hooks.
11:45 Ticket #25880 (wp_notify_postauthor() does not initialize the subject and content ...) created by sebet
Unlike wp_notify_moderator(), that uses a switch/case() statement …
11:40 Ticket #25879 (Add filter to page_template_dropdown()) created by meloniq
page_template_dropdown() is used in 'Page Attributes' metabox to …
11:08 Ticket #25878 (wp_referer_field not includes base URL from general settings) created by hectorlinares
Im using the latest release version. First you need to configure in …
06:16 Ticket #25877 (jshint shouldn't throw errors - wp-admin/js/color-picker.js) created by jorbin
05:53 Changeset [26048] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: fix case of featured posts has_tag() check that was …
05:30 Ticket #25876 (Twenty Fourteen: Reduce the number of post thumbnail sizes in the theme) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26047: […]
05:30 Changeset [26047] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: performance win by reducing the number of post …
03:12 Ticket #25876 (Twenty Fourteen: Reduce the number of post thumbnail sizes in the theme) created by iamtakashi
Discussed in the office hours today. …
02:19 Ticket #25874 (Missing parenthesis in get_bookmarks is breaking Links) closed by dd32
fixed: In 26046: […]
02:19 Changeset [26046] by dd32
Add some missing braces to get_bookmarks() which was causing an early …
01:25 Ticket #25144 (Twenty Fourteen: Fixed Header doesn't work in IE) closed by lancewillett
fixed: Agreed, I'm also OK with a non-fixed header for IE users with a custom …
01:08 Changeset [26045] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: add brief inline help text for Featured Content …
00:58 Ticket #25869 (Twenty Fourteen: Screens with 1440px or less are not displayed ...) closed by lancewillett
00:54 Ticket #25827 (Twenty Fourteen: small fonts in sidebar are hard to read) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 26044: […]
00:54 Changeset [26044] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: legibility improvements for small sidebar text. Fixes …
00:40 Changeset [26043] by azaozz
Grunt: limit JSHint's run to a single specified file. Run with grunt …
00:03 Ticket #25875 (Issue with category named "$") created by MMDeveloper
You are able to submit a category name with a $. When you assign that …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.