Make WordPress Core



23:35 Changeset [25270] by wonderboymusic
Simplify the check for false-y child_of arg. Props SergeyBiryukov. …
23:31 Changeset [25269] by wonderboymusic
Move get_meta_type() into the WP_Meta_Query class as …
23:20 Changeset [25268] by wonderboymusic
Fix spacing in docs for get_pages(). Props DrewAPicture. See #25186.
22:54 Ticket #21621 (setting meta_type doesn't CAST orderby value) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
22:53 Ticket #25230 (In get_pages, don't require hierarchical => false for parent arg) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Can this be simplified along the lines of the first change in [23599]? …
22:23 Ticket #22242 (Automatically set the email for the trac account after logging in) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta170.
22:15 Ticket #24517 (Plugin Support Forum New Thread Button) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta169.
22:14 Ticket #25209 (Twenty Fourteen: Add Styling for Media Element Players) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 25267: […]
22:14 Changeset [25267] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: further styling for medialement players, props …
22:13 Ticket #25236 (media.php undefined index.) created by pross
If a image is edited and the title is blank an undefined index is …
22:12 Ticket #25186 (Document the allowed parameters for get_pages()) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25266: […]
22:12 Changeset [25266] by wonderboymusic
Add docs to the woefully under-documented get_pages(). Props …
22:08 Ticket #24532 (Display status changes in support forum threads (eg. not ...) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta168.
22:02 Changeset [25265] by nacin
Add a test case for calling get_page_uri() with a non-existent post. …
21:56 Changeset [25264] by nacin
Remove old WP version checks from PHPUnit test cases now that tests …
21:52 Ticket #23032 (Call get_page_hierarchy without passing by reference in ...) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25263: […]
21:52 Changeset [25263] by wonderboymusic
Only variables should be passed by reference. Props Askapache. Fixes …
21:41 Ticket #24491 (get_page_uri() generates PHP warnings when invalid page passed in) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25262: […]
21:41 Changeset [25262] by wonderboymusic
Add check to make sure a valid argument was passed to …
21:22 Ticket #24601 (core.trac. landing page - suggestions to improve UI) closed by samuelsidler
invalid: @wycks: There are a number of suggestions all rolled up in your …
21:00 Ticket #18242 (Changing domain for a network blog make faulty changes in database) closed by nacin
fixed: Closing this as fixed then.
20:56 Ticket #24900 (PHPDocs for $wp_admin_bar in admin-bar.php) closed by nacin
fixed: Replying to toscho: > These doc blocks are wrong: no …
18:50 Ticket #18242 (Changing domain for a network blog make faulty changes in database) reopened by nacin
Maybe this should handle things like trimming/adding forward slashes …
18:48 Ticket #18242 (Changing domain for a network blog make faulty changes in database) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25261: […]
18:48 Changeset [25261] by nacin
Stop using get_blogaddress_by_domain() when updating the …
18:45 Ticket #25235 (Deprecate get_blogaddress_by_domain()) created by jeremyfelt
Per the discussion in #18242, we should get rid of …
18:24 Ticket #24005 ( search field looks broken in Opera) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Fixed in [meta76].
18:04 Ticket #25053 (Twenty Fourteen: Add dynamic heights for each featured content) reopened by lancewillett
18:04 Ticket #25033 (Twenty Fourteen: Featured Content 'Entry-Wrap' Overlap on Re-size) closed by lancewillett
duplicate: Going with #25053 as the canonical ticket (this is duplicate), per Takashi.
17:51 Changeset [25260] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: add styling for medialement players, props …
17:44 Ticket #24890 (Twenty Fourteen: Word Break in Comments) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 25259: […]
17:44 Changeset [25259] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: break long words in comment content (not just anchor …
17:39 Ticket #24882 (Twenty Fourteen: Left menu / bar column -- have it be sticky-ish.) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: Discussed and decided to close as wontfix, in Tue Sep 3 office hours: …
17:37 Ticket #25084 (Twenty Fourteen: add Editor Styles) closed by lancewillett
fixed: Closing -- please re-open if general Editor Style issues, or open a …
17:32 Ticket #25094 (Twenty Fourteen: Audit Theme Customization Options) closed by lancewillett
fixed: Discussing in office hours today …
17:28 Ticket #20560 (url_to_postid() string matching is not strict enough, can lead to ...) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25258: […]
17:28 Changeset [25258] by wonderboymusic
Avoids incorrect results when url_to_postid() checking is not strict …
17:14 Ticket #11823 (Improve SQL query used by get_terms()) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25257: […]
17:14 Changeset [25257] by wonderboymusic
Avoid database error when include or exclude is not really a …
17:11 Ticket #11823 (Improve SQL query used by get_terms()) reopened by kovshenin
[25162] causes a database error if an include or exclude argument is …
17:04 Ticket #22828 (Remove Duplicate Array Check) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25256: […]
17:04 Changeset [25256] by wonderboymusic
Remove redundant checks in some update functions. Adds some …
16:56 Ticket #21621 (setting meta_type doesn't CAST orderby value) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25255: […]
16:56 Changeset [25255] by wonderboymusic
When meta_type is passed with orderby => meta_value, orderby
16:33 Changeset [25254] by wonderboymusic
Remove lingering instances of call time pass-by-reference, limited to …
16:22 Changeset [25253] by nacin
Document the trackback_post hook in wp-trackback.php. props …
16:20 Changeset [25252] by nacin
Hook docs for admin-footer.php. props natejacobs. see #25229.
16:11 Changeset [25251] by nacin
Fixes for hook inline docs in wp-comments-post.php. see #25229.
16:06 Changeset [25250] by nacin
Inline documentation for the welcome_panel hook. props natejacobs. …
16:04 Changeset [25249] by nacin
Inline documentation for hooks in wp-comments-post.php. props rzen. …
13:43 Ticket #25234 (wp_create_term is defined in the wrong file) created by johnbillion
wp_create_term() is just a wrapper for a term_exists() check and …
04:51 Ticket #25183 (Let user choose between GD and ImageMagick) closed by fierevere
wontfix: Сергей, спасибо за решение с фильтрами, к сожалению в свете последних …
02:25 Ticket #25189 (Meta keys a user can't edit shouldn't be displayed in the Custom ...) closed by nacin
duplicate: This is a duplicate of #18786.


23:53 Ticket #25233 (Revisions metabox improvements) created by jkudish
The revisions metabox suffers from performance degradation when …
23:37 Ticket #24535 (An option to report inappropriate messages on support forums) closed by samuelsidler
wontfix: Replying to esmi: > That's not grounds for asking for …
23:31 Ticket #24536 (Add status "awaiting user's verification for resolution" for ...) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta165.
23:29 Ticket #24537 (Ability to like support forum messages) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta164.
23:24 Ticket #24671 (Login from profile page) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta163.
23:22 Ticket #24725 (Plugin submission form doesn't have a success message) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta162.
23:20 Ticket #24835 (Search in Plugin Directory ignores tags) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta161.
23:16 Ticket #25062 (Source are not kept aligned with binary blobs in releases) closed by samuelsidler
duplicate: Duplicate of #23034.
22:25 Ticket #25232 (Twenty Thirteen: entry-title overflows the content area) created by emiluzelac
As I was editing some of the Theme Unit Test Data, I've noticed that …
21:32 Ticket #16854 (wp_query does not handle multiple exclude author properly) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25248: […]
21:32 Changeset [25248] by wonderboymusic
Introduce author__in and author__not_in query vars. Fixes issue …
21:27 Changeset [25247] by nacin
21:16 Ticket #25201 ("zxcvbn is not defined" Error During Install) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25246: […]
21:16 Changeset [25246] by nacin
Ensure zxcvbn.min.js loads when we are guessing the wp-includes URL. …
21:03 Ticket #25231 (wp_ajax_ajax_tag_search should use get_terms instead of a custom query) created by Chouby
The goal is to take profit of all advantages of the get_terms …
20:59 Ticket #25230 (In get_pages, don't require hierarchical => false for parent arg) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25245: […]
20:59 Changeset [25245] by wonderboymusic
Set hierarchical to false when parent is passed to get_pages()
20:57 Ticket #25230 (In get_pages, don't require hierarchical => false for parent arg) created by wonderboymusic
parent requires hierarchical => false, which defaults to true. …
20:55 Ticket #9470 (Allow get_pages to get child pages of multiple pages) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25244: […]
20:55 Changeset [25244] by wonderboymusic
Allow get_pages() to accept an array for the arg parent. Adds …
20:50 Ticket #24980 (Use Matchdep module to load installed Grunt plugins) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25243: […]
20:50 Changeset [25243] by nacin
Use matchdep for Grunt tasks. props kadamwhite. fixes #24980.
20:28 Ticket #25229 (Add Inline Docs for Hooks) created by rzen
Document ALL THE HOOKS! [[Image(...)]] This trac …
20:18 Ticket #25228 (wpdb::db_version() not permissive enough) created by ozh
I ran into a MySQL server which was returning a unusual "mysql-5.5"
19:56 Changeset [25242] by wonderboymusic
Remove error_reporting() debug cruff.
19:40 Ticket #8214 (get_terms should support term descriptions) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25241: […]
19:40 Changeset [25241] by wonderboymusic
Introduce description__like arg to get_terms(). Make …
19:06 Ticket #17884 (Remove redundant checks in settings API functions) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25240: […]
19:06 Changeset [25240] by wonderboymusic
Remove unnecessary checks before setting $wp_settings_* arrays. Adds …
18:50 Ticket #19198 (Die fast in get_posts if in_search_post_types returns nothing) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25239: […]
18:50 Changeset [25239] by wonderboymusic
Kill the query in the following edge case: post_type => 'any' but …
18:18 Ticket #25227 (Change relative URL for wp-mediaelement in _wpmejsSettings to absolute) created by RussellYermal
Line 305 of wp-includes/script-loader.php reads: […] This works …
18:16 Ticket #24245 (Convert category__and query into category__in when only one category ...) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25238: […]
18:16 Changeset [25238] by wonderboymusic
Convert category__and to category__in (less expensive) and unset …
17:49 Ticket #24845 (Upgrade Network page continues to say Database Upgrade Required) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25237: […]
17:49 Changeset [25237] by nacin
Clarify a database upgrade string, for 3.7. props SergeyBiryukov. …
17:46 Ticket #24932 (HTML5 support for specific features doesn't work.) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25236: […]
17:46 Changeset [25236] by nacin
Fix 'html5' theme support. * Merge, rather than replace, on second …
17:43 Changeset [25235] by nacin
add_theme_support( 'html5' ) now defaults to comment-list, …
17:41 Ticket #16550 (wp_set_post_categories should take an integer) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25234: […]
17:41 Changeset [25234] by wonderboymusic
Allow int to be passed in lieu of array, add append arg to …
17:39 Ticket #25051 (Wrong time displayed for restored posts) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25233: […]
17:39 Changeset [25233] by nacin
Remove display of 'Previously restored by' in the revisions meta box …
17:38 Ticket #25064 (Nav Menu: Bug while assigning a new menu to an existing menu location) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25232: […]
17:38 Changeset [25232] by nacin
Nav menus: Allow assigning a new menu to an existing location when no …
16:56 Ticket #21387 (Add a CodeURI field to plugin file header) closed by bpetty
invalid: Duplicate of #meta160.
16:54 Ticket #16524 (No documentation (not possible?) to add plugins to Trac) closed by bpetty
invalid: Migrated to #meta160.
15:52 Ticket #24827 (bug in post-template.php) closed by Frank Klein
invalid: The ​Content Headings Tree plugin uses the get_the_content()
13:01 Ticket #25226 (Passwords called a mismatch in install.php when they are actually a match) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #25201.
12:36 Ticket #25226 (Passwords called a mismatch in install.php when they are actually a match) created by ericlewis
Any password combination I enter on the install screen comes up as a …
12:01 Ticket #25164 (Upgrade 3.5. -> 3.6) closed by dd32
worksforme: Closing as worksforme pending reporter feedback that points to a bug. …
08:58 Ticket #20279 (Functions defined in wp-login.php should be moved to a separate file ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25231: […]
08:58 Changeset [25231] by SergeyBiryukov
Move check_password_reset_key(), reset_password(), and …
08:30 Ticket #25215 (Filter docs for wp_redirect()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25230: […]
08:30 Changeset [25230] by SergeyBiryukov
Add phpdoc for 'wp_redirect' and 'wp_redirect_status' filters. props …
08:25 Ticket #25040 (Better documentation on what get_current_site() gets you) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25229: […]
08:25 Changeset [25229] by SergeyBiryukov
Update phpdoc for get_current_site(). props jeremyfelt. fixes #25040.
07:16 Changeset [25228] by dd32
Core Auto Updates: Add a initial skin to allow capturing the output …
06:34 Changeset [25227] by dd32
Upgrader: Split the UI "skins" out from the main Upgrader file into a …
05:10 Ticket #25225 (Strict Standards error on Widgets screen) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25226: […]
05:10 Changeset [25226] by SergeyBiryukov
Avoid 'Only variables should be passed by reference' notice on Widgets …
05:10 Ticket #18975 ([E_STRICT] menu.php at line 218) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: Replying to jdgrimes: > Just found another one of these …
05:09 Ticket #25225 (Strict Standards error on Widgets screen) created by SergeyBiryukov
From ticket:18975:26: > Just found another one of these …
05:05 Ticket #25191 (Regarding Access of excerpt of Page) closed by alpesh1988
That is an alternative I knew. But I got some more clarification …
04:49 Changeset [25225] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Re-enable curl, it was accidentally left out of [25224]. See …
04:48 Ticket #16606 (WP_Http_Streams::test doesn't check enough to confirm if it can do HTTPS) closed by dd32
fixed: In 25224: […]
04:48 Changeset [25224] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Replacing the Fsockopen & Streams Transports with a new …


23:59 Changeset [25223] by nacin
Change DB_NAME in wp-tests-config-sample.php to be something other …
22:32 Ticket #25224 (Video controls not showing) created by kyleziegler
The video control icons do not show on the videos. Specifically the …
22:16 Ticket #18975 ([E_STRICT] menu.php at line 218) reopened by jdgrimes
Just found another one of these notices today: […] It only shows …
19:00 Ticket #24881 (Twenty Fourteen: Be more specific with the transitions in CSS.) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: George confirmed this is no longer an issue now that post thumbnails …
18:17 Ticket #25223 (CRON error with WP_DEBUG enabled) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #11831.
16:32 Ticket #25223 (CRON error with WP_DEBUG enabled) created by Looimaster
I occasionally receive this error when WP_DEBUG is enabled: […] I …
13:18 Ticket #25222 (Detect https correctly when behind a proxy/loadbalancer) closed by dd32
duplicate: #24394 and #19337 and #15733 In particular: …
12:55 Ticket #25222 (Detect https correctly when behind a proxy/loadbalancer) created by xeli
The wordpress is_ssl() does not check the HTTP-X-Forwarded-Proto http …
08:38 Changeset [25222] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Add a filter for the available HTTP Transports to allow …
08:36 Changeset [25221] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Clean up some comments style and remove outdated information. …
08:32 Ticket #25221 (Change plugin folder name) closed by dd32
invalid: Please contact plugins [at] if you'd like to discuss how …
08:18 Ticket #25221 (Change plugin folder name) created by anonymized_12640152
How can I change an wordpress plugin folder name(the one from svn)? …
07:11 Changeset [25220] by dd32
Core Updates: Ensure that the system supports outgoing HTTPS requests …
06:41 Ticket #25175 (WPMU schedule doesn't work with some functions) closed by SergeyBiryukov
03:21 Changeset [25219] by dd32
Core Updates: Switch to using a new 1.7 version check API which will …
01:41 Ticket #24945 (Consolidate similar menu locations strings) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25218: […]
01:41 Changeset [25218] by SergeyBiryukov
Consolidate similar menu locations strings. props DrewAPicture. fixes …


23:02 Changeset [25217] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: first pass at adding editor stylesheet. Props Frank …
22:06 Ticket #25220 (Twenty Fourteen: Let Users Customize the Green "Accent" Color) created by celloexpressions
Continued from #25094.
22:02 Ticket #25045 (Twenty Fourteen: Use HTML5 comment markup) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 25216: […]
22:02 Changeset [25216] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: style adjustments for the new HTML5 comment markup, …
21:50 Changeset [25215] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: style URL type inputs, props Jayjdk. See #25045.
21:24 Changeset [25214] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: remove Social Links integration. Props obenland, see …
21:20 Ticket #25181 (Twenty Fourteen: Add archive page templates) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 25213: […]
21:20 Changeset [25213] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: add archive page templates, fix alignment bugs for …
21:18 Changeset [25212] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: fix SVN properties on two files.
21:14 Ticket #24877 (Twenty Fourteen: Align post format handling with Twenty Thirteen) closed by obenland
fixed: This is good to go. If you find a bug related to this, feel free to …
20:09 Ticket #25219 (DISALLOW_FILE_MODS shouldn't remove update notifications) created by iandunn
I think there are valid use cases where an admin would want to set …
17:34 Ticket #16787 (Removing title from a page (blank title) results in collapsed UI ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25211: […]
17:34 Changeset [25211] by SergeyBiryukov
Set min-height for menu item title. props garyc40. fixes #16787.
17:24 Ticket #25218 (Menu with empty navigation label not getting saved and getting removed) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #24146.
17:05 Ticket #25218 (Menu with empty navigation label not getting saved and getting removed) created by vinod dalvi
If we add navigation menu with an empty label then it gets deleted but …
13:53 Ticket #25217 (Strict Standards errors on plugin search) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25210: […]
13:53 Changeset [25210] by SergeyBiryukov
Avoid 'Only variables should be passed by reference' notice on plugin …
13:49 Ticket #25217 (Strict Standards errors on plugin search) created by SergeyBiryukov
13:26 Ticket #25216 (Make the redirect from post-new to media-new filterable) created by DrewAPicture
Can we please make it possible to cancel the redirect from …
13:09 Ticket #25215 (Filter docs for wp_redirect()) created by DrewAPicture
In [16847] we added exit calls after most instances of …
12:41 Ticket #25207 (Restore the ability to short-circuit core redirects) closed by DrewAPicture
wontfix: Replying to SergeyBiryukov: > Yes, there are probably a …
11:57 Ticket #25214 (Behaviour when deleting menu items with sub-menus) created by johnbillion
If you delete a menu item that has sub-menu items below it, the …
11:25 Ticket #24942 (Deprecate or remove wp_nav_menu_locations_meta_box()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25209: […]
11:25 Changeset [25209] by SergeyBiryukov
Deprecate wp_nav_menu_locations_meta_box(), unused since [23441]. …
11:18 Changeset [25208] by SergeyBiryukov
Move get_real_file_to_edit() upper in the file for consistency with …
10:10 Ticket #25212 (feed_links should escape urls) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25207: […]
10:10 Changeset [25207] by SergeyBiryukov
Escape URLs in feed_links(). props Chouby. fixes #25212.
10:03 Ticket #25210 (Small Grammar Error in options-permalink.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25206: […]
10:03 Changeset [25206] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix a grammar error on Permalink Settings screen. props …
08:40 Ticket #25213 (set_site_transient() incorrectly passes prefixed transient names to ...) created by dd32
When using the hooks within set_site_transient(), developers are …
08:35 Ticket #25212 (feed_links should escape urls) created by Chouby
As it is done for example in the function feed_links_extra.
06:39 Ticket #25211 (change to mysqli_connect) closed by markoheijnen
duplicate: There is already some work being done on #21663
06:38 Ticket #25211 (change to mysqli_connect) created by brody182
mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed …
04:57 Ticket #25210 (Small Grammar Error in options-permalink.php) created by celloexpressions
Options-permalink.php contains a sentence that needs a semicolon and a …
03:32 Ticket #25149 (Use an array as a default value for $meta in wpmu_* functions) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25205: […]
03:32 Changeset [25205] by SergeyBiryukov
Use an array as a default value for $meta in multisite signup-related …
03:31 Ticket #25209 (Twenty Fourteen: Add Styling for Media Element Players) created by celloexpressions
We should style the audio and video players to match the design of …
03:24 Ticket #24992 (phpDoc patch for wp-admin/includes/user.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25204: […]
03:24 Changeset [25204] by SergeyBiryukov
Update phpdoc for get_user_to_edit(), get_userdata(), and …
03:17 Ticket #25206 (default_password_nag logic behavior) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25203: […]
03:17 Changeset [25203] by SergeyBiryukov
Clear 'default_password_nag' flag when resetting a user's password, …
01:34 Ticket #25208 (Missing ntlm_sasl_client.php - it's a mistery) created by Claudiu Ceia
00:46 Ticket #24845 (Upgrade Network page continues to say Database Upgrade Required) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
The original intent of #23540 was to make it clear that it's a …


23:52 Ticket #25207 (Restore the ability to short-circuit core redirects) created by DrewAPicture
When the wp_redirect filter was added in [4407], the point was to …
22:16 Ticket #14893 (wp_inactive_widgets sidebar forgotten, then does notice in ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
21:55 Ticket #24900 (PHPDocs for $wp_admin_bar in admin-bar.php) reopened by toscho
These doc blocks are wrong: no function in this file requires an …
17:06 Ticket #25206 (default_password_nag logic behavior) created by wikicms
Step to reproduce: 1. Register on blog If we login at that moment …
15:36 Ticket #25205 (filter for submenu_as_parent parameter) created by plocha
This filter enables plugins to remove the menu entries which have the …
15:33 Ticket #25202 (IS_PROFILE_PAGE not detectable by plugins on Network/user-edit page) closed by helen
invalid: That's my experience - IS_PROFILE_PAGE indicates you are editing …
14:16 Ticket #20221 (Skip Confirmation Email option only visible to Super Admins) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #22277.
13:47 Ticket #24900 (PHPDocs for $wp_admin_bar in admin-bar.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
13:14 Ticket #24813 (wp_add_inline_style behaviour changes with SCRIPT_DEBUG) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25202: […]
13:14 Changeset [25202] by SergeyBiryukov
Prevent WP_Styles::do_item() from adding its own style tags when …
12:36 Ticket #23680 (Obsolete function previously used in Theme Editor) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25201: […]
12:36 Changeset [25201] by SergeyBiryukov
Move get_real_file_to_edit() to wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php. …
12:03 Ticket #25204 (youtube embed video wrong dimensions) created by Alexufo
1. try to embed at default …
10:06 Ticket #25203 (Use comment_reply_link arguments to wrap reply link) created by thomasguillot
Avoid empty div if no reply link wp-includes/comment-template.php …
03:41 Ticket #25202 (IS_PROFILE_PAGE not detectable by plugins on Network/user-edit page) created by Ipstenu
I was testing MP6, which uses {{{if ( defined( 'IS_PROFILE_PAGE' ) …
02:37 Ticket #25201 ("zxcvbn is not defined" Error During Install) created by iandunn
If the install is in a subdirectory, _zxcvbnSettings.src is set …
01:03 Ticket #25200 (Cannot filter Walker items in Walker_Nav_Menu_Checklist class) created by maxaud
I have a need to filter the URL of a menu item in the nav-menus.php …


23:52 Ticket #25188 (Display the correct post count in page ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #14076 and #20708.
22:01 Changeset [25200] by azaozz
Remove the banner when concatenating TinyMCE so wp-tinymce.js.gz …
13:42 Ticket #25133 (Incorrect instructions in tests/README.txt) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25199: […]
13:42 Changeset [25199] by SergeyBiryukov
Update tests/README.txt to reflect the new tests directory structure. …
13:01 Ticket #25133 (Incorrect instructions in tests/README.txt) reopened by jdgrimes
This is now incorrect again with the new changes to the tests …
04:36 Changeset [25198] by nacin
Case sensitivity for is_email_address_unsafe(). Merges [25197] to the …
04:35 Ticket #25046 (is_email_address_unsafe should be case insensitve) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25197: […]
04:35 Changeset [25197] by nacin
Case insensitivity for is_email_address_unsafe(). props jkudish. …
01:38 Changeset [25196] by nacin
Use get_nav_menu_locations() in wp_delete_nav_menu(). props …
01:36 Changeset [25195] by nacin
Nav menus: Allow assigning a new menu to an existing location when no …
01:32 Changeset [25194] by nacin
Remove display of 'Previously restored by' in the revisions meta box …
01:30 Ticket #25198 (Comments never show display name) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #10653.
01:29 Changeset [25193] by nacin
Fix 'html5' theme support. * Require it to have a second argument …
00:58 Ticket #24845 (Upgrade Network page continues to say Database Upgrade Required) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25192: […]
00:58 Changeset [25192] by nacin
Hide 'Database Upgrade Required' on admin/network/upgrade.php when you …
00:56 Changeset [25191] by nacin
Hide 'Database Upgrade Required' on admin/network/upgrade.php when you …
00:32 Ticket #24784 (Plain text content injection issue in feed error message) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: Fixed in [25190].


23:36 Changeset [25190] by nacin
Be less verbose when erroring out in do_feed() for an invalid feed …
22:24 Changeset [25189] by nacin
Remove wp-tinymce.js.gz from develop.svn, as this is now part of the …
22:16 Changeset [25188] by nacin
Build tinymce.js.gz using grunt. props azaozz. see #25159.
22:04 Ticket #8968 (Spam comments should produce 'awaiting moderation' feedback) reopened by nacin
Replying to ryan: > At least legit commenters who are …
21:34 Ticket #25199 (Twenty Thirteen: Long words in comments spill out and increase width ...) closed by helen
duplicate: Duplicate of #25195.
21:32 Ticket #25199 (Twenty Thirteen: Long words in comments spill out and increase width ...) created by RDall
As seen in @Viper007Bond comments section of his …
20:52 Ticket #25198 (Comments never show display name) created by Saenic
This bug is easy to reproduce: 1. Write a comment while logged in 2. …
20:42 Ticket #23822 (Invalid Plugin Contributors JSON from Plugin API) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta157
20:39 Ticket #25197 (Bad styling when bulk actions removed on CPT list pages) created by slaFFik
When I remove bulk actions on CPT lists page in admin area using this …
20:38 Ticket #24295 (Allow ReadMe to support in-document links) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta156.
20:34 Ticket #24145 (Confirm page close when writing on forums) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta155.
20:32 Ticket #24065 (Allow previewing posts in support forums) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta153.
18:37 Ticket #23704 (Add a field onto support forums for plugin version number) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta152.
18:34 Ticket #25196 (add new function get_comment_post_ID()) created by alexvorn2
add a new function that will return the id of the post of the comment …
18:34 Ticket #23411 (Plugin images are sent with wrong Content-Type) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta151.
18:26 Ticket #23160 (Better 404 page for closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta150.
18:24 Ticket #23072 (Forums should use title to show a hint about accesskeys for <strong>, ...) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated, but modified into #meta149.
18:04 Ticket #23002 (Maybe a little styling?) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta148
18:00 Ticket #22533 (Plugin Rating stars is incorrect) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta147.
17:50 Ticket #22523 (Can't Open Menu on iPad) closed by samuelsidler
wontfix: We're going to close this as wontfix, in favor of removing the menu …
17:43 Ticket #22450 (Extend Theme previews doesn't stay on same theme when using IE10 or ...) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta145.
17:43 Ticket #25131 (In iOS Safari it's impossible to type in TinyMCE after zooming in or ...) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 25187: […]
17:43 Changeset [25187] by azaozz
TinyMCE: fix editor focus issues after ontouchstart event on the …
17:39 Ticket #22424 (Search support threads for a particular theme/plugin) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta144.
17:37 Ticket #22297 (Add support to request topics through the WordPress API) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta143.
17:35 Ticket #22106 (SVN Notify emails don't support UTF-8) closed by samuelsidler
Essentially a dupe of #meta23. There are a number of encoding issues …
17:32 Ticket #21793 (Incorrect parsing of readme files for plugins on closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta142.
17:22 Ticket #21628 (Attach image(s) to support topics/replies) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta141.
17:17 Ticket #21550 (Plugin changelog truncation can break site layout) closed by samuelsidler
Migrated to #meta140.
17:10 Changeset [25186] by azaozz
Fix folding/unfolding of the admin menu on new installs, props …
17:06 Ticket #25195 (Twenty Thirteen: mobile comment layout can break if a really, really ...) created by lancewillett
Reported by Mark Jaquith via Twitter: …
17:06 Ticket #24921 (Once the admin menu is collapsed, the user setting gets stuck on collapsed) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25185: […]
17:06 Changeset [25185] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix menu folding on new installs. fixes #24921 for 3.6.
16:47 Ticket #21306 (Archived blogs should return HTTP "404 Not Found", not "410 Gone") closed by helen
wontfix: I agree that archiving is not inherently "temporary". I would also say …
16:32 Changeset [25184] by nacin
Revert [23307] so new users in multisite are not automatically …
16:29 Ticket #25166 (New users are automatically subscribed to the main blog) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25183: […]
16:28 Changeset [25183] by nacin
Revert [23307] so new users in multisite are not automatically …
16:27 Ticket #15627 (wp_insert_user should not assume a default role) reopened by nacin
This ticket was about wp_insert_user(). wpmu_create_user() was working …
16:13 Ticket #25194 (Filtered IIS rewrite rules not added to web.config) created by pat@…
If using IIS and web.config, appending rules via the filter …
16:00 Ticket #25193 (Introduce "scope" query_var to be used in WP_Query) created by wonderboymusic
After combing through a bunch of tickets, there seems to be a need for …
15:32 Ticket #24885 (Twenty Fourteen: properly align tag labels for posts on Linux browsers) closed by obenland
wontfix: Replying to nofearinc: > We could close that for now until …
15:17 Ticket #16201 (when updating a multisite blog subblogs getting 404 error) closed by duck_
invalid: The issue being described by mackensen and others when creating new …
14:34 Ticket #15004 (Missing index on signups table) closed by nacin
fixed: #25192 for leveraging signup_id in queries.
14:32 Ticket #25192 (Leverage signup_id when working with $wpdb->signups) created by nacin
Followup to #15004 — we should leverage the new primary key where …
14:14 Ticket #25191 (Regarding Access of excerpt of Page) created by alpesh1988
Hello, Recently I was building a website where I needed to select a …
08:12 Ticket #25190 (Improve name/pagename query variable mapping) created by duck_
WP_Query performs some mappings from custom query variables to …
08:07 Ticket #16323 (Hierarchical CPTs without a custom query_var 404) closed by duck_
fixed: In 25182: […]
08:07 Changeset [25182] by duck_
Correct rewrite tag for hierarchical post types without a query_var. …
07:37 Changeset [25181] by dd32
Plugin Upgrader: Plugin_Upgrader::upgrade() returns nothing in event …
07:34 Changeset [25180] by dd32
Theme Upgrader: Be super-careful and check the contents of the …
07:30 Ticket #25189 (Meta keys a user can't edit shouldn't be displayed in the Custom ...) created by trepmal
So you've registered your meta like this […] __return_false is …
07:27 Ticket #25088 (password-strength-meter.js should have unit tests) reopened by TobiasBg
Just one more clean-up/spacing/typo patch in 25088-spacing.patch.
07:20 Ticket #25088 (password-strength-meter.js should have unit tests) closed by duck_
fixed: Replying to jorbin: > I think we can close this since we …
04:29 Changeset [25179] by nacin
Add signup_id primary key to $wpdb->signups, and add better indexes. …
04:06 Changeset [25178] by nacin
Add grunt test task for QUnit tests. props kadamwhite. see #25096.
04:00 Ticket #25177 (map_meta_cap() doesn't require $post_author_data) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25177: […]
04:00 Changeset [25177] by nacin
Don't set up $post_author_data in map_meta_cap() as we don't need it. …
03:27 Ticket #25188 (Display the correct post count in page ...) created by nprasath002
In edit-tags.php page. the post count displayed with the associated …
03:21 Ticket #11113 (Return 410 Gone HTTP response for deleted posts/pages) closed by helen
02:10 Ticket #25179 (New required parameter added to WP_Http::processHeaders can cause warnings) closed by dd32
fixed: In 25176: […]
02:10 Changeset [25176] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Make the new 2nd parameter to WP_HTP::processHeaders() as …
01:51 Ticket #13689 (multisite noblogredirect set, 404 error result not sending proper info ...) closed by jeremyfelt
duplicate: Closing this as a duplicate of #21573 to clear things up a bit. The …


23:33 Ticket #25187 (.jshintrc & .jshintignore support) created by carldanley
Implement jshint configuration standards so everyone is on the same …
22:28 Changeset [25175] by duck_
Test that passwords containing the username are penalised. Tidy up …
22:15 Ticket #14290 (register_new_user() can't handle WP_Error result from wp_create_user()) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25174: […]
22:15 Changeset [25174] by nacin
Check for a WP_Error return from wp_create_user() in …
22:08 Ticket #25184 (confirm_delete_users() causes fatal error on site with large userbase) closed by duck_
duplicate: Thanks for the report. However, a duplicate was opened a few hours …
21:49 Ticket #25186 (Document the allowed parameters for get_pages()) created by wonderboymusic
I found some craziness in #9470. It's no wonder: there is almost no …
20:45 Ticket #25185 (Move wp-config-sample.php and wp-config.php to the root of the develop repo) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25173: […]
20:45 Changeset [25173] by nacin
Move wp-config-sample.php to the root of develop.svn. wp-config.php …
20:24 Ticket #25185 (Move wp-config-sample.php and wp-config.php to the root of the develop repo) created by nacin
Parent ticket is #24976 for This was …
20:02 Ticket #23159 (Add Words Counter In The Excerpt Metabox) closed by nacin
19:49 Changeset [25172] by wonderboymusic
Ignore wp-tests-config.php in root. See [25165].
19:30 Ticket #25182 (Avoid validating wildcard hostnames in populate_network() when ...) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25171: […]
19:30 Changeset [25171] by nacin
Avoid validating wildcard hostnames in populate_network() when …
19:29 Ticket #25184 (confirm_delete_users() causes fatal error on site with large userbase) created by rodrigosprimo
I have a site running WordPress MS, with 14000+ registered users and …
19:25 Ticket #25183 (Let user choose between GD and ImageMagick) created by fierevere
Since WP 3.5 default image editor extension can be choosen between …
19:23 Ticket #25182 (Avoid validating wildcard hostnames in populate_network() when ...) created by jeremyfelt
populate_network() does a few things that are specific to an …
19:07 Ticket #25181 (Twenty Fourteen: Add archive page templates) created by obenland
We are missing some archive templates that we had in Twenty Thirteen: …
18:58 Changeset [25170] by nacin
Basic tests for wp_parse_id_list() to ensure positive integers. see …
18:53 Changeset [25169] by wonderboymusic
No need to re-map the return values of wp_parse_id_list() to int. …
18:48 Ticket #22074 (Very Large Query that Crashes the whole My SQL and site) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25168: […]
18:48 Changeset [25168] by wonderboymusic
Improve the include / exclude SQL generation in get_pages() by using …
18:44 Changeset [25167] by nacin
Add QUnit tests for password-strength-meter.js. props jorbin. see #25088.
18:42 Changeset [25166] by nacin
Add QUnit to WordPress core for JavaScript unit testing. props …
18:39 Changeset [25165] by nacin
Move PHPUnit tests into a tests/phpunit directory. …
18:35 Ticket #24870 (Add JavaScript unit tests to core) closed by nacin
duplicate: Duplicate of #25096.
17:10 Ticket #12392 (Move comment fields to meta data instead) closed by nacin
17:03 Ticket #25180 (Make it possible to select only posts with comment_count > 0) created by wonderboymusic
May need this when #11398 goes in.
16:49 Ticket #13992 (get_terms() has 'search' and 'name__like') closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25164: […]
16:49 Changeset [25164] by wonderboymusic
Search term name and slug when the search arg is passed to …
16:44 Ticket #15264 (Deleting a term shared across taxonomies deletes all associated nav menus.) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25163: […]
16:44 Changeset [25163] by wonderboymusic
Pass the taxonomy around to relevant nav menu actions to avoid …
16:23 Ticket #11823 (Improve SQL query used by get_terms()) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25162: […]
16:23 Changeset [25162] by wonderboymusic
Improve the include / exclude SQL generation in get_terms() by using …
15:20 Ticket #25179 (New required parameter added to WP_Http::processHeaders can cause warnings) created by jshreve
3.7 only bug (so does not involve stable) I noticed that a new …
15:18 Ticket #13661 (Support id=>name in fields arg of get_terms()) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25161: […]
15:18 Changeset [25161] by wonderboymusic
Support id=>name and id=>slug values for fields arg in …
15:08 Ticket #22208 (get_children() doesn't support 'fields' => 'ids' as an argument) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In 25160: […]
15:07 Changeset [25160] by wonderboymusic
Respect the fields arg when passed to get_children(). Fixes #22208.
14:48 Ticket #23485 (Theme Preview on Extend starts in the middle of the page) closed by Otto42
fixed: I fixed this a while back. Didn't know there was a ticket for it.
14:46 Ticket #25178 (multisite network admin to delete user attempts to load millions of ...) created by _ck_
There is an unbound mysql query in multisite network admin. […] …
14:46 Ticket #24397 (Embiggen the linked WordPress og:image) closed by Otto42
fixed: I think 1500 is a bit too big, but I upped it to the 250px image for …
12:19 Ticket #25177 (map_meta_cap() doesn't require $post_author_data) created by duck_
map_meta_cap() sets up $post_author_data to check if a user is …
11:24 Ticket #25176 (Add 'image' type/extensions to wp_ext2type() and make it case insensitive) created by xparham
Well, I know that you can add any type check to wp_ext2type() with …
10:10 Ticket #25164 (Upgrade 3.5. -> 3.6) reopened by adamtrlica
08:40 Changeset [25159] by duck_
zxcvbn: Apply ROT13 when building the dynamic user_inputs dictionary. …
05:40 Ticket #25175 (WPMU schedule doesn't work with some functions) created by Looimaster
Here's a simple event that is scheduled to be executed daily. It …
05:04 Ticket #16158 (3.0.4 Upgrade failed on localhost testbed, successful on public site) closed by dd32
worksforme: > Ah yes, I misread the ticket.. Validation needs to happen here, …
05:04 Ticket #25174 (Expand zxcvbn user_input blacklist) created by iandunn
The current blacklist only contains the username, but there are other …
02:53 Ticket #25173 (Notices for orphaned comments in edit-comments.php page) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #16956.
00:46 Ticket #25167 (Multiple Email Registration On Multisite) closed by nacin
duplicate: I think this is a duplicate of #15467.
00:44 Ticket #25173 (Notices for orphaned comments in edit-comments.php page) created by alexvorn2
I get these notices in the comments page: …
00:21 Ticket #25172 (wp_get_attachment_image_src not checking SSL) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #15928 and #19722.
00:08 Ticket #25172 (wp_get_attachment_image_src not checking SSL) created by midwestkel
The array that is built with wp_get_attachment_image_src() returns the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.