Make WordPress Core



23:59 Ticket #21452 (When uploading media wp_unique_filename() treats capitalisation as ...) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: I would love to see the filename run through strtolower() but it …
23:48 Ticket #20660 (wp_get_attachment_url() ignores filter for unrecognized IDs) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Anything that calls wp_get_attachment_url() should make sure they are …
21:48 Ticket #25087 (Fix: Align variable names with other uses in the same file for ...) created by hakre
Minor. Title says it all.
20:51 Ticket #8822 (Use SWFUpload on importer tools) closed by bpetty
wontfix: Closing this out as the 5 year old patches are completely useless now, …
19:54 Ticket #25086 (Combine author and gravatar to translatable string) created by pavelevap
String "%s is currently editing" is related to author, but gravatar …
18:59 Ticket #16944 (Add new 'bynetworkuser' CSS class to output from comment-template.php) reopened by markoheijnen
I reopening this. I can see the use case. You maybe want to style on …
18:49 Ticket #25085 (Twenty Fourteen: Fix Genericons Loading) created by celloexpressions
Regardless of whether or not Genericons are packaged in core (see …
18:13 Ticket #25084 (Twenty Fourteen: add Editor Styles) created by celloexpressions
Looks like Twenty Fourteen still needs an editor stylesheet and its …
17:56 Ticket #25029 (Multisite Installations in Multiple Environments) closed by jeremyfelt
17:40 Ticket #20008 (Search Results Paging Doesn't Work on Lighttp 404 Handler) closed by c3mdigital
duplicate: Closing as duplicate of #10458 See #11723 for additional info.
17:29 Ticket #24845 (Upgrade Network page continues to say Database Upgrade Required) closed by jeremyfelt
worksforme: I've had this same issue with MU Domain Mapping in the past.
16:51 Ticket #19926 (Bad special characters replacement when changing from HTML to Visual) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: I'm able to display all characters correctly in latest version of …
16:47 Ticket #17298 (Adding optional "fieldname_base" parameter to touch_time() function ...) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: See ui-datepicker discussionon #7665
16:25 Ticket #25083 (Merge strings for available updates) created by pavelevap
There are several similar (and long) strings in theme.php and …
16:21 Ticket #22860 (Site list in Network Admin shows Master Site where each network site should) closed by Ipstenu
invalid: This was a 'known' issue with W3TC about 8 months ago, and has since …
15:57 Ticket #16462 (Plugin Editor does not work for Must-Use Plugins) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: Should we be allowing users to edit must use plugins? I think this is …
15:56 Ticket #16451 (WP_Roles and capabilities) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: I don't see this as a bug. If you would like to reopen please provide …
15:48 Ticket #16408 (get_bloginfo('template_url') is not returning valid URLs.) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: urls should be escaped on output to prevent double-encoding.
15:46 Ticket #14698 (Adding custom menu items in a WP managed menu) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Doesn't seem like there is a viable solution and not clear if there is …
15:39 Ticket #16668 (SWFUpload 2.2.1) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: swfupload no longer used by core.
15:33 Ticket #18075 ("Scan for lost attachments" should look for orphaned files in the ...) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Scan for attachments only looks in the database it is not a file importer.
15:29 Ticket #18351 (get_term_feed_link doesn't work well on page two of archives) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Invalid, feeds are not paged.
15:24 Ticket #16944 (Add new 'bynetworkuser' CSS class to output from comment-template.php) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: Don't see a real need to fix this.
14:28 Ticket #19543 (Broken formatting when using HTML5 <section> element) closed by sabreuse
fixed: This is no longer happening. I assume it was fixed by the TinyMCE …
14:05 Ticket #25082 (register_taxonomy_for_object_type cannot be used with non-post types) created by leewillis77
register_taxonomy_for_object_type checks that the object type is a …
13:43 Ticket #14195 ($paged is not set when a Static Page is set as the Front Page) closed by duck_
duplicate: Duplicate of #13840. …
12:20 Ticket #25081 (wordpress Bug / Vulnerability) closed by rmccue
12:13 Ticket #25081 (wordpress Bug / Vulnerability) created by mohanpendyala
Vulnerable Path: wp-content/uploads/dump.sql Google …
11:25 Ticket #12982 (Shortcodes don't allow shortcodes in attributes) closed by iseulde
10:42 Ticket #25056 (Update to class_phpmailer.php in WordPress 3.6 broke email sending on ...) closed by markoheijnen
duplicate: It's then duplicated of #25014
07:23 Ticket #25080 (URL of sticky appears in foot of sticky) closed by dd32
invalid: Your theme is explicitly doing that. You might find that if you give …
07:18 Ticket #25080 (URL of sticky appears in foot of sticky) created by diskmandotnet
Hi I recently update my WP to the latest core and now something …
03:26 Ticket #25056 (Update to class_phpmailer.php in WordPress 3.6 broke email sending on ...) reopened by c3mdigital
The patch on #25014 has not been committed yet so this ticket needs to …
03:21 Ticket #25056 (Update to class_phpmailer.php in WordPress 3.6 broke email sending on ...) closed by thetamarketing
03:03 Ticket #25079 (Remove redundant context for Child Themes link) created by SergeyBiryukov
We have a link to the [ Child …
02:13 Ticket #18950 (get_post_types() does not return post-types registered with verbose ...) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Closing as invalid based on comments above and in ticket #19693. …
01:59 Ticket #20602 (Replace media) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: Closing based on discussion above. +1 that it would make a great plugin.
01:49 Ticket #19838 (Don't display before_title and after_title if title is empty in widgets) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Before title, title and after title do not display if there is no …


21:46 Ticket #25078 (Unwanted global variable in media-models.js) created by greuben
How to reproduce? 1. Open media library (browser) 2. args variable …
21:12 Ticket #25077 (Native video player doesn't autoplay when using flash fallback) created by leandroprz
Hi, I think I found another bug with the new native player. I'm …
21:11 Ticket #18325 (TinyMce, noscript, and the gallery icon.) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Testing in trunk I could not reproduce this. I created a …
21:02 Ticket #25076 (CSS issue with native video player and flash fallback on full screen) created by leandroprz
Hi, I noticed there's a bug with the CSS and the new native video …
20:58 Ticket #18823 (Pass $post_id as second argument to delete_postmeta action) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: I don't think this is something needed for the old style action …
20:33 Ticket #20120 (Space before slash to close BR) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Closing for the same reason as #25075.
20:24 Ticket #25075 (<br/> tags should be <br /> tags including one space before forward slash) closed by sabreuse
wontfix: This feels like refactoring for the sake of refactoring to me: see …
20:13 Ticket #25075 (<br/> tags should be <br /> tags including one space before forward slash) created by vinod dalvi
There are a lot <br/> tags in the WordPress core which should be <br …
19:58 Ticket #25074 (Incorrect documentation about HTTP/1.1 support) created by leewillis77
The initial set of comments in wp-includes/class-http.php states: …
19:55 Ticket #25073 (Heartbeat performance and API improvements) created by evansolomon
There are a few separate changes here: * Make some easy performance …
19:50 Ticket #25072 (Send no-cache response header from wp-cron.php requests) created by westonruter
In high-scale WordPress installs, it is common to enable …
19:12 Ticket #17956 (Add the ability to edit each image size individually) closed by helen
duplicate: Duplicate of #22990.
19:11 Ticket #25069 (Searching does not work at back end when Bulk Actions is selected) closed by helen
duplicate: Duplicate of #25034.
17:11 Ticket #17088 (Edit image icon broken in Internet Explorer 9 for referenced images ...) closed by azaozz
fixed: Fixed some time ago.
16:32 Ticket #25066 (Can't upload pictures to the media library any more.) reopened by Archaeo
On my Window7 PC using Firefox in Wordpress 3.6 on my webpage …
16:25 Ticket #25071 (fetch_feed() returns WP_Error with "A valid URL was not provided") created by jaychris
This seems to be the same bug as #24646, but is not resolved in 3.6. …
15:44 Ticket #25070 (Add filter to use do_accordion_sections for post metaboxes) created by MZAWeb
It'd be really cool to be able to use the new do_accordion_sections to …
14:37 Ticket #25068 (Require relative to working directory, not file) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #17092.
14:33 Ticket #25069 (Searching does not work at back end when Bulk Actions is selected) created by vinod dalvi
Made a selection in the Bulk Actions menu but then changed my mind on …
13:58 Ticket #25068 (Require relative to working directory, not file) created by hakre
Some requires are done relative to the current working directory of …
12:44 Ticket #25067 (Twenty Thirteen - Sidebar widget overlaps on footer) closed by ocean90
invalid: That's by design, see #23557.
12:14 Ticket #25067 (Twenty Thirteen - Sidebar widget overlaps on footer) created by vinod dalvi
Steps for reproducing the issue: 1) Activate Twenty Thirteen theme on …
09:20 Ticket #25066 (Can't upload pictures to the media library any more.) closed by ocean90
invalid: Archaeo, please create more descriptive tickets with information about …
08:32 Ticket #25061 (Plugin/Theme/Core Updates Fail When Curl Used and String Function ...) closed by dd32
fixed: > Is there some reason why we shouldn't just set this on environment …
08:21 Changeset [25052] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Curl: When using Stream-to-file on servers using …
08:17 Changeset [25051] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Curl: When using Stream-to-file on servers using …
06:14 Ticket #16990 (WP Multisite doesn't use custom db-error.php) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: in 3.4 we added load_translations_early() which will prevent the …
05:49 Ticket #18503 (Delete-Plugin Error Validation Clears Form Values) closed by dd32
wontfix: The "You cannot delete a plugin while it is active on the main site." …
02:30 Ticket #21276 (Respect 'suppress_filters' arg in WP_Query->get_posts()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
01:39 Ticket #25066 (Can't upload pictures to the media library any more.) created by Archaeo
The uploader gets to about 71% and stops there. Can't load images to …
00:49 Ticket #25065 (The unit tests assume that PHPUnit is installed via PEAR) created by scribu
PHPUnit officially supports 3 …


21:25 Ticket #16830 (url_to_postid() doesn't resolve attachments when rewrite rules are disabled) reopened by MikeSchinkel
Replying to c3mdigital: > I can't think of a use case for …
21:07 Ticket #25064 (Nav Menu: Bug while assigning a new menu to an existing menu location) created by ocean90
Steps to reproduce: * Theme with menu support * `get_theme_mod( …
20:44 Ticket #16830 (url_to_postid() doesn't resolve attachments when rewrite rules are disabled) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: I can't think of a use case for needing the attachment_id when you …
20:20 Ticket #16280 (UI improvements to Themes API) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Theme UI overhaul covered in #19909 Any new issues should be in a new …
20:20 Ticket #16176 (save_post_{$post_type}) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 25050: […]
20:20 Changeset [25050] by ocean90
Introduce save_post_{$post_type} hook. The hook is fired before the …
19:55 Ticket #17964 (Underlined text is gone when copied.) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Im closing. if anyone thinks we should only enable …
19:26 Ticket #25063 (Correct check for mbstring.func_overload in _unzip_file_pclzip()) created by SergeyBiryukov
Background: #25061 [17592] added a fix to _unzip_file_pclzip() for …
18:20 Ticket #9460 (Add custom_url_func to be run in template-loader.php) closed by MikeSchinkel
wontfix: This ticket is obsolete because of the addition of the …
17:36 Ticket #25062 (Source are not kept aligned with binary blobs in releases) created by hakre
The Wordpress Sources repository shows not much activity over the last …
15:38 Ticket #25061 (Plugin/Theme/Core Updates Fail When Curl Used and String Function ...) created by DrProtocols
When downloading an update in the form of a zip file the update …
13:59 Ticket #12033 (Parent template tags) closed by SergeyBiryukov
wontfix: This can be achieved by passing $post->post_parent to …
12:34 Ticket #8515 (Archive Permalink) closed by iseulde
wontfix: I don't see much benefit in disallowing your archive pages with …
12:03 Ticket #12705 (Suggest add new filter to wp_insert_user()) closed by iseulde
invalid: You could use the register_post or registration_errors hooks, …
11:38 Ticket #12461 (Resend Pass to users from "admin > users"-list) closed by iseulde
wontfix: You can definitely do this with the hook edit_user_profile_update, …
11:16 Ticket #12340 (Assign Certain Categories/Taxonomies To Site Authors) closed by iseulde
wontfix: I agree with scribu, this is plugin territory. Maybe a plugin like …
09:38 Ticket #25042 (Visual management of permissions of user groups) closed by ocean90
wontfix: There is currently no need to have such a screen in core. But you …
09:35 Ticket #24955 (More text styling buttons in DFW HTML mode) closed by ocean90
wontfix: Replying to helen: > That seems to go against the …
09:29 Ticket #24779 (Editing a comment doesn't clear the Recent Comments widget cache) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 25049: […]
09:29 Changeset [25049] by ocean90
Flush the cache in Recent Comments widget on edit_comment. props …
07:34 Ticket #17015 (wp_list_pages incorrect hierarchy when using include and sorting by title) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: I don't fully understand your expectations. If you only want the …
06:30 Ticket #17270 (strip_tags function in XML RPC needs replacing with regex) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: This was a PHP bug and not a WordPress bug. Fixed in PHP 5.3 …
06:13 Ticket #16285 (Custom Words for Spell Checking) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: This would make a great plugin if it is possible to use custom lists.
05:51 Ticket #16581 (Meta widget: properly redirect user after logging in / out) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: New users use the meta widget to get back to the admin. I know I did …
05:35 Ticket #24496 (Plugin_Upgrader::bulk_upgrade() and Theme_Upgrader::bulk_upgrade() ...) closed by dd32
fixed: In 25048: […]
05:35 Changeset [25048] by dd32
WP_Upgrader: Don't activate maintenance mode in bulk_upgrade() when no …
04:06 Ticket #25058 (Gallery Settings should follow image_default_link_type) closed by nacin
wontfix: The new UI appears to obey the user setting (half-meta, half-cookie). …
03:08 Ticket #23196 (mkdir not recursive (in wp-includes/functions.php)) closed by dd32
fixed: In 25047: […]
03:08 Changeset [25047] by dd32
Make use of the recursive option in mkdir() in wp_mkdir_p(). Avoids a …
01:19 Ticket #24987 (HTTP requests should handle passing Cookies on redirects) closed by dd32
fixed: In 25046: […]
01:19 Changeset [25046] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Cookies: When following redirects, include the request …
01:00 Ticket #24961 (No error message when logging in without cookies enabled) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 25045: […]
01:00 Changeset [25045] by azaozz
In wp-login.php check if cookies are enabled before attempting to log …
00:33 Ticket #21182 (WP_HTTP_Cookie doesn't handle the default conditions for the 'domain' ...) closed by dd32
fixed: In 25044: […]
00:33 Changeset [25044] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Cookies: Fill the defaults for the Cookie object based on the …


23:09 Ticket #25060 (Quick Edit Comments inline edit save breaks the alternating table row ...) created by c3mdigital
Related: #24951 Related: #25059 When quick editing comments and …
22:41 Ticket #19008 (Introduce a notoptions cache for site options) closed by duck_
fixed: In 25043: […]
22:41 Changeset [25043] by duck_
Introduce a notoptions cache for site options. Props wonderboymusic. …
21:36 Ticket #25059 (Inline Edit Tags always adds class "alternate") created by c3mdigital
See same issue in #24951 Quick editing adds the "alternate" class to …
21:14 Ticket #25019 (Twenty Eleven: mobile layout bugs on single post format view) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25042: […]
21:14 Changeset [25042] by nacin
Twenty Eleven: Fix some mobile layout bugs on single post format view. …
20:59 Ticket #25019 (Twenty Eleven: mobile layout bugs on single post format view) reopened by doodlebee
Sorry, didn't mean to close it!
20:53 Ticket #16632 (Template title tags shouldn't ignore the prefix,even if 'display' is false) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25041: […]
20:53 Changeset [25041] by nacin
Obey $prefix when $display = false in single_term_title(), …
20:49 Ticket #25019 (Twenty Eleven: mobile layout bugs on single post format view) closed by doodlebee
20:44 Ticket #24792 (Post/Page protection password size limitation truncates passwords - is ...) closed by nacin
fixed: Re-opened #881.
20:44 Ticket #881 (Lengthen password field for protected posts) reopened by nacin
I am here from the future. (#24792.) Re-opening to consider …
20:32 Changeset [25040] by duck_
Search for wp-util.min.js in the correct directory when auto-defining …
20:24 Ticket #25058 (Gallery Settings should follow image_default_link_type) created by lkraav
media.php L1906+
20:18 Ticket #24951 (Quick edit always adds class "alternate") closed by helen
fixed: In 25039: […]
20:18 Changeset [25039] by helen
Make sure quick edited non-alternate list table rows don't become …
20:16 Ticket #14862 (wp 30 to wpmu - wild card domain - suggestion) closed by Ipstenu
worksforme: Now when you set up Multisite, and pick subdomains, it checks for the …
20:07 Ticket #16568 (Network install disables site when blog_id is not 1) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25038: […]
20:07 Changeset [25038] by nacin
In populate_network(), insert the first site as blog_id 1, overriding …
20:01 Ticket #20357 (Add Return Empty String Function) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25037: […]
20:01 Changeset [25037] by nacin
Add a function to return an empty string, for filters. props wpsmith, …
19:58 Ticket #24600 (send_origin_headers from admin-post.php) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25036: […]
19:58 Changeset [25036] by nacin
send_origin_headers() in admin-post.php. props nickdaugherty, fixes …
19:55 Changeset [25035] by nacin
Add a maxlength attribute to the post password input, reflecting the …
19:53 Ticket #15261 (Add do_action to form tag in edit-tag-form.php) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25034: […]
19:53 Changeset [25034] by nacin
Add actions for term editing/creation form tags, for adding enctype …
19:42 Ticket #25057 (MS function get_blogaddress_by_domain returns output escaped by ...) closed by nacin
fixed: In 25033: […]
19:41 Changeset [25033] by nacin
Return esc_url_raw(), not esc_url(), from get_blogaddress_by_domain(). …
19:21 Ticket #25057 (MS function get_blogaddress_by_domain returns output escaped by ...) created by tlovett1
Title is pretty self-explanatory. get_blogaddress_by_domain() runs …
19:20 Ticket #23349 (Be able to suppress registration redirect for multisite in wp-login.php) closed by Ipstenu
invalid: No traction on this in 7 months. Reopen if needed with more info please :)
19:15 Ticket #23750 (Uploads go into subdirectory install of WordPress) reopened by nacin
Based on: > We do have WP_CONTENT_DIR defined and assume it should use …
19:08 Ticket #23750 (Uploads go into subdirectory install of WordPress) closed by Ipstenu
wontfix: I'm not sure this IS a bug. wp-content IS in /wp/wp-content right? I …
18:35 Ticket #17866 (Copy adjustment in wp-admin/includes/media.php) closed by songsthatsaved
worksforme: This was changed to "Link To" in 3.5, in [22247].
18:26 Ticket #12855 (Add 2 filters on get_media_item(s) functions) closed by songsthatsaved
wontfix: This corresponds to the old media experience. Closing.
18:25 Ticket #17023 (add hook for media_upload_library_form()) closed by songsthatsaved
wontfix: This applies to the old media experience. Closing.
15:59 Ticket #25032 (Link creator button does not activate in Firefox 23.0 (Mac)) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Appears to be a NextGEN Gallery 2.0 issue. Feel free to reopen if you …
15:46 Ticket #24478 (The `theme_action_links` filter passes different arguments in ...) closed by ryan
fixed: In 25032: […]
15:46 Changeset [25032] by ryan
Be consistent with the arguments passed to the theme_action_links …
14:48 Ticket #24150 (tabindex doesnot work proper if metabox added) closed by lessbloat
wontfix: @azaozz's solution looks like it will work well for this situation. …
13:13 Ticket #16470 (Require confirmation on email change) reopened by johnbillion
I know there's been no traction since this ticket was opened, but I …
11:15 Ticket #16882 (Add support for fetching comments posted since a specific date) reopened by markoheijnen
11:00 Ticket #17381 (display_name is not updated if javascript is disabled) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: This condition would only happen if you tried to change your display …
10:26 Ticket #16882 (Add support for fetching comments posted since a specific date) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: Just like WP_Query requires a clauses or posts_where filter to …
10:03 Ticket #17472 (wp_redirect() should return true on success) closed by c3mdigital
duplicate: Fixed in r24996 Marking as duplicate of #24969 since it has already …
09:49 Ticket #17068 (Pasting text from Word does not have span tags cleaned anymore) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: In 3.6 and Trunk I cannot reproduce this using the provided Word …
09:41 Ticket #16470 (Require confirmation on email change) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: This would be a great plugin. Don't think it's needed in core.
09:14 Ticket #16431 (Adding include to wp_list_comments()) reopened by c3mdigital
Replying to danielpataki: > Great, thanks for giving this …
08:12 Ticket #16431 (Adding include to wp_list_comments()) closed by c3mdigital
duplicate: Duplicate of #19581.
08:11 Ticket #16431 (Adding include to wp_list_comments()) reopened by c3mdigital
Replying to danielpataki: > Hi c3mdigital, > > My …
02:22 Ticket #17037 (get_the_title() will pass an empty title and invalid post ID to ...) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Couldn't this be handled by doing a check if ( '0' == $post_id ) in …
02:14 Ticket #16431 (Adding include to wp_list_comments()) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: Not sure if I understand what you mean by include. I agree that …


23:49 Ticket #18413 (Ability to Add Custom "Add User" Link) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: No discussion in 2 years. Closing as wont fix. What using the …
23:43 Ticket #16276 (Default value for search field - (#11420 Easy within-site linking from ...) reopened by bradyvercher
I have a plugin that incorporates functionality similar to this and …
21:55 Ticket #18356 (get_bookmarks() indefinitely caches randomly ordered results) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
21:43 Ticket #16276 (Default value for search field - (#11420 Easy within-site linking from ...) closed by helen
fixed: In 25031: […]
21:43 Changeset [25031] by helen
Only set and run internal search for linking selected text if the …
21:36 Ticket #25056 (Update to class_phpmailer.php in WordPress 3.6 broke email sending on ...) created by thetamarketing
I have a client that is hosted on a server that uses mini_sendmail and …
20:59 Ticket #16437 (wp_category_checklist should have name parameter) closed by wonderboymusic
duplicate: Duplicate of #19556. The changes will happen here, which has $args
20:08 Ticket #18632 (wp_get_shortlink() Should Always Return a URL) closed by ryan
fixed: In 25030: […]
20:08 Changeset [25030] by ryan
wp_get_shortlink() improvements. * Return shortlinks for pages and …
19:58 Ticket #25055 (Add in_theme_update_message-$themeid action to theme update table.) created by pross
Plugins have this action and i think themes used to as well. This …
19:58 Ticket #25050 (Small icon misalignment in "Tags" box on "Edit" screen) closed by helen
fixed: In 25029: […]
19:58 Changeset [25029] by helen
Better align the x icons with tag names. props TobiasBg. fixes #25050.
19:50 Ticket #8298 (wp_page_menu needs to override wp_list_pages include argument to be ...) closed by technosailor
17:54 Ticket #24967 (Twenty Fourteen: Add ID to comment for closing div in sidebar.php) closed by lancewillett
invalid: Thanks Jonnyauk! We have a convention for this throughout the …
17:46 Ticket #25013 (Twenty Fourteen: Improve support for larger viewports) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: Discussed at length in Twenty Fourteen office hours today. Decide on …
17:37 Ticket #25054 (Twenty Fourteen Accessibility fixes) created by sabreuse
Twenty Fourteen has a few accessibility issues that I've found: * …
17:34 Ticket #25053 (Twenty Fourteen: Add dynamic heights for each featured content) created by chellycat
Since the entry-summary has a fixed height, in some cases, the excerpt …
17:03 Ticket #25052 (Updates and downloads should be signed) created by samuelsidler
Spin off from #18577. We should sign updates and downloads (including …
16:24 Ticket #25005 (Notice using get_sample_permalink()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25028: […]
16:24 Changeset [25028] by SergeyBiryukov
Avoid PHP notices in get_sample_permalink() and …
16:09 Ticket #23712 (My browser is NOT out of date) closed by johnbillion
worksforme: Closing as worksforme. OP's user agent must have been affected by an …
16:07 Ticket #25041 (Mention other authors) closed by nacin
15:04 Ticket #17516 (Add Favorite Actions to Admin Bar) closed by technosailor
15:02 Ticket #25051 (Wrong time displayed for restored posts) created by pavelevap
There is a message "Previously restored by..." displayed in Revisions …
14:11 Ticket #15006 (Closing tag for empty <p> tag is removed) reopened by iseulde
Apologies, this is still a problem in 3.6.
13:48 Ticket #22682 (Close Button Breaks in Customizer After Refresh) closed by helen
fixed: In 25027: […]
13:48 Changeset [25027] by helen
Make sure the close button in the Customizer still works after a …
13:40 Ticket #25050 (Small icon misalignment in "Tags" box on "Edit" screen) created by TobiasBg
The small (x) icons in the "Tags" box on the "Edit" screen of a post …
13:34 Ticket #15006 (Closing tag for empty <p> tag is removed) closed by iseulde
worksforme: Tested in 3.6.
11:58 Ticket #16516 (wp_page_menu documentation of the sort_column parameter) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 25026: […]
11:58 Changeset [25026] by SergeyBiryukov
Correct sort_column argument description for wp_page_menu(). props …
06:58 Ticket #25049 (Twenty Thirteen - Enqueued styles in wp-admin) closed by nacin
worksforme: Not sure what is going on in maybe a child theme, but …
06:40 Ticket #25049 (Twenty Thirteen - Enqueued styles in wp-admin) created by Clorith
Twenty Thirteen adds some nifty looking features with it's CSS, …
06:05 Ticket #22429 (Usage of @$_GET/@$_POST) closed by dd32
fixed: In 25025: […]
06:05 Changeset [25025] by dd32
Remove the usage of @$_GET and @$_POST and just check to see if the …
05:59 Changeset [25024] by dd32
WP_Filesystem: Make WP_Filesystem_Base::search_for_folder() a bit more …
05:28 Ticket #16428 (Add child-theme as a theme tag) closed by nacin
wontfix: Seems like we don't need a tag either way — if searching for it is …
04:34 Ticket #21442 (Themes: change allowed term taxonomy from Width to Layout and add ...) reopened by nacin
04:33 Ticket #14890 (dynamic custom header image sizes patch) closed by sabreuse
fixed: header image widths/heights were overhauled in #17242 and related tickets
04:15 Ticket #21442 (Themes: change allowed term taxonomy from Width to Layout and add ...) closed by sabreuse
invalid: Closing in favor of
04:00 Ticket #25048 (file_exists check in menu-header.php causes issue with backend menu on ...) created by chriscct7
On line 153 of menu-header.php (based on 3.6 branch), a file_exists …
03:51 Ticket #25047 (Improve heartbeat queue checking) created by evansolomon
The JS heartbeat API has an isQueued() method, but it also checks …
02:29 Ticket #16756 (PHP5-port - Access Violations on wpdb::$prefix) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
16756.2.patch looks like a valid inline documentation fix …
01:41 Ticket #10149 (A floating image added in a comment results in a weird layout in the ...) closed by sabreuse
wontfix: Replying to mrmist: > No longer relevant? No longer relevant.
01:40 Ticket #7625 ("Customize Header" page visual corrections [patch]) closed by sabreuse
wontfix: Time to close down Kubrick.
01:30 Ticket #4518 (Nested <ol> <ul> lists display incorrectly with default theme) closed by sabreuse
wontfix: There was an argument for leaving this open a few years back when we …
01:13 Ticket #25024 (Twenty Fourteen: Remove 'Gist' correction -- it actually breaks them.) closed by georgestephanis
fixed: Fixed in r25023
00:31 Ticket #18327 (remove_menu_page('index.php'); causes Notices - risk of unexpected results?) closed by c3mdigital
duplicate: Resolving as duplicate of #18085. Fixed in r18740
00:27 Ticket #18190 (Don't redirect to 404 page on empty post archives) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: The check for posts should be done when the archive link is generated. …
00:24 Changeset [25023] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: second pass at matching code standards achieved with …
00:11 Ticket #18356 (get_bookmarks() indefinitely caches randomly ordered results) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: Not sure if many people are still using bookmarks and blogrolls.


23:58 Ticket #21323 (wp_delete_attachment (leaves stale image class wp-image-### in content ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
23:53 Ticket #25046 (is_email_address_unsafe should be case insensitve) created by jkudish
is_email_address_unsafe should be case insensitive For example: if I …
23:48 Ticket #24966 (Twenty Fourteen: Code comment correction in sidebar-footer.php) closed by obenland
wontfix: This will be resolved as part of #24874.
23:45 Ticket #20844 (Specify titles using <!-- nextpage -->) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: sgr33n, Cool looks like your plugin takes care of this. Closing as …
23:39 Ticket #21073 (Main functions file (/wp-includes/functions.php) could use a coding ...) closed by c3mdigital
maybelater: As much as I'm for coding standards I will refer to: …
23:26 Ticket #20153 (Track Plugin actions/history) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: This is something that would be better suited for a plugin than in …
23:24 Ticket #25045 (Twenty Fourteen: Use HTML5 comment markup) created by obenland
Eventually we should move to completely support the core HTML5. Let's …
21:50 Ticket #24999 (The 'wpeditimage' TinyMCE plugin is broken in trunk/src) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 25022: […]
21:50 Changeset [25022] by azaozz
TinyMCE: always use js/editimage.js in the custom 'editimage' plugin, …
21:29 Ticket #16221 (admin bar hover class toggle adds whitespace) closed by helen
invalid: Also cannot reproduce. Closing.
21:08 Ticket #8296 (Auto generate password for new user) closed by wedi
duplicate: Duplicate of #24633.
20:15 Ticket #25044 (Install translation, direct from WP-Admin) closed by nacin
duplicate: Sounds like a duplicate of #18200 — or at the very least, that …
20:13 Ticket #25044 (Install translation, direct from WP-Admin) created by Apiweb
I think it would be cool, you can install translations directly from …
20:11 Ticket #25043 (Add a pre_ hook to term_exists() to allow pre-query optimization) created by dllh
In benchmarking imports, I noticed that term_exists() is a very …
20:10 Ticket #25042 (Visual management of permissions of user groups) created by Apiweb
By using WordPress, it is necessary a visual management of permissions …
20:08 Ticket #18171 (Media library - Sort on extensions) closed by ocean90
worksforme: You can create more filters by hooking into the post_mime_types filter.
20:05 Ticket #25041 (Mention other authors) created by Apiweb
I'm noticing that WordPress is getting more social, and I think a nice …
19:48 Ticket #11078 (Media Library tab in post editor should have "Unattached" and "Trash" ...) closed by ocean90
19:47 Ticket #13502 (Ajax deletion of media broken due to Trashing remains) closed by ocean90
invalid: Obsolete through media revamp in 3.5.
19:22 Ticket #25040 (Better documentation on what get_current_site() gets you) created by jeremyfelt
The current docblock in get_current_site() implies that one of the …
19:03 Ticket #25039 (Twenty Thirteen: Responsive CSS issue) created by anonymized_10765487
Hi I've been testing this twentythirteen theme and I found a bug with …
18:47 Ticket #25038 (imagecreatetruecolor fails when WP tries to make image with width of 0) created by pat@…
Uploading a tall narrow image will cause an error when trying to …
17:41 Ticket #25037 (XML-RPC : Can't remove all the categories from a post by using ...) created by daniloercoli
Seems that you can't remove all the categories from a post by calling …
17:08 Ticket #25036 (Twenty Fourteen: Ensure old versions of Internet Explorer degrade ...) created by taupecat
For reference:
16:46 Ticket #24858 (Twenty Fourteen) closed by lancewillett
fixed: Let's open new tickets for new issues. Closing this one.
16:38 Changeset [25021] by lancewillett
Twenty Fourteen: first pass at matching code standards achieved with …
16:30 Ticket #9170 ("jQuerify" adding a new user...) closed by ocean90
wontfix: The code has changed in the meantime. You will get the message "New …
16:17 Ticket #11082 (Saving an empty draft dumps user out to edit.php) closed by helen
invalid: Replying to MikeHansenMe: > The current behavior of …
15:53 Ticket #17642 (hook for category edit needed) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: wp_ajax_inline_save_tax() calls wp_update_term() and action hooks …
15:43 Ticket #24989 (Cleanup for `/wp-admin/js/cat.js`) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 25020: […]
15:43 Changeset [25020] by ocean90
Remove unused cat JavaScript file. props carldanley. fixes #24989.
15:41 Ticket #18102 (IE8 and wp_tiny_mce has broken Link button) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: wp_tiny_mce() deprecated in 3.3
15:35 Ticket #17723 (WP Signon from external resource/php code) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: wp_set_auth_cookie() does this. Also when including WordPress you …
15:18 Changeset [25019] by duck_
Add javascript files deleted in [25013] to $_old_files. See #23486.
15:00 Ticket #24984 (Remove unused globals in ms-functions.php) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 25018: […]
15:00 Changeset [25018] by ocean90
Remove references to unused globals. props jeremyfelt. fixes #24984.
14:07 Ticket #25035 (option_name column increased) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #13310.
13:56 Ticket #25035 (option_name column increased) created by lucam
My design needs more than 64 characters. For each update, the design …
13:23 Ticket #25034 (Searches reverts to previous search criteria) created by WebTechGlobal
I submitted a comments search. Then made a selection in the Bulk …
13:10 Ticket #25033 (Twenty Fourteen: Featured Content 'Entry-Wrap' Overlap on Re-size) created by eherman24
At the top of the Twenty Fourteen demo inside of the featured content …
12:10 Ticket #25032 (Link creator button does not activate in Firefox 23.0 (Mac)) created by benrussell01
In firefox version 23.0 (for Mac) the WYSIWYG link creator button does …
10:07 Ticket #5692 (Archives detailed per category) closed by iseulde
wontfix: Isn't it better to use the type parameter for that? But then, what …
01:04 Ticket #25031 (Twenty Fourteen: Make the content sidebar optional and expand the main ...) created by iamtakashi
Currently the theme has some default widgets for the content sidebar …


23:46 Ticket #25030 (Overlapping upload paths with multiple networks) created by ddean
When ms_files_rewriting is disabled on a WP install with multiple …
23:06 Ticket #25029 (Multisite Installations in Multiple Environments) created by wesrice
Background Assume that there are four environments that a site …
22:51 Ticket #13100 (category template matches ancestor category, single post matches ...) closed by iseulde
19:33 Ticket #25028 (Twenty Fourteen: widgetize the Post Format front page so other widgets ...) created by paolal
Instead of hardcoding the home sidebar to show two posts for each non …
19:16 Ticket #24385 (Adding and Deleting Custom Taxonomies not Working) closed by nacin
worksforme: Could you explain what "an undefined error" is?
19:08 Ticket #25027 (Update Tinymce to 4.0) closed by nacin
duplicate: Duplicate of #24067.
18:59 Ticket #25027 (Update Tinymce to 4.0) created by hebbet
Tiny MCE 4.0 was released few weeks ago
18:31 Ticket #21341 (Explain Site and User count update frequency in Network Admin ...) closed by jeremyfelt
wontfix: Makes sense to me.
18:22 Ticket #25026 (Twenty Fourteen: 'masthead-fixed' class is not removed after window ...) created by cainm
Twenty Fourteen adds the masthead-fixed class to the #masthead
17:44 Ticket #24944 (Include a new `locate_template_override` filter to let plugins ...) closed by georgestephanis
duplicate: Duplicate of #13239.
16:52 Ticket #25025 (Twenty Fourteen: widgets added to the bar extend outside widget box) closed by helen
invalid: Widgets can be given a width and height when registering and will …
16:48 Ticket #19564 (Helper function for getting/setting cache data) closed by nacin
wontfix: I'm going to close this for now. As scribu said many months ago, you …
16:45 Ticket #25025 (Twenty Fourteen: widgets added to the bar extend outside widget box) created by eherman24
In the new TwentyFourteen theme, when you drag a new widget in to the …
16:33 Ticket #21402 (Remove PHP4 methods, format consistently) reopened by nacin
Actually, it seems like this would be really nice to clean up. The …
15:38 Ticket #25024 (Twenty Fourteen: Remove 'Gist' correction -- it actually breaks them.) created by georgestephanis
15:03 Ticket #25023 (WordPress 3.6 deleting data on custom post meta) created by cdwharton
Everything worked fine in WordPress 3.5 but after upgrading to …
15:01 Ticket #5117 (WordPress (plugin) updates do not warn about unknown plugins) closed by nacin
wontfix: This doesn't seem like something we should be solving for, at least as …
14:39 Ticket #22735 (A given pointer should only show once on a screen) closed by helen
duplicate: #25022 has a patch and is milestoned.
13:49 Ticket #25022 (Feature notification after update should display only once) created by tar.gz
This is certainly an edge case, but still: After an upgrade from 3.4 …
13:23 Ticket #25016 (XMLRPC method "wp.getUsers" not working correctly in Multisite) reopened by markoheijnen
This is probably a cause of […] I'm not sure but maybe this check …
13:15 Ticket #23365 (Add Option for user defined from_email) closed by SergeyBiryukov
13:15 Ticket #22049 (Reading settings let users choose between "Full text" or "Summary" for ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
11:45 Ticket #25021 (Improve sanitize_title_with_dashes % removal) created by duck_
The current method of % removal involves placeholders to prevent …
11:14 Ticket #20095 (get_users() doesn't allow hyphens in meta_key parameter) closed by iseulde
worksforme: Works for me in 3.6.
06:17 Ticket #24625 ("File not found" in admin area after upgrade from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2) closed by dd32
worksforme: I second it being a server configuration. Please re-open if you can …
04:42 Ticket #20544 (WordPress MultiSite/Network SiteURL error) closed by jeremyfelt
invalid: Closing after no reporter feedback.
04:17 Ticket #15943 (Custom Post Type not set after customizing permalinks.) closed by jeremyfelt
worksforme: This ticket has extremely detailed information on the issue if it does …
03:26 Ticket #11151 (Common White Screen of Death in wpdb) closed by wonderboymusic
worksforme: These are anecdotal issues from 3-4 years ago
03:23 Ticket #10819 (Suggestion: Addition to dbDelta - returns FALSE on mySQL error) closed by wonderboymusic
maybelater: This ticket is a mess / 4 years old
02:22 Ticket #21402 (Remove PHP4 methods, format consistently) closed by wonderboymusic
maybelater: Closing my own ticket, this is really the least of our concerns
01:37 Ticket #16754 (PHP5-port - srand()) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Actually, removing srand() and floor() seems valid here. It's …
00:54 Ticket #23728 (Errors when trying to upload media before saving network settings) closed by jeremyfelt
invalid: In current trunk, an error on this line implies there may have been an …
00:17 Ticket #25018 (Hardcoded text in post-template.php) closed by leandroprz


23:02 Ticket #24385 (Adding and Deleting Custom Taxonomies not Working) reopened by greeso
22:56 Ticket #20606 (orderby rand param does not work with either WP_User_Query or get_users) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: order by clause is filterable. Closing as wontfix
22:52 Ticket #19706 (NOTICE: wp-admin/includes/post.php:834 - Illegal member variable name) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: No discussion in 16 months. Closing based on comments above.
22:48 Ticket #19621 (Cron not working in WP 3.3) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Closing as invalid. If anyone is able to reproduce in 3.6 please reopen.
22:45 Ticket #20224 (WordPress should always add a / at the end of URLs) closed by c3mdigital
22:39 Ticket #19115 (Attempting to upload a too-large theme gives a confusing error message) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: close keyword added over a year ago.
22:35 Ticket #18480 (get_sidebar should be able to accept an array of names as parameter.) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: If we allow this it will be abused by theme developers. Because …
22:25 Ticket #20069 (Wordpress upgrade process removed executable bits on .php files and so ...) reopened by dd32
Edgecase or not, 664/775 doesn't fit every hosting providers …
22:23 Ticket #20069 (Wordpress upgrade process removed executable bits on .php files and so ...) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Closing based on discussion above. Seems like an extreme edge case. …
22:22 Ticket #25020 (Introduce a sitemeta filter for populate_network) created by jeremyfelt
populate_network() can be used by a plugin to help create new …
22:16 Ticket #19790 (function request : is_plugin_latest($plugin);) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: Maybe a note on the top of your support request form that tells them …
22:11 Ticket #19906 (Quicktags docs recommend code causing JS error: Uncaught ...) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: The proper way to enqueue or add inline javascript via …
21:54 Ticket #25019 (Twenty Eleven: mobile layout bugs on single post format view) created by lancewillett
The following items at the top of the single post format post view are …
21:53 Ticket #19825 (Bugs and modifications to localize script) closed by c3mdigital
wontfix: No discussion in almost 2 years. Closing as wontfix for allowing …
21:46 Ticket #25018 (Hardcoded text in post-template.php) created by leandroprz
Hi, I was looking for a way to split a page into several pages and …
21:46 Ticket #19719 (PHPMailer allows invalid characters in display-name) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: The display name or "FromName" is ran through the …
21:17 Ticket #18829 (Cleanup of postbox_classes) closed by c3mdigital
maybelater: Closing as maybe later. See: …
21:15 Ticket #16754 (PHP5-port - srand()) closed by c3mdigital
maybelater: Closing as maybe later. See: …
21:10 Ticket #16943 (Code Cleanup add_query_arg() + friends) closed by c3mdigital
maybelater: Closing as maybe later. See: …
20:58 Ticket #16753 (PHP5-port - microtime() use) closed by c3mdigital
maybelater: Closing as maybe later. See: …
20:57 Ticket #16903 (PHP5-Port - Superfluous code in _deep_replace()) closed by c3mdigital
maybelater: Closing as maybe later. See: …
20:56 Ticket #16756 (PHP5-port - Access Violations on wpdb::$prefix) closed by c3mdigital
maybelater: Closing as maybe later. See: …
20:49 Ticket #25017 (Dont allow empty $src parameter in wp_register_script) created by oskarhane
In Codex the $src parameter in wp_register_script( $handle, $src, …
20:30 Ticket #24841 (Cannot add two similar tags (example: "Google" and "Google+") within ...) closed by wonderboymusic
duplicate: For sake of cleaning up tickets, #17689 addresses the issue
20:29 Ticket #15237 (Settings -> Permalinks blank on PHP 5.3.2) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: No chatter in 2 years. This seems to be a non issue If anyone can …
20:27 Ticket #24788 (Notice being displayed in page title on taxonomy archive pages) closed by wonderboymusic
invalid: Check it now, it does
20:25 Ticket #24385 (Adding and Deleting Custom Taxonomies not Working) closed by wonderboymusic
invalid: No feedback in 3 months from reporter
20:23 Ticket #18272 (Can not define media upload path/URL in multisite) closed by c3mdigital
invalid: in ms_upload_constants(): […] You can add a filter to …
20:12 Ticket #23069 (For plugins that create custom taxonomies, wp_delete_term does not ...) closed by wonderboymusic
20:12 Ticket #22875 (Additional custom taxonomy object types) closed by wonderboymusic
invalid: almost everything in BuddyPress is a post_type thing, so you are …
20:03 Ticket #21734 (Completely remove global terms) closed by wonderboymusic
maybelater: I don't think this matters right now
19:56 Ticket #24042 (Help text visibility in title input box is not intuitive) closed by helen
duplicate: There's also an idea in the form of a plugin over on #14097 - closing …
19:34 Ticket #25016 (XMLRPC method "wp.getUsers" not working correctly in Multisite) closed by markoheijnen
invalid: This isn't a support forum for As you indicated it does …
18:58 Ticket #18081 (Improve performance of taxonomy queries, avoid temporary tables) closed by wonderboymusic
invalid: The GROUP BY is what causes the temp table, the ORDER BY causes …
18:53 Ticket #25016 (XMLRPC method "wp.getUsers" not working correctly in Multisite) created by dinomic
Hi, I have been testing some functionality in our app which uses …
18:19 Ticket #16375 (is_tax() and get_taxonomy_template() support for post formats) closed by wonderboymusic
maybelater: Seems like has_post_format() theme hint is the pattern to check …
18:19 Ticket #25015 (Options cache updated by update_option() and add_option() even on failure) created by jdgrimes
The add_option() and update_option() functions both update the …
17:55 Ticket #15846 (Posts list associated to a term_taxonomy_id) closed by wonderboymusic
worksforme: tax_query is now a thing that is documented and whatnot
17:54 Ticket #15837 (Custom Taxonomy: Admin Menu Not Selecting Current Item) closed by wonderboymusic
invalid: Has since changed to array( 'show_ui' => true )
17:42 Ticket #15626 (get_terms bug: pad_counts doesn't work if you specify parent) closed by wonderboymusic
wontfix: #17365 was closed as worksforme - this ticket is 3 years old, …
17:39 Ticket #14901 (Make "Uncategorized" transparent) closed by wonderboymusic
maybelater: This hasn't been discussed in 3 years - by all means, if a good …
17:32 Ticket #14370 (Custom Taxonomies tagging Attachments) closed by helen
invalid: You need to use pre_get_posts for working pagination, not …
17:31 Ticket #14717 (Add option to wp_list_categories (and underlying get_terms or ...) closed by wonderboymusic
maybelater: No patch or comments in 3 years
17:27 Ticket #14448 (get_terms(): Add "slugs" option for $fields) closed by wonderboymusic
duplicate: Actually, scratch that. #13661 has the more useful ids=>slugs
17:23 Ticket #14399 (get_term_children doesn't call clean_term_cache() if necessary) closed by wonderboymusic
duplicate: #14485 has more chatter and some legacy patches
17:12 Ticket #14020 (Custom Taxonomy Form does not Show in Add/Edit Link page for Links) closed by wonderboymusic
maybelater: Links don't support custom taxonomies on the Add/Edit page, or when …
14:38 Ticket #16276 (Default value for search field - (#11420 Easy within-site linking from ...) reopened by helen
Two things being noticed here, reported by a .com VIP site as well as …
14:21 Ticket #25014 (class-phpmailer.php Version 5.2.4 Qmail Bug) created by JaxWeather
class-phpmailer.php version 5.2.4 which is included with WordPress 3.6 …
10:07 Ticket #25013 (Twenty Fourteen: Improve support for larger viewports) created by nhuja
Shouldn't the content width extend 100% to the browser width? In …
10:00 Ticket #24439 (WP3.6-beta3 deletes <dd> tags) closed by iseulde
worksforme: Have you tried it again in 3.6? Works for me. Feel free to reopen.
09:55 Ticket #24057 (wp_list_bookmarks links target="") closed by iseulde
09:54 Ticket #19960 (Problem posting by email from MailChimp) closed by iseulde
invalid: No feedback from reporter(s). Feel free to reopen.
09:42 Ticket #19044 ($depth in start_el Walker_Category has null value) closed by iseulde
invalid: No reporter feedback in almost two years.
09:29 Ticket #20228 (Image options can't be changed) closed by iseulde
09:24 Ticket #20073 (When I publish a draft the posting date is not updated) closed by iseulde
worksforme: Tested in 3.6 and works fine. Are you still experiencing this issue? …
08:56 Ticket #17594 (Add pre_get_home_url hook for plugins) closed by iseulde
wontfix: No reporter feedback in over two years.
08:51 Ticket #17219 (Add Existing User - E-mail Notification ( /wp-admin/user-new.php )) closed by iseulde
invalid: You can choose to send them and email with their password.
08:50 Ticket #24696 (Support for custom $meta_types with update_metadata()) closed by GaryJ
08:35 Ticket #10260 (problem img links after import dotclear) closed by iseulde
invalid: No feedback from reporter in over four years. Feel free to reopen if …
08:34 Ticket #10259 (Problem with dotclear import) closed by iseulde
invalid: No feedback from reporter in over four years. Feel free to reopen if …
06:07 Ticket #24324 (Placeholder support to login form) closed by helen
wontfix: Replying to m_uysl: > Why it need to solve problem? Is …
05:38 Ticket #24368 (Renaming feature for wp-includes) closed by dd32
maybelater: WordPress doesn't really support changing the location of core files, …
04:54 Ticket #16240 (hide_empty doesn't work in get_terms() when hierarchical isn't set to false) closed by wonderboymusic
invalid: Nacin marked close 11 months ago, no chatter since then
04:53 Ticket #16022 (Search does not look for tags) closed by wonderboymusic
maybelater: > UI/UX expert should review this I just got certified to be one …
04:45 Ticket #13606 (Comma's in taxonomy term names make them unpickable) closed by wonderboymusic
duplicate: #14691 has a patch, let's scoot over to there
04:44 Ticket #14501 (Add $taxonomy as 2nd parameter to 'edit_tag_form_fields' hook) closed by wonderboymusic
wontfix: Hasn't been needed for at least 3 years
04:41 Ticket #14343 (user_can_access_admin_page not recognising taxonomies) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: This patch made it into core
04:23 Ticket #12929 (Reserved names for taxonomies) closed by wonderboymusic
duplicate: Duplicate of #11531. There are a bunch of tickets that all say …
04:14 Ticket #12629 (function to remove custom taxonomies and all their terms) closed by wonderboymusic
duplicate: Duplicate of #11058.
04:12 Ticket #11847 (wp_tag_cloud counts terms attached to future posts when used with ...) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: _pad_term_counts() checks post_status = 'publish' now (4 years later)
03:45 Ticket #9875 (Postcount not set for parent in category dropdown.) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: This got committed at some point
03:27 Ticket #8119 (Attempts to edit deleted categories are not properly handled) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: Trac doesn't have blame/revisions so I can't find the commit, but this …
03:24 Ticket #7267 (Infinite recursion in get_category_parents() and _children()) closed by wonderboymusic
invalid: These funcs have been deprecated in the 3 years since this patch was …
03:22 Ticket #6122 (Add taxonomy_id_filter like term_id_filter) closed by wonderboymusic
wontfix: This guy tried to delete his patch, no activity in 4 years, sounds …
01:00 Ticket #16886 (Adding readonly function to wp-includes/general-template.php) closed by helen
wontfix: Going to echo azaozz's sentiment on #20110: …
00:24 Ticket #18627 (Google Chrome handles bulleted lists differently in Visual Editor than ...) closed by c3mdigital
worksforme: Can't reproduce bug in latest version of Chrome, Version 28.0.1500.95. …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.