Make WordPress Core



22:44 Ticket #24017 (Network admin sites list page displaying bad links for Dashboard and Visits) created by morriswanchuk
After upgrading to 3.5.1 (from 3.5), we noticed that the links to …
22:43 Changeset [23946] by ryan
Allow turning off the post formats UI via a show_post_format_ui …
22:24 Ticket #23838 (Tabbing to fields between title and editor on the edit screen) closed by azaozz
duplicate: Thinking better to merge this into #23891 as fixing it is part of …
21:43 Ticket #23994 (Twenty Thirteen: image floating right pushes beyond site width in ...) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23945: […]
21:43 Changeset [23945] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: fix for right-aligned images breaking the main column …
21:39 Ticket #23962 (Twenty Thirteen: Gallery post format missing styles for category links) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23944: […]
21:39 Changeset [23944] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: remove overly-specific post meta styles, props …
21:34 Changeset [23943] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: avoid galleries not being displayed on single in IE8, …
21:19 Ticket #24016 (RFE : Amend coding standards so that theme developers place dynamic ...) created by pembo13
Currently, theme authors are placing their dynamically generated CSS …
20:58 Changeset [23942] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: better representative theme screenshot, props Joen. …
20:56 Ticket #24015 (Update MediaElement to latest) created by wonderboymusic
There's new code, I will make a patch that merges it.
20:53 Changeset in tests [1258] by wonderboymusic
Add chat Unit Tests. See #23625.
20:50 Ticket #24014 (Undefined variable: nav_menu_id in /wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 195) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23941: […]
20:50 Changeset [23941] by SergeyBiryukov
Use correct variable. fixes #24014. see #23119.
19:51 Ticket #24014 (Undefined variable: nav_menu_id in /wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 195) created by chipbennett
To reproduce: 1. Delete an existing nav menu Error (PHP notice): …
18:59 Ticket #24013 (Hide "Add Media" for some post formats) created by markjaquith
"Add Media" doesn't make sense for some post formats. Notably: aside, …
18:53 Ticket #24012 (Twenty Thirteen: Bitter Font not loading in IE8) created by RDall
Bitter Font not loading as originally mentioned here: …
18:51 Ticket #24011 (Consider hiding post title for "Status" and "Aside" formats and ...) created by markjaquith
The status and asides post formats shouldn't have a title. The only …
18:49 Ticket #24010 (Look into meta key standardization or upgrade with Crowd Favorite's ...) created by markjaquith
Crowd Favorite has a reasonably popular and prescient plugin for post …
18:45 Ticket #24009 (Quote post format should use content for content of the quote) created by markjaquith
The balance of the quote post format seems off. The quote is the main …
18:12 Ticket #24008 (Widgets title improvement) created by alexvorn2
we have now: […] why not to use? […]
17:37 Ticket #23998 (Twenty Thirteen: Text in Search Box disappears in IE10) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: +1 to wontfix
17:22 Ticket #10941 (Update and improve Features page of closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: Related: #23796
17:12 Changeset [23940] by SergeyBiryukov
Add alt attribute for selected image. see #19570.
17:08 Ticket #24006 (Post Formats: Field ID attributes naming is not consistent) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23939: […]
17:08 Changeset [23939] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix inconsistent id attributes. props kovshenin. fixes #24006.
16:58 Ticket #24007 (Check for file permissions is too strict) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #10205. See also previous discussions in #7779, #8400, …
16:28 Ticket #24003 (Post Formats: get_the_post_format_media does not work without the ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23938: […]
16:28 Changeset [23938] by SergeyBiryukov
Use the function argument instead of the $post global in …
16:23 Ticket #24007 (Check for file permissions is too strict) created by thanatica2
This affects upgrading WP and updating plugins/themes. When checking …
16:02 Ticket #24006 (Post Formats: Field ID attributes naming is not consistent) created by kovshenin
Some id attributes start with an underscore (like _wp_format_url) …
13:58 Ticket #24003 (Post Formats: get_the_post_format_media does not work without the ...) reopened by kovshenin
24003.2.diff is a similar fix for …
13:42 Ticket #24003 (Post Formats: get_the_post_format_media does not work without the ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23937: […]
13:42 Changeset [23937] by SergeyBiryukov
Consistently use the function argument instead of the $post global in …
13:13 Ticket #24004 ( search field looks broken in Opera) closed by seezer
duplicate: Duplicate of #24005.
13:07 Ticket #24005 ( search field looks broken in Opera) created by seezer
This is how it looks in Opera 12.15, Win8, x64 (see attach)
13:06 Ticket #24004 ( search field looks broken in Opera) created by seezer
This is how it looks in Opera 12.15, Win8, x64
13:05 Changeset [23936] by ryan
_wp_preview_terms_filter() should be @since 3.6.0. Standardize on …
12:53 Ticket #23066 (WordPress 3.5 Duplicate Entry) reopened by sunnyratilal
I've fixed this bug: on MS install, the Unit Tests were calling the …
12:06 Ticket #24003 (Post Formats: get_the_post_format_media does not work without the ...) created by kovshenin
The get_the_post_format_media takes a $post argument, but doesn't …
11:28 Ticket #24002 (Improve get_the_post_format_media and get_the_post_format_image caching) created by kovshenin
We need a better approach at caching the results of our …
10:16 Ticket #23906 (post_save callback is passed post instead of revision, breaking back-compat) closed by kovshenin
worksforme: Looks like this is caused by [23842], however, wp_insert_post is …
09:38 Ticket #23974 (PHPDocs wp-includes/post-formats.php missing return statements and ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23935: […]
09:38 Changeset [23935] by SergeyBiryukov
PHPDoc fixes and additions for post formats. props c3mdigital, …
07:16 Ticket #24001 (\s in the regexp destroys some UTF-8 characters in pingback_ping()) created by tenpura
\s in the regexp destroys some UTF-8 characters in pingback_ping(). …
05:07 Ticket #24000 (Twenty Thirteen: In post archive, the date of a post links to the ...) created by ericlewis
In Twenty Thirteen's entry meta, the date of the post is output as a …


23:38 Ticket #23999 (new revisions UI does not work correctly in internet explorer) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23934: […]
23:38 Changeset [23934] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix closing tag in revisions UI. props adamsilverstein. fixes #23999.
23:17 Ticket #23999 (new revisions UI does not work correctly in internet explorer) created by adamsilverstein
the new revisions UI fails to load correctly in IE (mostly tested in …
22:11 Ticket #23998 (Twenty Thirteen: Text in Search Box disappears in IE10) created by RDall
When you click on the search icon in Twenty Thirteen in Windows 7 IE10 …
21:48 Ticket #23997 (Twenty Thirteen: Search Box Alignment IE9) created by RDall
On Windows 7 IE 9 The search box is not vertically centered in the nav …
21:22 Ticket #23996 (Twenty Thirteen: Gallery Captions display incorrectly in IE 8) created by celloexpressions
The captions are always displayed over the images, with white text but …
20:46 Ticket #23995 (Weird Error After Post Published Successfully) created by miqrogroove
I didn't get the exact message, but I was stuck on the New Post screen …
20:06 Ticket #23994 (Twenty Thirteen: image floating right pushes beyond site width in ...) created by RDall
When viewing a standard post in twenty thirteen in a mobile view or …
18:23 Ticket #23240 (#post-body-content gap with one custom metabox) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
[23615] removed the gap between comment editor and Akismet's "Comment …
18:16 Ticket #23993 (Post Format usability for small/touch devices) created by markjaquith
We should look at making the post format selectors more usable on …
18:14 Ticket #23992 (Make post content area smaller for post formats where the amount of ...) created by markjaquith
Some of our post formats expect a small amount of post content. Aside …
18:07 Ticket #23991 (Media Manager Permalink Edit problem) created by filmografie
I'm finding it impossible to change the root url of the permalink of …
17:50 Ticket #23990 (Post Format settings not being respected) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #23929, #23718
17:44 Ticket #10492 (Various functions using 'thumb' index to try for image metadata, ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #17262 has more traction.
17:43 Ticket #23990 (Post Format settings not being respected) created by batmoo
Previously, themes could choose which post-formats to support: …
15:27 Ticket #23989 (Wonky download button on plugin support forums) created by johnbillion
On the 'Support' tab for any plugin in the plugin repo, …
15:20 Ticket #10532 (Changes to hook image_make_intermediate_size) closed by markoheijnen
worksforme: The filter can't be used for getting the image resource because of the …
14:57 Ticket #13411 (Add support for transparancy in wp_crop_image) closed by markoheijnen
fixed: Fixed in #6821. Crappy for GIF's under GD. See #13461
13:57 Ticket #23968 (HTTP error during image upload having PHP 5.3) closed by SergeyBiryukov
worksforme: "503 Service Unavailable" is definitely a hosting issue. Please …
13:55 Ticket #4010 (Add Image Importing to the Blogger Importer) reopened by rfehosting
Wups, hmm shouldn't allow me access to close this ticket. Ok so now …
13:49 Ticket #19118 (Incorrect WP_Error in image_resize) closed by markoheijnen
invalid: I'm closing this ticket since my opinion isn't changed on this. Also …
13:24 Ticket #23978 (Posts without content and title but with custom fields filled.) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #23887.
12:58 Ticket #23988 (Add post info on comment.php?action=editcomment) created by jenmylo
When you get a comment notification, if you click on a link to mark as …
12:52 Ticket #19931 (media.php image interlace filter) closed by markoheijnen
duplicate: Duplicate of #21668.
12:02 Ticket #23564 (Edit Image Should NOT Open New Browser Tab, Improve Workflow) closed by markoheijnen
duplicate: Duplicate of #21811.
08:38 Ticket #23893 (Post format should be revisioned, auto-saved and previewable) closed by kovshenin
fixed: Fixed in [23928]
08:35 Ticket #23987 (add_image_size() shouldn't crop 0 values) created by Clorith
When using add_image_size() the image should only be cropped by values …
08:23 Ticket #23986 (Add filter for <html> css class in admin) created by tillkruess
It would be handy (looking at MP6), if it would be possible to alter …
08:07 Ticket #23985 (Twenty Thirteen: Genericons don't work in IE9 Mobile) created by celloexpressions
IE9 Mobile is absolutely the ONLY browser available on Windows Phone …
07:54 Ticket #23984 (Thickbox top margin) created by tillkruess
The "theme update details" popup looks funky, the thickbox titlebar is …
05:22 Ticket #4010 (Add Image Importing to the Blogger Importer) closed by rfehosting
Sounds good, ill give it a go, and report back.
00:08 Changeset [23933] by azaozz
Revisions: don't set revisions post_author with get_post_meta( $ID, …


23:57 Ticket #23878 (comment_form function has inconsistent spacing between HTML elements ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23932: […]
23:57 Changeset [23932] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix inconsistent spacing in comment_form(). props sim, TravisHoffman. …
20:48 Ticket #23983 (Add filter to get_post_thumbnail_id to override default thumbnail use) created by Jesper800
The current function for getting the post thumbnail ID, used in among …
20:31 Ticket #23982 (Add array of screenshots to the Plugins API) created by johnbillion
The response to the plugin_information method of the Plugins API …
20:28 Ticket #23981 (Add donate link to the Plugins API) created by johnbillion
The response to the `plugin_information' method of the Plugins API …
16:49 Changeset [23931] by helen
Remove unnecessary label, placeholder, and class for a hidden input. …
14:22 Ticket #23980 (Title placeholder text disappears when post format is switched) created by mark-k
Title text box has a place holder text that disappears when you focus …
13:54 Ticket #23979 (Post format tip not updated on page refresh / open.) closed by nvartolomei
duplicate: Duplicate of #23503.
13:45 Ticket #23979 (Post format tip not updated on page refresh / open.) created by nvartolomei
With new post format selector there is a bug when opening post edit …
13:33 Ticket #23978 (Posts without content and title but with custom fields filled.) created by nvartolomei
Hello, not sure about title and choosed component, but this bug is …
10:57 Ticket #23970 (Error on Author Change via Quick Edit with BP installed) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: There's no my_bp_post_excerpt() function in BuddyPress or WordPress …
10:43 Ticket #23976 (slug cannot be translated ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #23503.
10:24 Ticket #23977 (Text color of Download button in download page) created by andrea.r
When in download page (, the …
10:21 Ticket #23976 (slug cannot be translated ...) created by arena
from last trunk, in wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php slug cannot be …
10:05 Ticket #23975 (force_balance_tags in get_the_content breaks non-HTML formats) created by ruckus
The change in r11398 (to fix #9765) breaks Markdown formatted articles …
08:36 Ticket #23974 (PHPDocs wp-includes/post-formats.php missing return statements and ...) created by c3mdigital
Patch adds missing return statements to new 3.6 functions and fixes a …
08:33 Ticket #23972 (Post Format name doesnot reflect the tab at the first load.) closed by c3mdigital
duplicate: Duplicates #23911, #23503
08:14 Ticket #23973 (Add filter to _wp_post_revision_meta_keys() so developers can store ...) created by c3mdigital
In r23928 we added functionality to: * Store the post format as meta …
08:11 Ticket #23972 (Post Format name doesnot reflect the tab at the first load.) created by kcssm
This is a minor bug. When you update the existing post, the tab …
03:51 Ticket #23971 (Post Set Featured Image No Light Box) created by azchipka
For posts when clicking on set featured image the media browser is …
02:51 Ticket #23970 (Error on Author Change via Quick Edit with BP installed) created by azchipka
Changing the author of a post via the quick edit option results in the …
00:58 Changeset [23930] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-23930.


23:58 Ticket #23969 (Sometimes when opening the theme customizer, then closing it, the URL ...) created by georgestephanis
Just what I said. If I open the customizer, scroll down a bit, then …
23:43 Changeset [23929] by azaozz
Revisions: move the call to _wp_upgrade_revisions_of_post() to …
23:18 Changeset [23928] by azaozz
Revisions: - Store the post format as meta on revisions (including …
22:58 Changeset [23927] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-23927.
22:08 Ticket #23968 (HTTP error during image upload having PHP 5.3) created by utnalove
According to the [
21:59 Ticket #23967 (Post formats: move color styling to color-*.css) created by azaozz
As the title, there are colors and backgrounds currently in …
21:40 Changeset [23926] by azaozz
Post formats: connect labels with fields, move the two css blocks …
20:47 Changeset [23925] by nacin
Remove dead code. Removed in [23445], accidentally reinstated in …
19:47 Ticket #23916 (502 Bad Gateway on closed by Otto42
fixed: Several 502 errors on plugin pages were caused by a specific problem …
19:43 Ticket #22535 (Tab Order Changes on Plugin Support Page) closed by Otto42
19:36 Ticket #23966 (Allow to use order_by in addition to orderby) created by Denis-de-Bernardy The …
19:21 Ticket #22493 (Support thread semi-associated with plugin) closed by Otto42
invalid: Reviews should not show up in the support list. This is by design. …
19:19 Ticket #23678 (Incorrect Number of Resolved Support Threads Reported on Plugin Page) closed by Otto42
fixed: There is a script that runs nightly to correct these numbers. The …
19:17 Ticket #17660 (Search results on are double escaped) closed by Otto42
fixed: This appears to be fixed in both places now, from other changes. Closing.
19:16 Ticket #17304 (Backslashed page title on closed by Otto42
18:59 Ticket #16926 (Search on is somewhat confusing) closed by Otto42
fixed: Closing since this no longer applies, as we switched to Google for …
18:58 Ticket #23965 (Caption not showing in Post Format Image) created by RDall
After testing the latest version of Twenty Thirteen there has been …
18:30 Ticket #23964 (Link url in Post Format Image doesn't link) created by RDall
I added a post format image and adding a website to the link url …
15:40 Ticket #23963 (Untranslatable strings in Twenty Thirteen (3.6 beta 1)) created by waclawjacek
Basically, the same thing as #20952, but regarding Twenty Thirteen. …
15:01 Ticket #15874 (Possible doubling of Plugin Download Count starting around 12/10/2010) closed by SergeyBiryukov
14:59 Ticket #14421 ( profiles showing html entities) closed by SergeyBiryukov
14:46 Ticket #23962 (Twenty Thirteen: Gallery post format missing styles for category links) created by ziegenberg
The post format "Gallery" is missing some styling for the category …
13:48 Ticket #23961 (Video / Audio embed codes are not saved) created by ThemePrince
WordPress 3.6-beta1 If you paste a youtube or soundcloud embed …
13:44 Ticket #23960 (Trigger local autosave when full save is initiated) created by markjaquith
It appears that a fresh local autosave isn't triggered when you …
13:36 Ticket #23959 (Option to remove selected media for post format) created by ThemePrince
WordPress 3.6-beta1 If you select an image for an image post …
12:45 Ticket #21493 (Retina logo for core trac) closed by markoheijnen
fixed: It's fixed for core trac not for others. Closing as fixed since the …
12:41 Ticket #21419 (Vanishing tabs on owned-plugin pages) closed by markoheijnen
fixed: Doesn't seem to be an issue anymore
12:19 Ticket #23958 ( is broken for retina) created by markoheijnen
First time I do see an image but when whole page is loaded the image …
08:11 Changeset [23924] by SergeyBiryukov
Pass the post ID to the_title filter in post_formats_compat(). props …
04:15 Ticket #23957 (Posts in video post format don't appear on site without a title) closed by davidwilliamson
duplicate: Duplicate of #23887.
03:56 Ticket #23957 (Posts in video post format don't appear on site without a title) created by noumaan
Tried uploading a video while testing WordPress 3.6 beta and published …
01:52 Ticket #23956 (jQuery UI Datepicker adds empty but visible div at bottom of page) created by julianm
This bug seems to be related to the …
00:50 Ticket #23952 (Markup improvements to wp-admin/file.php and wp-admin/media.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
wontfix: See #18788 for removing CDATA.
00:44 Ticket #23955 (Twenty Thirteen: Embedded media positioned incorrectly at <999px ...) created by sabreuse
At tablet and smaller sizes, embedded media are shifted offscreen to …
00:29 Ticket #23953 (Check for audio existence in wp_read_video_metadata()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23923: […]
00:29 Changeset [23923] by SergeyBiryukov
Avoid an undefined index notice in wp_read_video_metadata(). props …


23:28 Changeset [23922] by azaozz
Logged out warnings: fix phpdoc, props ocean90, see #23295
22:11 Ticket #23954 (Checkbox value is not updated correctly inside media-views.js) created by NumberKruncher
I added two custom fields to the "Edit Gallery" interface using a hook …
21:12 Ticket #23953 (Check for audio existence in wp_read_video_metadata()) created by ocean90
Report: …
19:09 Ticket #23952 (Markup improvements to wp-admin/file.php and wp-admin/media.php) created by johnjamesjacoby
* Two text/javascript blocks are missing CDATA helpers. * file.php has …
19:06 Ticket #23947 (Twenty Thirteen: Chats not displaying correctly) closed by Ipstenu
18:53 Ticket #23951 (Add filter to all sidebar widget content) created by Jesper800
I'm looking for opinions of other people here before proposing an …
17:46 Changeset [23921] by nacin
Third parameter for shortcode_atts() for audio and video shortcodes. …
16:35 Ticket #23943 (Twenty Thirteen: Add support for Login to Reply link) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23920: […]
16:35 Changeset [23920] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: style the the "Login to Reply" link correctly, props …
15:35 Ticket #23948 (Random for WP_Query) closed by SergeyBiryukov
15:13 Ticket #23950 (Company recognition) created by simonwheatley
My company, and many others, have a policy of sponsoring WordPress …
15:00 Ticket #23949 (Media Library, hook for extra_tablenav) closed by emmdub
invalid: D'uh. Just found do_action( 'restrict_manage_posts' ); nerver mind.…
14:49 Ticket #23949 (Media Library, hook for extra_tablenav) created by emmdub
Class WP_Media_List_Table should have a hook in extra_tablenav to …
09:06 Ticket #23948 (Random for WP_Query) created by Looimaster
I discovered that some servers (like 2 out of 10) don't support random …
02:58 Changeset [23919] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-23919.
02:53 Ticket #23947 (Twenty Thirteen: Chats not displaying correctly) created by Ipstenu
Reported by - …
02:37 Changeset [23918] by helen
Show labels and remove improperly-used placeholders for post format …
00:58 Changeset [23917] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-23917.
00:39 Ticket #23868 (Twenty Eleven: Multiple search forms should increment ids) closed by WraithKenny
00:26 Ticket #16539 (Duplicate search widgets cause ID conflicts) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 23916: […]
00:26 Changeset [23916] by azaozz
In the HTML outputted from get_search_form(): remove incrementing the …
00:20 Changeset [23915] by SergeyBiryukov
Use correct class. see #23933.


23:43 Changeset [23914] by SergeyBiryukov
Check for [\r\n\t ] instead of \s in get_content_chat() to avoid UTF-8 …
23:01 Ticket #23946 (Parsing of Text in the Chat Post Type) created by RDall
I posted a dummy chat conversation with myself for styling purposes …
22:58 Changeset [23913] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-23913.
22:44 Ticket #23945 (get_the_post_format_image doesn't use specificed image size) created by davidwilliamson
Since setup_postdata() runs when the_post() is called and it sets …
21:27 Ticket #16539 (Duplicate search widgets cause ID conflicts) reopened by obenland
In 16539.9.diff: * Removed <div> wrapper in html5 …
21:16 Ticket #23944 (Update to latest jquery.form) created by usermrpapa
Any chance of getting the included jquery.form update to the latest …
21:10 Changeset [23912] by nacin
WP_Upgrader: Add upgrader_process_complete hooks and add a …
21:03 Ticket #23942 (Twenty Thirteen: Fatal error: Call to undefined function the_image()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23911: […]
21:03 Changeset [23911] by SergeyBiryukov
Use correct function name. props ocean90. fixes #23942. see #23927.
20:58 Changeset [23910] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-23909.
20:58 Ticket #23937 ("Restore This Revision" button redirects to /wp-admin/null) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23909: […]
20:58 Changeset [23909] by SergeyBiryukov
Use correct id attribute. props ocean90. fixes #23937.
20:49 Ticket #23941 (Revisions - "toggle" is misspelled) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23908: […]
20:49 Changeset [23908] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix typo in revisions JS/CSS. props mgibbs189, JustinSainton. fixes #23941.
20:43 Ticket #23943 (Twenty Thirteen: Add support for Login to Reply link) created by obenland
If it is required to be logged in to comment, the comment reply link …
19:42 Ticket #23942 (Twenty Thirteen: Fatal error: Call to undefined function the_image()) created by ocean90
`Fatal error: Call to undefined function the_image() in …
19:28 Ticket #23937 ("Restore This Revision" button redirects to /wp-admin/null) reopened by ocean90
Tickets are marked as fixed when a changeset is commited to trunk …
19:25 Ticket #23937 ("Restore This Revision" button redirects to /wp-admin/null) closed by mgibbs189
fixed: [deleted]
19:13 Ticket #23941 (Revisions - "toggle" is misspelled) created by mgibbs189
toggle is spelled as toogle in 5 files. Clearly not a …
18:44 Ticket #23940 (Avoid direct query in wp_ajax_replyto_comment()) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23907: […]
18:44 Changeset [23907] by nacin
Use get_post() in lieu of direct query in wp_ajax_replyto_comment(). …
18:42 Ticket #23940 (Avoid direct query in wp_ajax_replyto_comment()) created by nacin
We can simply use get_post() here.
18:39 Ticket #23939 (Wrong capability check in wp_ajax_replyto_comment) created by fgauthier
The wp_ajax_replyto_comment function in the …
18:38 Ticket #23938 (Placeholder attributes for input elements don't show in IE) created by Ipstenu
Of note: They DO work on IE 10, but not on 7, 8 or 9. Normal Browser …
18:29 Ticket #23937 ("Restore This Revision" button redirects to /wp-admin/null) created by mgibbs189
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new page 2. Make content edits …
17:52 Ticket #23936 (Change wording of instructions for menu item configuration) created by tw2113
Right now, the text says "Drag each item into the order you prefer. …
16:23 Ticket #23935 (Revision UI cleanup / improvements / corrections) created by adamsilverstein
The new revisions UI still needs some UI polish. Now that we have …
16:09 Changeset [23906] by markjaquith
16:06 Changeset [23905] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23905.
16:03 Changeset [23904] by markjaquith
A little more revisions js/php cleanup. see #23901. props kovshenin, …
15:57 Ticket #23708 (get_post_ancestors() no longer works inside loop) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23903: […]
15:57 Changeset [23903] by nacin
Allow get_post_ancestors() to inspect the $post global, when null/0 is …
15:55 Changeset [23902] by nacin
Use correct option name when deleting embed_autourls. props …
15:49 Ticket #23933 (Revisions: CSS clean up) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 23901: […]
15:49 Changeset [23901] by markjaquith
Revisions CSS cleanup. props ocean90. fixes #23933
15:00 Ticket #23830 (Update to Backbone 1.0.0) reopened by kovshenin
14:03 Ticket #23934 (Calling sidebar two times, widgets have the same ID) created by alexvorn2
If we call in the Twenty Thirteen the function of the sidebar […] …
09:30 Ticket #23933 (Revisions: CSS clean up) created by ocean90
Working on it.
08:58 Changeset [23900] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23900.
08:29 Ticket #22140 (fetch_feed parameter is documented incorrectly) reopened by ocean90
08:09 Ticket #23927 (Use standard root for post format theme API functions) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 23899: […]
08:09 Changeset [23899] by markjaquith
Standardize the post format theme API functions with …
07:53 Changeset [23898] by markjaquith
Further cleanup of revisions code. Probably not the last. see #23901. …
04:40 Ticket #23794 (load_plugin_textdomain fails if plugin is loaded from mu-plugins) reopened by nacin
We should probably merge these functions to look in both directories — …
04:28 Changeset [23897] by nacin
Remove _wp_delete_nav_menu(). wp_delete_nav_menu() should instead …
03:56 Ticket #23843 (Consolidate and filter get_attached_audio|video|images) reopened by nacin
So my question is, do we even need the wrapper functions? These aren't …
03:13 Ticket #23839 (wp_insert_post() duplicate insertions) closed by nacin
invalid: Please try the support forums. "wp_insert_post() duplicate insertions" …


22:07 Ticket #23932 (Support for remove_post_type_support() in attachment post type) created by flyingtrolleycars
In the past it was possible to remove certain fields from the media …
21:27 Ticket #23911 (Post Format UI Bar always displays "Standard Post" instead of correct ...) closed by helen
duplicate: Duplicate of #23503. Agree, was just looking at what exactly the …
21:14 Changeset in tests [1257] by nacin
Revert [1256/tests] per IRC.
20:55 Changeset [23896] by nacin
Prevent classid="clsid:undefined". props SergeyBiryukov. see #23876.
20:53 Ticket #23925 (get_post_meta does not check for revision) closed by nacin
wontfix: I'm going to wontfix this. The fact that the meta functions check for …
20:49 Ticket #23876 (Embedding mp3 breaks TinyMCE) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23895: […]
20:49 Changeset [23895] by nacin
Prevent a JS error when working with embedded media in TinyMCE. props …
20:49 Ticket #23920 (Revisions: clean up wp_ajax_revisions_data()) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Merged into #23901.
19:34 Changeset in tests [1256] by markoheijnen
Don't test wp_shrink_dimensions anymore. Deprecated since 3.0.
19:24 Changeset in tests [1255] by markoheijnen
Stop using image_resize and using an helper method for it
18:58 Changeset [23894] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23894.
18:41 Ticket #23931 (wp_insert_comment should require comment_post_ID) created by markoheijnen
At this moment there is no check for example comment_post_ID. Not sure …
18:33 Changeset in tests [1254] by kurtpayne
First revision is empty, ignore it See #16215, r23842
18:28 Ticket #23930 (Screen option for post formats UI) created by johnbillion
As discussed in IRC, there should be a screen option for the post …
18:21 Ticket #23929 (Ability to remove post format UI) created by johnbillion
As discussed in IRC there should be a filter to completely remove the …
18:19 Changeset in tests [1253] by kurtpayne
Update ajax autosave unit tests for 3.6 See #23928
18:19 Ticket #23928 (Update ajax autosave unit tests for 3.6) created by kurtpayne
The ajax autosave unit test is failing with trunk. Update it to be …
17:42 Ticket #7392 (Don't create new autosave revision if nothing has changed yet) reopened by nacin
Re-opening due to remaining patches.
17:40 Ticket #23830 (Update to Backbone 1.0.0) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23893: […]
17:40 Changeset [23893] by nacin
Backbone 1.0.0. Update media JS to reflect changes. Please open new …
17:36 Ticket #23370 (Update to jQuery UI 1.10.*) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23892: […]
17:36 Changeset [23892] by nacin
jQuery UI 1.10.2. props ocean90. fixes #23370.
17:29 Changeset [23891] by nacin
Don't use jQuery.on('ready'). props obenland. see #23875.
17:02 Ticket #23927 (Use standard root for post format theme API functions) created by markjaquith
The post format theme API functions are too generic. We're going to …
16:30 Ticket #23926 (Use ID3 data for audio and video) created by wonderboymusic
Since we are parsing ID3 tag data into attachment metadata, we should …
13:46 Ticket #23925 (get_post_meta does not check for revision) created by jfarthing84
Every other *_post_meta function does.
13:05 Ticket #23924 (get_template_part() doesn't pass variables) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #21676.
12:35 Ticket #23924 (get_template_part() doesn't pass variables) created by Looimaster
If I'm not mistaken neither locate_template(); nor …
12:07 Ticket #23923 (wp_get_post_revisions returns incorrect order) created by kovshenin
When a post has multiple revisions and each revision has the exact …
04:37 Changeset [23890] by nacin
Replace $user_id removed in [23889] with a direct function call. see …
04:34 Changeset [23889] by nacin
No need to check for the presence of a current user in a privileged …
03:55 Changeset [23888] by nacin
Pass the tag object instead of just the tag ID to …
00:41 Ticket #23922 (make_clickable() breaks when colon in hash) created by Viper007Bond
make_clickable() doesn't like this string: […] It results in …


22:58 Changeset [23887] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23887.
22:51 Changeset [23886] by azaozz
Autosave: use heartbeat to determine when connection is lost and …
22:43 Ticket #23921 (get_theme_data is deprecated in wp-includes\functions.php at line 2866) closed by nacin
invalid: wp-includes\functions.php at line 2866 points to …
22:41 Ticket #23921 (get_theme_data is deprecated in wp-includes\functions.php at line 2866) created by arena
get_theme_data is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 3.4! Use …
20:55 Ticket #23920 (Revisions: clean up wp_ajax_revisions_data()) created by azaozz
See #23497. There are inconsistencies in wp_ajax_revisions_data(), …
19:39 Ticket #23913 (Revisions: remove the new _wp_last_revision_matches_current_post()) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 23885: […]
19:39 Changeset [23885] by azaozz
Revisions: remove the new _wp_last_revision_matches_current_post(), …
16:53 Ticket #23919 (Allow Placement of wildcards in meta query like (meta.php WP_Meta_Query)) created by Will B
The LIKE comparison has '%' hardcoded before and after the value …
09:15 Ticket #23894 (wp_get_object_terms returns an array of strings when asked for IDs) closed by kovshenin
duplicate: Duplicate of #17646.
08:59 Ticket #23497 (Revisions Rewrite using JS/Backbone) closed by ocean90
fixed: > Mind if I re-open this for some things I think can be cleaned up? …
06:16 Ticket #23918 (Twenty Thirteen: Date i18n for daily archive h1 header) created by Nao
Archive title h1 is missing date_i18n. This patch simply replaces …
02:10 Ticket #23450 (Refactor menu item meta boxes as accordion) reopened by nacin
01:54 Ticket #21413 (Add Customizer to Appearance submenu as first item) reopened by nacin
I'm trying to figure out if there was any final reasoning on why …
01:11 Ticket #16215 (Post Revision history displays the incorrect author) reopened by nacin
I have two feelings about _wp_upgrade_revisions_of_post(): * It's …
00:44 Ticket #23497 (Revisions Rewrite using JS/Backbone) reopened by nacin
Mind if I re-open this for some things I think can be cleaned up? Here …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.