Make WordPress Core



23:07 Ticket #20498 (Translation of $category->name in get_the_category_list() ...) created by spap13
I had a problem displaying the multilingual name of a category which I …
22:21 Ticket #20497 (Error Never Goes Away After Deleting an Active Plugin) created by Ipstenu
I'm on my way out, so apologies for brevity. Steps to reproduce 1) …
21:55 Ticket #20496 (Previews should redirect to the permalink if the post has been published) created by evansolomon
If a post is saved as a draft and you visit the preview URL, even …
19:46 Ticket #19799 (define('RELOCATE', true) update the "siteurl" option, but not the ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
19:46 Ticket #19799 (define('RELOCATE', true) update the "siteurl" option, but not the ...) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
16:00 Milestone 3.3.2 completed
14:53 Changeset [20554] by nacin
Tag 3.3.2
14:49 Changeset [20553] by nacin
14:48 Ticket #20495 (Update phpDoc to reflect post id or object is valid) created by coffee2code
Many functions use get_post() and do so by simply passing along one …
13:23 Changeset [20552] by nacin
13:22 Changeset [20551] by nacin
If a cached theme root is no longer registered, skip it. Assume the …
12:44 Changeset [20550] by nacin
Version bumps
10:06 Ticket #20072 (get_the_tag_list should accept same arguments as get_the_category_list) closed by duck_
fixed: In [20549]: […]
10:06 Changeset [20549] by duck_
Add $id parameter to get_the_tag_list() for consistency with …
08:10 Ticket #20494 (comment_exists function return improper value) created by momo360modena
Hey, The function comment_exists() return comment_post_ID instead …
04:58 Changeset [20548] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20548.
04:46 Changeset [20547] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Firefox CSS love. props helenyhou, see #19910.
02:58 Changeset [20546] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20546.
02:39 Changeset [20545] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Improve image picker control. see #19910. …
02:00 Changeset in tests [693] by maxcutler
XMLRPC: Added basic tests for wp.getMediaItem.
01:10 Ticket #20410 (Introduce a function to detect a device's ability to upload files) closed by azaozz
fixed: In [20544]: […]
01:10 Changeset [20544] by azaozz
Fix typo in the error message shown when a device doesn't support …
00:06 Changeset in tests [692] by ryan
More author meta tests
00:02 Ticket #18997 (Adding wp_unschedule_hook function) reopened by Viper007Bond
Please don't close valid tickets. Even if you no longer desire the …


23:53 Ticket #20493 (WP_Tax_Query->clean_query removes taxonomy term being searched for) created by israelshirk
When querying using a tax_query on a hierarchical taxonomy, …
23:27 Ticket #10693 (Bug in dbDelta) closed by arena
23:25 Ticket #19083 (For code consistency for mails sent by wordpress) closed by arena
23:24 Ticket #18997 (Adding wp_unschedule_hook function) closed by arena
23:24 Ticket #13782 (query_posts and strict boolean) closed by arena
23:23 Ticket #19446 (TortoiseSVN 1.7.x Cannot Browse Plugins Repository) closed by arena
23:09 Changeset in tests [691] by ryan
Nascent author tests
23:08 Changeset in tests [690] by ryan
Test global authordata setup.
23:00 Changeset [20543] by nacin
Rolling upgrade to set the welcome_user_email network-wide option via …
21:58 Ticket #19498 (Press this add image from URL bugs) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20542]: […]
21:58 Changeset [20542] by nacin
Revert a piece of [19424], go back to cloning a div for adding images …
21:52 Changeset [20541] by nacin
Handle multiple feed: schemes.
21:48 Changeset [20540] by nacin
Handle multiple feed: schemes.
20:40 Ticket #20492 (Improve submit_button()) created by johnbillion
The submit_button() function takes five arguments and calling it …
19:46 Ticket #20322 (viddler embed not working) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20539]: […]
19:46 Changeset [20539] by nacin
Add sanity checks to WP_oEmbed::data2html() to ensure we are working …
18:50 Ticket #20491 (Introduce some JavaScript i18n functions) created by johnbillion
There's JavaScript code dotted around core that handles i18n in …
18:04 Ticket #20490 (Move submit_button to wp-includes for frontend inclusion & use with ...) created by wpsmith
It would be nice to be able to use submit_button() on the frontend as …
16:44 Changeset [20538] by nacin
15:39 Ticket #20489 (PCI Compliance/Wordpress SQL Injection Vulnerability) closed by scribu
invalid: The fix is to use the_search_query() instead of `echo …
15:34 Ticket #20489 (PCI Compliance/Wordpress SQL Injection Vulnerability) created by txfright
Hello, SecurityMetrics is failing my site because there is an SQL …
15:08 Ticket #19803 (get_previous_posts_link: Capital HTML entity) closed by duck_
fixed: In [20537]: […]
15:08 Changeset [20537] by duck_
Handle uppercase HTML entities in get_previous_posts_link(). Props …
14:58 Changeset [20536] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20536.
14:43 Ticket #19799 (define('RELOCATE', true) update the "siteurl" option, but not the ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
14:32 Changeset [20535] by duck_
Don't call updatePending() if the pending count hasn't changed. See …
14:15 Ticket #20463 ( plugin shows trunk version, even though "Stable tag:" says otherwise) closed by scribu
worksforme: Guess it was due to …
14:05 Changeset in tests [689] by nacin
Test cases for #WP20488.
14:05 Ticket #20488 (DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML improperly controls file edit/modifications) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20534]: […]
14:05 Changeset [20534] by nacin
Do not block file mod/edit caps when DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML is set. …
14:00 Ticket #20123 ("Approve" should not be a bulk action when viewing spam comments) closed by duck_
fixed: In [20533]: […]
14:00 Changeset [20533] by duck_
Remove "Approve" bulk action when viewing spam comments as it isn't …
11:51 Changeset [20532] by duck_
Don't deprecate cleaning the user cache by ID. See #20460.
06:58 Changeset [20531] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20531.
06:45 Changeset [20530] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Box model fixes for image picker thumbnails. see #19910.
06:39 Changeset [20529] by nacin
Add missing variable.
06:38 Changeset [20528] by nacin
Add missing variable.
06:29 Changeset [20527] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Begin improving image picker markup/styles. see #19910.
05:48 Ticket #20488 (DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML improperly controls file edit/modifications) created by nacin
Apparently DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML is not often used, as doing so …
04:40 Ticket #19791 (can't correctly grant certain capabilities to roles on multisite) closed by nacin
wontfix: unfiltered_html is granted to editors and administrators. We do not …
03:43 Changeset [20526] by nacin
Do not deactivate plugins which are already deactivated.
03:41 Changeset [20525] by nacin
Clean up plugins.php with regards to recently edited files, …
03:33 Changeset [20524] by nacin
Always return a WP_Theme object from wp_get_theme(). If we can't find …


23:32 Ticket #20487 (Comment search isn't customizable) created by brokentone
*cross-posted to the wp-hackers mailing list last night* I work on a …
23:14 Ticket #20410 (Introduce a function to detect a device's ability to upload files) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
There's an odd space in the URL (20410.minor-typo-fix.patch).
21:57 Ticket #20486 (Pass full post object to clean_post_cache()) created by duck_
So that we have the post type without having to get_post() in …
21:24 Changeset [20523] by duck_
clean_user_cache() after the DELETE query in wp_delete_user(). See …
21:07 Ticket #20460 (Notice with clean_user_cache when deleting a user) closed by duck_
fixed: In [20522]: […]
21:07 Changeset [20522] by duck_
Pass full user objects to clean_user_cache(). See #19500, fixes …
21:04 Ticket #20485 (Twenty Eleven: pull classes shouldn't force a width on all elements ...) created by matveb
The cosmetic pull classes shouldn't try to force a width on images as …
20:58 Changeset [20521] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20521. TinyMCE updated.
20:57 Changeset [20520] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Remove unused 'template' argument from …
20:43 Ticket #19850 (double slash in URL when editing gallery in visual mode) closed by azaozz
fixed: In [20519]: […]
20:43 Changeset [20519] by azaozz
Remove extra slash when opening the gallery thickbox popup from the …
20:36 Ticket #20091 (Introduce set_theme_mods function) closed by nacin
maybelater: Customize no longer uses this function, so I'm not sure how relevant …
20:34 Ticket #19592 (Automate script and style compression and bumps) closed by ryan
20:32 Changeset [20518] by koopersmith
Remove jQuery postMessage plugin, as it is no longer used (as of …
20:25 Changeset [20517] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Use native postMessage for wp.customize.Messenger. …
20:25 Ticket #20410 (Introduce a function to detect a device's ability to upload files) closed by azaozz
fixed: Seems to work properly. More devices can be added to …
20:19 Ticket #20062 (Don't use $title as var name if it's in global context) closed by nacin
fixed: Our dependence on $title will have to wait.
20:05 Ticket #20467 (Nav menu #post-body-content container is broken) closed by azaozz
fixed: In [20516]: […]
20:05 Changeset [20516] by azaozz
Fix floated #post-body-content on the Appearance -> Menus screen, …
19:58 Changeset [20515] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20515.
19:28 Ticket #20391 (RTL for theme browsing) closed by koopersmith
fixed: In [20514]: […]
19:28 Changeset [20514] by koopersmith
RTL styles for theme browsing. props ocean90, fixes #20391, see #20403.
19:26 Ticket #20484 (Re-enable redirect_canonical for IIS) created by amattie
Canonical redirects within IIS 7 were disabled in #16639. The comment …
19:06 Ticket #20483 (Do not output nav menu class attribute if no classes exist) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20513]: […]
19:06 Changeset [20513] by nacin
Only output the class attribute in wp_nav_menu() if we have classes to …
18:58 Changeset [20512] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20512.
18:22 Ticket #20483 (Do not output nav menu class attribute if no classes exist) created by niallkennedy
Walker_Nav_Menu->start_el passes an array of class names and a string …
18:18 Changeset [20511] by potbot
POT, generated from r20510
18:01 Changeset [20510] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Color control hover styles. see #19910.
17:58 Changeset [20509] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20509.
17:32 Changeset [20508] by nacin
Check for wp_get_theme() in Twenty Eleven before using it, for …
17:17 Changeset [20507] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Remove redundant call to wp_enqueue_script. see #19910.
17:13 Changeset [20506] by koopersmith
Remove 'visibility' parameter from WP_Customize_Control. Handle …
16:17 Ticket #20476 (Twenty Eleven: replace esc_attr( printf() ) with sprintf to prevent ...) closed by nacin
invalid: :-( Please do not post potential security vulnerabilities on Trac. …
15:24 Ticket #20482 (Twenty Eleven: remove border and padding for sidebar images) created by lancewillett
Images added to widgets don't fit correctly in the sidebar width, for …
14:58 Changeset [20505] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20505.
14:47 Ticket #20481 (Single quotes transformed to double quotes in post_content) closed by nacin
invalid: This is probably intentional. The sv_FI translators have deliberately …
14:33 Ticket #20481 (Single quotes transformed to double quotes in post_content) created by mfields
When WPLANG is set to use certain non-English languages single …
14:32 Changeset [20504] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Improve markup/styles for opened color picker. see …
14:26 Ticket #20480 (Can't access original slug with wp_unique_post_slug filter) created by bradyvercher
This is a follow up to [
13:41 Changeset [20503] by nacin
Update swfupload. see [20501], [20502]
13:36 Changeset [20502] by nacin
Update swfobject
13:36 Changeset [20501] by nacin
Update swfobject
08:02 Ticket #20479 (Twenty Eleven: Large featured images do not display in IE8 in the showcase) created by chellycat
Large featured images added to the featured showcase in Twenty Eleven …
07:47 Ticket #20478 (Twenty Eleven: Gallery Thumbnail Images Overflow Content Width) created by chellycat
Adding a max-width of 100% on .format-gallery .gallery-thumb prevents …
07:37 Ticket #20477 (Twenty Eleven: Links back to the main post on attachment pages are ...) created by chellycat
The links back to the main post on attachment pages is visible, but it …
07:22 Ticket #20476 (Twenty Eleven: replace esc_attr( printf() ) with sprintf to prevent ...) created by chellycat
The following code is problematic and may lead to xss as well as …
06:21 Ticket #20475 (Block attempt to change post type) created by nprasath002
Saw this in mw_editpost. better add it to wp_editpost as well.
06:09 Ticket #20474 (cap fixes in _wp_insert_post) created by nprasath002
The patch validates 'publish_post' with post_ID to check whether the …
05:52 Ticket #20473 (cap fixes in mw_editpost) created by nprasath002
the patch includes * moved the cap check below post type check (first …
02:06 Ticket #20472 (Add additional files/dirs for removal and tidy up $_old_files) created by aldenta
I ran across 22 files/dirs that have been removed from core but aren't …


23:58 Changeset [20500] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20500.
23:13 Changeset [20499] by ryan
Update swfobject
23:09 Changeset [20498] by ryan
Update swfobject
22:58 Changeset [20497] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Improve color picker toggle styles and markup. see …
22:09 Ticket #20471 (Twenty Eleven: Add whitespace to paragraphs in the image post format.) created by mfields
Here's what the image post format looks like when a captioned image is …
21:43 Changeset [20496] by nacin
Move to admin.php?customize=on&theme=$stylesheet, rather than juggling …
20:56 Ticket #20470 (Twenty Eleven: Hide footer separator in IE8) created by iandstewart
Twenty Eleven is letting it's footer text separator just hang out …
20:49 Changeset [20495] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Display 'Save and Activate' when switching themes. …
20:34 Ticket #20466 (jQuery UI 1.8.19) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20494]: […]
20:34 Changeset [20494] by nacin
Restore semicolons to the end of jQuery UI files, as they are needed …
20:34 Ticket #20469 (Twenty Eleven: better closed comments notes) created by iandstewart
Twenty Eleven currently shows a note about comments being closed when …
20:02 Changeset [20493] by ryan
Don't attempt to make links inside attributes clickable.
18:31 Ticket #20466 (jQuery UI 1.8.19) reopened by Ipstenu
This breaks Drag & Drop in all sections of WordPress. I just spun up …
17:01 Ticket #20468 (Recently active network plugins) created by johnbillion
There's no 'Recently Active' list on the Plugins screen in Network …
16:54 Ticket #20467 (Nav menu #post-body-content container is broken) created by ocean90
WP 3.3: WP 3.4: At a first view …
16:49 Ticket #20466 (jQuery UI 1.8.19) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20492]: […]
16:49 Changeset [20492] by nacin
jQuery UI 1.8.19. props ocean90. fixes #20466.
16:30 Ticket #20466 (jQuery UI 1.8.19) created by ocean90
Nacin noticed an update for jQuery UI. Release post: …
14:30 Ticket #20465 (Change name of global for wp_customize instance) created by mattonomics
Currently, the WP_Customize instance is assigned to …
13:24 Ticket #20464 (Page for Archives) created by rabinbs
Using WordPress as a CMS requires this feature where we can set a …
04:22 Ticket #20405 (Don't show links to media-new.php on mobile devices) closed by SergeyBiryukov
03:41 Ticket #20039 (parse_query attempts to assign a non-variable by reference) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20491]: […]
03:41 Changeset [20491] by nacin
No need for by-reference when calculating the queried object in PHP5. …
02:43 Ticket #20441 (Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$response in ...) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20490]: […]
02:43 Changeset [20490] by nacin
Check for the response property in tue update_plugins transient ���
01:57 Changeset in tests [688] by SergeyBiryukov
More tests for sanitize_title_with_dashes(). props kurtpayne, see #WP19820.
01:35 Ticket #20458 (sanitize_title does not sanitize some characters it should) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Actually, a duplicate of #19820.
00:40 Ticket #20463 ( plugin shows trunk version, even though "Stable tag:" says otherwise) created by scribu
I have a plugin with "Stable tag: 2.2.1" in trunk/readme.txt, yet …


23:58 Changeset [20489] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20489.
23:35 Ticket #20462 (Shouldn't have to pass 'post_category' to wp_update_post()) created by scribu
Custom post types don't usually have the 'post_category' field set, …
23:07 Ticket #20337 (On theme customizer, back button should close preview mode) closed by koopersmith
fixed: In [20488]: […]
23:07 Changeset [20488] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Integrate with browser history. Use window.history …
22:55 Ticket #20461 (View All Gallerys) created by jessetechno
If you could it would be SO nice to have it so you can see every …
22:46 Changeset [20487] by ryan
Update Plupload to 1.5.4
22:12 Changeset [20486] by nacin
Use wp_safe_redirect(). No need to allow offsite redirects.
22:03 Changeset [20485] by nacin
Escape special characters when outputting DB failures. see #13839 for …
22:02 Changeset [20484] by nacin
Do sanity checks for register_globals and magic quotes in …
21:55 Changeset [20483] by nacin
Escape special characters when outputting DB failures. see #13839.
21:52 Changeset [20482] by nacin
Do sanity checks for register_globals and magic quotes in …
21:12 Ticket #19690 (wp_suspend_cache_additions() doesn't block term_relationships being ...) closed by ryan
20:18 Ticket #20460 (Notice with clean_user_cache when deleting a user) created by blueyed
I just got the following error when deleting a user in a network setup …
18:37 Ticket #15306 (Theme names that consist only of numbers won't be listed on themes page) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20481]: […]
18:37 Changeset [20481] by nacin
Add arrays together in WP_Theme::get_allowed() to preserve keys (theme …
16:15 Ticket #20457 (Typo in wp_die filters) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20480]: […]
16:15 Changeset [20480] by nacin
Fix typo in filter name for wp_die() APP request handler. props …
16:13 Changeset in tests [687] by SergeyBiryukov
Add sanitize_title_with_dashes() assertion for low double curly quote. …
16:12 Ticket #20459 (Super admin should be able to bypass banned/limited domains when ...) created by boonebgorges
The function wpmu_validate_user_signup() is run whenever a new user …
15:49 Ticket #20458 (sanitize_title does not sanitize some characters it should) created by conualfy
Hello, I want to tell you that one of the characters used to quote is …
15:34 Ticket #20457 (Typo in wp_die filters) created by benbalter
wp_die_app_bandler should be wp_die_app_handler
14:59 Changeset [20479] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: If the customize loader is enqueued, then add the …
14:58 Changeset [20478] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20478.
14:50 Ticket #20456 (Creation of new blogs and search for blogs missing) created by CaputoJen
Hello: I recently upgraded to WordPress 3.3.1. After doing so users …
14:36 Changeset [20477] by nacin
Theme Customizer: Stick to wp_customize_url() instead of …
14:29 Ticket #20455 (The new theme screen has few RTL issues) closed by ocean90
14:02 Changeset [20476] by koopersmith
Theme Customizer: Allow the customize iframe to be accessed directly …
13:19 Ticket #20455 (The new theme screen has few RTL issues) created by ramiy
See the screenshot.
09:42 Ticket #20454 (WXR export and Disqus) created by eozyo
It came to my attention that the WXR auto-generated file writes the …
02:31 Ticket #20453 (Media screen links to non-public post types) created by johnbillion
I have a non-public custom post type registered, so it doesn't get an …
01:32 Ticket #20452 (Theme Customizer doesn't work in Opera) created by dd32
As reported [ in …
00:31 Ticket #20451 (wp_insert_post() should accept a meta_input argument) created by johnbillion
wp_insert_post() accepts a tax_input argument to set the post's …


23:06 Ticket #20450 (wp_dropdown_categories - inconsistent use of single-quotes causes ...) created by rcain
wp_dropdown_categories outputs double-quote characters for all options …
21:23 Ticket #20334 (check_theme_switched() will Fatal Error if the old theme cannot be ...) reopened by johnjamesjacoby
This is still not completely fixed. Easiest way to duplicate is by …
21:17 Changeset [20475] by potbot
POT, generated from r20474
20:51 Changeset [20474] by nacin
Flexible heights for Twenty Ten's custom headers. see #20448.
20:46 Changeset [20473] by nacin
Twenty Ten: Remove $locale.php file support. see #20448.
20:39 Ticket #20449 (get_home_path() error on windows with different home and site_url values) created by iturgeon
get_home_path() was always returning a root directory reference '/' = …
20:18 Changeset [20472] by potbot
POT, generated from r20471
19:53 Changeset [20471] by nacin
Twenty Eleven: Remove $locale.php file support. see #20448.
19:53 Changeset [20470] by nacin
Flexible heights for Twenty Eleven's custom headers. see #20448.
19:51 Ticket #20448 (Update Twenty Ten and Twenty Eleven to use 3.4 features) created by nacin
Twenty Eleven can be given three distinct updates for 3.4: * …
16:49 Ticket #20212 (Recording the user agent for posts) closed by nacin
16:47 Ticket #20397 (Rename $taxonomy_name in XMLRPC methods) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20469]: […]
16:47 Changeset [20469] by nacin
Move from $taxonomy_name to $taxonomy in XML-RPC for consistency with …
11:53 Ticket #10633 (Omit closing PHP tag at the end of a file when using include() or require()) closed by dd32
duplicate: duplicate of #12307
11:51 Ticket #10633 (Omit closing PHP tag at the end of a file when using include() or require()) reopened by hakre
This has been fixed in [19712] and got traction in the #12307
11:19 Ticket #20447 (wp_delete_user( int, $user_id ) does not flush post caches) created by joehoyle
Calling wp_delete_post( 2456, 1 ) does not flush the caches for the …
07:34 Ticket #20446 (Add comment form submit button class attribute) created by bainternet
The comment_form() is packed with filters all over the place to …
07:14 Changeset in tests [686] by SergeyBiryukov
Update knownUTBug() inline description. see [660].
04:53 Ticket #20445 (UI issues for failed uploads) created by trepmal
When uploading a file with a forbidden extension using the multi-file …
04:25 Changeset in tests [685] by SergeyBiryukov
Skip wp_read_image_metadata() tests if exif is not installed.
03:02 Ticket #20444 (wpautop acts on a single line of text) created by niallkennedy
HTML markup on a single line wrapped in a block element is interpreted …


19:58 Changeset [20468] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20468.
19:51 Changeset [20467] by azaozz
Plupload: no need to reset the queue when one file fails (handled …
19:14 Ticket #19665 (Plugin installer beaks https URLs) closed by duck_
fixed: In [20466]: […]
19:14 Changeset [20466] by duck_
Recognise protocols other than "http" in _links_add_base(). Props …
19:11 Ticket #20341 (Comment Styling in post.php missing on one line) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: [20465]
19:02 Ticket #20442 (Small Typo In TwentyEleven Header.php) closed by duck_
fixed: In [20465]: […]
19:02 Changeset [20465] by duck_
Fix typo and terminology in Twenty Eleven's header template. Props …
18:55 Ticket #16892 (make_clickable segfault) closed by duck_
fixed: Links within HTML tags happen since [20443]. Any other problems should …
12:38 Ticket #20443 (Featured image cannot be set if WordPress install path contains spaces) created by rosshanney
If WordPress is installed in a directory with a name that contains …
05:33 Ticket #20442 (Small Typo In TwentyEleven Header.php) created by JarretC
On line 119 in header.php for Twentyeleven assiged should be assigned.
02:57 Ticket #20441 (Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$response in ...) created by ampt
When searching for a new plugin to install on the …
02:51 Ticket #20440 (Initial admin user only removable through bulk action when using ...) created by bananastalktome
Because I have a separate login system in place, I no longer wanted …


23:58 Changeset [20464] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-beta2-20464.
23:23 Ticket #20422 (Update Plupload to 1.5.3) closed by azaozz
fixed: In [20463]: […]
23:23 Changeset [20463] by azaozz
Update Plupload to 1.5.4, props SergeyBiryukov, fixes #20422
20:23 Ticket #20396 (Use 'post_thumbnail' instead of 'featured_image' in XMLRPC) closed by nacin
fixed: In [20462]: […]
20:23 Changeset [20462] by nacin
Move from 'featured image' to 'post thumbnail' in the XML-RPC API. …
20:20 Changeset in tests [684] by nacin
Move from 'featured image' to 'post thumbnail' in the XML-RPC API. see …
19:38 Ticket #20439 (Introduce __return_one function) created by bananastalktome
Following #20357 and #18845 , I feel it would be useful to have a …
17:30 Ticket #20433 (Don't update last_updated when deleting non-published posts) closed by ryan
fixed: In [20461]: […]
17:30 Changeset [20461] by ryan
Don't update a blog's last_updated time for all post deletions. Update …
16:56 Ticket #20438 (Custom Post Types with Post Format support aren't registered against ...) created by batmoo
When a custom post type adds support for post-formats, this …
16:52 Ticket #20437 (WP Upgrader filter to allow plugins to upload to existing directory) created by usermrpapa
Our plugin for WP uses various elements of the WP upgrader class to …
16:26 Ticket #20436 (SQL injection, deleted most of wp_options table) created by kieran.c
Don't know the specifics, but my site was hacked through SQL injection …
15:05 Ticket #20435 (Search result body classes not always applied) created by johnbillion
On search results pages a body class of 'search' is applied. This is …
08:24 Ticket #20434 (cURL fails to follow redirects sometimes) created by evansolomon
r20208 changed the way WP_HTTP (specifically cURL) handles redirects, …
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