Make WordPress Core



19:27 Ticket #12515 (Destructive Autosaves Happening on All Drafts) closed by azaozz
wontfix: Re-reading this ticked after two years still don't see a point in …
18:53 Ticket #11034 (AJAX requests stored as UTF-8 even if a non-UTF-8 charset is in use) closed by azaozz
wontfix: Using iconv to try to rectify the character encoding doesn't seem …
18:31 Ticket #17699 (Border at bottom of active tabs are inconsistent) closed by azaozz
worksforme: Is this still happening? These styles were changed in the meantime. …
17:28 Ticket #8223 (Possibility to specify parameters when writing new page or post) closed by thee17
maybelater: 3 years with no interest
17:23 Ticket #19833 (can not sort by 2 custom fields) created by zied86
Hello I followed the syntax of the codex to sort by two criteria of …
11:20 Ticket #19829 (impossible to moderate comment in custom post) closed by thee17
worksforme: I have now tested in 6 different installs and am not able to duplicate …
11:02 Ticket #19829 (impossible to moderate comment in custom post) reopened by zied86
@thee17 : I tried to empty the tables comments and added new comments …
10:59 Ticket #19832 (Splitting translation files for better performance) created by pavelevap
Originally suggested by Chouby: 17128#comment:15
00:41 Ticket #19829 (impossible to moderate comment in custom post) closed by thee17
worksforme: I made a comment on my CPT and moderation worked as expected. There …
00:08 Ticket #19831 (Multisite strings in standard translation) created by pavelevap
There are many strings which are related to Multisite version, but …


22:51 Ticket #19830 (wp_localize_script() combines statements improperly) created by TobiasBg
When making multiple calls to wp_localize_script() on the same …
22:26 Ticket #19829 (impossible to moderate comment in custom post) created by zied86
Hello; I added in my site customs post the problem when I added …
21:50 Ticket #19828 (allowing to insert help tab in specific position) created by tfnab
this enhancement of add_help_tab() would allow plugin developers to …
20:40 Ticket #13278 (query.php, exclude posts by more authors bug) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #16854 has a patch.
20:26 Ticket #19827 (remove_help_tab() not working as expected) created by tfnab
remove_help_tab takes $id as a parameter. this is either confusing or …
18:38 Ticket #19826 (Error behavior for deleting trashed posts is different for Bulk Delete ...) created by jpbellona
Bug testing a custom blog build, but I may have located a bug with …
18:37 Ticket #19637 (Update hierarchy when deleting hierarchical CPT) closed by duck_
fixed: In [19734]: […]
18:37 Changeset [19734] by duck_
Update hierarchy for all hierarchical post types when deleting a …
18:15 Ticket #19377 (Notice: Undefined index: settings-updated in ...) closed by duck_
fixed: In [19733]: […]
18:15 Changeset [19733] by duck_
Prevent "Undefined index: settings-updated" notice in …
16:47 Ticket #19825 (Bugs and modifications to localize script) created by ssmathias
After working in trunk, I noted that I get a fatal error when trying …
11:39 Ticket #19824 (Capability checks missing for some links after a plugin/theme upgrade) created by linuxologos
After a plugin's/theme's update has been finished through the …
11:20 Ticket #19822 (get_blog_option doesn't return new value once the same option is ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #15548
10:37 Ticket #19823 (typo fix in wp-includes/post.php) created by Latz
Minor typo in phpdoc block.
10:15 Ticket #19822 (get_blog_option doesn't return new value once the same option is ...) created by mohanjith
Once a blog option is cached into object cache any updates to the same …
09:30 Ticket #19821 (Make wp_validate_auth_cookie() filterable) created by sirzooro
When WordPress loads, it does not call the same functions as when …
08:45 Ticket #19819 (Plugins repository: recently updated radiobutton disappeared so limits ...) closed by knutsp
wontfix: This is a decision. See #19573. Old, unmaintained plugins are already …
08:31 Ticket #19820 (More post slug cleaning) created by honza.skypala
Hi there, removing a number of funky characters from post slugs in WP …
08:06 Ticket #19819 (Plugins repository: recently updated radiobutton disappeared so limits ...) created by michelwppi
Plugins repository: Recently, we discover that the radiobutton …


21:00 Ticket #19818 (ALTERNATE_WP_CRON causes some cron tasks to fail) created by norocketsurgeon
If ALTERNATE_WP_CRON is defined as true and a task run by it requires …
18:34 Ticket #19817 (Media Uploader sticks at 'Crunching' for Subscriber Uploads) created by walkinonwat3r
When I add the capability 'upload_files' to the user role …
18:32 Ticket #19816 (Theme details should be able to include multiple screenshots) created by helen
Per 3.4 scoping, themes should be able show multiple screenshots. This …
18:26 Ticket #19815 (Theme install and search screens should infinitely scroll) created by helenyhou
As per scoping of 3.4, an improvement to the themes screens would be …
17:47 Ticket #19814 (add_theme_support() inside init hook function breaks post attachments) created by jamesmehorter
When adding post-thumbnail support to a theme via add_theme_support(), …
16:05 Ticket #18188 (Make it easier to go between Dashboard and site edit pages) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
The only change to My Sites menu in 3.3 seems to be moving Network …
09:28 Ticket #19813 (Keyboard shortcuts for editing posted date) created by tw2113
In short, I thought it would be a nice feature to be able to use the …
02:47 Ticket #19812 (Re-pin Akismet external to 2.5.5) closed by dd32
fixed: In [19732]: […]
02:47 Changeset [19732] by dd32
Re-pin Akismet to 2.5.5. Fixes #19812
02:18 Ticket #19812 (Re-pin Akismet external to 2.5.5) created by josephscott
Diff and notes posted at …
01:07 Ticket #12814 (WP 3.0 MultSite does not work when wp installed in subfolder and site ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #19796
00:36 Ticket #18188 (Make it easier to go between Dashboard and site edit pages) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: I believe this was fixed with the new My Sites menu in the 3.3 …


23:57 Ticket #11254 (update_usermeta and delete_usermeta do not update or destroy cache) closed by duck_
fixed: Replying to ryan: > User and usermeta caching was fixed …
23:56 Ticket #19626 (Add as an oEmbed provider) closed by duck_
fixed: Replying to nacin: > In [19721]: > {{{ > …
23:35 Ticket #19801 (Erroneous single quote in edit-form-comment.php) closed by duck_
fixed: In [19731]: […]
23:35 Changeset [19731] by duck_
Remove extraneous single quote. Props garyc40. Fixes #19801.
22:36 Ticket #19811 (Native SQLite Support as database backend) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #2317
22:31 Ticket #19811 (Native SQLite Support as database backend) created by pod32
Me and many other users are looking forward for (native) sqlite …
21:43 Ticket #19810 (Autocomplete for users and sites in Network admin) created by markjaquith
This is one of the action items for the 3.4 release.
21:39 Ticket #19795 (Documentation or code bug in register_taxonomy_for_object_type ...) closed by ryan
fixed: In [19730]: […]
21:39 Changeset [19730] by ryan
Update register_taxonomy_for_object_type() phpdoc to reflect that the …
21:26 Ticket #19690 (wp_suspend_cache_additions() doesn't block term_relationships being ...) closed by ryan
fixed: In [19729]: […]
21:26 Changeset [19729] by ryan
Use wp_cache_add() instead of wp_cache_set() when priming the object …
21:09 Changeset in tests [496] by ryan
Beginnings of post type tests. Test post deletion and cache clearing.
18:23 Ticket #19809 (can't pass an array(class, method) as a callback in add_settings_field()) created by mati1000
I want to pass an array(class, method) as a callback for a settings …
18:02 Ticket #19808 (PHPMailer -> MsgHTML single quote bug) created by WPsites
If you pass in the contents of a HTML email to the MsgHTML method of …
17:13 Ticket #19807 (Clicking Preview in Multisite Creates 404 Error) created by oateslarsen
Since upgrading to Multi-Site, we've had an ongoing problem with …
16:42 Ticket #19797 (Hash post password in cookies) closed by ryan
fixed: In [19728]: […]
16:42 Changeset [19728] by ryan
Hash post password in cookies. fixes #19797
16:18 Ticket #9991 (Wrap plugin notices in a function) closed by scribu
wontfix: Replying to westi: > I wonder if the requirement here is …
16:09 Ticket #19806 (do_allowed_shortcodes to allow processing of limited list of shortcodes) created by beezeee
We have a front facing content editor and want to enable our users to …
16:02 Ticket #19805 (Pingback not sent to https sites) created by norocketsurgeon
Wordpress does not attempt to send pingbacks to https sites. I have …
11:35 Ticket #10814 (Plugin GUIDs) closed by westi
maybelater: I'm still not convinced we need a explicit "GUID" system while we only …
11:16 Ticket #5290 (Adding the_author_role() template tag) closed by westi
maybelater: I'm not convinced that exposing the Role of a user on a site is …
11:13 Ticket #10754 (Allow to disable autosaves) closed by westi
wontfix: Reflecting back on this I think that autosave is a key feature and …
10:45 Ticket #7968 (Use "wp_die" template message instead of plain message when Atom is ...) closed by westi
maybelater: Closing this down as we haven't seen much call for it and I haven't …
10:42 Ticket #6918 (Improve ARIA support so that it validates.) closed by westi
worksforme: I've checked our current admin pages and the aria support we added now …
10:36 Ticket #6352 (Tabindex bugs in trunk) closed by westi
fixed: The Administration code has changed significantly since the ticket was …
10:02 Ticket #19804 (phpDoc for get_the_post_thumbnail()) created by PeteMall
s/thumbnail/post-thumbnail/ Default size is post-thumbnail instead of …
07:39 Ticket #19803 (get_previous_posts_link: Capital HTML entity) created by ounziw
get_previous_posts_link (located in wp-includes/link-template.php ) …
06:50 Ticket #19802 (Allow DECIMAL Precision in WP_Query Meta Queries) created by dominicp
As of now, if we specify a precision for the DECIMAL type in WP_Query …
03:09 Ticket #19801 (Erroneous single quote in edit-form-comment.php) created by garyc40
There's a redundant single quote character in edit-form-comment.php …
00:04 Ticket #19800 (Media & WXR Uploads: Inaccurate error reporting because ...) created by emhr
Steps to reproduce: Current month directory exists in uploads …


23:40 Ticket #19799 (define('RELOCATE', true) update the "siteurl" option, but not the ...) created by mintindeed
define('RELOCATE', true) will update the "siteurl" option, but not the …
22:55 Ticket #19636 (Rewrite rules don't need to be flushed on page save/delete) closed by duck_
fixed: In [19727]: […]
22:55 Changeset [19727] by duck_
Rewrite rules don't need to be flushed on every page save/delete as …
22:55 Ticket #19798 (Retire wp-pass.php) created by ryan
This could be handled as an action in wp-login.php, for example, …
22:41 Ticket #19797 (Hash post password in cookies) created by ryan
post_password_required() has been around for several years and most …
21:46 Ticket #19796 (Multisite installs should work with WordPress in a subdirectory) created by markjaquith
Currently, Multisite cannot be enabled if WordPress is installed …
20:19 Ticket #19795 (Documentation or code bug in register_taxonomy_for_object_type ...) created by transom
The documentation indicates that the post_type can be an array or a …
16:08 Ticket #19794 (Rewrite rules for custom taxonomies not generated as permalinks are ...) created by duck__boy
The rewrite rules are not being created for any custom taxonomies when …
15:38 Ticket #19793 (In image editor, editing thumbnail has no effect if crop is exactly ...) created by janmakinen
When you upload some image, by the default 'thumbnail', 'medium' and …
15:06 Ticket #19792 (Improve Press This) closed by dancole
invalid: Already has the features I was thinking about.
05:00 Ticket #19792 (Improve Press This) created by dancole
The Press This tool should be improved. We should make it easier for …
04:01 Ticket #19723 (Setting only SSL_Login does not force SSL Login) closed by ryan
wontfix: This is done as part of the support for allowing logins over https or …


21:25 Ticket #19771 (Re-initiate MySQL connections) closed by ryan
21:20 Ticket #16325 (kses uses deprecated (PHP 5.3.0) split) closed by duck_
fixed: In [19726]: […]
21:20 Changeset [19726] by duck_
split was deprecated in PHP 5.3.0, so use explode instead. Props …
20:52 Ticket #18696 (wp_salt() needs some update) closed by ryan
fixed: In [19725]: […]
20:52 Changeset [19725] by ryan
Update wp_salt() phpdoc. fixes #18696
20:38 Ticket #19791 (can't correctly grant certain capabilities to roles on multisite) created by jtclarke
I noticed after I'd granted a particular role the capability …
20:23 Ticket #19790 (function request : is_plugin_latest($plugin);) created by nohalfpixels
i am working on a plugin right now an i am at the stage of adding help …
20:23 Ticket #19789 (Media options screen - misunderstanding) created by pavelevap
There is following code in options-media.php: […] and […] …
20:08 Ticket #19773 (query.php paging block clarity) closed by ryan
fixed: In [19724]: […]
20:08 Changeset [19724] by ryan
Code cleanup in the paging block. Props kawauso. fixes #19773
19:53 Ticket #15689 (No comments awaiting moderation... yet — I am confused) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19723]: […]
19:53 Changeset [19723] by nacin
'No comments awaiting moderation.' props demetris. fixes #15689.
19:02 Ticket #19700 (Cron locking still not fixed in 3.3) closed by ryan
fixed: In [19722]: […]
19:02 Changeset [19722] by ryan
Use microtime() for cron locks. fixes #19700
17:43 Changeset [19721] by nacin
Add as an oEmbed provider. props Otto42. see #19626.
17:15 Ticket #19788 (i18 problems for Comment section) created by pavelevap
1) Function wp_comment_trashnotice() uses for example string "Comment …
15:55 Ticket #19779 (_edit_attachments_query_helper does not properly preface table name ...) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19720]: […]
15:55 Changeset [19720] by nacin
Prefix table name against the post_parent field in …
09:30 Ticket #19787 (Improve theme activated message) created by iamronen
This suggestion is in regard to the new widget-restoration feature. …
08:51 Ticket #19786 (make sure $step is an integer. some space fixes.) created by Caspie
Make sure the step variable is an integer if isset
08:47 Ticket #19782 (Page Atributes: Parent Select Box - parent_id (width)) closed by ocean90
duplicate: #19613
08:36 Ticket #19785 (Uploaded Media Delete Confirm Buttons Not Aligned) created by JarretC
After uploading the media but before saving your changes if you choose …
04:46 Ticket #19784 (Plugin Information dialogue should list Contributors) created by dd32
Following from #19775 I noticed that the list of contributors to a …
04:42 Ticket #19783 (Add a "Processing..." overlay to update iframes) created by dd32
On the back of #19781, i thought i'd raise this: > We should also …
01:09 Ticket #19782 (Page Atributes: Parent Select Box - parent_id (width)) created by emiluzelac
In "Page Atributes" (select box) when using long titles the box …
00:16 Ticket #19781 (All update processes should be within an iframe) created by dd32
Currently some of the update processes run within iframes, others …


23:27 Changeset [19719] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-alpha-19719.
23:17 Changeset [19718] by nacin
Revert character encoding issue in [19716].
23:15 Ticket #19139 ("View Site" and other items below site/admin title need to grow) closed by koopersmith
fixed: In [19717]: […]
23:15 Changeset [19717] by koopersmith
Allow toolbar submenus to expand to the width of the parent item. …
23:05 Changeset [19716] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-alpha-19716.
22:54 Changeset [19715] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-alpha-19715.
22:53 Changeset [19714] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-alpha-19713.
22:53 Ticket #19021 (Broken pointers if attached to elements visible after scrolling page) closed by koopersmith
fixed: In [19713]: […]
22:53 Changeset [19713] by koopersmith
Improve pointer collision handling. fixes #19021.
22:22 Ticket #19780 (Named category functions/docs need cleaning up) created by DrewAPicture
Spawning from a small discussion in #19776, I think it's about time …
20:12 Ticket #19779 (_edit_attachments_query_helper does not properly preface table name ...) created by benbalter
If a plugin modifies the media list on upload.php by joining …
17:01 Ticket #12307 (files missing closing php tags) closed by ryan
fixed: In [19712]: […]
17:01 Changeset [19712] by ryan
Lose EOF ?>. Clean up EOF newlines. fixes #12307
12:36 Ticket #19208 (Make plugins "View version [#] details" link show changelog tab) closed by dd32
fixed: In [19711]: […]
12:36 Changeset [19711] by dd32
Show Changelog by default for "View version x.y.z details" links for …
09:18 Changeset [19710] by dd32
Better indentation. Props SergeyBiryukov. See #16580
06:14 Ticket #19778 (Plugin installer Description tab LTR in RTL, rest not) created by dd32
Mainly a consistency thing here, The Plugin Installer info dialogue …
05:53 Ticket #19777 (Plugin screenshots require scrolling) closed by dd32
fixed: In [19709]: […]
05:53 Changeset [19709] by dd32
Clean up the Plugin installer Screenshots page, Adds CSS resize …
05:39 Ticket #16580 (Faq/FAQ in the admin) closed by dd32
fixed: In [19708]: […]
05:39 Changeset [19708] by dd32
s/Faq/FAQ/ for Plugin Installer tabs, Gains Translation support for …
05:24 Ticket #19777 (Plugin screenshots require scrolling) created by dd32
The plugin screenshot listing requires scrolling when larger images …
04:02 Ticket #19776 (wp_dropdown_categories (using with taxonomy) defaults if no terms) created by helgatheviking
the default args for wp_dropdown_categories produce an empty select …
03:55 Ticket #19775 (Plugin API requests should limit what data they request) created by dd32
The Plugin API requests are returning data which isn't …
03:51 Ticket #19774 (Potential undefined array access in XML-RPC mw_newPost/mw_editPost) created by maxcutler
When attempting to determine the appropriate cap check, some of the …
03:48 Changeset [19707] by dd32
use maybe_unserialize() in update and API checks, Tighten up the …


23:18 Ticket #19772 (Nested install writes htaccess to web root instead of WP Site base) closed by dd32
duplicate: This sounds like the recently fixed #18768 / [19697] - I'm closing as …
22:59 Ticket #19773 (query.php paging block clarity) created by kawauso
A few simple changes to the // Paging block in wp-includes/query.php …
20:29 Ticket #19772 (Nested install writes htaccess to web root instead of WP Site base) created by grapepress
Greetings, I've run into an issue that seems to me to be a bug. If it …
19:08 Ticket #18566 (Expose discussion settings on XML-RPC) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19706]: […]
19:08 Changeset [19706] by nacin
Expose default_ping_status and default_comment_status via XML-RPC. …
18:54 Ticket #19767 (Password Reset email returns invalid account address) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19705]: […]
18:54 Changeset [19705] by nacin
Use home URL, not siteurl, in the password reset email. fixes #19767.
17:30 Ticket #19771 (Re-initiate MySQL connections) created by kieranbarnes
Is there any reason why WordPress doesn't re-initiate it's MySQL …
16:07 Ticket #19770 (Implement browser-side resizing with Plupload) created by johnbillion
#19174 removed the browser-side image resizing due to browser …
13:01 Ticket #19769 ($userdata is not empty for anonymous requests) created by MattyRob
When an anonymous user visit a WordPress 3.3.x installation (i.e. a …
07:58 Ticket #19768 (CSS specificity help for deep nested wp_nav_menu() output) closed by scribu
wontfix: Additional identifiers aren't really necessary. Just take a look at …
07:53 Ticket #19768 (CSS specificity help for deep nested wp_nav_menu() output) created by tw2113
I have a project that has a menu with three children deep menu items. …
05:55 Ticket #19767 (Password Reset email returns invalid account address) created by raamdev
The retrieve_password() function in wp-login.php calls …
00:05 Ticket #18538 ( should suggest firefox-6.0 instead of firefox-5.0) closed by nacin
fixed: I ended up fixing this months ago.
00:04 Ticket #17861 (Bug on WordPress Credits page) closed by nacin
00:04 Ticket #16746 (post paginating <!--nextpage--> does not work) closed by nacin
wontfix: Going to close this as wontfix. I can see someone using …
00:01 Ticket #15503 (Disable buttons for pagination) closed by nacin
fixed: Since ajax list tables were pulled, we can close this as fixed on 3.1.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.