Make WordPress Core



21:34 Ticket #19666 (Switching from HTML to Visual editor removes some line breaks inside PRE) created by mrclay
All line breaks inside PRE elements used to transmit correctly when …
17:27 Ticket #18261 (WYSIWYG toolbar 'indent button' produces invalid markup) closed by azaozz
fixed: In [19631]: […]
17:27 Changeset [19631] by azaozz
Editor: fix invalid nested lists, fix tabbing - Tab goes to …
15:57 Ticket #19665 (Plugin installer beaks https URLs) created by sirzooro
From plugin installer search for plugin which has https link(s) in its …


18:50 Ticket #16528 (delete_users cap should distinguish roles) closed by linuxologos
invalid: Replying to scribu: > I'm not sure how 'edit_users' …
18:19 Ticket #18090 (New "down" arrows on left nav are not sized right) closed by dbonneville
16:06 Ticket #19664 (wp_dashboard_recent_comments() has very bad performance with lots of spam) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #14222
16:03 Ticket #19664 (wp_dashboard_recent_comments() has very bad performance with lots of spam) created by joehoyle
The way wp_dashboard_recent_comments() loops the comments is very …
13:58 Ticket #19663 (auto-draft garbage collection should be done via cron, not when ...) created by _ck_
On small sites this isn't a problem but active, larger sites with …
10:00 Ticket #19662 (QuickPress saving breaks if javascript is disabled) created by trepmal
If Javascript is disabled and I publish a post from the dashboard …
08:57 Ticket #19661 (Misleading cursors/indicators when js disabled) created by trepmal
When javascript is disabled, there are still a number of indicators …
08:24 Ticket #19660 (In Admin Tags, ording Tags by Posts returns Page not Found) created by thydzik
In the Admin page, under Posts->Tags, When I try to order column Posts …
07:19 Ticket #19659 (using %tags% in permalinks doesn't work) closed by dd32
duplicate: %tag% is not supported within URL's, nor are any other taxonomies …
07:13 Ticket #19659 (using %tags% in permalinks doesn't work) created by hubertnguyen
Hi there, since WP 3.3 comes with improvements in the way permalinks …
06:45 Ticket #19658 (action hooks for after_title and after_editor needed to utiliize wp_editor) created by stonefree
I was pretty excited about the new wp_editor function, but the current …
06:12 Ticket #19657 (64px Avatar Size Not Enforced in the Toolbar) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #19539
04:28 Ticket #19657 (64px Avatar Size Not Enforced in the Toolbar) created by trepmal
If a custom avatar default is defined, and a user without their own …


22:34 Ticket #19656 (wp_update_user() not compatible with cast-to-array WP_User objects) closed by scribu
worksforme: Actually, passing all of the user fields isn't necessary. It's better …
19:58 Ticket #19656 (wp_update_user() not compatible with cast-to-array WP_User objects) created by boonebgorges
Pre-3.3, it was possible to do something like this: […] It doesn't …
17:36 Ticket #19655 (I fixed a piece of code that used a hack instead of basename()) closed by BaylorRae
invalid: Ah, okay. I didn't think about subdirectories.
17:19 Ticket #19655 (I fixed a piece of code that used a hack instead of basename()) created by BaylorRae
Hello I was browsing the source of WordPress …
16:44 Ticket #19654 (Allow overload of is_ssl() via a filter) created by superkus
Hi ! Would it be possible to add the is_ssl() function to the list of …
15:11 Ticket #19653 (Order by meta field forces ignore of null records) created by tomauger
When doing a sort on posts with a meta value, the way the SQL is …
14:51 Ticket #19652 (There should be a get_next_post_link() and get_previous_post_link()) closed by ocean90
duplicate: #17302
06:28 Ticket #19632 (TinyMCE producing invalid nested list markup) closed by szotsaki
duplicate: Yes, this is a duplicate of #18261. Also modified the ticket description.
03:08 Ticket #19652 (There should be a get_next_post_link() and get_previous_post_link()) created by Master Jake
You can do this with the plural form: get_next_posts_link() and …
01:28 Ticket #19651 (Fatal error for new installs after r19602) created by greuben
01:06 Ticket #19650 (apply_filters( 'manage_users_column' ) or equivalent no longer exists) closed by danielbachhuber
invalid: As it turns out, core does apply the filter once and I can no longer …
00:36 Ticket #19650 (apply_filters( 'manage_users_column' ) or equivalent no longer exists) created by danielbachhuber
For the Users WP_List_Table, apply_filters( …
00:26 Changeset [19630] by ryan
Remove Recently Updated from dash Plugins widget. see #19573
00:25 Changeset [19629] by ryan
About face. Revert [19628]. Gonna improve Plugins widget instead of …


21:57 Ticket #19573 (Remove 'Recently Updated' from plugin installer) closed by ryan
fixed: In [19628]: […]
21:57 Changeset [19628] by ryan
Remove Plugins dashboard widget. fixes #19573
21:52 Ticket #19649 (DFW Auto textarea lengthening is twitchy) created by markjaquith
The auto textarea lengthening is twitchy. It shoves the content up a …
21:43 Ticket #19648 (mce_external_languages/plugins prints twice) created by Cyapow
When adding a language using the 'mce_external_languages' filter the …
21:25 Ticket #19646 (Skip email notifications for Trac CCs) closed by scribu
duplicate: #17505
21:21 Changeset [19627] by ryan
Remove 'Recently Updated' from plugin installer. Props nacin. see #19573
16:45 Ticket #19647 (Use add_node() instead of add_menu() in core) created by linuxologos
'It's clear through …
16:37 Ticket #19646 (Skip email notifications for Trac CCs) created by johnbillion
I'm not familiar with Trac so I don't know what level of control is …
16:24 Ticket #19645 (Image caption gets removed when editing image dimensions.) created by JanJaapKempenaar
When editing an image placed into a post in a certain way, the caption …
13:09 Ticket #19644 (Unwanted backslash in output) created by donpaolo
After upgrading to 3.3 I got the windows notificating me the new …
12:08 Ticket #19312 (The date range fields on the export screen don't show correct dates ...) closed by duck_
fixed: In [19626]: […]
12:08 Changeset [19626] by duck_
Show correct export date range for pages. The query should use …
07:47 Ticket #19643 (Allow array for $extra_fields in request_filesystem_credentials) created by griffinjt
The current implementation for passing extra fields through …


22:34 Ticket #19642 (Toolbar shows a warning on a second call) created by SergeyBiryukov
Slight regression from 3.2. After upgrading to 3.3, some people saw …
20:55 Ticket #19641 (Some problems with updating plugins by uploading zip archive) created by pavelevap
I found several UX problems with updating (re-installing) plugins by …
20:08 Changeset [19625] by ryan
Assign the full WP_User object to the userdata global. Props scribu. …
20:07 Ticket #19595 ($userdata not populated properly) closed by ryan
fixed: In [19624]: […]
20:07 Changeset [19624] by ryan
Assign the full WP_User object to the userdata global. Props scribu. …
20:06 Changeset in tests [491] by ryan
Test global userdata. See WP #19595
18:42 Ticket #19640 (adjacent_post_link filter hook missing $post) created by tychay
wp-includes/link-template.php, line 1369 is: apply_filters( …
18:42 Changeset [19623] by ryan
Remove extraneuos newlines
17:01 Ticket #19639 (Enhancement: request: filter support before shortcodes are parsed or ...) created by archon810
My team uses Windows Live Writer to do all posting, but we constantly …
16:31 Ticket #19638 (Update several @since comments) created by dgwyer
Update several @since 3.3 comments to be @since 3.3.0. There are …
15:45 Ticket #19630 (Individual Option HTML tags being wrapped with Select Tag when ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #18534
15:14 Ticket #19637 (Update hierarchy when deleting hierarchical CPT) created by duck_
When deleting a CPT post which is hierarchical its children don't have …
15:11 Ticket #19636 (Rewrite rules don't need to be flushed on page save/delete) created by duck_
Since 3.3 it is no longer necessary to flush rewrite rules when saving …
14:30 Ticket #19634 (API timeout) closed by nacin
wontfix: We were having some issues today. 15 seconds is a good balance between …
13:52 Ticket #19635 (Non-ASCII chars in user name changed to question marks after sending ...) created by sirzooro
I have just sent request to add new plugin to repository, and found …
13:41 Ticket #19634 (API timeout) created by bi0xid
We have some problems with the API. It's given plugin installation …
13:23 Ticket #19633 (Multilingual Permalinks - Broken Pagination) created by aternus
With the new rewrite engine in WP3.3 the pagination for pages with …
12:09 Ticket #19632 (TinyMCE producing invalid nested list markup) created by szotsaki
Edit a post either in HTML or in TinyMCE, WP will scramble the <ul> …
12:07 Ticket #18465 (Prevent search engines from indexing wp-admin and wp-includes) reopened by joostdevalk
This is a valid problem but the "fix" doesn't actually fix it. While …
11:58 Ticket #19631 (Consider a doing_it_wrong call for query_posts()) created by johnbillion
The query_posts() function affects the main query, so things (like …
10:57 Ticket #17976 (Make comment_* cookies pluggable) closed by westi
fixed: In [19622]: […]
10:57 Changeset [19622] by westi
Make it possible for commenter cookies to be disabled if someone wants …
10:49 Ticket #19630 (Individual Option HTML tags being wrapped with Select Tag when ...) created by iseekdesign
Scenario: When pasting code that includes a form dropdown select …
09:14 Ticket #19629 (return option for media_sideload_image) created by slbmeh
An optional parameter to return the attachment id opposed to the html …
05:40 Changeset [19621] by nacin
Remove individual version numbers for core scripts and styles. Fall …
04:27 Changeset [19620] by nacin
Compress scripts/styles: 3.4-alpha-19620
04:24 Changeset [19619] by nacin
Revert debug in [19618].
04:22 Changeset [19618] by nacin
04:16 Ticket #19628 (FEATURE REQUEST: std deviation option for wp_tag_cloud) created by bhoogterp
Feature Request Add a std deviation, logarithmic, or other non-linear …
01:42 Ticket #19627 (Themes should be able to opt-in to a static front page) created by nacin
A theme should be able to register that they are designed to have a …
01:38 Ticket #19626 (Add as an oEmbed provider) created by nacin
They're certainly big enough to warrant inclusion. Here's their …
01:15 Ticket #19625 (Unable to view/edit profile if username contains space) created by Master Jake
I noticed when trying to edit my own profile that I just …


22:46 Ticket #19624 (Incorrect font size in tag cloud on decimal comma locales) created by SergeyBiryukov
On …
22:10 Ticket #19610 (Toolbar shows up after clicking a link in theme preview) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19617]: […]
22:10 Changeset [19617] by nacin
Hide the toolbar on all subsequent links in the theme preview. props …
22:06 Changeset [19616] by nacin
s/is/if/. props ocean90.
22:01 Ticket #19508 (get_bookmarks() comment correction) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19615]: […]
22:01 Changeset [19615] by nacin
get_bookmarks() doc fix. props hearvox, fixes #19508.
22:00 Ticket #19614 (get_avatar should ignore whitespace in email addresses) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19614]: […]
22:00 Changeset [19614] by nacin
Gravatar emails should be trimmed before being lowered and hashed. …
21:46 Ticket #17122 (Set smiley conversion to disabled by default) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19613]: […]
21:46 Changeset [19613] by nacin
Disable the 8) smiley as it breaks regular text more than all of the …
21:39 Ticket #19481 (Unused strings in edit-form-advanced.php since WP 1.0) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19612]: […]
21:39 Changeset [19612] by nacin
Remove dead variables and strings from edit-form-comment. props …
21:36 Ticket #19157 (Remove PHP4 compat from timer functions) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19611]: […]
21:36 Changeset [19611] by nacin
Ask for a float from microtime() for timer_start(), timer_stop(). …
21:27 Ticket #19427 (URLs should be trailing-slashed) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19610]: […]
21:27 Changeset [19610] by nacin
URLs should be trailing-slashed. fixes #19427.
21:15 Ticket #19472 (String issues in options-permalink.php) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19609]: […]
21:15 Changeset [19609] by nacin
Eliminate a string in options-permalink and end strings with full …
21:14 Ticket #19456 (Globalize $wp_rewrite in wp-settings.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: [19603]
20:59 Ticket #17098 ([] Themes Compatibility) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #16868
20:59 Changeset [19608] by nacin
Update since. see #18845.
20:58 Ticket #18845 (Introduce __return_null()) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19607]: […]
20:58 Changeset [19607] by nacin
Add __return_null() to complement the existing true, false, zero, …
20:57 Changeset [19606] by nacin
20:54 Ticket #19311 (Upgrade hoverIntent to r6) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19605]: […]
20:54 Changeset [19605] by nacin
hoverIntent r6. fixes #19311.
20:46 Ticket #19366 (PHP notices if you aren't logged in and view a post preview) closed by nacin
fixed: In [19604]: […]
20:46 Changeset [19604] by nacin
Fix notice when viewing a post preview logged out. props …
20:43 Changeset [19603] by nacin
Globalize wp_rewrite in wp-settings. props mrtorrent, fixes #17749.
20:31 Ticket #19485 (menu item will not automatically be removed from the WordPress menu system.) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #19038
18:07 Ticket #19623 (Use Comment API in comments_template, rather than hardcoded SQL) created by simonwheatley
Currently the function comments_template uses hard-coded SQL …
15:47 Ticket #19622 (Insert multiple individual images into post (not as gallery)) closed by scribu
15:18 Ticket #16249 (Control of admin bar hiding/display) closed by ocean90
worksforme: […] or […]
15:03 Ticket #16249 (Control of admin bar hiding/display) reopened by jtsternberg
The screenshot displays this error still happening, using both …
13:31 Ticket #19620 (New Permalink structure is not saved when clicked on "Save changes") closed by SergeyBiryukov
worksforme: If a custom structure is exactly the same as one of the radio button …
13:00 Ticket #19622 (Insert multiple individual images into post (not as gallery)) created by jane
Current workflow: upload a bunch of images. To insert into post you …
12:15 Ticket #19621 (Cron not working in WP 3.3) created by hassanasad
Hi, I was working on wordpress cron and found that the cron doesn't …
11:44 Ticket #19620 (New Permalink structure is not saved when clicked on "Save changes") created by paulolyslager
I used to have the custom permalink structure "/%postname%/" but I …
00:52 Ticket #19619 (Simplify UI for searching in the plugin and theme installers) created by nacin
Currently the theme and plugin installers provide not only a search …


23:15 Changeset [19602] by ryan
Move option, setting, and transient functions from functions.php to …
22:44 Ticket #11287 ("Go back" link removed) closed by jane
wontfix: I am closing this. After editing you are now kept in the editor.
21:17 Ticket #19618 (Extending the Transient API outside of the wp_options table) closed by scribu
wontfix: For the transients API, wp_options is just a fallback. The primary …
20:51 Ticket #19618 (Extending the Transient API outside of the wp_options table) created by VicePrez
I was wondering if the dev team would consider extending the …
20:32 Ticket #19617 (Use maybe_unserialize() for HTTP requests) created by nacin
In a few cases, we use this convention: `unserialize( …
20:29 Ticket #19616 (Color Picker consistency) created by trepmal
The color pickers used on the custom background page and custom header …
20:23 Ticket #19615 (Deprecate get_currentuserinfo()) created by scribu
get_currentuserinfo() is a pluggable function that encourages an …
19:30 Ticket #19614 (get_avatar should ignore whitespace in email addresses) created by evansolomon
Email addresses never contain valid whitespace, so passing them to …
18:36 Ticket #19613 (Select menus with long items overflow panels in the admin) created by Master Jake
In the WordPress Admin, select menus which have long options may …
18:00 Ticket #19612 (Author templates display all users on a multisite network, even if the ...) created by chellycat
When loading an author template, WordPress should check against …
16:53 Ticket #19611 (Editor shows edit/remove image buttons when it should not) created by sirzooro
Insert image and set its style to float: right. Enter some text next …
13:54 Ticket #19610 (Toolbar shows up after clicking a link in theme preview) created by SergeyBiryukov
1. Click "Preview" link for any theme (checked with Twenty Ten). 2. …
08:01 Ticket #19609 (Show the 'Mine' filter on the manage posts screen for all users) created by johnbillion
Authors and Contributors get a handy filter on the manage posts screen …
07:04 Ticket #19608 (tmp table issues caused by WP_Query) closed by scribu
duplicate: #10964 #18536
06:39 Ticket #19608 (tmp table issues caused by WP_Query) created by FrederickTownes
Of course, WP doesn't scale in use cases where the query response …
03:58 Ticket #14427 (Post Editor can only resize vertically in Visual mode (MCE), not in ...) closed by jane
03:18 Ticket #11950 (Sticky Posts are too aggressive) reopened by nacin
I really like this idea. Patch is trivial — it comes down to whether …
02:58 Ticket #19607 (home/wp-admin and home/wp-login.php should redirect when home != siteurl) created by nacin
Say you have the following setup: home:, and …
02:55 Ticket #11950 (Sticky Posts are too aggressive) closed by jane
wontfix: 13 months with no comments indicates a lack of community …
02:51 Ticket #19606 (Graceful feature degradation when JavaScript is disabled) created by AmbushCommander
Some features, such as preview, don't work when JavaScript is …
02:49 Ticket #19605 (Preview doesn't work if JavaScript is disabled) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #17322
02:47 Ticket #19605 (Preview doesn't work if JavaScript is disabled) created by AmbushCommander
Fairly self explanatory.
02:42 Ticket #7723 (Allow filtering by author on Manage > Posts) reopened by scribu
I've come around on this. 1. Categories are hierarchical, something …
02:21 Ticket #14372 (Option to load comments asynchronously, for speed) closed by jane
wontfix: Closing this, given 16 months with no activity and an opinion from …
02:16 Ticket #11893 (Comment author should be able to edit his comments for a half hour) closed by jane
wontfix: I'd like this to be available either in core or as a core plugin, too, …
02:07 Ticket #19604 (Make the styles for misc-publishing-actions dynamic) created by nacin
The last of the three misc-publishing-actions (Status, Visibility, …
02:07 Ticket #11006 (Theme Preview on Admin Page) closed by nacin
worksforme: There's not enough information here for me to go on. It also looks …
02:05 Ticket #15085 (Replace Category dropdown with an auto-suggest field in the posts ...) closed by jane
maybelater: 14 months without any comments or a patch makes it look like no one is …
01:50 Ticket #12816 (easter egg is confusing) closed by jane
wontfix: A link to address some of this was added in #15262. We're not taking …
01:42 Ticket #10320 (Tags separator) closed by jane
wontfix: Replying to bi0xid: > And offer in Options the way to add …
01:26 Ticket #19184 (Website name should have subitem in admin bar?) closed by jane
wontfix: The site name is different because it performs two different linking …
01:03 Ticket #19490 (Filter for 'Howdy' text in admin bar) closed by jane
wontfix: No need to go around your elbow, just bend it and your arm's right …


21:50 Ticket #19603 (Support locale-specific modifications in core) created by nacin
(See also #19598, #19599, #19600, #19601, #19602, which lead up to …
21:37 Ticket #19602 (wptexturize() should have locale support) created by nacin
The Hebrew translation of WordPress does not desire curly quotes. …
21:33 Ticket #19601 (Support localized defaults for options, dashboard widgets, etc.) created by nacin
A number of locales provide defaults for various aspects of core: * …
21:25 Ticket #19600 (Core should know which locales are RTL) created by nacin
Currently an RTL locale needs to specify $text_direction = 'rtl'; in …
21:19 Ticket #19599 (Localizations should not need to worry about the default secret key) created by nacin
Currently localizations must define $wp_default_secret_key in a …
21:15 Ticket #19598 (Text inputs for code or URLs should be LTR) created by nacin
Various options fields need to be LTR. Some locales (well, at least …
20:14 Ticket #19597 (Bundled plugins need a Text Domain header) created by nacin
Hello Dolly and Akismet both use the default text domain, but neither …
18:28 Ticket #19596 (Update get_status_header_desc() - add missing HTTP codes) closed by ocean90
duplicate: #16914
16:20 Ticket #19596 (Update get_status_header_desc() - add missing HTTP codes) created by sirzooro
get_status_header_desc() function does not recognize all HTTP status …
16:09 Ticket #19595 ($userdata not populated properly) created by scribu
Example code (from a theme file): […] In WP 3.2: […] In WP …
03:46 Ticket #17844 (Reply and approve currently a hidden feature) closed by jane
wontfix: 3 months with no opinions from anyone else says that this isn't …
03:09 Ticket #18376 (Dashboard home in admin not reporting spam correctly) closed by jane
invalid: Sounds like it's a plugin conflict. Closing ticket; if problem …
02:59 Ticket #18335 (TwentyEleven in the .org repo can't be activated in pre 3.2) closed by nacin
fixed: Fixed in 3.3. It's now 3.0 and up, like Twenty Eleven Ten.
01:21 Ticket #16481 (Remove the "E-mail address" setting from general settings) closed by jane
wontfix: The two suggestions on #10726 should be discussed on that ticket. This …
01:08 Changeset in tests [490] by dd32
merge test_strips_entities() in [489]
01:05 Ticket #19594 (Admin bar search button should indicate it's clickable) created by jaquers
When you hover over the search button in the admin bar, the cursor …
00:48 Changeset in tests [489] by dd32
Cover more entity striping cases for sanitize_user() and …
00:45 Ticket #19577 (Comment 'Quick Edit' email field contains Javascript code) closed by SergeyBiryukov
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.