Make WordPress Core



22:44 Ticket #16861 (No i18n in admin_created_user_subject()) created by mrMagister
./wp-admin/user-new.php ~line 33 […] where is l10n …
18:45 Ticket #16860 (map_meta_cap use "manage_network_users" instead of is_super_admin for ...) created by sboisvert
I find that for a multi-site setup, the ability to edit users is …
17:28 Ticket #16859 (esc_url eats square brackets.) created by f00f
When adding a link to the blogroll (using wp-admin/link-add.php), …
13:33 Ticket #16858 (Usage of HTTP_HOST in the administration) created by amirhabibi
In some files like wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php (there …


20:49 Ticket #16857 ([15613] -> no more _make_cat_compat() on queried_object) created by duck_
[15613] condensed the three different tax handling branches in …
16:52 Ticket #16856 (When registering custom post type, menu_position isn't honored if it's ...) created by nathanrice
When registering a custom post type, if you use '50' instead of just …
16:11 Ticket #16855 (HTTP API No Follow Redirection) created by TheDeadMedic
As highlighted in the following discussions, there's an issue when we …
11:35 Ticket #16854 (wp_query does not handle multiple exclude author properly) created by commentluv
when making a query with $args containing […] line 2008 of …
11:15 Ticket #16853 (Error 500 when a user has too many sites) created by luuzan@…
My installation 3.0.1 multi-site installation with more …
10:07 Ticket #16852 (Don't output redundant dir="ltr" with language_attributes()) created by bergius
language_attributes() outputs dir="ltr" when is_rtl() returns false, …
09:11 Ticket #16851 (No page editor showed whit large number of pages) created by Djyp
Environment: Default install, default theme, no plugins, …
04:26 Ticket #16850 (post_parent should accept an array of IDs) closed by nacin
00:56 Ticket #16850 (post_parent should accept an array of IDs) created by scribu
Currently, it's not possible to get a list of posts that have one of …


17:47 Ticket #16707 (No theme is one theme) reopened by nacin
Hey Luc, tickets are closed as fixed once the patch is committed.
17:38 Ticket #16849 (Add a filter for $overrides in wp_handle_upload()) created by iandunn
I'm writing a plugin that needs to set a $unique_filename_callback in …
17:30 Ticket #16707 (No theme is one theme) closed by ldebrouwer
fixed: The diff file attached above checks whether a theme is installed. If …
13:11 Ticket #16848 (/wp-admin/admin.php: Setting 'memory_limit' makes Admin inaccessible) closed by mastermind
duplicate: True, this is a duplicate. Disabling Suhosin fixes it. Sorry, I …
12:17 Ticket #16848 (/wp-admin/admin.php: Setting 'memory_limit' makes Admin inaccessible) created by mastermind
After upgrading an older blog to 3.1, I could not enter the admin area …
12:02 Ticket #16847 (Capability check fails for custom post type revision edit (& ...) created by anmari
I am using nightly build (1 day old). Steps to reproduce: 1. …
11:04 Ticket #16846 (wp_dashboard_recent_comments can generate hundreds of queries) created by ocean90
Reported by a good friend. How to reproduce it: You need a …
08:09 Ticket #16845 (Notice: Undefined index: post_id in wp-admin/media-upload.php) created by spaam
Installed 3.1 on my server. when i edit a post and trying to insert a …
07:34 Ticket #16844 (WP_Query::get_posts() pollutes the 'orderby' query var) created by scribu
After running through get_posts(), the 'orderby' query var no longer …
06:22 Ticket #16843 (wp_unique_post_slug() doesn't check pagination base when CPT has archive) created by scribu
Title says it all.
03:20 Ticket #16842 (class-wp-list-table.php on line 140) created by idbill
3.1 recent install... log in as admin... then go to 'comments'... the …


23:39 Ticket #16841 (Manually created user roles not showing in author dropdown regardless ...) created by 10sexyapples
I posted the below on wp-testers hoping to verify or gain experiences …
23:33 Ticket #16840 (add_rewrite_rule() should accept an array for the $redirect parameter) created by scribu
The most common usage of add_rewrite_rule() looks something like …
21:42 Ticket #16839 (Category Base Should be Slugified) created by miklb
Vanilla install of 3.1. Change category base to Foo Bar. Link …
08:48 Ticket #16838 (Excluding Akismet from Future WordPress Releases / Plugin Directory) closed by nacin
maybelater: My opinion on this is nuanced, and, I like to think, practical. I'm …
02:49 Ticket #16838 (Excluding Akismet from Future WordPress Releases / Plugin Directory) created by sc0ttkclark
This issue was more mute prior to the shift in Akismet's 'keying', …
00:04 Ticket #16837 (New sanitize_option siteurl breaks https, cookies, sessions, load ...) created by raymor
In wp-includes/formatting.php, function wp-includes/formatting.php, …


21:34 Ticket #16811 (Automatic Upgrade from WPMU 2.9.2 to 3.1 fails with ...) closed by ryan
fixed: I added an mu package. At some point we're going to block auto …
20:40 Ticket #16836 (get_blogs_of_user does not initializes each blog item as stdClass) created by erickrdch
I am developing a multisite plugin and found that get_blogs_of_user is …
19:49 Ticket #10461 (Multiple php notices from dashboard) closed by ocean90
worksforme: sterlo, please open a separate ticket with a new description.
18:16 Ticket #16831 (Commenting images in the Page or Post text-editor will break the page) closed by scribu
duplicate: Indeed.
17:49 Ticket #10461 (Multiple php notices from dashboard) reopened by sterlo
This is happening for me - just not on IIS. I'm running standard LAMP …
16:08 Ticket #16835 ('Page not found' error in title of wp-activate.php) created by SteveNL
While setting up an network, I noticed the title of the …
15:15 Ticket #16834 (UI problem in Permalinks SubPanel (on RTL sites)) created by ramiy
hi, i want to report a UI problem in RTL sites, on the …
15:09 Ticket #16833 (Signup mechanism shortens usernames without warning) created by hughcharlesparker
When a user signs up for an account on a wordpress blog, if their …
11:50 Ticket #16832 (Trouble if the slug of a custom taxonomy is the same as the url of ...) created by LucasHantz
I got some troubles with the 3.1 version of WordPress concerning the …
03:16 Ticket #16831 (Commenting images in the Page or Post text-editor will break the page) created by jroakes
If you add <!-- --> around an image as in: […] in the editor of …
01:09 Ticket #16830 (url_to_postid() doesn't resolve attachments when rewrite rules are disabled) created by anonymized_154007
The code of url_to_postid() is pretty clear in the case of …


22:34 Ticket #16829 (Automatically set 'compare' => 'IN', when meta value is an array) created by scribu
This should just work: […] Currently, you have to remember to set …
21:08 Ticket #16828 (Add filter on initial_meta_boxes for nav menu) created by aaroncampbell
When you create a custom post type with show_in_nav_menus = true the …
20:57 Ticket #14490 (function "get cat ID" fails if category name has an apostrophe) reopened by MikeNGarrett
get_cat_ID doesn't handle fancy quotes and apostrophe's, eg. “ ‘ ” ’ …
20:08 Ticket #16827 (Network Users alternate row highlighting does not work properly) reopened by scribu
trac just keeps getting funkier and funkier.
20:07 Ticket #16827 (Network Users alternate row highlighting does not work properly) closed by scribu
fixed: I thought there was a guideline somewhere for never using !important …
19:31 Ticket #16827 (Network Users alternate row highlighting does not work properly) created by nickmomrik
If you browse to wp-admin/network/users.php and mark a user (that user …
18:47 Changeset [17521] by nacin
Add TinyMCE version number. props SergeyBiryukov, fixes #16674 for trunk.
18:47 Ticket #16674 (TinyMCE version is not displayed) closed by nacin
fixed: (In [17520]) Add TinyMCE version number. props SergeyBiryukov, fixes …
18:47 Changeset [17520] by nacin
Add TinyMCE version number. props SergeyBiryukov, fixes #16674 for the …
18:01 Ticket #16826 (Optimize SQL for term exclusions) created by scribu
When calling WP_Query with an argument like 'cat=-1', the …
17:06 Ticket #16825 (Conflict var name in _get_meta_sql) created by Rahe
Hi, One of the parameters is overriden in this function ( $meta_type …
17:01 Ticket #16824 (WP_Query does not accept post_status argument as an array. Codex says ...) created by goto10
I was having problems with WP_Query returning posts that had the …
16:52 Ticket #16823 (FORCE_SSL_LOGIN breaks login pages on multisite with subdirectories) created by dbvista
For WordPress 3.1 with multisite (subdirectories) and the default …
16:21 Ticket #16822 (FORCE_SSL_LOGIN causes wp-login.php to have an incorrect https link) created by dbvista
In this bug, the WordPress logo on the login screen incorrectly links …
14:35 Ticket #16818 (Akismet should suggest user to check current legal situation regarding ...) closed by nacin
13:15 Ticket #16821 (WordPress does not work properly when particular sql_modes are set) created by Dan1975
When sql_mode contains NO_ZERO_DATE or NO_ZERO_IN_DATE WordPress does …
11:45 Ticket #16820 (Browser uploader in media library shows no error information) created by solarissmoke
In wp-admin/media-new.php, if you use the browser uploader, you get …
10:52 Ticket #16819 (Accessibility: Internal Linking behaviour in Editor / TinyMCE) created by stencil
Issue The default behaviour of the new 'Internal Linking' …
10:08 Ticket #16800 (Number of comments in dashboard is not the same as that on articles) reopened by pykko
@garyc40: There is a bug and perhaps I wasn't able to explain it …
09:54 Ticket #16818 (Akismet should suggest user to check current legal situation regarding ...) created by jottlieb
The summary may be a bit confusing, so let's go to the facts first: …
09:41 Ticket #16817 (All updates have been completed) created by pavelevap
I tried to update 12 plugins at once, one of them ended with red error …
08:48 Ticket #16816 (Wrongly formatted error message in Tools > Import) created by djpeanut
Very small bug. When uploading an XML file in the Import dialog which …
08:38 Ticket #16800 (Number of comments in dashboard is not the same as that on articles) closed by garyc40
worksforme: After some investigation: 1. The comments displayed in Comment …
04:25 Changeset [17519] by markjaquith
Correctly handle PATHINFO CPTs and CTs that specify with_front=false. …
04:24 Ticket #16807 (with_front => false doesn't work with PATHINFO permalinks) closed by markjaquith
fixed: (In [17518]) Correctly handle PATHINFO CPTs and CTs that specify …
04:24 Changeset [17518] by markjaquith
Correctly handle PATHINFO CPTs and CTs that specify with_front=false. …
01:22 Ticket #16803 (admin bar sub menus should open only after a user had clicked the menu) closed by nacin
invalid: You don't need to re-open tickets to ask questions. Overriding the …
01:18 Ticket #16803 (admin bar sub menus should open only after a user had clicked the menu) reopened by hakre
Replying to nacin: > A plugin can override this behavior …
01:13 Ticket #16803 (admin bar sub menus should open only after a user had clicked the menu) closed by nacin
invalid: This is expected behavior. A plugin can override this behavior if it …
01:08 Ticket #16814 (WP_Query doesn't check orderby for meta_query) closed by scribu
duplicate: First of all, this has nothing to do with custom post types. It …
01:07 Ticket #16815 (Home page slug in URL of child pages) created by meustrus
The issue is: Say I have a page called "Home" that is set to the …
00:21 Ticket #16814 (WP_Query doesn't check orderby for meta_query) created by dalesaurus
With the new join style in 3.1 for Custom Post Types, an array must be …


23:01 Ticket #16813 (PHP5-port - Deprecate wp_clone()) created by hakre
wp_clone() is not needed any longer. php natives can do better and php …
23:01 Ticket #16812 (Taxonomy queries without joins ignore order by) created by Chad Killingsworth
Using a category exclusion term on a query causes the posts to be …
22:53 Ticket #16811 (Automatic Upgrade from WPMU 2.9.2 to 3.1 fails with ...) created by lloydbudd
Trying to perform an automatic upgrade on a WPMU 2.9.2 installation to …
21:53 Ticket #16810 (hide-if-no-js not working on Most Used link) created by deepak.seth
The Most Used link of hierarchical taxonomy like Category is shown on …
20:11 Ticket #16809 (Inline Documentation Standard for Filters) created by CharlesClarkson
I was hoping to get some insight on how to document filters as they …
19:54 Ticket #16808 (Insufficient permissions for custom post type management and custom ...) created by Genesis2001
I asked a question over at …
18:41 Ticket #16807 (with_front => false doesn't work with PATHINFO permalinks) created by duck_
When running WordPress with …
17:50 Ticket #16806 (Duplicate strings in XML-RPC) created by pavelevap
In class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php file there are 2 almost same strings: …
15:11 Ticket #16805 (default 'from' hostname) created by lonnylot
The logic used to create the hostname portion of default e-mail …
15:10 Ticket #16804 (Bump required PHP and MySQL versions) created by technosailor
Since no one else has, let me gleefully add this…
15:05 Ticket #16778 (wordpress is leaking user/blog information during wp_version_check()) reopened by hakre
Replying to westi: > This has been discussed many times …
13:56 Ticket #16803 (admin bar sub menus should open only after a user had clicked the menu) created by mark-k
With the admin bar active in the front, when moving the "mouse" from …
12:52 Ticket #16802 (is_page() doesn't accept a full path) created by johnbillion
If you have a page at, then is_page('foo/bar')
10:43 Ticket #16778 (wordpress is leaking user/blog information during wp_version_check()) closed by westi
worksforme: This has been discussed many times in the past. There are plugins …
09:59 Ticket #16778 (wordpress is leaking user/blog information during wp_version_check()) reopened by toscho
Replying to wpmuguru: > I'm closing this again. The call …
09:04 Ticket #16801 (Navigation disappears with Notices/Warnings) closed by garyc40
duplicate: Duplicate of #13598
07:34 Ticket #16801 (Navigation disappears with Notices/Warnings) created by nhuja
When you add a menu item from a theme that has custom post types …
05:47 Changeset [17517] by markjaquith
Make plugin header parsing slightly more liberal (like it was in 3.0), …
05:47 Ticket #16751 (phpdoc breaks plugins in WP 3.1) closed by markjaquith
fixed: (In [17516]) Make plugin header parsing slightly more liberal (like it …
05:46 Changeset [17516] by markjaquith
Make plugin header parsing slightly more liberal (like it was in 3.0), …
05:41 Changeset [17515] by markjaquith
Use with_front properly when creating rules for CPT archive pages. …
05:40 Ticket #16626 (CPT archive rewrite rule doesn't respect 'with_front' arg) closed by markjaquith
fixed: (In [17514]) Use with_front properly when creating rules for CPT …
05:40 Changeset [17514] by markjaquith
Use with_front properly when creating rules for CPT archive pages. …
05:23 Ticket #16662 (Permalinks not working with 'category') closed by markjaquith
fixed: Prevent double index.php preprend on PATHINFO custom taxonomy …
05:21 Ticket #16733 ([16918] Broke PATHINFO custom taxomony permalinks) closed by markjaquith
fixed: Prevent double index.php preprend on PATHINFO custom taxonomy …
05:19 Changeset [17513] by markjaquith
Prevent double index.php preprend on PATHINFO custom taxonomy …
05:18 Changeset [17512] by markjaquith
Prevent double index.php preprend on PATHINFO custom taxonomy …
03:14 Ticket #16778 (wordpress is leaking user/blog information during wp_version_check()) closed by wpmuguru
invalid: I'm closing this again. The call to was discussed …
01:11 Ticket #14789 (Inconsistency in 'all' hook invocation) reopened by hakre


23:05 Ticket #16717 (Wrong error handling in query.php::get_posts()) reopened by hakre
hmm, #16464 Function should not return WP_Error. We've discussed that …
22:56 Changeset [17511] by ryan
Anchor network and user admins at the network domain and path rather …
22:56 Ticket #16652 (network_site_url() does not use main site) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [17510]) Anchor network and user admins at the network domain and …
22:56 Changeset [17510] by ryan
Anchor network and user admins at the network domain and path rather …
22:49 Changeset [17509] by ryan
Don't show admin bar on login screen. Props nacin. fixes #16588 for 3.1
22:48 Ticket #16588 (is_admin_bar_showing can return true when it isn't) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [17508]) Don't show admin bar on login screen. Props nacin. fixes …
22:48 Changeset [17508] by ryan
Don't show admin bar on login screen. Props nacin. fixes #16588 for trunk
22:14 Ticket #16793 (Bulk inline post edit doesn't show categories or tags if the CPT ...) reopened by scribu
22:07 Changeset [17507] by ryan
Check for WP_Error return from get_term_by(). Props fabifott, …
22:06 Ticket #16717 (Wrong error handling in query.php::get_posts()) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [17506]) Check for WP_Error return from get_term_by(). Props …
22:06 Changeset [17506] by ryan
Check for WP_Error return from get_term_by(). Props fabifott, …
22:03 Ticket #16703 (Post permalinks that include %category% should not query the category) closed by ryan
22:02 Changeset [17505] by ryan
Don't perform taxonomy queries for single post requests. Props scribu. …
22:01 Ticket #16793 (Bulk inline post edit doesn't show categories or tags if the CPT ...) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [17504]) Don't perform taxonomy queries for single post requests. …
22:01 Changeset [17504] by ryan
Don't perform taxonomy queries for single post requests. Props scribu. …
21:54 Changeset [17503] by ryan
Mark theme preview iframe as a preview_iframe so that the admin bar …
21:54 Ticket #16659 (Admin bar shows up when clicking preview link after theme installation) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [17502]) Mark theme preview iframe as a preview_iframe so that the …
21:54 Changeset [17502] by ryan
Mark theme preview iframe as a preview_iframe so that the admin bar …
21:37 Ticket #16697 (WordPress up to version 3.1 does not work with MySQL sql_mode = TRADITIONAL) closed by ryan
duplicate: See #14978, #8857 and other tickets.
21:02 Ticket #16800 (Number of comments in dashboard is not the same as that on articles) created by pykko
I'm using Wordpress 3.1 on a self hosted website. On a particular …
19:39 Ticket #16795 (Add `wp-image` to images in posts) closed by hakre
wontfix: Hi Cyberskull, I can understand that you might want to have that to …
19:26 Ticket #16799 (Bloated Custom Menus) created by kingkool68
tl;dr = WordPress should limit the size of auto generated descriptions …
19:09 Ticket #16798 (Admin bar edit action is affected by query_posts, tax_query) created by kanuck54
I don't know if this part is a bug, but I'm guessing yes: If I run …
17:20 Ticket #16797 (Edit Tags admin + custom post type + custom taxonomy) created by kanuck54
I've registered the custom post type fp_toy, and the custom taxonomy …
15:37 Ticket #16796 (_parse_meta_query with value 0) closed by duck_
duplicate: Replying to ptietz: > (PS: This is my first bug report, …
15:24 Ticket #16796 (_parse_meta_query with value 0) created by ptietz
Hey, guys. i found this when writing a hotel search, where you can …
01:00 Ticket #16795 (Add `wp-image` to images in posts) created by cyberskull
Currently an image in in a post has the class of "image-SIZE …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.