Make WordPress Core



23:55 Ticket #12715 (wp_get_nav_menu_item runs esc_html on attributes) created by pdclark
In wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php, the function …
23:05 Ticket #12714 (New Clean Install returns Internal Server Error) created by azizur
I just tried to do a clean install so I set-up my Apache virtual host …
22:40 Ticket #12371 (Change get_generic_template's name) closed by scribu
22:04 Changeset [13816] by westi
Switch to get_template_part Fixes #12371. Try on some narrative …
22:03 Ticket #10712 (Sub categories automatically append a dash followed by the name of the ...) reopened by kpdesign
This issue is back. I opted to re-open this ticket rather than opening …
22:02 Changeset [13815] by westi
Rename get_specific_template as get_template_part so as to make it …
22:00 Changeset [13814] by ryan
Add scheme argument to admin_url() and get_admin_url() to allow …
21:29 Ticket #11817 (Better Site Menu Management) closed by nacin
fixed: Please open new tickets for nav menus under the "Menus" component. …
21:27 Ticket #12713 (Revise Nav Menus based on wireframe testing) created by ptahdunbar
Working ticket for the revision of the new nav menu UI. See …
21:09 Ticket #12712 (Fix tab display for link category meta-box) created by TECannon
Categories meta-box (on Add New Link screen) no longer displays tabs …
20:46 Ticket #12711 (Author & Users shows all users on multisite) created by ocean90
On a multisite install go to a site backend and then to author&users, …
17:49 Ticket #12710 (Improvment for file upload quota on dashboard) created by ocean90
The patch includes a fix for the right color of Space Used. I …
17:29 Ticket #12707 (term_description() shouldn't return error objects) closed by ryan
fixed: [13813]
17:28 Changeset [13813] by ryan
Don't return WP_Error from term_description(). Props filosofo. fixes #12707
16:51 Ticket #12709 (PHP 5.3 : Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated) closed by nacin
wontfix: E_DEPRECATED errors are suppressed in WordPress, so you should never …
16:40 Ticket #12709 (PHP 5.3 : Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated) created by devil1591
when upgrading PHP to PHP 5.3, you have errors of this type. …
16:27 Ticket #12708 (get_delete_post_link() doesn't check EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS) created by scribu
get_delete_post_link() always generates a link for moving a post to …
16:21 Ticket #12707 (term_description() shouldn't return error objects) created by filosofo
term_description() and its wrappers like category_description()
15:33 Changeset [13812] by nbachiyski
Set some $_SERVER values to empty strings if missing. Fixes notices if …
14:41 Ticket #12706 (Custom post status bugs) created by ptahdunbar
A developer should be able to register a custom post status using …
13:59 Ticket #12705 (Suggest add new filter to wp_insert_user()) created by nkucyd@…
Now, there is no way to change new registration workflow. When every …
10:56 Ticket #12077 (gallery shortcode exclude/include) closed by nacin
worksforme: include/exclude take comma-delimited strings of attachment IDs (as it …
10:46 Ticket #11709 (Unable to either add or edit a post or page) closed by nacin
invalid: Re-open with steps to reproduce or try the support forums.
10:44 Ticket #12135 (language_attributes() generating invalid XHTML 1.1 code) closed by nacin
10:03 Ticket #11936 (Error when Upgrading, Site goes blank) closed by nacin
invalid: Re-open with feedback or steps to reproduce.
10:02 Ticket #11927 (mysql2date translate parameter doesn't work) closed by nacin
invalid: $translate is for i18n, not for time zones.
09:50 Ticket #10534 (Bad directory for media upload) closed by nacin
09:48 Ticket #11822 (Changes in TinyMCE buttons) closed by nacin
worksforme: I think it's safe to close this one. If not, we can always re-open …
09:29 Ticket #11154 (fread() code in pclzip doesn't check the result size) closed by nacin
09:27 Ticket #11126 (Add filter hook to update_right_now_message) closed by nacin
worksforme: You can simply remove the capability update_core. Think that one might …
09:24 Ticket #11105 (Transfer to a blank page) closed by nacin
invalid: This seems to be a support question, not a bug in WordPress. Closing …
09:22 Ticket #10872 (Support HTML in Available Widget description) closed by nacin
wontfix: Plugins can use the widget control to contain whatever information and …
09:20 Ticket #10521 (Schema error breaks XMLRPC image uploading) closed by nacin
09:16 Ticket #10564 (wp_link_pages('next_or_number=next') does not work in index.php) closed by nacin
invalid: Re-open with steps to reproduce.
09:14 Ticket #10714 (Bail out from password reset for invalid keys) closed by nacin
wontfix: wp_generate_password() is pluggable, and (as of 3.0) filterable. Best …
08:46 Ticket #12704 (Multiple post_types can no longer be specified in query) created by mitchoyoshitaka
With …
07:09 Ticket #10860 (wpdb::escape_by_ref() is broken) closed by nacin
invalid: Re-open with a clearer direction on the ticket. I'm really not sure …
06:59 Ticket #10264 (use instanceof instead of is_a()) closed by nacin
wontfix: Going to wontfix for now. When the time for PHP5 comes, I'm sure …
06:56 Ticket #12677 (Automatic Upgrade Fatal Error) closed by dd32
06:56 Ticket #12677 (Automatic Upgrade Fatal Error) reopened by dd32
06:28 Ticket #12703 (Style the Recent Comments widget in Twenty Ten) created by nacin
The Recent Comments widget injects some CSS. We should remove it (code …
06:26 Ticket #11928 (Recent Comments widget injects unconfigurable CSS (with !important)) closed by nacin
worksforme: Going to worksforme this one. We should however probably include this …
06:24 Ticket #12329 (Fix proposed for sidebar widget code to be HTML5 compliant) closed by nacin
06:21 Ticket #12185 (Switch Code to BackPress?) closed by nacin
invalid: I would imagine this is going to happen over time with various aspects …
05:41 Ticket #10822 (Post page is 404 when no post found on static page for homepage) closed by nacin
invalid: Seems invalid. Re-open with a better explanation.
05:32 Ticket #12640 (Check that the taxonomy exists (for that post type) in more places) closed by nacin
invalid: Going to close. Better ticket would be "Treat tags and categories as …
05:28 Ticket #12324 (Broken .htaccess File Created By WP 2.9.2) closed by nacin
duplicate: I feel this is safe to mark as a duplicate of #11903.
05:27 Ticket #12702 (Enable sticky post checkbox for custom post type Publish metabox) created by phlux0r
When a custom post type is created, there is no checkbox to mark it as …
04:59 Ticket #11323 (Scaling attempt in Media produces error) closed by nacin
worksforme: Re-open with steps to reproduce.
04:32 Ticket #12688 (Import error -Moving blog from to Hosted site) closed by nacin
invalid: This is a support question, please visit the support forums at …
04:27 Ticket #12304 (Add Support for Built-In Colophon Page) closed by nacin
04:26 Ticket #12669 (Wordpress Database errors on Mac OS X 10.6 with APC enabled) closed by nacin
invalid: (This is a support question.)
02:49 Ticket #12679 (Let's use the hostname instead of closed by nacin
fixed: (In [13811]) Use actual hostname instead of in …
02:49 Changeset [13811] by nacin
Use actual hostname instead of in subdirectory/subdomain …
00:02 Ticket #12701 (Favorite menu doesn't always allow for feminine/specific form) created by xibe
The top item for the Favorite menu sometimes relies on the following …


23:48 Ticket #12700 (Malformed permalinks for feeds and paged / generate_rewrite_rules) created by t31os_
All rewrite rules(custom or standard options, non-default obviously) …
23:46 Ticket #12699 (Custom Background screen needs to better adapt to translation) created by xibe
The option for the /wp-admin/themes.php?page=custom-background screen …
23:34 Ticket #12698 (Use arrays instead of query strings in Twenty Ten) created by demetris
The attached patch replaces query strings with arrays in the one …
23:07 Ticket #12697 (Navigation menu admin doesn't allow for feminine form) created by xibe
The sidebar for /wp-admin/nav-menus.php uses the following code for …
23:05 Ticket #12696 (Add ordering support to plugins_api() when filtered on tag or search term) created by apeatling
It would be awesome if you could pass an ordering parameter to …
23:00 Ticket #12677 (Automatic Upgrade Fatal Error) closed by pianoguy91
fixed: dd32 - When I hit upgrade core, the error did come up instantly. …
22:06 Ticket #12695 (Inline docs for Twenty Ten) created by nacin
1) Document its functions. 2) Consider some PHP comments in various …
21:40 Ticket #12694 (Orphan themes are listed as broken, but can't be deleted from wp-admin) created by pnaw10
I had been giving a set of "mobile" themes a tryout on my WordPress …
21:37 Ticket #12693 (Inaccurate user role filtering) created by johnbillion
When filtering users by role from the Users screen, the SQL query that …
21:28 Ticket #11604 (apache_mod_loaded() is broken) reopened by Denis-de-Bernardy
Re-opening this, because it doesn't work for me. :-P Using fastcgi, …
21:25 Ticket #12692 ("Mine" filter counter in editing screen includes auto-draft posts) created by rovo89
For users who are not allowed to edit others users' posts, a "Mine" …
21:21 Ticket #12130 (Add Donate URI plugin header) closed by Denis-de-Bernardy
wontfix: might as well close it then. considering the lack of core dev …
21:15 Ticket #11777 (ms-edit.php / addblog action improperly sanitizes domains) reopened by Denis-de-Bernardy
20:47 Ticket #12691 (Editing a page or custom post type requires edit_posts capability) created by rovo89
In r13810 (WP 3.0-alpha), it is not possible to create a role which …
19:46 Ticket #11586 (wordpress 2.9 pages edit no save button) closed by nacin
19:45 Ticket #11586 (wordpress 2.9 pages edit no save button) reopened by nacin
19:16 Ticket #12690 (Square brackets breaking links that contain square brackets) created by iandstewart
In the editor, wrapping square brackets around an anchor with a URL …
18:35 Changeset [13810] by ryan
Enable nav menu admin if theme supports widgets. Show notice if theme …
16:58 Ticket #10549 (Sticky not working with query_posts()) closed by ryan
wontfix: Sticky posts are included only for the front page and do not count …
16:17 Ticket #12689 (Export Import - missing avatars) created by garyabc
In moving a site from to Bluehost using export then …
16:10 Ticket #12688 (Import error -Moving blog from to Hosted site) created by garyabc
In moving a site from to Bluehost using export then …
15:49 Ticket #12687 (automatically generate unique AUTH_KEY and other values) closed by aaroncampbell
duplicate: This has already been fixed, and is a duplicate of #12159
15:41 Changeset [13809] by ryan
Use 2.2 branch for akismet
15:40 Changeset [13808] by ryan
Use 2.2 branch for akismet
15:28 Ticket #10549 (Sticky not working with query_posts()) reopened by kingjeffrey
@nacin Thank you. I am aware of that, but it does not address my …
15:01 Ticket #12687 (automatically generate unique AUTH_KEY and other values) created by jdingman
right now, when someone installs WordPress, it provides this in the …
14:40 Ticket #11151 (Common White Screen of Death in wpdb) reopened by miqrogroove
We should keep separate tickets for the memory issue and the error …
13:45 Ticket #12566 (Menu editor link (URL) disappears (and other menu weirdness)) reopened by pbassham
Since this update, I haven't been able to get the menu working at all. …
13:30 Ticket #11586 (wordpress 2.9 pages edit no save button) closed by bi0xid
fixed: When having two columns, if you change to one column, publish goes at …
10:58 Ticket #12595 (import from movable type can timeout and doesn't obey php ...) reopened by nacin
10:49 Ticket #11604 (apache_mod_loaded() is broken) closed by nacin
10:47 Ticket #11849 (admin-ajax does notices) closed by nacin
duplicate: Was handled elsewhere in 3.0.
10:42 Ticket #10453 (authentication errors from plugins sometimes get suppressed) closed by nacin
worksforme: Re-open with steps to reproduce.
10:38 Ticket #10909 (wrong taxonomy structure) closed by nacin
10:34 Ticket #11070 (Non-Default Templates and Drop-Down Menus in IE7 and IE8) closed by nacin
10:30 Ticket #10888 (wp_head() arguments) closed by nacin
10:28 Ticket #10901 (wp.getPages gives different results if Blog pages show at most is ...) closed by nacin
10:26 Ticket #12527 (Add New is not translatable) closed by nacin
10:26 Ticket #12117 (no admin 18n after upgrade) closed by nacin
invalid: Re-open with steps to reproduce, or try the support forums.
10:12 Ticket #11698 (have_posts should not auto rewind) closed by nacin
10:10 Ticket #12128 (get_calendar misaligns 1st line of WP_Widget_Calendar due to incorrect ...) closed by nacin
duplicate: Sounds like a duplicate of #11414.
10:05 Ticket #11597 (__destruct() is not designed to clean up circular references) closed by nacin
10:04 Ticket #11321 (Warning detected in widgets.php) closed by nacin
invalid: Re-open with steps to reproduce.
10:03 Ticket #11814 (Untranslated word "Approved" on dashboard.php) closed by nacin
10:01 Ticket #10549 (Sticky not working with query_posts()) closed by nacin
worksforme: You can exclude sticky posts being prepended via caller_get_posts = 1. …
09:59 Ticket #12529 (Specify a response for more wp_die calls) closed by nacin
duplicate: Replying to aaroncampbell: > nacin: You're quick. Should …
09:57 Ticket #12181 (Sanitizing text input fields before rendering but not before storing ...) closed by nacin
invalid: Re-open with steps to reproduce.
09:52 Ticket #11663 (Return by Referenced missed - PHP4 Compat) closed by nacin
09:51 Ticket #12272 (No more trac email for me) closed by nacin
09:48 Ticket #12585 (Mobile Mail does not hyperlink urls for spam, delete, whois, email, or ...) closed by nacin
worksforme: We send plain text emails with valid URLs. FWIW, 2.9 has shorter …
09:45 Ticket #11780 (Memory Leak in plugins_api) closed by nacin
09:44 Ticket #12624 (Inconsistent treatement of markup in image captions) closed by nacin
09:38 Ticket #11275 (Curly Quotes Incorrect After —) closed by nacin
duplicate: #4539
09:37 Ticket #1258 (Curly quotes mixups) closed by nacin
09:27 Ticket #12633 (Usability broken: Deleting Images from Gallery) closed by nacin
worksforme: Re-open with steps to reproduce.
09:22 Ticket #11978 (Add oembed support) closed by nacin
09:20 Ticket #11151 (Common White Screen of Death in wpdb) closed by nacin
duplicate: users.php: #11914. wpdb: #12257.
09:18 Ticket #12610 (Future Posts Not Aware of Daylight Savings Time) closed by nacin
duplicate: #9285
06:36 Ticket #12686 (Make embed API easier to use with plugins) created by Viper007Bond
It's a bit of a pain to do a URL to embed currently (say you want to …


21:40 Ticket #12676 (Is 'post-thumbnail' the correct default for $size?) closed by dd32
invalid: 'thumbnail' is a generic thumbnail that abides by the Media settings. …
21:30 Ticket #12674 (WLW/XMLRPC Blog for Main site returns no Blog ID) closed by cogmios
invalid: I've tested this for over a month and it did not work. I posted this …
21:09 Ticket #12680 (Update description on old default theme (Kubrick)) closed by jorbin
wontfix: I assume you meant #10654 In that case I'm +1 on that instead. Reclosing
21:03 Ticket #12680 (Update description on old default theme (Kubrick)) reopened by jorbin
Understandable to not completely change things, however updating the …
20:39 Ticket #12680 (Update description on old default theme (Kubrick)) closed by nacin
wontfix: See #10654.
20:18 Ticket #12400 (Add a wp_loaded hook, an ob_start hook, and an front end ajax hook) reopened by nacin
Per IRC discussion with rboren and sivel, we may axe wp-ajax.php. …
19:20 Changeset [13807] by nacin
Use set_time_limit(0) in import/mt.php. see #12595
19:14 Ticket #12683 (Missing function dependency for wp-ajax.php) closed by nacin
fixed: (In [13806]) Move send_nosniff_header() into wp-includes so it can be …
19:13 Changeset [13806] by nacin
Move send_nosniff_header() into wp-includes so it can be used in …
19:08 Ticket #12685 (Add display_name to the user mapping form) created by briancolinger
This will change the display in the user mapping form to look like: …
18:24 Ticket #12590 (The Title and tinyMCE Editor should be optional for custom post types) reopened by scribu
17:52 Ticket #12410 (Appearance -> Menus -> Add a Custom Link: Please add onkeypress Enter event) closed by ptahdunbar
fixed: Fixed in r13704
17:07 Ticket #11818 ("Bulk Actions" as default for bulk actions drop down slows me down) closed by nacin
17:04 Ticket #12684 (Add Edit to Bulk Actions menu on Categories screen) created by jane
On edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category the only bulk action is Delete, …
16:41 Ticket #12683 (Missing function dependency for wp-ajax.php) created by sivel
wp-ajax.php is currently broken because it attempts to call …
15:51 Ticket #12682 (Multiple password reset emails can be annoying) created by SergeyBiryukov
There's a security flaw mentioned in #10006: an attacker can bother …
07:58 Ticket #12681 (Plugin Data is not translated) created by lilyfan
In the plugin admin panel of WP 3.0-alpha, the plugin data …
07:40 Ticket #12618 (Argument Continuity in wp_nav_menu) closed by ptahdunbar
fixed: Fixed in r13802
05:56 Ticket #12680 (Update description on old default theme (Kubrick)) created by nacin
It's going to be confusing for (new) users to see Twenty Ten and …
02:49 Ticket #12679 (Let's use the hostname instead of created by johnbillion
Just a small one. When setting up a network, let's use the hostname …
02:40 Ticket #12678 (Inconsistent naming) created by johnbillion
On the Super Admin -> Users menu, we're using two different terms for …
01:46 Ticket #12677 (Automatic Upgrade Fatal Error) created by pianoguy91
In attempting to upgrade to the most recent version of Wordpress, I …


23:18 Ticket #12676 (Is 'post-thumbnail' the correct default for $size?) created by mikeschinkel
I've noticed in …
23:03 Changeset [13805] by nacin
Deprecate add_option_update_handler() and …
22:44 Ticket #12675 (Menu management drop-zone tweaks) created by nacin
The drop zones are kind of difficult to access, they seem small. …
22:33 Changeset [13804] by nacin
Prevent the nav menu walker from walking in circles. Don't allow an …
22:30 Ticket #12674 (WLW/XMLRPC Blog for Main site returns no Blog ID) created by cogmios
For a WordPress MU Blog WLW now works ok for all subblogs after fixing …
22:26 Changeset [13803] by nacin
Prevent the nav menu walker from walking in circles. Don't allow an …
22:11 Ticket #12673 ([less] / [more] quirks) created by scribu
The new less / more links on the post quick edit form are creating …
21:26 Ticket #12672 (Provide Multisite stats to created by josephscott
WPMU provided additional stats to, specifically the …
20:58 Ticket #12566 (Menu editor link (URL) disappears (and other menu weirdness)) closed by ptahdunbar
fixed: Fixed in r13802 :D
19:56 Changeset [13802] by nacin
Various bug fixes and improvements to menu management. props …
17:47 Ticket #12671 (Installer page doesn't check if MySQL tables were created successfully) created by thedotproduct
When running the web-based setup script - My Mysql user didn't have …
17:44 Ticket #12670 (Non-standard htaccess filename breaks mod-rewrite setup) created by thedotproduct
I use a non-standard .htaccess filename and thus the mod-rewrite for …
16:06 Changeset [13801] by nacin
Fix notice without breaking comment notifications. See r13150, see #11830
15:19 Ticket #12519 (wp_unregister_GLOBALS violates with specs) closed by nacin
15:16 Ticket #12192 (Show status when changing admin email) closed by nacin
15:08 Ticket #12292 (Create missing .dev stylesheets and fix RTL handling) closed by nacin
fixed: Closing as fixed for now. Ideally, we'd make some changes to the …
15:07 Ticket #12570 (New Network site non directory & non subdomain) closed by nacin
worksforme: We couldn't implement that in core, for a few reasons. It is dependent …
14:01 Ticket #9144 (dashboard: comments from private posts show up in recent comments list) closed by automattor
fixed: (In [13800]) Check cap before showing comments from private posts in …
14:01 Changeset [13800] by nacin
Check cap before showing comments from private posts in recent …
13:57 Ticket #11592 (the_author() always returns a value when it only should for back compat) closed by nacin
wontfix: According to [4146], the_author() always echo'd and returned a value. …
12:54 Ticket #12669 (Wordpress Database errors on Mac OS X 10.6 with APC enabled) created by mstralka
Originally posted here: Mac …
10:42 Ticket #12668 (Better support for custom comment types) created by ptahdunbar
Similar to the improved support for custom post types #9674, we really …
10:24 Ticket #12667 (Complete WP and WPMU merge) created by _DorsVenabili
I have thought that if in the next version WP and WPMU will have the …
07:14 Changeset [13799] by dd32
Better cross-browser support for Custom Background image alignment …
07:05 Changeset [13798] by dd32
Add some defensive checks to Canonical redirection of %category% to …
06:51 Ticket #12357 (Strings we need to hard code and WP_I18N prefix) closed by nbachiyski
fixed: (In [13797]) Wrap transtable strings used in Network install in …
06:51 Changeset [13797] by nbachiyski
Wrap transtable strings used in Network install in WP_I18N_SOMETHING, …
06:08 Ticket #12666 (ms-options.php cleanups, and enabling global terms) created by nacin
Changesets related to ms-options.php cleanups so far: [13794] Move …
06:02 Changeset [13796] by nacin
More ms-options cleanup. Add label elements, and transition to …
04:19 Changeset [13795] by nacin
More cleanup of ms-options.php. Allow textarea.large-text class to be …
03:55 Ticket #12665 (Mixed-case usernames not working) created by roblgs
Setting up new accounts it is possible to use a mixed-case login name, …
03:48 Changeset [13794] by nacin
Move the MS option for upload limit inline w/ the enabling/disabling …
03:11 Ticket #12664 (inline docs mixed up for register_post_type) closed by nacin
fixed: (In [13793]) Fix typo in inline docs for register_post_type(). fixes …
03:11 Changeset [13793] by nacin
Fix typo in inline docs for register_post_type(). fixes #12664 props …
03:06 Ticket #11907 (invalid permalink structure when %category% is in it) reopened by jfarthing84
13781 produces a warning when visiting a post within the …
03:03 Ticket #12664 (inline docs mixed up for register_post_type) created by sillybean
edit_others_cap appears twice in the list of arguments; I believe the …
02:42 Ticket #12662 (Admin notice feeds do not appear on network site dashboards) closed by nacin
fixed: Fixed in [13792].
02:37 Ticket #11807 (MS Deprecated Functions) closed by nacin
fixed: See #11907. This was the incorrect ticket.
02:36 Ticket #11807 (MS Deprecated Functions) reopened by jfarthing84
13781 produces a warning when visiting a post within the …
02:23 Changeset [13792] by nacin
Fix the MS admin notice feed.
01:31 Changeset [13791] by nacin
Restore a missing moderate_comments cap check in Right Now dashboard …
01:26 Ticket #12663 (Hierarchical taxonomies mixed up, not global when global terms enabled ...) created by sillybean
I'm creating [ a custom post …
00:31 Ticket #12662 (Admin notice feeds do not appear on network site dashboards) created by sillybean
As of r13790, the admin notice feed set in Super Admin options does …


21:55 Ticket #12558 (Don't define BLOGUPLOADDIR if UPLOADS is defined) closed by nacin
21:19 Ticket #12025 (blog_id is set to 0 in wp_x_options?) closed by nacin
invalid: As mentioned in the other ticket, the blog_id field in wpdb->options …
18:16 Ticket #12661 (In TwentyTen Theme, use of Post Thumbnail in Content Area instead of ...) created by mikeschinkel
I just spent 1/2 hour with an end user trying to figure out why the …
13:02 Ticket #12449 (add menu page/delete menu page bugs + delete menu bugs (w/ video)) closed by ptahdunbar
fixed: Fixed in r13704
12:58 Ticket #12470 (Appearance / Menu: the delete link should not show if it's not going ...) closed by ptahdunbar
fixed: Fixed in r13704
12:48 Ticket #12660 (WP_Query is broken when using meta_* args) created by ptahdunbar
There seems to be multiple problems with WP_Query using the meta_* …
11:02 Changeset [13790] by dd32
Add @since to Custom Header functions
07:55 Ticket #11644 (multiple blogs & sites / merge WPMU) closed by nacin
fixed: Closing this as fixed. Please open new tickets in the Multisite …
07:38 Changeset [13789] by nacin
Move unregistered check to proper branch of code. prevents options.php …
06:06 Changeset [13788] by dd32
Cleanup of Custom Background. Move JS to external file, Add @since, …
02:57 Ticket #12659 (Hierarchical Taxonomy URL's do not include parent terms) created by dd32
I just noticed that for all custom taxonomies, the url format is …
02:52 Ticket #12533 (Parent term count) closed by dd32
fixed: (In [13787]) When viewing a Parent term in a hierarchical taxonomy, …
02:52 Changeset [13787] by dd32
When viewing a Parent term in a hierarchical taxonomy, display objects …
02:44 Ticket #11730 (Should display a warning when processing a setting which is not registered) reopened by wpmuguru
The only unregistered settings that are processed in single WP or in …
02:29 Changeset [13786] by dd32
Use correct cap checks and nonces for custom post_type's
02:09 Ticket #12658 (Custom post type trash showing all posts of type) closed by dd32
worksforme: I cant reproduce this. Created a custom post_type, Created 3 items, …
01:53 Ticket #12484 (Disable Publish/Update button when already saving) closed by scribu
invalid: Don't know what version of WP you're using, but in 3.0 (and ever since …
01:49 Ticket #11730 (Should display a warning when processing a setting which is not registered) closed by nacin
fixed: (In [13785]) Simplify the deprecated notice for unregistered settings. …
01:49 Changeset [13785] by nacin
Simplify the deprecated notice for unregistered settings. fixes #11730
01:43 Ticket #11071 (exclude_tree in wp_list_pages causes heavy CPU usage) closed by scribu
01:40 Ticket #12362 (wpdb code improvements) closed by nacin
01:36 Changeset [13784] by dd32
Fix WP_User::remove_role(). See #10285
01:28 Ticket #12087 (BUG: Unable to submit post after preview) closed by scribu
worksforme: Can't reproduce using 3.0 alpha.
01:25 Ticket #12131 (Admin/Dashbard hanging and getting 404 page due to ...) closed by scribu
worksforme: Not much to work with. Feel free to reopen with steps to reproduce.
01:23 Ticket #12088 (Add/Edit Post/Page: Screen Options do not want to remember to show the ...) closed by scribu
invalid: This was probably fixed during the custom post type improvements in 3.0.
01:08 Ticket #12255 (apache_get_modules() not returning mod_rewrite status) closed by nacin
fixed: On update to trunk, John confirmed for me he was seeing the more …
01:01 Changeset [13783] by dd32
Do not display empty Appearance menu for subscribers. Need to use Menu …
00:41 Ticket #12632 (Sporatic database error message) closed by nacin
invalid: As you can see …


22:44 Changeset [13782] by nacin
Some improvements to the network.php mod_rewrite checks. see #12255
19:17 Ticket #12498 (wp_write_post() isn't custom post type friendly) closed by scribu
fixed: > I just committed something very similar which fixes this ticket, …
19:14 Ticket #11904 (Conditional tag for terms) closed by scribu
fixed: I think the original goal of this ticket has been reached. We should …
18:29 Ticket #11076 (Allow 'include' & 'exclude' args to be arrays) reopened by scribu
Should also do this for get_pages() and get_posts()
14:00 Ticket #12658 (Custom post type trash showing all posts of type) created by jfarthing84
The custom post type edit screen is showing ALL posts in a particular …
11:52 Ticket #12657 (wp_signon() adds one filter per call) created by hakre
If wp_signon() is called multiple times, the filter will be added …
09:39 Ticket #12656 (Syntax Highlighting for Post/Page Editor HTML editor) created by hakre
Wouldn't it be nice if for the HTML editor if it had syntax …
06:32 Ticket #11907 (invalid permalink structure when %category% is in it) closed by dd32
fixed: (In [13781]) Only allow %category% to be a valid category attached to …
06:27 Changeset [13781] by dd32
Only allow %category% to be a valid category attached to the current …
05:37 Ticket #12655 ("Parent" dropdown missing when only 1 page present) created by dd32
At present, if you edit a hierarchical post type (Page, or custom …
05:36 Ticket #12654 (uploads not going /year/month/ folder) created by unsalkorkmaz
When uploading an image,wordpress putting it on blogs.dir/1/files/ but …
05:19 Ticket #12652 (Arranging subpages in wp_nav_menu UI) closed by ryan
duplicate: See #12566 and #11817
04:25 Ticket #12643 (Can't build hierarchy of hierarchical custom post types) closed by sillybean
fixed: Quite right, it does affect pages as well. Opened as #12653; closing …
04:25 Ticket #12653 (Quick edit template dropdown initially blank in Safari) created by sillybean
In Safari, using quick edit, the template dropdown for pages and …
03:24 Ticket #12643 (Can't build hierarchy of hierarchical custom post types) reopened by sillybean
Working beautifully. I found one tiny UI bug. In Safari, using quick …
03:22 Changeset [13780] by dd32
Update Canonical paging to reconise /page(\d+)/? as a valid paging …
03:17 Ticket #12528 (Support Themes in Unified Updater) closed by dd32
fixed: Closing as fixed. Please report any bugs as a new ticket, unless it …
03:14 Ticket #12455 (Options.php cleanup) closed by dd32
03:11 Ticket #12643 (Can't build hierarchy of hierarchical custom post types) closed by dd32
fixed: That covers all the reported issues here i believe, re-open if one was …
03:08 Ticket #12652 (Arranging subpages in wp_nav_menu UI) created by 10sexyapples
I've created a child theme for twenty ten and am currently developing …
03:05 Changeset [13779] by dd32
Fix Quick edit for non-page Hierarchical post_types. See #12643
02:46 Changeset [13778] by dd32
Add parent selection support for custom post_types to the Page …
02:39 Changeset [13777] by dd32
Tabs are better than spaces. Whitespace cleanup.
02:37 Changeset [13776] by dd32
Fix notice in Page Templates when a Template is not set for the …
02:35 Ticket #11231 (Comment lists not consistent when adding a new column) closed by dd32
fixed: (In [13775]) Add additional columns to the Posts Comments view. Props …
02:35 Changeset [13775] by dd32
Add additional columns to the Posts Comments view. Props arena. Fixes …
02:23 Changeset [13774] by dd32
Add hierarchical support for custom post_types in Rewrite Rules & …
02:05 Ticket #12605 (Unable to add Endpoints to custom post_types) closed by dd32
fixed: (In [13773]) Allow for a custom Endpoint Mask to be passed to …
02:05 Changeset [13773] by dd32
Allow for a custom Endpoint Mask to be passed to add_endpoint(). …
01:50 Ticket #12651 ($pages global not updated with multiple WP_Query objects/post loops) created by misterbisson
setup_postdata() in wp-includes/query.php globalizes the $pages var, …
01:10 Changeset [13772] by dd32
Fix unset notice on Revisions page for custom post_types. Use $post …
00:55 Ticket #12650 (Multiple posts with same date do not link to each other with ...) created by bfrohs
Example: You have 4 posts with ID of 1, 2, 3, and 4. post_dates are …


22:29 Ticket #12649 (Warning: strpos() expects... in rss.php) created by lordgun
Some RSS are generating Warning because headers are treated as strings …
22:09 Ticket #12436 (Error at sentence) closed by nacin
fixed: (In [13771]) MS admin string improvements. fixes #12436, props mrmist.
22:09 Changeset [13771] by nacin
MS admin string improvements. fixes #12436, props mrmist.
21:29 Changeset [13770] by nacin
Remove redundant isset() and empty() checks.
21:15 Ticket #11854 (Comments Guest Error) closed by mrmist
worksforme: Tidying up due to lack of feedback for 2 months. Probably theme or …
21:15 Changeset [13769] by nacin
Remove unnecessary ternary operators such as (expr) ? true : false.
21:13 Ticket #11777 (ms-edit.php / addblog action improperly sanitizes domains) closed by wpmuguru
21:11 Ticket #11005 (Wordpress crashes when chaning my site address from the IP to the ...) closed by mrmist
worksforme: Tidying up by closing due to lack of feedback. reopen with feedback …
21:10 Ticket #12589 (Disable/Enable Global Terms) closed by wpmuguru
21:04 Ticket #12463 (uninstantiated option in MS functionality) closed by wpmuguru
fixed: Closing pending another instance being found.
20:48 Changeset [13768] by wpmuguru
add NONCE_SALT to secret_salt_warning(), see #11764
15:58 Ticket #12648 (Wpmu_create_blog fails if it is called multiple times) closed by ryan
duplicate: See #12028
14:44 Ticket #12648 (Wpmu_create_blog fails if it is called multiple times) created by jpotkanski
Test: ids[] = wpmu_create_blog($current_site->domain, '/test1/', 'Test …
14:40 Changeset [13767] by markjaquith
Update search engines blocked text so that we do not imply that the …
14:39 Ticket #12647 ($wp_query doesn't report the full pagename for nested pages) created by dphiffer
I've just discovered a bug in my JSON API plugin where it is unable to …
13:43 Ticket #12646 (alert user if trying to set a permalink to the same as something in trash) closed by TobiasBg
duplicate: The same is discussed in #11863.
13:32 Ticket #12646 (alert user if trying to set a permalink to the same as something in trash) created by williamsba1
If I create a page, then trash it, then create another page or post …
12:48 Ticket #12645 (Enclosures not automatically generated for RSS) created by kallewangstedt
Enclosure custom field isn't automatically generated and populated …
09:37 Changeset [13766] by dd32
Add min-height and a black border to the Background Image preview. …
09:33 Changeset [13765] by dd32
Show Background preview and options when no Image is uploaded. Display …
09:10 Changeset [13764] by dd32
Add instant background-color feedback to Custom Backgrounds. Add input …
08:03 Changeset [13763] by dd32
Highlight correct submenu for Theme Installs. Fix PHP Notice for unset …
06:06 Ticket #12644 (docs missing for register_post_type()/add_post_type_support() feature ...) created by sillybean
The inline documentation for register_post_type() mentions the …
04:53 Ticket #12643 (Can't build hierarchy of hierarchical custom post types) created by sillybean
You can't actually create a hierarchy of hierarchical custom post …
03:09 Ticket #12428 (Renaming the active theme results in massive failures) closed by nacin
fixed: (In [13762]) Clear cache of current theme name, if the theme name no …
03:09 Changeset [13762] by nacin
Clear cache of current theme name, if the theme name no longer exists. …
01:11 Ticket #12642 (Renaming of get_usernumposts() breaks some plugins/themes) closed by nacin
fixed: (In [13761]) Restore accidental removal of get_usernumposts(). This …
01:11 Changeset [13761] by nacin
Restore accidental removal of get_usernumposts(). This function is now …
00:07 Ticket #12642 (Renaming of get_usernumposts() breaks some plugins/themes) created by Viper007Bond
r13576 renamed get_usernumposts(). This has the potential to break …


23:46 Ticket #12641 (Move comment-reply to the bottom of the page) created by josephscott
The general rule for browser performance is to load JavaScript as late …
23:35 Changeset [13760] by wpmuguru
force users to re-login after installing network, see #12142
22:57 Ticket #12640 (Check that the taxonomy exists (for that post type) in more places) created by nacin
I just tried to unregister the category taxonomy ({{{ unset( …
22:34 Changeset [13759] by nacin
Correct a copy-paste error in wp_manage_posts_columns().
21:55 Ticket #9886 (Pass $this as the second argument in WP_Query filters) closed by automattor
fixed: (In [13758]) Make use of apply_filters_ref_array() when running the …
21:55 Changeset [13758] by westi
Make use of apply_filters_ref_array() when running the query. Fixes …
21:45 Changeset [13757] by nacin
Add delimiter to tag listing on twentyten/single.php. see #9015
21:24 Changeset [13756] by westi
Introduce apply_filters_ref_array(). See #9886 props scribu.
21:22 Changeset in tests [293] by westi
Add basic tests for apply_filters_ref_array() see WP#9886.
20:50 Changeset [13755] by nacin
s/blog/site/. props ocean90.
20:17 Ticket #12630 (Use correct argument for wp_dropdown_categories() in options-writing.php) closed by automattor
fixed: (In [13754]) Account for old type=link (now taxonomy=link_category) in …
20:17 Changeset [13754] by nacin
Account for old type=link (now taxonomy=link_category) in …
20:15 Ticket #12465 (Missing option under Network / Options) closed by wpmuguru
20:15 Ticket #12199 (Add actions before and after signup form on wp-signup.php) closed by wpmuguru
20:14 Ticket #11771 (stripslashes_from_options() prevents plugins from storing a site name ...) closed by wpmuguru
19:31 Ticket #12639 (upload_url_path is always overwritten in function wp_upload_dir) created by jimmcq
I need to have a custom upload_path and upload_url_path so that …
19:26 Ticket #12638 (Indent Button Broken) created by miqrogroove
Steps to Reproduce: 1. Add a new post. 2. Type something in the …
19:25 Changeset [13753] by nacin
Check in the script version bump for [13752]
19:17 Changeset [13752] by nacin
Remove top margin from custom background's page header.
19:06 Changeset [13751] by nacin
Use h3 (not h2) to break up sections on custom header/bg screens. Move …
18:42 Ticket #12637 (OS X-generated theme zips won't upload properly) created by chrisjean
The current trunk doesn't handle theme zip files generated on OS X …
17:46 Changeset [13750] by nacin
Change "Blog" to "Site" in the Settings panels.
17:42 Ticket #12636 (Update sample output of a custom date via ajax) created by nacin
On Settings > General, we have instructions for users to "Click “Save …
17:32 Changeset [13749] by nacin
Add deprecated notices for Options > Misc settings registrations. see …
17:07 Changeset [13748] by nacin
Coding standards: When vertically aligning for readability, use spaces …
16:21 Ticket #12635 (template-loader does not check for child theme's index.php) created by koopersmith
When template-loader reaches the last case in the if statement, it …
15:37 Ticket #12634 (Media Library & Permalink Overlap) created by tmoorewp
The problem is: upload a media item and give it a name, such as …
14:09 Ticket #12633 (Usability broken: Deleting Images from Gallery) created by hakre
Selecting "Show" on the "Gallery (#)" Tab on the post editors thickbox …
08:39 Changeset [13747] by dd32
Clean up OPML link export script.
08:04 Ticket #12632 (Sporatic database error message) created by marilynburgess
This problem is happening on multiple blogs across 2 separate servers. …
07:58 Changeset [13746] by dd32
Remove reminents of 'misc' from whitelist options too. See [13745] See …
07:53 Ticket #12631 (the_title filter gets inconsistent arguments) created by filosofo
In get_the_title() it's passed the post ID, but in the other (mostly …
07:50 Changeset [13745] by dd32
Remove Options -> Misc entirely as core as there are no longer options …
07:24 Ticket #4230 (Change update-links to be wp-cron compatible) closed by dd32
wontfix: I've removed the Link update checking from core. This is better left …
07:24 Ticket #4231 (Change update-links to use RSS feeds instead of pingomatic) closed by dd32
wontfix: I've removed the Link update checking from core. This is better left …
07:17 Ticket #12437 (Remove Options -> Miscellaneous) closed by dd32
fixed: (In [13744]) Remove the now defunct link update checker from core. …
07:17 Changeset [13744] by dd32
Remove the now defunct link update checker from core. Fixes #12437
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.