Make WordPress Core



23:09 Ticket #12105 (Add support to get_single_template() for custom content types) created by ptahdunbar
Using custom content types, it would be great to display single …
22:25 Ticket #12104 ('moderate_comments' capability by itself should grant the user the ...) created by sillybean
I tried to create a Comment Moderator role today and realized it …
21:52 Ticket #12103 (posts don't show up when i click title on index.php on independant site) closed by nacin
invalid: This isn't the proper way to use WordPress or the blog-header.php …
21:43 Ticket #12103 (posts don't show up when i click title on index.php on independant site) created by ericbarn
i've added the require wp-header.php line i've added loop what i get …
21:32 Ticket #12064 (Shouldn't We Also Support author-slug.php And author-id.php?) closed by westi
fixed: (In [12915]) Support specific author templates by id or user_nicename. …
21:32 Changeset [12915] by westi
Support specific author templates by id or user_nicename. Fixes #12064
21:25 Ticket #12102 (WordpressMU install barfs errors about DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, ...) created by dxjones
WordpressMU installer barfs out error messages that these constants …
21:13 Ticket #12041 (wp-includes/wp-db.php WP_DEBUG constant) reopened by dxjones
No, I think you are wrong wpmuguru. In 2.9.1, the code tries to …
17:36 Changeset [12914] by westi
Add phpdoc to all the add_*_page functions. Rename arguments to …
17:30 Ticket #12101 (Improve documentation for add_*_page) created by westi
We need some php doc for the menu functions and some argument renaming …
17:16 Ticket #12100 (add_pages_page broken) closed by westi
fixed: (In [12913]) Fix add_pages_page to use the correct parent menu. Fixes …
17:16 Changeset [12913] by westi
Fix add_pages_page to use the correct parent menu. Fixes #12100.
17:14 Ticket #12100 (add_pages_page broken) created by westi
Current code relies on adding children to the top-level edit-pages.php …
16:08 Ticket #12099 (Attempt to Update Widget on 2.9.1 results in error) created by judy@…
Go to existing widget on a sidebar. For example Categories. Click on …
15:41 Changeset [12912] by westi
Fix typo in phpdoc for sanitize_text_field. Fixes #12091 props joshtime.
14:57 Ticket #12098 (Should use current_user_can for [12908], users.php Add New button) created by nacin
[12908] can be reverted as we already perform that check in …
13:34 Ticket #11792 (poorly sanitized attributes all over ms-users.php) closed by nacin
fixed: That file needs more tidying but the sanitization looks good.
13:31 Ticket #11788 (barely sanitized strings are put straight in the database in ms-site.php) closed by nacin
fixed: #11644. Both fixed at some point.
13:30 Ticket #12097 (Inserting image captions sometimes results in malformed HTML) created by essday
When adding an image with a caption to an HTML post, WP generates …
13:22 Ticket #11768 (is_wpmu_sitewide_plugin() should not be needed) closed by nacin
fixed: [12903]
13:06 Ticket #11096 (Put Media Settings in a single page) closed by scribu
duplicate: #11687
12:23 Changeset [12911] by dd32
Fix PHP Notices: Use checked() template function & initialise …
11:55 Changeset [12910] by dd32
set svn:eol-style native on new files
11:47 Changeset [12909] by dd32
Bring Server Name field into style lines with rest of page. See #11644
11:39 Changeset [12908] by dd32
Hide Users -> Add New on MultiSite unless admin has enabled access to …
11:36 Changeset [12907] by dd32
Remove duplicate current_user_can() check.
11:11 Changeset [12906] by dd32
Check for existence of the query var before switch(). Fixes a notice …
10:27 Ticket #12096 (String in trunk which can't serve locales with name inflections) created by Besnik
Hello, there is string in trunk which can't serve locales with name …
09:31 Ticket #12095 (Images insert at full size if metadata contains odd characters) created by whlitwa
If the metadata of an image contains odd characters (e.g. © copyright …
08:30 Ticket #11779 (ms-edit.php creates garbage data for anything that is potentially ...) closed by nacin
fixed: [12774]
08:29 Ticket #12094 (Locked out of Network creation if process aborted half way) created by dd32
At present, The Network creation script expects that the process will …
07:15 Ticket #12093 (Default value in uploads folder is constantly wrong) created by dokueki
I've installed my share of WordPress blogs (around, 8? 10?) and I've …
00:56 Ticket #12092 (permalinks problem with custom # of posts displayed) created by Frumph
(new ticket to reiterate old ticket) Scenario: Create a loop that is …


22:28 Ticket #12091 (Comment typo at "whitre") created by joshtime
20:56 Ticket #12090 (MU didn't incorporate the 2.9.1 cURL fix in [12473]) created by nacin
MU 2.9.1/ did not incorporate the [12472] [12473] changeset …
19:52 Ticket #12070 (Uploading images to wordpress running on IIS 7 Win 2008 results in bad ...) reopened by cgoudie
If I had been the one to install php, and manually install WP on this …
19:23 Ticket #12089 (Unintended blank lines in plugins break XML for feeds) created by bchecketts
A plugin or theme file may unintentionally output blank lines. When …
11:15 Ticket #12088 (Add/Edit Post/Page: Screen Options do not want to remember to show the ...) created by ickatanet
Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to Add New or Edit Page. 2. Go to "Screen …
11:08 Ticket #12070 (Uploading images to wordpress running on IIS 7 Win 2008 results in bad ...) closed by miqrogroove
invalid: Glad you got it working. See the PHP installation instructions for …
07:45 Ticket #12087 (BUG: Unable to submit post after preview) created by lolcaption
I'm unable to submit a post after first previewing it. IE if I write a …
07:27 Ticket #12086 (Hide bulk actions, item filters, and subpages when no items) created by nacin
How we show an admin page when there are no items to show is very …
02:52 Ticket #12085 (Media fails to delete from Add Media Thickbox or Delete Permanently link) created by ev3rywh3re
Media will not delete using the delete link in the Media pop-up or …
02:04 Ticket #12063 (one installation more IP o Host) closed by wpmuguru
worksforme: For that type of thing, you have to set that up through your web …


23:21 Changeset [12905] by ryan
Move 'My Blogs' into its own file. see #11644
23:21 Changeset [12904] by ryan
Move 'My Blogs' into its own file. see #11644
22:36 Ticket #12084 (allow preserving HTML in the_excerpt (specify allowed tags for ...) created by sillybean
Right now, wp_trim_excerpt is destructive. You can filter it, but …
22:31 Ticket #12083 (Merge is_installed() into wp_not_installed() and is_blog_installed()) created by nacin
wp_not_installed() checks is_blog_installed(), and if we're not …
21:46 Ticket #11767 (activate_sitewide_plugin() uses insufficiently sanitized user input) closed by ryan
fixed: [12903]
21:45 Changeset [12903] by ryan
Integrate sitewide plugin handling into activate_plugins(), …
19:29 Changeset [12902] by ryan
Remove remove_edit_plugin_link(). Rely on cap checks. see #11644
19:27 Ticket #12079 (Sort order and page navigation) closed by nacin
duplicate: #10219
19:16 Changeset [12901] by ryan
Remove db error show/hide, suppress/unsuppress in ms bootstrap. see #11644
19:15 Ticket #12082 (Insert edited image not working correctly using Wordpress Mu created by recoilfx
If you try to insert a full size image that has been edited inside …
19:03 Changeset [12900] by ryan
Integrate mu_locale() into get_locale(). see #11644
18:53 Changeset [12899] by ryan
Code style cleanups
18:26 Changeset [12898] by ryan
Update phpdoc to note that the default for public is false. see #9674
18:17 Ticket #12081 (Validate a localized $wp_default_secret_key) created by nacin
$wp_default_secret_key is designed to hold the default string for …
18:06 Ticket #12080 (plugins_url() does not correctly detect mu-plugins on Windows) created by TheDeadMedic
[…] Even if $plugin is in mu-plugins, the preg_match
17:36 Changeset [12897] by ryan
ms-sites cleanup. Add escaping. Use API instead of direct queries. Add …
17:32 Ticket #12079 (Sort order and page navigation) created by nagaju
If I browse in specific category, there are page navigation links that …
16:26 Changeset [12896] by ryan
ms-settings cleanup. Props nacin. see #11644
13:49 Ticket #12072 (the_author_meta()) closed by scribu
wontfix: I think that's normal behaviour, since the $authordata variable hasn't …
13:32 Ticket #12078 (Warning : in_array Invalid argument in wp-includes/post.php on line 1997) created by firebird75
Hello, I am receiving a warning while publishing a new post through …
13:14 Ticket #12076 (Admin > User contact methods extended) closed by F J Kaiser
duplicate: ah. sry, didn´t reload the page, before answering... think we can …
11:19 Ticket #12077 (gallery shortcode exclude/include) created by realTM
Hi, this my first ticket, I looked for anything similar in the forum …
10:42 Ticket #12076 (Admin > User contact methods extended) created by F J Kaiser
Hi, i think we can say, that AIM/Yahoo IM/Jabber are pretty old now. …
08:25 Ticket #12075 (query_posts behavior, is this how it's supposed to be? bug maybe or ...) created by Frumph
1) Setting the is_archive to true if using query_posts with certain …
08:11 Changeset [12895] by dd32
Use !empty() for Link searching title.
07:27 Ticket #12071 (Add new button in Link Manager is missing an echo) closed by dd32
fixed: (In [12894]) Add text to 'Add New' button in link manager. Props …
07:27 Changeset [12894] by dd32
Add text to 'Add New' button in link manager. Props scribu. Fixes #12071
07:20 Ticket #12068 (One taxonomy for several post types) closed by dd32
duplicate: See #11838 for adding of the taxonomy menu's for hierarchial …
02:25 Ticket #12074 (Delete enclosures by meta_id) created by mtdewvirus
In do_enclose(), the meta_id is selected from the postmeta table but …
00:38 Ticket #12073 (Query Variables for Plugin Menu Pages) created by jfarthing84
I would like to be able to pass query variables through the admin menu …


23:49 Ticket #12072 (the_author_meta()) created by ramiy
i dont know if its just me, but the the_author_meta() function stoped …
22:07 Changeset [12893] by westi
Menu hardening for the 2.8 branch see #11922
21:52 Changeset [12892] by westi
Don't both hooking in menu functions which will never get called. See …
21:27 Ticket #12071 (Add new button in Link Manager is missing an echo) created by scribu
Title says it all.
21:13 Ticket #12070 (Uploading images to wordpress running on IIS 7 Win 2008 results in bad ...) created by cgoudie
I have a clean install of 2008 server (not r2). I used the web …
20:20 Changeset [12891] by westi
Don't both hooking in menu functions which will never get called. See …
20:20 Ticket #12068 (One taxonomy for several post types) reopened by nacin
Would be good for 3.0 seeing there are huge improvements being made to …
20:14 Ticket #12068 (One taxonomy for several post types) closed by typeomedia
invalid: It works with 'register_taxonomy_for_object_type' instead 'of …
20:04 Ticket #12069 (Siteurl filter for upgrades in multisite mode) created by axelseaa
We have an WPMU setup, and are moving it behind a load balancer which …
19:50 Ticket #12068 (One taxonomy for several post types) created by typeomedia
At the moment it is not possible to use e.g. the category taxonomy in …
19:15 Ticket #11894 (multisite permission checks should use caps when available) closed by ryan
19:00 Changeset [12890] by ryan
Send user back to main custom header page after cropping and setting …
17:51 Ticket #12044 (Wrong path for uploaded files) closed by freddyware
fixed: Agreed. Closing.
17:30 Ticket #12066 (Typo in canonical.php causes E_NOTICE, hinders query vars) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12889]) User correct var. Props nacin. fixes #12066
17:30 Changeset [12889] by ryan
User correct var. Props nacin. fixes #12066
17:28 Ticket #12065 (Clean up cache re-init code in Multisite) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12888]) Clean up cache re-init code in Multisite. Props nacin. …
17:28 Changeset [12888] by ryan
Clean up cache re-init code in Multisite. Props nacin. fixes #12065
17:21 Ticket #12067 (Categories and post_type with add_meta_box) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12887]) Don't hardcode post type. Props typeomedia. fixes #12067
17:21 Changeset [12887] by ryan
Don't hardcode post type. Props typeomedia. fixes #12067
17:16 Changeset [12886] by ryan
Add ms-default-constants.php. Props nacin. see #11881
16:09 Changeset [12885] by wpmuguru
rearrage multisite initialization, remove deprecated …
15:29 Changeset [12884] by wpmuguru
change wp- rewrite more specific rewrite rule, see #11994
14:53 Ticket #12067 (Categories and post_type with add_meta_box) created by typeomedia
When using post_type it is not possible to show the category box on …
11:12 Ticket #12066 (Typo in canonical.php causes E_NOTICE, hinders query vars) created by nacin
Typo in canonical.php, patch attached. A simple ?author=1 would …
10:30 Ticket #12065 (Clean up cache re-init code in Multisite) created by nacin
During MS load we initialize the object cache again. […] Assuming …
10:29 Ticket #12064 (Shouldn't We Also Support author-slug.php And author-id.php?) created by markmcwilliams
We added a new Category, Tag, and 2 new Page Templates in 2.9, and …
10:16 Ticket #12063 (one installation more IP o Host) created by camaran
Is not possible to have a different IP for different site in onw …
06:55 Ticket #12062 (edit-tags.php add_tag_form_fields hook) created by jfarthing84
There is a hook for add_tag_form_pre and add_tag_form (which is fired …
02:27 Ticket #12061 (Treatment of shortcodes by wpautop is incomplete) created by gcorne
There are a number of issues that arise when shortcodes are embedded …
01:41 Ticket #12060 (Asymmetric Slashing in [12052]) created by miqrogroove
Westi changed the string literal {{{'return trim($a, " "\' n r …
00:48 Ticket #12059 (fetch_feed($feedURL) throws an error when passed a bad feed...) closed by nacin
worksforme: On failure, fetch_feed() returns a WP_Error object instead of a …
00:40 Ticket #12059 (fetch_feed($feedURL) throws an error when passed a bad feed...) created by wickedbrilliant
If I call fetch_feed on a URL that is not a properly formed RSS feed, …


22:10 Changeset [12883] by wpmuguru
block multisite enable on localhost and ip address, see #11816
21:29 Ticket #11433 (Add 'id' argument to wp_dropdown_pages to match 'name' (needed for use ...) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12882]) Add id arg to wp_dropdown_pages(). Props jeremyclarke. …
21:29 Changeset [12882] by ryan
Add id arg to wp_dropdown_pages(). Props jeremyclarke. fixes #11433
19:42 Changeset [12881] by ryan
Change back to an option so that it is always there and regenerate it …
19:29 Ticket #12058 (options-reading.php: Update edit-pages link, plus basic cleanup) created by nacin
Related #9674.
19:20 Ticket #11754 (remove_tinymce_media_button() unconditionally removes TinyMCE's Media ...) closed by wpmuguru
invalid: In MU/multisite, users do not have unfiltered HTML. That cap isn't …
19:17 Ticket #11771 (stripslashes_from_options() prevents plugins from storing a site name ...) closed by wpmuguru
19:13 Changeset [12880] by wpmuguru
Improvements to queries in populate_network(), also gettext, props …
18:11 Changeset [12879] by ryan
Integrate wordpressmu_authenticate_siteadmin() into …
17:55 Ticket #11807 (MS Deprecated Functions) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12878]) Don't use deprecated functions. Props filosofo. fixes #11807
17:55 Changeset [12878] by ryan
Don't use deprecated functions. Props filosofo. fixes #11807
17:45 Ticket #11439 (get_body_class() does unnecessary work) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12877]) Avoid call to setup_postdata(). Use …
17:45 Changeset [12877] by ryan
Avoid call to setup_postdata(). Use get_queried_object_id(). Props …
17:24 Ticket #12057 (Allowed memory exhausted in 3.0-alpha) created by adamtaylor
I svn up'd to 3.0-alpha the other day and have noticed on the …
16:50 Ticket #12056 (target="_blank" being stripped from Profile Bio and Category Description) created by lovewpmu
Many apologies if this is a duplicate. I have searched but did not …
16:37 Ticket #11575 (Category search bug) closed by arena
wontfix: So closing this ticket as wontfix * conflicting with #11838 * your …
15:25 Ticket #12055 (Gallery sorting in large galleries) created by jrocho
The sorting in large galleries seems to be broken. In a gallery with …
14:48 Ticket #12006 (Comment template functions should accept optional comment ID argument.) closed by ryan
fixed: [12821]
14:45 Ticket #10571 (Media library: tooltip of image menu "View" shows name of next post) closed by ryan
fixed: [12876]
14:44 Changeset [12876] by ryan
Fix attachment view link title attribute. Props chdorner. fixes #10571
14:38 Ticket #11980 (oembed not respecting Media -> Maximum embed size -> height) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12875]) Respect maximum embed height. Props Viper007Bond. fixes #11980
14:38 Changeset [12875] by ryan
Respect maximum embed height. Props Viper007Bond. fixes #11980
14:36 Ticket #12049 (QuickPress POST request returns 403 forbidden error/WordPress failure ...) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12874]) Set post_type for QuickPress publishing. Props nacin. …
14:36 Changeset [12874] by ryan
Set post_type for QuickPress publishing. Props nacin. fixes #12049
14:34 Ticket #11504 (PHP notices when publishing with QuickPress) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12873]) Fix notices when publishing with QuickPress. Props nacin, …
14:34 Changeset [12873] by ryan
Fix notices when publishing with QuickPress. Props nacin, hakre. fixes …
14:29 Ticket #11922 (Pages Hooked by add_menu_page() Have No Security) closed by ryan
14:28 Ticket #12050 (Link Manager Custom Column) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12872]) Show td attributes for custon coolumns. Props camiloclc. …
14:28 Changeset [12872] by ryan
Show td attributes for custon coolumns. Props camiloclc. fixes #12050
14:22 Ticket #12027 (Move options-network.php to the Tools menu) closed by nacin
fixed: Nothing left in the scope of this ticket, closing out.
14:10 Ticket #12024 (Move admin-only deprecated functions to wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12871]) Move deprecated admin functions to …
14:10 Changeset [12871] by ryan
Move deprecated admin functions to wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php. …
14:06 Ticket #12046 (Make the length field for enclosures an INT in metaWeblog.getPost results) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12870]) Cast length to int. Props josephscott. fixes #12046
14:06 Changeset [12870] by ryan
Cast length to int. Props josephscott. fixes #12046
14:02 Ticket #12051 (index-extra.php still includes Magpie) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12869]) Don't load deprecated magpie for dashboard. Props nacin. …
14:02 Changeset [12869] by ryan
Don't load deprecated magpie for dashboard. Props nacin. fixes #12051
13:59 Ticket #11745 (deprecate validate_email()) closed by ryan
fixed: [12868]
13:58 Changeset [12868] by ryan
Mark validate_email() with _deprecated_function(). Props ShaneF. fixes …
13:57 Changeset [12867] by ryan
Minify RTL CSS
13:51 Ticket #11745 (deprecate validate_email()) reopened by ShaneF
Just need to add the '_deprecated_function' function inside …
13:50 Ticket #12053 (Admin RTL: reset of padding-right is wrong) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12866]) RTL CSS fix. Props yoavf. fixes #12053
13:50 Changeset [12866] by ryan
RTL CSS fix. Props yoavf. fixes #12053
13:48 Changeset [12865] by ryan
Whitespace cleanup and inline docs. Props nacin. see #12027
12:34 Ticket #12054 (Since r12726 call to undefined method wpdb::get_blog_prefix()) closed by demetris
invalid: False alarm! Sorry, everyone! :-) I was running a DB drop-in in both …
12:19 Ticket #12052 (IDN Domain) closed by scribu
duplicate: #10690
12:14 Ticket #12054 (Since r12726 call to undefined method wpdb::get_blog_prefix()) created by demetris
First occurs in r12726, and all the way up to current trunk (r12864). …
12:01 Ticket #12053 (Admin RTL: reset of padding-right is wrong) created by yoavf
The padding-right reset in […] is wrong because both right and …
11:22 Ticket #12027 (Move options-network.php to the Tools menu) reopened by nacin
Second patch (cleanup)
08:44 Ticket #12052 (IDN Domain) created by camaran
For multi site version can you add the support for IDN domain?
07:54 Ticket #11542 (Add "Upgrade" to bulk actions on plugins.php) closed by nacin
fixed: Skins can be tackled in #11232.
06:35 Ticket #12011 (Autosave by person not logged in) closed by miqrogroove
06:35 Ticket #12011 (Autosave by person not logged in) reopened by miqrogroove
Version 2.7.1? That's probably a duplicate of #10004. That bug …
03:28 Ticket #12001 (default get_blog_post) closed by wpmuguru
invalid: This can easily be done in a plugin. On the 80/20 scale, this looks …
03:18 Ticket #11945 (no www restriction will interfere with existing sites with www) closed by wpmuguru
fixed: No one has reported any issues with this.
02:59 Ticket #11999 (XML-RPC - Unable to connect to blog on initial adding of blog account) closed by wpmuguru
fixed: (In [12864]) apply xmlrpc patch 2056 from MU, fixes #11999
02:59 Changeset [12864] by wpmuguru
apply xmlrpc patch 2056 from MU, fixes #11999
02:58 Ticket #11930 (2.9.1 TinyMCE problems) closed by azaozz
invalid: Replying to nonegiven: Perhaps you're expecting <code> to …
01:27 Ticket #11745 (deprecate validate_email()) closed by wpmuguru
fixed: (In [12863]) deprecate validate_email(), fixes #11745
01:27 Changeset [12863] by wpmuguru
deprecate validate_email(), fixes #11745
00:27 Ticket #12029 (SCRIPT_NAME with CGI script in subdirectory causes failed install) closed by wpmuguru
invalid: I was wondering about the configuration as well. Fastcgi under nginx …
00:20 Ticket #12021 (Default database create SQL makes invalid assumptions about primary ...) closed by wpmuguru
fixed: (In [12862]) allow initial site_id to be assigned by MySQL, fixes #12021
00:20 Changeset [12862] by wpmuguru
allow initial site_id to be assigned by MySQL, fixes #12021
00:03 Ticket #12012 ('Edit Blog' input fields too narrow) closed by wpmuguru
fixed: I believe this was fixed when edit blog was switched over to use meta …


23:38 Changeset [12861] by wpmuguru
Add beginning of string to regex in [12860], See #11644
23:15 Ticket #12051 (index-extra.php still includes Magpie) created by nacin
The widgets use Simplepie, so we just need to remove the unnecessary …
23:02 Changeset [12860] by wpmuguru
Change options-permalinks to use is_main_site(), fix /blog offset …
22:49 Changeset [12859] by ryan
Remove trailing whitespace
22:46 Changeset [12858] by ryan
Deprecate is_main_blog() for is_main_site(). see #11644
21:59 Ticket #12050 (Link Manager Custom Column) created by camiloclc
When adding custom columns to links, in wp-admin/link-manager.php line …
21:39 Changeset [12857] by wpmuguru
Redirect wp-activate.php to register when not multisite, See #11644
21:22 Changeset [12856] by wpmuguru
Redirect wp-signup.php to register when not multisite, See #11644
20:53 Changeset [12855] by ryan
Integrate maybe_cancel_post_by_email() into wp-mail.php. see #11644
20:42 Changeset [12854] by ryan
Remove first page and first comment filters. They're no longer needed. …
20:25 Changeset [12853] by ryan
Integrate login_spam_check() into wp_authenticate_username_password(). …
20:15 Changeset [12852] by ryan
Integrate wpmu_blogger_getUsersBlogs() directly into xmlrpc.php. see #11644
20:14 Ticket #12049 (QuickPress POST request returns 403 forbidden error/WordPress failure ...) created by beatpanda
QuickPress appears to be broken in 3.0-alpha. A request is made to …
20:02 Ticket #12048 (<video> tag is deleted when switching between Visual/HTML editors.) created by cabel
SUMMARY: I'm trying to embed a new HTML5 style video in a post. But …
20:02 Changeset [12851] by ryan
Integrate fix_upload_details() into wp_upload_dir(). see #11644
19:39 Ticket #12047 (comment submitted on static front page causes unnecessary jump to ...) created by aritchie1
Install plain vanilla 2.9.1. Default theme comes up with no activated …
19:04 Changeset [12850] by ryan
Merge mu_upload_dir() into wp_upload_dir(). see #11644
18:59 Ticket #12046 (Make the length field for enclosures an INT in metaWeblog.getPost results) created by josephscott
Because we trim() the enclosure data being sent back from a …
18:47 Changeset [12849] by ryan
Remove rss_gc(). see #11644
18:42 Ticket #11759 (profile_page_email_warning_ob_start() and ...) closed by ryan
fixed: [12841]
18:40 Ticket #11750 (fix_active_plugins() should not be needed) closed by ryan
fixed: [12848]
18:39 Changeset [12848] by ryan
Remove fix_actve_plugins(). Props hakre. fixes #11750
18:20 Changeset [12847] by ryan
unset temp vars so they don't pollute the global namespace.
18:16 Changeset [12846] by ryan
unset temp vars so they don't pollute the global namespace. Formatting …
18:09 Changeset [12845] by ryan
unset temp vars in menu.php so they don't pollute the global namespace.
17:55 Changeset [12844] by ryan
Unset menu_perms once we're done with it. see #11644
17:54 Changeset [12843] by ryan
Fix warning. see #11644
17:51 Changeset [12842] by ryan
Move update_signup_email_from_profile() logic into user-edit.php. see …
17:34 Changeset [12841] by ryan
Remove profile_page_email_warning_ob_start() and …
17:34 Ticket #12045 (Header parsing in /wp-includes/rss.php sometimes receives Array ...) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: It appears …
17:30 Ticket #12044 (Wrong path for uploaded files) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: Website: …
17:28 Ticket #12043 (Infinite redirect if using a port number) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: While …
17:25 Ticket #12042 (Set Default Administrator On Install) closed by wpmuguru
fixed: Addressed in #11816.
17:25 Changeset [12840] by ryan
Move load_muplugin_textdomain() to l10n.php
17:25 Ticket #12042 (Set Default Administrator On Install) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: This change …
17:23 Ticket #12041 (wp-includes/wp-db.php WP_DEBUG constant) closed by wpmuguru
invalid: This was being caused during the MU installation process when there …
17:20 Ticket #12041 (wp-includes/wp-db.php WP_DEBUG constant) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: The use of …
17:19 Ticket #12040 (switch_to_blog() does not handle permalinks) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: When you …
17:16 Changeset [12839] by ryan
Deprecate get_user_details(). see #11644
17:16 Ticket #12039 (Requests for URLs that contain ".php" aren't routed to WPMU) closed by wpmuguru
duplicate: See #11994
17:14 Ticket #12039 (Requests for URLs that contain ".php" aren't routed to WPMU) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: Using WPMU …
17:12 Changeset [12838] by ryan
Deprecate get_current_user_id(). see #11644
17:10 Ticket #12038 (external scripts that interact with WPMU fail (redirect to sign-up page)) closed by wpmuguru
invalid: The redirect occurs when the requested blog doesn't exist. A better …
17:07 Ticket #12038 (external scripts that interact with WPMU fail (redirect to sign-up page)) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket:
17:03 Ticket #12037 (bad image paths from wp_get_attachment_url after 2.8) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: In 2.8, the …
15:42 Ticket #12034 (Broken link in WPMU->WP core merge) closed by wpmuguru
fixed: fixed - props freddyware
15:27 Changeset [12837] by wpmuguru
Change link from wpmu-themes.php to ms-themes.php, Fixes #12034
15:20 Changeset [12836] by wpmuguru
Change VHOST check to is_subdomain_install(), See #11796
14:43 Ticket #12036 (Importing from wordpress exported file renders "Remote file is ...) created by stelund
Hi, I haven't confirmed this on other platforms, but my OS X machine …
13:58 Ticket #11987 (Incorrect handling of WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY) closed by ocean90
invalid: I do not know how I came to wp-load.php, I mean wp-includes/load.php. …
12:13 Changeset [12835] by dd32
Display correct Taxonomy heading. See #11838
11:37 Changeset [12834] by dd32
Remove accidental capability testing code. See #12035
11:32 Changeset [12833] by dd32
First scratch at Taxonomy Capabilities. See #12035
11:31 Ticket #12035 (Allow taxonomy privledges to be handled independently of categories) created by dd32
At present, all taxonomy-related actions are based off the …
11:24 Ticket #11281 (Install any plugin version from the admin) closed by dd32
wontfix: I'm going to suggest leaving to plugin zone. If anyone attempts the …
10:38 Ticket #11900 (Upgrade to jQuery 1.4.1 / 1.4.2) reopened by nacin
Might as well re-open this ticket then. I'm thinking we should keep …
10:24 Ticket #11974 (uninitialized variable causes "sorry, that file cannot be edited") closed by scribu
fixed: [12831]
06:53 Changeset [12832] by dd32
First scratch at Bulk plugin upgrade from Plugins page. Props nacin …
06:06 Changeset [12831] by markjaquith
Better wp_reset_vars() behavior when var is already set. props scribu. …
03:53 Ticket #12034 (Broken link in WPMU->WP core merge) created by freddyware
I'm sure there's a lot of these, but wp-admin/themes.php, line 47 …
03:16 Ticket #12027 (Move options-network.php to the Tools menu) closed by ryan
01:25 Ticket #12033 (Parent template tags) created by Angeloverona
Can you add to core template tags as: Title and link of parent page …
00:29 Ticket #12032 (Additional Option of Site Admin -> Options -> Allow new Registrations.) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: Right now the …
00:27 Ticket #12031 (Install do not check the magic_quote_sybase status) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: Just try to …
00:23 Ticket #12030 (Better Options for New Registrations) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: At the …
00:19 Ticket #12029 (SCRIPT_NAME with CGI script in subdirectory causes failed install) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: Background: I …
00:16 Ticket #12028 (wpmu_create_blog() breaks with multiple use) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: When using …


23:07 Changeset [12830] by wpmuguru
Move network screen to the tools menu, See #12027
22:50 Changeset [12829] by ryan
add a cap check at the top of ms-delete-site.php. see #11644
22:46 Changeset [12828] by ryan
Move blog deletion to ms-delete-site.php. see #11644
22:09 Changeset [12827] by ryan
Deprecate graceful_fail(). see #11644
22:06 Ticket #11987 (Incorrect handling of WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY) reopened by ocean90
Sry, but please check it again. in wp-load.php […] And now I …
22:01 Changeset [12826] by ryan
phpdoc and cleanup. see #11644
21:33 Changeset [12825] by ryan
Deprecate mu_options. Integrate directly into options.php. see #11644
21:11 Ticket #12027 (Move options-network.php to the Tools menu) created by nacin
options-network.php is a misnomer, and the code admits just as much: …
20:59 Ticket #12026 (Function to change path field) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: I've been …
20:56 Ticket #12025 (blog_id is set to 0 in wp_x_options?) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: Hello …
20:50 Ticket #12024 (Move admin-only deprecated functions to wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php) created by nacin
We have a few admin-only functions that were deprecated and moved to …
20:44 Ticket #12023 (switch_to_blog does not check if the blog really exists) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket:
20:39 Ticket #12022 (wp-activate.php - Plugin + Activation bug) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: I've seen a …
20:27 Ticket #12021 (Default database create SQL makes invalid assumptions about primary ...) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: See …
20:06 Ticket #11766 (avoid_blog_page_permalink_collision() should also check for ...) closed by wpmuguru
duplicate: This issue would become relevant if the /blog/ restriction in #12002
19:55 Ticket #11063 (wp_user_level not being defined for admin on clean install) closed by bonaireguy
fixed: I finally had a chance to check with a new WP install, and this …
19:46 Changeset [12824] by ryan
Add wp-admin/includes/ms-deprecated.php. Deprecate …
18:50 Ticket #11967 (Deprecate wp_shrink_dimensions()) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12823]) Deprecate wp_shrink_dimension(), add …
18:50 Changeset [12823] by ryan
Deprecate wp_shrink_dimension(), add wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php. …
18:37 Ticket #11982 (Deprecate Magpie) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [12822]) Deprecate magpie. Props nacin. fixes #11982
18:37 Changeset [12822] by ryan
Deprecate magpie. Props nacin. fixes #11982
18:07 Ticket #12020 (Add continents-cities.pot to Subversion Repository) closed by wpmuguru
invalid: The merge will eliminate the use of …
18:05 Ticket #12020 (Add continents-cities.pot to Subversion Repository) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: The list of …
18:03 Ticket #12019 (Corsican appears in the blogs language drop down box) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: In the last …
17:59 Ticket #12018 (Automatic site upgrade breaks easily with FTP permissions, yields no ...) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: When …
17:57 Ticket #12017 (Press This multiple blog support) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: A WordPress …
17:54 Ticket #12016 (get_calendar can output a calendar when there are no posts) created by mtdewvirus
If a site doesn't have any posts, get_calendar isn't supposed to …
17:53 Ticket #12015 (wp_get_attachment_image_src() returns mixed url + serverpath) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: Hi, i have …
17:51 Ticket #12014 (Author selection becomes performance issue with large userbase with ...) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: When the …
17:41 Ticket #12013 (new user creation features) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: 1: there …
17:38 Ticket #12012 ('Edit Blog' input fields too narrow) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: The 'Edit …
17:35 Ticket #12011 (Autosave by person not logged in) closed by wpmuguru
invalid: If the previous version was written/saved by an author, editor or …
17:34 Changeset [12821] by ryan
Add optional comment ID argument to comment template functions. Props …
17:29 Ticket #12011 (Autosave by person not logged in) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: I'm editing …
17:26 Ticket #12010 (Insert Audio with FILE URL does not work correctly) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: When …
16:40 Ticket #12009 (Add support for HTML 5 "async" and "defer" attributes) created by Otto42
HTML5 supports async and defer attributes on script tags: …
15:54 Ticket #12008 (OperationalError: database is locked) created by rfair404
==== How to Reproduce ==== While doing a GET operation on …
15:51 Ticket #12007 (Redirect Loop after setting option MULTISITE true) created by rfair404
Went to the network page to enable multiple blogs and was directed to …
15:18 Ticket #12006 (Comment template functions should accept optional comment ID argument.) created by filosofo
Otherwise, to get basic comment info you have to define, populate, and …
14:21 Ticket #12005 (thousandsSeparator and decimalPoint are not being escaped) created by Chionsas
file: wp-admin/admin-header.php line: 44 […] When the translation …
13:26 Ticket #12004 (Select Sidebar when adding Posts/Pages) created by lsddesign
Hey all, I think it would be a cool feature to be able to create …
11:10 Ticket #12003 (Explicit teasers with <!--more--> don't work in RSS feeds) closed by scribu
duplicate: Closing this as duplicate of #6680.
09:52 Ticket #12003 (Explicit teasers with <!--more--> don't work in RSS feeds) created by stickboy
I have my WordPress 2.9.1 installation configured to show full text …
03:51 Ticket #12002 (Multisite should not lock the root blog into using a /blog prefix) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: I don't think …
03:47 Ticket #12001 (default get_blog_post) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: We have …
03:30 Ticket #12000 (Wordpress MU Needs an option to formally allow enabling www for TLDs.) closed by wpmuguru
duplicate: see #11945
03:30 Ticket #12000 (Wordpress MU Needs an option to formally allow enabling www for TLDs.) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: tested on …
03:25 Ticket #11999 (XML-RPC - Unable to connect to blog on initial adding of blog account) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: When …
03:24 Ticket #11998 (switch_to_blog and wp_upload_dir, with wpmu 2.8.4a) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: When you use …
03:19 Ticket #11997 (too much queries during blog creation) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: During a …
03:15 Ticket #11996 (New post: cut text at í or Í character) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: In …
03:10 Ticket #11995 (2.9.1 rc1 url rewrite rules constantly trying to re-add the rules (iis7)) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: The …
03:06 Ticket #11994 (Rewrite rules cause some URLs to fail) created by wpmuguru
MU Trac Ticket: The …


22:32 Ticket #11993 (Add post thumbnail from url) created by paradox460
If you got add a post thumbnail in 2.9, and use the "From URL" option, …
20:50 Changeset [12820] by markjaquith
Include post_type= when redirecting after "Trash" click from item …
20:33 Changeset [12819] by markjaquith
Include the post type, or else clicking All from pages will give you …
17:05 Ticket #11511 (Page numbers not updated when doing a tag search) closed by scribu
duplicate: This is a dup of #11989.
17:01 Ticket #11706 (Adding of Thumbnail does not Add until Re-Editing) closed by scribu
duplicate: Closing as duplicate of #11990
13:41 Ticket #11992 (Enable comment threading by default) created by janeforshort
Since the comment reply feature isn't as visible/cool without comment …
13:26 Ticket #11991 (When using a static homepage, the two pages don't properly redirect) created by Viper007Bond
Create two Pages, "Page A" and "Page B". At Settings -> Reading, set A …
12:53 Ticket #11990 (Post thumbnail not saved) created by alexrabe
Follow prodedure : 1. Add new post 2. Select "post thumbnail" 3. …
11:00 Changeset [12818] by dd32
Merge Categories/Hierarchical taxonomies into edit-tags.php. See #11838
10:00 Ticket #11538 (Unbundle Hello Dolly) closed by matt
wontfix: Going to close because of rude comments. Please don't open a new …
06:16 Changeset [12817] by markjaquith
Shake the JS weight away!
02:07 Ticket #11989 (Tag paging doesnt take into consideration searches) closed by dd32
fixed: (In [12816]) Fix Tag paging number whilst searching. Fixes #11989
02:07 Changeset [12816] by dd32
Fix Tag paging number whilst searching. Fixes #11989
02:05 Ticket #11989 (Tag paging doesnt take into consideration searches) created by dd32
At present, If you search Tags the paging will not reflect the number …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.