Make WordPress Core



22:26 Changeset [5289] by markjaquith
Roll tags out of 2.2 -- reverts [5272], [5271], [5257], [5254], …
18:27 Ticket #3354 (PHP 5.2 & Fatal error in cache.php) reopened by hvdkamer
After installing the wpopenid plugin I got the following error: …
16:34 Ticket #4172 (RTE doesn't have buttons for headings) created by RuddO
IT'd be great if the RTE had buttons for H1 H2 H3 at the least. How …
08:24 Ticket #4162 (query_posts('p=<id>') = always a full post) reopened by devil1591
Thanks, I know that query_posts alone doesn't show anything... That …
08:16 Ticket #4171 (comments.php nocomments </p> end tag not properly close) created by zeo
Referring to default theme comments.php: […] where <p> end tag …
07:36 Ticket #4170 (author pages do an uncached user_nicename lookup) created by andy
This isn't an issue until you have a large users table, but these …
04:05 Changeset [5288] by ryan
04:04 Changeset [5287] by ryan
2.2 branch
03:12 Ticket #4169 (Bring widgets into WordPress core) created by rob1n
We need to do this before we can release 2.2. Basically just make …
03:03 Changeset [5286] by rob1n
Rename app.php to wp-app.php and change references. fixes #4168
03:03 Ticket #4168 (Filename inconsistency: Rename app.php to wp-app.php) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5286]) Rename app.php to wp-app.php and change references. fixes #4168
02:53 Changeset [5285] by rob1n
Replace deprecated get_settings() calls with get_option(). Props …
02:53 Ticket #4167 (Deprecated function get_settings still in use) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5285]) Replace deprecated get_settings() calls with get_option(). …
02:49 Ticket #4166 (Fix mktime() inside mysql2date() in wp-includes/functions.php) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5284]) Cast substr()'s to int before passing through mktime() to …
02:49 Changeset [5284] by rob1n
Cast substr()'s to int before passing through mktime() to prevent …
00:58 Ticket #3139 (Setup Configuration causes Bad Install) closed by johnbillion
00:58 Ticket #3139 (Setup Configuration causes Bad Install) reopened by johnbillion
00:53 Ticket #4162 (query_posts('p=<id>') = always a full post) closed by johnbillion
invalid: The code […] on its own displays nothing, you need to use it in …


23:55 Ticket #3139 (Setup Configuration causes Bad Install) closed by johnbillion
invalid: Closing as worksforme. Ticket not updated in 7 months, nothing much …
23:25 Ticket #4168 (Filename inconsistency: Rename app.php to wp-app.php) created by johnbillion
I thought this had been discussed before, but I can't find anything …
23:14 Ticket #4167 (Deprecated function get_settings still in use) created by johnbillion
Two files (wp-login.php and query.php) still reference the …
23:10 Ticket #4166 (Fix mktime() inside mysql2date() in wp-includes/functions.php) created by josephscott
All of the parameters to mktime() are supposed to be of type int. The …
22:51 Ticket #4160 (New Hook: filter for url in url_to_postid()) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [5283]) Add url_to_postid filter. Props Alex King. fixes #4160
22:51 Changeset [5283] by ryan
Add url_to_postid filter. Props Alex King. fixes #4160
22:02 Ticket #4165 (Info regex is too greedy) created by kapoylski
In the WordPress admin, under Write > Write Page there is a drop-down …
20:16 Ticket #4163 (Desactive the official "WordPress Tags" ?) closed by foolswisdom
invalid: Tags are being removed from 2.2 development and going into 2.3 …
20:12 Ticket #4164 (Desactive the official "WordPress Tags" ?) closed by momo360modena
duplicate: Sorry.
20:12 Ticket #4164 (Desactive the official "WordPress Tags" ?) created by momo360modena
For two raisons : * For my clients and anothers projects, system …
20:07 Ticket #4163 (Desactive the official "WordPress Tags" ?) created by momo360modena
For two raisons : * For my clients and anothers projects, system …
18:07 Ticket #4162 (query_posts('p=<id>') = always a full post) created by devil1591
On svn, if you do a […] you will have the full post instead of …
16:59 Ticket #4161 (Category Order) reopened by foolswisdom
Hi Amarelo, only commiters mark bugs as fixed ;-)
16:55 Ticket #4161 (Category Order) closed by Amarelo
16:52 Ticket #4161 (Category Order) created by Amarelo
Category Order allows users to sort wp_list_category by a user define …
16:35 Ticket #4160 (New Hook: filter for url in url_to_postid()) created by alexkingorg
This is needed so that you can massage the incoming URL in a …
07:28 Ticket #4159 (Add rel-tag attribute to tags) created by zeo
Add rel-tag attribute to the_tags()


23:53 Ticket #4158 (Change metaWeblog.* and wp.* dateCreated fields in XML-RPC to GMT) created by josephscott
Use post_date_gmt instead of post_date in the following XML-RPC …
23:00 Changeset [5282] by ryan
Revert [5275] - [5277]. Fix it later. see #4153
22:50 Ticket #4157 (Missing " in 'Edit this' admin link breaks theme) closed by foolswisdom
duplicate: Duplicate of #4153.
22:38 Ticket #4157 (Missing " in 'Edit this' admin link breaks theme) created by Podz
link-template.php line 296 return '<a href="' . get_option( 'wpurl' …
22:00 Ticket #4156 (XML-RPC fixes to allow for empty/zero settings in various fields) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [5281]) XML-RPC fixes to allow for empty/zero settings in various …
22:00 Changeset [5281] by ryan
XML-RPC fixes to allow for empty/zero settings in various fields. …
20:56 Changeset [5280] by ryan
AJAXcat fixes and FF workaround from mdawaffe. fixes #3895
20:56 Ticket #3895 (Reloading the post editing screen in Firefox turns a post from ...) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [5280]) AJAXcat fixes and FF workaround from mdawaffe. fixes #3895
20:42 Ticket #4155 (Let's hide the version number from public display) closed by masquerade
wontfix: Also, please get your facts straight. Showing the version number did …
19:26 Ticket #900 (support of mt_keywords) reopened by rob1n
Apparently it breaks something.
17:49 Ticket #4156 (XML-RPC fixes to allow for empty/zero settings in various fields) created by josephscott
Allows wp_slug, wp_password, wp_page_order, wp_author_id, …
16:52 Changeset [5279] by ryan
Reverting [5278]. It breaks mw_getRecentPosts.
15:40 Ticket #4153 (edit_post_link return/echo) reopened by foolswisdom
Nvr mind me.
15:38 Ticket #4153 (edit_post_link return/echo) closed by foolswisdom
fixed: dpryo, no I don't understand, though attaching as a patch is …
13:43 Ticket #4155 (Let's hide the version number from public display) created by drmike
Greets: I've got to admit that I'm troubled by how easy it is to find …
08:29 Ticket #4153 (edit_post_link return/echo) reopened by kkwangen
There was as missing " on line 296 in link-template.php causes the …
04:35 Ticket #3629 (next button) closed by rob1n
worksforme: Closing as worksforme, if the reporter comes back and still has the …
03:51 Ticket #4154 (Change dashboard to use Google BlogSearch instead of Technorati) created by Otto42
I made this change to my blog a while back, and I've found it to be a …
01:30 Changeset [5278] by rob1n
Add mt_keywords support. Props redsweater. fixes #900
01:30 Ticket #900 (support of mt_keywords) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5278]) Add mt_keywords support. Props redsweater. fixes #900
01:17 Changeset [5277] by rob1n
Fix another typo. Not a good day at all.
00:53 Changeset [5276] by rob1n
Fix typo. Thanks Lloyd.
00:44 Ticket #3371 (Request for additional $before and $after parameters to wp_list_bookmarks()) closed by rob1n
duplicate: Will be addressed for 2.3 by #3567.


23:53 Changeset [5275] by rob1n
Add get_edit_comment_link() and get_edit_post_link(). fixes #4153
23:53 Ticket #4153 (edit_post_link return/echo) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5275]) Add get_edit_comment_link() and get_edit_post_link(). …
20:47 Changeset [5274] by ryan
Use wp_hash to create cron's check hash.
16:54 Ticket #4148 (Suggestion of a new category structure) closed by foolswisdom
wontfix: Closing WONTFIX, reviewed by Rob1n and markjaquith. hovenko, this …
16:29 Ticket #4144 (Auto Save Preventing Posting) closed by foolswisdom
fixed: miklb, thanks for the follow up! That is great news. This ticket was …
14:42 Ticket #4153 (edit_post_link return/echo) created by christianskarby
I suggest the following API-change to allow for templates to decide …
06:50 Ticket #4152 (posts_nav_link does not detect all html entities) created by jimmyk
the nav link functions do not properly handle html entities with …


21:29 Ticket #4150 (Need to update the description in wp-config-sample.php) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5273]) Update wp-config.php to reference wp-contents/languages …
21:29 Changeset [5273] by rob1n
Update wp-config.php to reference wp-contents/languages instead of …
13:02 Ticket #4151 (uploaded image thumbnails permissions incorrect) created by DD32
I've just realised i've got an issue regarding the creation of …
10:05 Ticket #4150 (Need to update the description in wp-config-sample.php) created by tai
Since the place of the language file has changed, please update the …
08:54 Ticket #4142 (Smart quotes don't work before lower-case s) closed by HarryRAR
duplicate: Oh, sorry about that. Bad searching on my part.
02:30 Changeset [5272] by ryan
Remove debug
02:26 Changeset [5271] by ryan
tag_exists(), category_object_exists(), and some tag and cat create …
01:35 Ticket #4149 (wp_list_pages doesn't replace special chars) closed by rob1n
worksforme: Can't reproduce in r5270. This probably means that it's been fixed …


23:04 Ticket #4149 (wp_list_pages doesn't replace special chars) created by faebuch
when using wp_list_pages, special chars in my page titles (in my case …
22:32 Ticket #4148 (Suggestion of a new category structure) created by hovenko
I personally don't like the way wordpress presents categories, with …
22:03 Changeset [5270] by ryan
Lose reference to current_blog.
07:15 Ticket #3691 (Upgrade database error) closed by rob1n
invalid: Support forums: If you narrow it down to …
06:37 Ticket #3557 (Wordpress stripping TR formatting from tables and deleting the ...) closed by rob1n
06:36 Ticket #3557 (Wordpress stripping TR formatting from tables and deleting the ...) reopened by rob1n
06:36 Ticket #3557 (Wordpress stripping TR formatting from tables and deleting the ...) closed by rob1n
worksforme: As the reporter himself says, it works fine in WPSU (single-user -- …
05:46 Ticket #4049 (Wordpress 2.1.2 strips closing P tag causing xhtml validation to fail) closed by rob1n
worksforme: Worksforme on r5269.
05:42 Ticket #3669 (Missing close </p> tag in wpautop) closed by rob1n
05:39 Ticket #3882 (An error commented in forums: tinyMCE not defined) closed by rob1n
fixed: The original issue (and some others) have been fixed. Please open …
04:08 Ticket #3621 (wpautop() should not break up script and object tags) closed by rob1n
fixed: This was fixed in [5262]. I can't reproduce anymore in r5269.
00:19 Changeset [5269] by rob1n
Add in another trim(), just in case $frag is actually something.
00:16 Ticket #3903 (Admin header should use bloginfo rather than get_option for blog name) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5268]) Just use bloginfo(). Props jhodgdon. fixes #3903
00:16 Changeset [5268] by rob1n
Just use bloginfo(). Props jhodgdon. fixes #3903
00:11 Ticket #4134 (next_posts_link outputs a trailing question mark) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5267]) trim() question marks *after* concatenating the string. …
00:11 Changeset [5267] by rob1n
trim() question marks *after* concatenating the string. fixes #4134


23:50 Ticket #4147 (Separate post and link category management and taxonomy) created by ryan
Since we didn't go the route of having the complete pool of categories …
23:29 Ticket #4005 (php-gettext's plural forms parsing is broken for nplurals>2) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5266]) Fix gettext's plural forms for more than 2 plural forms. …
23:29 Changeset [5266] by rob1n
Fix gettext's plural forms for more than 2 plural forms. Props moeffju …
23:20 Ticket #4145 (wp_list_categories ignores option_all) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5265]) Respect show_option_all in wp_list_categories(). Props …
23:20 Changeset [5265] by rob1n
Respect show_option_all in wp_list_categories(). Props westi. fixes #4145
22:11 Ticket #4146 (admin_head fires too early) closed by westi
invalid: Bug in plugin code not hooking on admin_head but admin_menu instead. …
21:37 Ticket #4146 (admin_head fires too early) created by elharo
The admin_head hook is documented as: Executes in the <head> …
19:06 Ticket #4145 (wp_list_categories ignores option_all) created by westi
The title says it all! If you specify show_option_all in the …
15:24 Ticket #4144 (Auto Save Preventing Posting) created by miklb
I have been experiencing with several installs of the most current …
11:25 Ticket #4143 (Timezone in feeds) created by nbachiyski
Now all the feeds send all the times in GMT. It would be nice if the …
03:29 Ticket #4140 (Tags UI be UGLY) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5264]) Add RTL css for #tagdiv. Props Sewar. fixes #4140
03:29 Changeset [5264] by rob1n
Add RTL css for #tagdiv. Props Sewar. fixes #4140
03:25 Ticket #4140 (Tags UI be UGLY) reopened by Sewar
Let's update RTL CSS also.


23:53 Changeset [5263] by rob1n
Add encoding to WXR exports, and clean up HTML comments.
23:19 Changeset [5262] by rob1n
Don't treat object and param as block elements in wpautop. fixes #3854
22:00 Ticket #4084 (add_query_arg urldecodes passed values but doesn't re-encode them.) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5261]) Get add_query_arg() to urlencode all values of parse_str …
22:00 Changeset [5261] by rob1n
Get add_query_arg() to urlencode all values of parse_str array. Props …
21:59 Changeset [5260] by rob1n
Replace some stristr's with stripos'.
21:43 Ticket #2781 (Notice: Undefined variable: template in ...) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5259]) Take out undefined variable. fixes #2781
21:43 Changeset [5259] by rob1n
Take out undefined variable. fixes #2781
21:30 Ticket #3903 (Admin header should use bloginfo rather than get_option for blog name) reopened by jhodgdon
The applied fix does not work, because get_bloginfo is not filtered …
21:23 Ticket #3727 (WP->parse_request() won't replace $pathinfo when $req_uri contains any ...) closed by ryan
fixed: Not going into 2.1 and already in 2.1. Resolving.
21:15 Ticket #3687 (translatable strings descriptions) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [5258]) Refactor l10n code to reduce duplication. Change …
21:15 Changeset [5258] by ryan
Refactor l10n code to reduce duplication. Change placement of …
20:53 Changeset [5257] by markjaquith
CSS IDs should avoid using underscores for compat with older browers. …
17:04 Ticket #3788 (Upgrade to TinyMCE 2.1.0) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5256]) Upgrade TinyMCE to 2.1.0. Props andy. fixes #3788
17:04 Changeset [5256] by rob1n
Upgrade TinyMCE to 2.1.0. Props andy. fixes #3788
16:31 Ticket #4141 (default cache behavior leaves tmp files when cache dir unwritable) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5255]) Delete the cache in tmp even if the copy failed. Props …
16:31 Changeset [5255] by rob1n
Delete the cache in tmp even if the copy failed. Props andy. fixes #4141
16:13 Ticket #4140 (Tags UI be UGLY) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5254]) Tidy up the tags interface. Props andy. fixes #4140
16:13 Changeset [5254] by rob1n
Tidy up the tags interface. Props andy. fixes #4140
13:29 Ticket #4142 (Smart quotes don't work before lower-case s) created by HarryRAR
This is a formatting problem. If I put single quotes around a word …
09:16 Ticket #4141 (default cache behavior leaves tmp files when cache dir unwritable) created by andy
As reported by Sabin Iacob [wp-hackers] Wordpress object cache, the …
06:10 Ticket #3354 (PHP 5.2 & Fatal error in cache.php) closed by rob1n
fixed: Well, then it's an user misconfiguration error. We've fixed it as much …
06:01 Ticket #4140 (Tags UI be UGLY) created by andy
[5110] introduces a hella ugly tags interface. Clean it up.
06:00 Ticket #4139 (Tiny i18n omisssion in [5251] (wp-cat2tags)) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5253]) Add small i18n fix. Props nbachiyski. fixes #4139
05:59 Changeset [5253] by rob1n
Add small i18n fix. Props nbachiyski. fixes #4139
05:56 Ticket #4139 (Tiny i18n omisssion in [5251] (wp-cat2tags)) created by nbachiyski
Just an error message wasn't i18ned in [5251].
05:55 Ticket #4040 (WXR importing duplicates categories) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5252]) Some fixes for another fix. Props takayukister. fixes #4040
05:55 Changeset [5252] by rob1n
Some fixes for another fix. Props takayukister. fixes #4040
05:46 Ticket #4135 (Add ability to convert all categories in cat2tag importer) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5251]) Add ability to convert all categories to tags. fixes #4135
05:46 Changeset [5251] by rob1n
Add ability to convert all categories to tags. fixes #4135
05:24 Ticket #4040 (WXR importing duplicates categories) reopened by takayukister
I reopened to upload additional patch to correct two points below, 1. …
04:39 Ticket #4133 (Small improvement to the tag archive heading in default theme) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5250]) Improve tag archive's title. Props johnbillion. fixes #4133
04:39 Changeset [5250] by rob1n
Improve tag archive's title. Props johnbillion. fixes #4133
02:58 Ticket #4028 (Importing WXR breaks serialized postmeta value) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [5249]) Stripslashes post meta values before handing off to …
02:58 Changeset [5249] by ryan
Stripslashes post meta values before handing off to add_post_meta. …
02:27 Ticket #4138 (Add to cache rather than set cache when data not changed) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [5248]) Actually make use of wp_cache_add to avoid unnecessary …
02:27 Changeset [5248] by ryan
Actually make use of wp_cache_add to avoid unnecessary cache writes. …
02:08 Changeset [5247] by rob1n
Use get_var and only select cat_ID. see #4040
01:51 Ticket #3526 (JS autosave should refresh the iframe preview) closed by rob1n
invalid: I believe you mean invalid…
01:51 Ticket #3526 (JS autosave should refresh the iframe preview) reopened by rob1n
01:49 Ticket #4040 (WXR importing duplicates categories) closed by rob1n
fixed: (In [5246]) Use cat_name instead of cat_nicename when creating …
01:49 Changeset [5246] by rob1n
Use cat_name instead of cat_nicename when creating categories from …
01:48 Ticket #3526 (JS autosave should refresh the iframe preview) closed by johnbillion
fixed: Closing as invalid as the preview iframe has been removed in 2.2.
01:34 Ticket #4025 (WXR importing does not treat change of post_parent) closed by ryan
fixed: (In [5245]) Preserve page hierarchy. Props takayukister. fixes #4025
01:34 Changeset [5245] by ryan
Preserve page hierarchy. Props takayukister. fixes #4025
01:33 Ticket #3840 (WXR imported pages dissapear) closed by ryan
duplicate: Duping against 4025.
00:09 Ticket #3872 (Some places which are not gettexted) closed by rob1n
fixed: Let's just leave the <br /> in.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.