Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (7)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#12084 allow preserving HTML in the_excerpt (specify allowed tags for strip_tags in wp_trim_excerpt) new enhancement normal
#12104 'moderate_comments' capability by itself should grant the user the permission to See/Edit all comments from the Comments menu. new defect (bug) normal Future Release
#14757 users with no posts are not exported reopened enhancement normal Future Release
#16460 Category/tag converter should support all public taxonomies new feature request normal Awaiting Review
#37461 Introduce get_the_title_attribute() to wrap the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) new enhancement normal
#37462 Introduce is_private() conditional new enhancement normal
#44651 Make the excerpt explanation filterable new enhancement normal Awaiting Review
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.