Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (801 - 900 of 52941)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#6399 Ctrl+v in Fx 3.0b4 results in Paste as Plain text popup instead of pasting azaozz defect (bug) high 2.5 TinyMCE
#6401 Admin Dashboard not Working defect (bug) high Administration
#6406 Flash uploader won't work on Ubuntu/Linux andy defect (bug) high Upload
#6416 Cannot edit page-slug before publishing defect (bug) high Administration
#6428 File URL option inserts wrong code into post defect (bug) high 2.5 Administration
#6439 Manage posts filter ignores drafts ryan defect (bug) high 2.5.1 Administration
#6443 flash uploader didn't show in IE7, showed script errors defect (bug) high 2.5.1 Administration
#6444 Changeset 7561 (post rc3) leaves an open <p> at the end of the inserted gallery html andy defect (bug) high 2.5.1 Template
#6469 IE7 and "Enter a link URL or click above for presets" not working tellyworth defect (bug) high 2.7 Administration
#6470 Internet Explorer: Text widget get removed when click on "Edit" defect (bug) high Widgets
#6472 no comment count in 2.5 defect (bug) high General
#6489 Revisions do not respect time zone offset defect (bug) high 2.7.1 Revisions
#6493 image upload problem defect (bug) high Security
#6498 Multimedia Manager and Opera defect (bug) high 2.9 Media
#6505 WordPress Simple Tagging Import Problem defect (bug) high Import
#6519 Permanent URL for author not working with space defect (bug) high 2.8 General
#6528 get_adjacent_post no longer excluding categories as expected in WP 2.5 defect (bug) high General
#6531 Recursively search for files in theme and plugin editors pento defect (bug) high 4.9 Themes
#6534 Use of ctype_digit in link_template.php can break uploader. westi defect (bug) high 2.5.1 General
#6538 New post creation fails in some browsers when it has a duplicate title defect (bug) high Administration
#6540 Unresponsive Script Error with Custom Fields in WP 2.5 RC1 and WP 2.5 defect (bug) high Administration
#6545 When you have a custom tag slug, it will duplicate tags defect (bug) high General
#6547 Bug in Wordpress updated plugins check mdawaffe defect (bug) high 2.6 Administration
#6565 Under WP 2.5, the comments that have been marked as spam by Akismet cannot be browsed. defect (bug) high Administration
#6570 After Upgrade to 2.5 posts display but pages do not defect (bug) high 2.5.1 General
#6571 Warnings from EXIF reader cause malformed XMLRPC responses josephscott defect (bug) high 2.5.1 XML-RPC
#6579 Typo in feed-atom.php defect (bug) high 2.5.1 General
#6584 The move to meta boxes killed dbx_page_sidebar and dbx_page_advanced defect (bug) high Administration
#6591 infinite redirects with 2.3 and 2.5 defect (bug) high General
#6597 Add Category in Post Editor Page does not work defect (bug) high Administration
#6600 error in function gallery_shortcode (wp-includes/media.php) defect (bug) high General
#6603 bad next_posts_link when using a Static Front Page and custom permalink structure. ryan defect (bug) high 2.8 Permalinks
#6609 Magpie improperly parses Google ATOM feeds defect (bug) high 2.8 General
#6620 Typo in menu-header.php defect (bug) high Administration
#6621 add_users_page not working for low priv users defect (bug) high 2.5.1 Administration
#6662 Users without capability "create_users" can add new users defect (bug) high 2.5.1 Security
#6673 Registration form spammed! enhancement high General
#6674 First manual save redirects to post permalink ryan defect (bug) high 2.5.1 Administration
#6692 Handling of errors in wp-login.php ryan defect (bug) high General
#6702 Raise in the Wordpress number of queries in nested pages ryan defect (bug) high 2.6 Optimization
#6707 Your attempt to edit this post: "title" has failed. mdawaffe defect (bug) high 2.5.1 General
#6709 Usability changes to write post and write page panels enhancement high Administration
#6710 Alignment classes from image insert andy defect (bug) high Administration
#6714 incorrect grammer in the en_us home page for defect (bug) high I18N
#6737 TinyMCE converts relative links incorrectly (adds wp-admin) azaozz defect (bug) high TinyMCE
#6750 Changing User Roles Removes Role ryan defect (bug) high 2.6 Administration
#6774 Remove _edit_lock on save or exit azaozz enhancement high JavaScript
#6806 image_send_to_editor is called twice for every image defect (bug) high 2.6 General
#6809 SUGGESTED SOLUTION: Wordpress 2.5 get_the_content only works with added wpautop defect (bug) high General
#6813 Press This bookmarklet - quick posting from around the web ryan enhancement high 2.6 Administration
#6828 using default template ,sidebar displayed on the box of the content below when open my home page. defect (bug) high General
#6830 Eliminate all non-existent options in core and bundled themes/plugins enhancement high Optimization
#6849 New password chars !@#$%^&*() are stripped out in wp-login.php defect (bug) high General
#6867 single_tag_title() prints empty string on non-latin1 data ryan defect (bug) high 2.6.1 Template
#6868 Author loses image alignment - admin doesn't defect (bug) high 2.7 TinyMCE
#6871 Plugins without headers don't show in the plugins page, keeping some exploits hidden guillep2k defect (bug) high 2.6.1 Security
#6874 Autosave character set problem azaozz defect (bug) high JavaScript
#6876 Widgets do not drop in the correct place. azaozz defect (bug) high 2.6 General
#6882 WordPress Simple Tagging Import Problem defect (bug) high General
#6885 Bug in Add Media defect (bug) high General
#6893 Wordpress Database Upgrade Fails Improperly when tables can't be created defect (bug) high General
#6894 2.5.1 only - some post text (persian) causes timeout on publish (not save) westi defect (bug) high 2.6 Administration
#6899 Improve handling of CC and BCC hearer information enhancement high 2.6 General
#6904 Blog by email posts blank in 2.5.1 w/ HTML email defect (bug) high General
#6907 A bug in /wp-admin/menu.php defect (bug) high General
#6937 problem with tables in phpmyadmin 2.9.2 ryan task (blessed) high General
#6943 Published Pages are set to private after saving jeremyclarke defect (bug) high 2.6 Administration
#6970 Add_feed - bug and fix - Replacing callback function ryan defect (bug) high 2.6 General
#6979 Flash Player 10 breaks the media uploader defect (bug) high 2.7 Upload
#6983 Cannot Edit Posts defect (bug) high Administration
#6989 Static Pages Issue defect (bug) high Security
#6998 Press This: Make UI look more like admin area and fix relative URIs ryan enhancement high 2.6 Template
#7000 On Write Post screen, Checked Categories should be on top of the list enhancement high Administration
#7004 the_category ignores seperator defect (bug) high General
#7005 the_category ignores seperator defect (bug) high 2.7 General
#7008 CUSTOM_OPTION_TABLE is there any possibility? feature request high Optimization
#7014 get_post_custom() doesn't always return an array defect (bug) high General
#7026 Press This tag addition area does not work in some browsers noel defect (bug) high 2.6 Administration
#7027 Admin removed from authors list and logged in as author defect (bug) high 2.7 Administration
#7028 Formatting lost when doing install.php defect (bug) high Administration
#7031 Choice of default URL for attachment enhancement high Optimization
#7040 Link to File changes to Link to Attachment IF PAGE IS STARTPAGE westi defect (bug) high 3.0 Media
#7049 Press This: Relative URIs for images were not working. ryan defect (bug) high 2.6 Administration
#7066 Press This major enhancements, ajax, tabs, photo loading noel enhancement high 2.6 Administration
#7068 cron improvement hailin enhancement high 2.7 General
#7069 Autosave does not work in TinyMCE's fullscreen mode azaozz defect (bug) high 2.6 General
#7070 users with 'edit_published_posts' can't edit posts without unpublishing them. jeremyclarke defect (bug) high 2.6 General
#7095 Japanese Tag Slugs defect (bug) high 2.7 I18N
#7105 Press This does not work properly with long query string URLs ryan defect (bug) high 2.6 Administration
#7107 Lost password does not work defect (bug) high 2.6 Administration
#7116 Cache of Media Uploader defect (bug) high Optimization
#7117 Press This "photo" tab fixes, additions, and enhancements + overall fixes azaozz enhancement high 2.6.1 Administration
#7120 Press This UI Tweaks + Fix to get_uri function ryan defect (bug) high 2.6 Administration
#7126 Press This Tweaks - Regex, loader graphic, default input ryan defect (bug) high Administration
#7129 Installer has incorrect URL for CSS when WordPress is in a subdirectory of the domain defect (bug) high 2.6 General
#7132 usage of maybe_serialize() in update_option() regression on #4781 hakre defect (bug) high 2.6 General
#7133 maybe_serialize does not match with maybe_unserialize westi defect (bug) high 2.6 General
#7144 Warning message in footer defect (bug) high 2.6 General
#7146 Improve handling of CC and BCC header information defect (bug) high General
#7157 Disable APP and XMLRPC publishing by default westi enhancement high 2.6 Security
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.