Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (601 - 700 of 52941)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#4422 Anyone can delete attachments rob1n defect (bug) high 2.2.1 Security
#4429 add_option followed by update_option not always working markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.2.2 Administration
#4434 Add id's to fieldsets in wp-admin/profile.php rob1n enhancement high 2.3 Administration
#4435 Better display for non-image attachments with long filenames enhancement high Administration
#4442 in_category() is broken technosailor defect (bug) high 2.3 Template
#4443 Path to install.css is wrong on the "you haven't installed WP yet" page defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4448 Update theme files defect (bug) high 2.6 Administration
#4457 WP does not properly encode UTF-8 mail per RFC 2047 westi defect (bug) high 2.7 General
#4458 users who no longer have the ability to save posts get their posts "stolen" if the post is edited. markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4462 previous_posts_link() mangles query string defect (bug) high 2.2.1 Template
#4482 WXR import fails - imports entire xml to one posts row defect (bug) high Administration
#4499 Equality checks in query.php can break permalinks markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4506 "Posts Tagged xxx" In Archives In Default Theme Doesn't Show Tag Name pishmishy defect (bug) high 2.3 Template
#4519 Permalink Bug with Widgets sudar defect (bug) high General
#4532 Saving a post with attachments deletes the post's tags defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4536 PATHINFO permalinks do not play well with custom tag/category prefixes defect (bug) high 2.6 Administration
#4537 Categories are gone in RSS and Atom feeds ryan defect (bug) high 2.3 Template
#4553 Consider using local prepared-statement/sprintf()-like system for last-second SQL escaping markjaquith task (blessed) high 2.5 Security
#4570 Comment link cannot contain IRIs nbachiyski defect (bug) high 2.7 General
#4571 broken option values after saving markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4604 Feeds should be canonical westi enhancement high 2.7 General
#4606 Redirection Vulnerability in wp-pass.php markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.0.12 Security
#4608 HTML and Javascript Formatting enhancement high Administration
#4614 Importer as plugin westi enhancement high 2.3 General
#4625 apply_filters is broken defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4627 Link manager exploit? pishmishy defect (bug) high Security
#4644 Sign up page not working defect (bug) high General
#4652 Page and category trailing back-slash dependent on post permalink structure defect (bug) high General
#4663 cannot load plugin defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4664 Reloading the post editing screen in Firefox turns a post from Published to Private mdawaffe defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4682 WXR import/export doesn't support importing/exporting of tags defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4684 CDATA caused bugged comments defect (bug) high General
#4686 WXR need a version tellyworth defect (bug) high Administration
#4690 Wordpress options.php SQL Injection Vulnerability Nazgul defect (bug) high 2.0.11 Security
#4704 Invalid RSS2 Comments Feed defect (bug) high 2.2.3 Administration
#4710 A small patch to fix future posting markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4720 Users without unfiltered_html capability can post arbitrary html defect (bug) high 2.2.3 Security
#4733 need a get function for tag list defect (bug) high 2.3 Template
#4739 Some icelandic/Norwegian/Danish letters do not work in page slugs westi defect (bug) high Permalinks
#4752 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in import.php on line 19 defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4757 Saving a Page deletes added Custom-Fields defect (bug) high Administration
#4772 database error: Table 'wordpress.wp_deletable_options' doesn't exist , update.php defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4773 Canonical URL addition causes redirection problems markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4778 Change enums to varchar defect (bug) high 2.5 Administration
#4809 Returning WP_Error objects in unexpected places filosofo defect (bug) high 2.5 General
#4811 CSRF & XSS on some importers defect (bug) high 2.3 Security
#4813 Upgrade from 2.0.x to 2.3 breaks links defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4820 Regex fix for $pagelinkedfrom (xmlrpc.php) defect (bug) high 2.3 XML-RPC
#4824 V2.2.2 - Cannot delete posts, pages, comments defect (bug) high Administration
#4825 post_deleted in wp-includes/widget.php should be deleted_post westi defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4829 Blog by Email didn't select default category and post content missing defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4841 Displaying "Array" everywhere and cannot post defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4845 Category to Tag converter allows you to convert the default category ryan defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4847 Google Blogger API changed hostnames ryan defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4853 Changeset 5889 broke my blog defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4867 Possible for no WordPress version number to be shown in footer westi defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4870 Bug in get_categories when asking for category children ryan defect (bug) high General
#4883 Option for Combined Link and Post Categories enhancement high General
#4896 Incorrect categories listed in Blogroll Add Categories form defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4897 Blogroll listed as Post Category and not Link Category defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4903 query strings with a forward slash give add_query_arg() problems markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4907 add_menu_page() create faulty links markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.5 General
#4909 WordPress eats some of my table content defect (bug) high General
#4910 Widgets might get "Array" as CSS class instead of classname defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4914 "When" field is funky for drafts that have been modified markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#4921 Errors durung 2.2.x to 2.3 upgrade Nazgul defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4929 Post Author automatically overrides current author on editing someone elses post defect (bug) high Administration
#4939 check_ajax_referer does not protect from CSRF at all defect (bug) high 2.3 Security
#4945 Paging broken when showing blog on a page with PATHINFO permalinks defect (bug) high 2.3 Template
#4958 MySQL error on upgrade defect (bug) high General
#4970 Rewrite for Pages is broken if URL has port # markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#4973 Wordpress exploit and issue defect (bug) high Security
#4995 Drop obsolete category tables before release enhancement high 2.3 General
#4999 More link class rename seems unnecessary work for theme authors defect (bug) high 2.3 Template
#5010 Bug in Updating attachment of a post = losing post_parent defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#5015 Add_Filter priority fails with some hooks defect (bug) high General
#5016 timer_stop() returns error when called from advanced-cache.php defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#5017 Endless Redirect chaoticmortalcom defect (bug) high 2.7 General
#5020 Database error after removing page task (blessed) high General
#5034 Impossible to have duplicate category slugs with different parents feature request high Taxonomy
#5038 Upgraded to 2.3 RC1, now getting database error defect (bug) high General
#5039 Tags with multiple posts gives wrong pagination link defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#5043 Ultimate Tag Warrior import hyphenates tag names defect (bug) high Import
#5049 IE, Write Post, pressing Tab from Title skips over Post to Tags defect (bug) high 2.5 TinyMCE
#5061 Blogroll Disappears In r6160 defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#5064 the navigation can't work good,hasing bug on windows. defect (bug) high General
#5074 Feed URL Generator misses Slash - php wp_list_categories(’sortby=name&feed=RSS’) defect (bug) high General
#5077 "Browse" interface in "Upload" broken ryan defect (bug) high 2.3.1 Administration
#5082 Edit Comment capability flipped defect (bug) high Security
#5087 WYSIWYG Insert/Edit Image button issues defect (bug) high 2.5 TinyMCE
#5090 maybe_create_table call to config.php issue ryan defect (bug) high 2.3.3 Administration
#5093 Foldable boxes in post new page have various bugs in different browsers defect (bug) high 2.5 Administration
#5094 Insert/Edit image does set image size to 1x1 if no size already defined in IE defect (bug) high TinyMCE
#5098 Relative links don't work when permalinks activated defect (bug) high General
#5107 Blogroll -> Import Links doesn't use link terms and importing assigns them to numerical categories defect (bug) high 2.3.1 General
#5115 WordPress (plugin) updates compare unexpected values to find update matches defect (bug) high 2.3.1 General
#5121 statistics reported back from wordpress 2.3 bugged defect (bug) high 2.3.1 General
#5125 Editor dosn't work. Error tiny_mce_config.php defect (bug) high TinyMCE
#5169 Posting from email addresses with "hyphen" cannot be assigned to the user defect (bug) high 2.3.1 General
#5170 RSS Feed Code Error defect (bug) high General
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.