Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (501 - 600 of 747)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#55713 Styles welcome guide's button styling is not consistent defect (bug) normal Editor
#55731 Broken Link in Developer Docs defect (bug) normal Site
#55743 Wrong justify direction in RTL defect (bug) normal Editor
#55774 Text formatting for selected text across blocks reverts when block is clicked defect (bug) normal Editor
#55778 Bad style for post thumbnail with Svg images defect (bug) normal Post Thumbnails
#55788 Changing the font size to larger font size breaks the layout in sidebar settings panel defect (bug) normal Editor
#55809 Comments Query Loop block title is not being translated defect (bug) normal Editor
#55813 2 lines text in Block style panel's button defect (bug) normal Editor
#55818 Avatar block throws encountered error if the Avatar Display turned off from the Discussion settings defect (bug) normal Editor
#55820 Wrong URL in help text defect (bug) normal Help/About
#55826 the first day of the week is Monday defect (bug) normal Editor
#55845 padding in styles only updates when pressing return defect (bug) normal Editor
#55851 Document "/media" REST endpoint file upload mechanics enhancement normal REST API
#55859 View Page message disappears too quickly enhancement normal Editor
#55862 Content is empty while Classic Editor plugin is active defect (bug) normal Editor
#55866 wordpress 6 with arabic bug defect (bug) normal I18N
#55871 Getting error in Make WordPress Systems comment form(Preview). defect (bug) normal General
#55874 issue in the sub menu deropdown icon core trac site defect (bug) normal General
#55915 404 in gutenberg autosave of a Custom Post Type with custom rest_namespace defect (bug) normal Autosave
#56026 Twenty Twenty Two: Pullquote block: Font change not properly displayed defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#56042 force enable SNI in socks request if SNI supported defect (bug) normal HTTP API
#56121 Twenty Twenty Two: Button width issue occurs on front end side defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#56144 Twenty Nineteen: overlap in Button block defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#56212 Provide no-content versions of localized versions of WP core enhancement normal Upgrade/Install
#56300 Twenty Twenty-One: button block overlaps with other blocks. defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#56334 Social icons block not centered in the editor when choosing "Align center" defect (bug) normal Editor
#56355 Button block alignment issue when aligned left or right and not justified defect (bug) normal Editor
#56379 New Categories Widget Has No Label defect (bug) normal Widgets
#56404 Twenty Twenty-Two: Alignment issue in Button block defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#56426 Please show anchor label in Group block defect (bug) normal Editor
#56447 Enable shortlinks for custom post types for enhancement normal Site
#56486 Securing (escaping) Output : escaping home_url() is missing in categories.php defect (bug) normal Editor
#56507 It is Difficult to view dimension for margin and padding options in Gutenberg block. defect (bug) normal Editor
#56508 Impossible to customize The Custom Post Type Archive page on Full Site Editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#56552 Twenty Eleven: Alignment issue in Button block defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#56553 Popover is positioned under the admin menu when not using full screen mode defect (bug) normal Editor
#56570 Button block having alignment option selected is collapsing with paragraph block in twenty nineteen, twenty twenty and twenty twenty-one theme. defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#56581 Wrong doc in WP_Block_Parser class SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal Editor
#56597 Search box styling issue on particular page. defect (bug) normal General
#56617 WordPress database error when running PHPUnit tests defect (bug) normal Build/Test Tools
#56632 Block themes: The overlay menu modal doesn't show up. defect (bug) normal Editor
#56643 Twenty Twenty-Three: Post Meta block initially not visible when added to post defect (bug) normal Themes
#56649 Block themes Template editor: the query block cannot be previewed on a newly created Category Template for a specific item defect (bug) normal Editor
#56678 Calendar block issues defect (bug) normal Editor
#56684 Fluid and spacing settings in theme.json are lost when theme expor defect (bug) normal Themes
#56704 Incorrect plural form usage in English original text defect (bug) normal Editor
#56732 Log out doesn't log out, or more precisely, log out doesn't "forget" you defect (bug) normal Login and Registration
#56734 Missing newlines in Block Editor code defect (bug) normal Editor
#56756 The Core ticket main page table scrolls horizontally on a responsive screen 1180px to 771px. defect (bug) normal Site
#56803 Twenty Twenty-Two: Image over Cover Block is not aligning center defect (bug) normal Editor
#56814 typo for the word "occurred" defect (bug) normal Editor
#56829 use 'esc_url' for 'get_author_posts_url' where appropriate in 'src/wp-includes/blocks/avatar.php' defect (bug) normal Editor
#56834 Correctly escape `$comment->comment_author_url` URL defect (bug) normal Editor
#56837 Disable automatic embed enhancement normal Editor
#56970 .is-layout-flex broken defect (bug) normal Editor
#56976 Category filter not functioning for Latest Post Block in Guttenberg defect (bug) normal Editor
#56977 Twenty Twenty-Three: Quote block Default Style not reflected on front side defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#57010 6.1 broke the group block defect (bug) normal Editor
#57015 Negative margins and z-index issue feature request normal Editor
#57100 "View Site" link in Editor leads to 404 page if home url is not same as site url defect (bug) normal Themes
#57103 Broad selector for figure elements in WP 6.1 defect (bug) normal Formatting
#57112 Typo in table block styles defect (bug) normal Editor
#57115 Twenty Twenty-Three: Search block border-color css not applying to input box on front-end defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#57132 Search placeholder not displaying on front-end defect (bug) normal Editor
#57153 Have a Publish & Close With Publish and Update & Close With Update for all post types enhancement normal Editor
#57203 The button block frontend side background hovers color does not work. defect (bug) normal Editor
#57215 No color option for selected text within a Paragraph block defect (bug) normal Editor
#57295 post-title block uses `get_the_permalink()` function with `post_id` as a parameter enhancement normal Editor
#57344 Gutenberg Block Editor Specifies Incorrect ID on Label defect (bug) normal Editor
#57407 Placement of "view page" link after page/post update is wrong enhancement normal Editor
#57431 Accessibility: WCAG violation by different order of Blocks & Patterns in block inserter in Post- and Site-Editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#57439 Add {float:right} to group block enhancement normal Editor
#57441 In Edit mode, hyperlinks direct the user away from the page defect (bug) normal Editor
#57450 Accessibility: WCAG violation by using "Fullscreen mode" as default in post editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#57461 Core Embed and Video Block Style Class Removed in Editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#57470 Copy and pasting from a document into the title field is including hidden html tags defect (bug) normal Editor
#57509 button broken defect (bug) normal Site
#57515 Cannot change text color of table cell which has link added defect (bug) normal Editor
#57562 Twenty Twenty Three: Clarify purpose of Index template enhancement normal Editor
#57663 Editor in 6.2 Beta 1: Shortcode-block missing styles on options defect (bug) normal Editor
#57665 Next / Previous block Bold and Italic styling are not applying to default text. enhancement normal Editor
#57668 Query Loop Top Border Issue defect (bug) normal General
#57679 Div class block-editor-block-mover__move-button-container has a fixed width enhancement normal Editor
#57694 Site Editor: Navigation block items window modal goes out of screen when both the List View & Block Inspector sidebar are active or inactive. defect (bug) normal Editor
#57697 Wrong property name on style-engine.js defect (bug) normal Editor
#57703 Site Editor: The Options menu is displayed behind an active Block Inspector defect (bug) normal Editor
#57730 WP admin components popover position. defect (bug) normal Editor
#57747 View Bar Issue in Add New Post Page defect (bug) normal Editor
#57799 Browse all template link does not work in site editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#57800 Distraction free mode does not hide the Custom Fields panel defect (bug) normal Editor
#57805 Site Edit fails to load defect (bug) normal Editor
#57853 Upload of .vtt file refused defect (bug) normal Site
#57872 Bug when creating Template part in site editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#57881 Add Nextdoor logo to social logos and social icons block. enhancement normal General
#57883 block_core_comment_template_render_comments() fatal error defect (bug) normal Comments
#57915 Navigation links starting with /# don't close hamburger navigation menu on mobile defect (bug) normal Themes
#57917 Beta Editor slowdown on Safari when searching for new blocks to add defect (bug) normal Editor
#57936 Тwice written default value of the parameter $size of the get_the_post_thumbnail() function defect (bug) normal Post Thumbnails
#57942 DELETE key cannot be used for marging paragraphs, Backspace use wrong block type defect (bug) normal Editor
#57959 Twenty Twenty-One: Separator block having issue in background color defect (bug) normal Editor
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.