Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (401 - 500 of 52941)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2682 Paths should be relative for images and uploads ryanscheuermann defect (bug) high 2.8 Upload
#2690 Page depth bug reversion in [3407] defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#2692 Future Posts Show Empty Category davidhouse defect (bug) high General
#2699 Make option_name index unique ryan task (blessed) high 2.9 Optimization
#2709 Category query cleanups skeltoac defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#2715 Future Posting Functionality Broken ryan defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#2732 translation impossible defect (bug) high Administration
#2737 Future Post Stripped of Images ryan defect (bug) high 2.1 General
#2744 Typo in moderation.php defect (bug) high Administration
#2760 Comment Editing Generates AYS markjaquith defect (bug) high Administration
#2761 AYS Dialog adds slashes to quotes markjaquith defect (bug) high Administration
#2770 division by zero defect (bug) high General
#2790 Cron pass-by-reference error robmiller defect (bug) high 2.1 General
#2805 Preserve PNG transparency/alpha during thumbnail creation westi defect (bug) high 2.5 Administration
#2814 Another quick cron problem robmiller defect (bug) high 2.1 General
#2820 Problem with links after mysql server update at brinkster defect (bug) high General
#2826 Delete: OK/Cancel dialog doesn't cancel markjaquith defect (bug) high Administration
#2828 Ease MySQL4.1 character set configuration tenpura enhancement high General
#2837 language_dropdown doesn't exist defect (bug) high Administration
#2843 bad regex pattern in wp-includes/vars.php defect (bug) high Administration
#2889 duplicate content when submitting comments defect (bug) high General
#2920 Catagories in Pages defect (bug) high Template
#2924 cant publish the post with a specific word defect (bug) high Administration
#2931 User-Agent Used When Requesting /wp-admin/execute-pings.php?time= Should not be Blank defect (bug) high Security
#2941 wp_die doesn't work in wp-db defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#2953 XSS Vulnerability in the 'post_tilte' parameter in wp-admin/page-new.php while submitting thought the "Create New page" option westi defect (bug) high Administration
#2954 CVS for Collective Blog Posts enhancement high Administration
#2955 Navigation link showing wrong url defect (bug) high General
#2958 Editing a page converts page to post defect (bug) high Administration
#2963 WordPress importer issue - Doesn't import Links matt defect (bug) high Administration
#2968 WP lets two different users register with same user name defect (bug) high Administration
#2977 Username/Nickname with spaces cannot delete it's own posts or comments mdawaffe defect (bug) high Administration
#2987 +/- for bottom boxes on write page acts weird in FF andy defect (bug) high 2.0.6 Administration
#2990 Inline Upload Image Size Attribute Problem For "Using Original" defect (bug) high 2.0.7 Administration
#2992 HTML editor deletes rows (that have properties) from tables defect (bug) high 2.5 TinyMCE
#2994 Theme files cannot be edited when theme's directory has certain characters in it ryan defect (bug) high Administration
#2999 New Login Screen ryan enhancement high 2.1 Template
#3019 /feed/ with zero posts puts out 404 template (not XML) defect (bug) high General
#3026 New login page looks ugly with registration enabled Sewar defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#3055 ?feed=comments-rss2 Does not work in WP 2.1 markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.1 General
#3070 use of php's "strip_tags" gives improper/incomplete results defect (bug) high Administration
#3072 Autosave breaks when there are no categories selected defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#3090 Bug in index-install.php of wordpressmu-1.0-rc4 defect (bug) high Administration
#3118 Autop no longer working on posts defect (bug) high 2.1 Template
#3126 SQL Injection defect (bug) high Security
#3142 user_edit.php vulnerable: User can spy out metadata of other users defect (bug) high Administration
#3145 Thumbnail and original are swapped defect (bug) high Administration
#3155 Several "notice" messages in WP 2.1-alpha3 Nazgul enhancement high 2.5 General
#3165 wp-db-backup plugin's version number should be incremented task (blessed) high Administration
#3167 ActiveX "Click to activate this control" enhancement high General
#3170 Sites installed with 2.0 and newer do not have the post_status index. This slows WP sites. defect (bug) high General
#3243 Usermeta and postmeta functions assume data to be pre-escaped markjaquith enhancement high Administration
#3253 Give parnent of current page/category a CSS class markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.1 Template
#3265 Default permalinks don't meet ret-tag spec markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.2 Administration
#3267 PHP Error in template-functions-links.php markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.0.6 General
#3279 Theme doesn't load properly when theme directory name contains a '+' sign westi defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#3305 save new page and edit pages is broken defect (bug) high Administration
#3361 `wp_list_bookmarks()` Should Be Widget Friendly westi defect (bug) high 2.1 Template
#3384 get_the_category() is broken defect (bug) high 2.1 General
#3393 Akismet plugin missing from menus defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#3408 Additional category admin hooks to allow alternate category admin interface ryan enhancement high 2.1 Administration
#3418 Issues with importing/converting blogroll from 2.0.5 defect (bug) high General
#3430 wp_get_post_categories() to use $category_cache markjaquith enhancement high 2.1 Administration
#3436 Multi-line submenus broken once again markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#3437 Template Name: a extra space is required at the end of the name markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.1 Template
#3446 Blogroll showing post categories but not link categories westi defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#3455 Path to "cropper.js" is wrong (changeset #4629) defect (bug) high 2.1 General
#3461 wp_check_for_changed_slugs is in admin-functions.php, but may be called in other contexts defect (bug) high 2.1 General
#3475 Publish fails during auto-save Andy defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#3476 <object> elements should not be put on their own line by wpautop defect (bug) high General
#3483 Fresh Install of 2.1 Alpha has MySQL error defect (bug) high General
#3490 Blogger Importer needs renaming defect (bug) high 2.0.6 Administration
#3492 Visual Rich Editor wipes out various CSS class or style attributes defect (bug) high 2.5 TinyMCE
#3495 Pingback excerpt-fetching code looks for a link to the SOURCE site instead of the TARGET site. markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.1 XML-RPC
#3502 Auto save works only in UTF-8 defect (bug) high Administration
#3504 Post Meta Adding Slashes defect (bug) high Administration
#3514 IIS fix for get_pagenum_link markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.3 General
#3515 XSS through author's url in comments defect (bug) high 2.0.6 Security
#3516 XSS in plugins.php defect (bug) high Security
#3520 image uploader blue square mdawaffe defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#3528 HTTP 304 status not sent correctly on PHP 5.2, breaking conditional GET on feeds defect (bug) high 2.0.7 General
#3533 Admin pages created by Plugins get permissions errors defect (bug) high Administration
#3536 Page deletion from page-edit-form.php results in AYS prompt markjaquith defect (bug) high 2.0.7 Administration
#3540 Scroll bar partially hidden in Code editor andy defect (bug) high 2.3 Administration
#3551 TinyMCE button support for plugins enhancement high Administration
#3555 Some servers escape $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'], breaking 304 Etag matching markjaquith defect (bug) high General
#3557 Wordpress stripping TR formatting from tables and deleting the formatted content defect (bug) high Administration
#3562 Some cache adds should be sets defect (bug) high 2.1 General
#3565 Future Posting Bug (2.1 REV 4722) defect (bug) high Administration
#3572 IIS RTE not loading in 2.1 andy defect (bug) high 2.2 Administration
#3575 Post Page Has Two Instances of <head> defect (bug) high Administration
#3577 gettext.php breaks on poedit plural po files ryan defect (bug) high 2.1 General
#3582 Well-formedness: </p> missing from link-import.php defect (bug) high 2.0.8 General
#3583 Well-formedness: </td> missing from link-categories.php defect (bug) high Administration
#3587 Missing close-quote and semi-colon in version.php defect (bug) high 2.1 General
#3589 admin username could be translated defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#3595 Links and link categories not filtered by get_links_list rob1n enhancement high 2.3 General
#3596 Manage>Uploads Single Image View's wide image Input boxes are Too Small mdawaffe defect (bug) high Administration
#3611 Lack of WPLANG in config causes blog to claim it's language is en-US defect (bug) high 2.1 Administration
#3614 Scaling issue with hundreds of pages defect (bug) high 2.5 Optimization
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