Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (301 - 400 of 747)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#52015 Provide an ID for the author selector on the Block Editor enhancement normal Editor
#52031 Error when clicking Convert to regular blocks defect (bug) normal Editor
#52053 Keyboard Shortcut Not working in code editor make fullscreen mode defect (bug) normal Editor
#52074 RSS Importer: Fatal error, call to undefined function `set_magic_quotes_runtime()` defect (bug) normal Import
#52077 Kindle embed loses captions on edit defect (bug) normal Embeds
#52095 Replace Media Button on Image Block is misaligned defect (bug) normal Editor
#52102 Issue of import from JSON in Reusable Blocks defect (bug) normal Import
#52103 Impossible to remove a link on Gutenberg defect (bug) normal Editor
#52105 After moving anchor links they are broken defect (bug) normal Editor
#52109 5.6 causes custom blocks to disappear defect (bug) normal General
#52115 Correct link for the WordPress 5.6 on Supported Version Chart defect (bug) normal General
#52168 Classic block drag adds code defect (bug) normal Editor
#52204 Block pattern without categories make editor crash defect (bug) normal Editor
#52242 No "view" link after updating a post defect (bug) normal Editor
#52255 Tables with the "Fixed width table cells setting" is on are getting squeezed on mobile defect (bug) normal Editor
#52260 block button contained within cover - font colors defect (bug) normal Editor
#52288 Separate Color Palette for Text sarahricker enhancement normal Editor
#52395 Most Used Blocks not working properly defect (bug) normal Editor
#52488 Gutenberg deletes all Tags when they are too many defect (bug) normal Editor
#52491 Guttenberg Tips Pop-Up nuisance. feature request normal Editor
#52492 Editor should not default to Full Screen mode feature request normal Editor
#52498 "Norsk nynorsk" language leads to double spaces in all content output defect (bug) normal I18N
#52532 Accessibility improvement request: The add block (plus mark) is missing at the top of the first block and the line isn't clickable so we have to mouse over a tiny 24 pixel square. feature request normal Editor
#52576 Message to please install Flashplayer can be retired now defect (bug) normal Script Loader
#52619 Custom spacing controls not appearing noisysocks defect (bug) normal Editor
#52661 Update styles for sidebar metaboxes in Gutenberg enhancement normal Editor
#52664 Sort order of datetime picker's date items defect (bug) normal Editor
#52687 Unable to edit blocks once they've been inserted while using screen reader alexstine defect (bug) normal Editor
#52703 Plugin rating showing 4 while all reviews are 5 stars. defect (bug) normal Plugins
#52706 The top add block option is missing. No plus mark. defect (bug) normal Editor
#52763 Relative CSS units used in front-end, absolute in block editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#52767 Reusable Blocks and Scheduling defect (bug) normal General
#52803 Initial condition of alignment drop-down is incorrect. defect (bug) normal Editor
#52809 Horizontal scrollbar problem in block editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#52831 Workflow of Reusable Blocks for the future enhancement normal Editor
#52902 Cannot remove logo in Theme Customizer once it's been added defect (bug) normal Customize
#52937 table colspan and rowspan defect (bug) normal Editor
#52947 Docs: json_decode PHP function is inadvertently pulled up in DevHub documentation defect (bug) normal General
#52952 Uncaught (in promise) Error defect (bug) normal Editor
#52957 Categories dropdown overlapping on admin block-patterns area defect (bug) normal Editor
#52994 Three issues that popped up with the latest WordPress update defect (bug) normal Editor
#53003 WPBlock : Can not be a Resolved to be a Type defect (bug) normal General
#53058 Move to trash link feature request normal Editor
#53155 anchor link after copying adds admin url defect (bug) normal Editor
#53194 Custom Post Meta fields have different markup defect (bug) normal Editor
#53203 UI issue on Mobile devices. defect (bug) normal General
#53211 Changes to a reusable block are not reflected when using the post preview functionality defect (bug) normal Editor
#53237 5.8-alpha-50935 breaks with Gutenberg enabled defect (bug) normal Editor
#53268 Twenty Twenty: WooCommerce Styles on Product Page are Inconsistent defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#53366 The default font-size of the paragraph in Media Text blocks should not be large. defect (bug) normal Editor
#53382 media and text article title option is not compatible with WordPress 5.8 beta 1 defect (bug) normal Editor
#53460 There are no blocks in the block inserter, when you press the Add Block button in the widget area on the Widgets screen. kevin940726 defect (bug) normal Widgets
#53462 5.8 Beta 2 New Query Block image sizes feature request normal Editor
#53468 Widget Gutenberg per Widget enhancement normal Widgets
#53496 Configuration switch to enable (bring back) direct external preview under main "Preview" button feature request normal Editor
#53527 Update readme documentation to better reflect code usage, and clarify a discrepancy with the Readme validator enhancement normal Plugins
#53571 Block inserter switches itself to paragraph block, when the user modifies any block settings before inserting the block. defect (bug) normal Editor
#53585 Block Widgets -- no Title heading fields? defect (bug) normal Widgets
#53624 Gutenberg "Add block" preview loads empty for the first time in Firefox defect (bug) normal Editor
#53666 Plugin search and special characters defect (bug) normal Plugins
#53704 Query Loop Block doesn’t see tags defect (bug) normal Editor
#53745 Have to click twice to type in fields defect (bug) normal General
#53749 Double copying defect (bug) normal Editor
#53778 Widgets changing Custom HTML defect (bug) normal Widgets
#53801 Block-based Widgets Screen does action wp_footer after each Widget defect (bug) normal 5.9 Widgets
#53853 Twenty Sixteen Changelog defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#53883 Custom Fields Toggle cannot be turned off defect (bug) normal 5.9 Editor
#53954 Non numeric value in focal point picker breaks cover block defect (bug) normal Editor
#53956 base_blog_url gets overridden when using the regex parser defect (bug) normal Import
#53957 Create a POST API endpoint for rendering legacy widgets defect (bug) normal Widgets
#53961 InvalidArgumentException with wp_remote_post function defect (bug) normal External Libraries
#54001 "Read about permalinks" not i18nized defect (bug) normal Editor
#54013 wp_restore_group_inner_container() causes duplicate inner container on content that already has an inner container defect (bug) normal General
#54023 Enhancing Code Editor in WordPress Editor (Gutenberg) enhancement normal Editor
#54057 Twenty Nineteen: Editor title alignment broken by Gutenberg plugin v11.4.0 updates defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#54061 Dragging multiple blocks inside columns block gives error defect (bug) normal Editor
#54062 Blocks defect (bug) normal Editor
#54075 Disabling legacy widget previews in the block editor enhancement normal Widgets
#54076 Twenty Twenty: image not centered defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#54101 broken link of license in "about wordpress" section defect (bug) normal I18N
#54105 Legacy widget: reorder the widgets alphabetically enhancement normal Widgets
#54108 Dismiss Full Screen Editor Forever enhancement normal Editor
#54167 Block patterns: Allow for larger previews of patterns, ability to copy patterns, and see favorites/most used feature request normal Editor
#54228 In upgrading PHP recommends plugin that can cause issues (stuck plugin) defect (bug) normal Site
#54251 Twenty Twenty: Vertical buttons spacing on frontend dependent on margins defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#54263 Need to add Spacing in video block poster image label and select, replace button defect (bug) normal Editor
#54306 Code discrepancy with link rel attribute noreferrer value in WP Core defect (bug) normal Editor
#54350 Block editor welcome screen always appearing defect (bug) normal Editor
#54386 SSR blocks with enum attribute thows notice defect (bug) normal REST API
#54396 Covers don't allow adding alt text defect (bug) normal Editor
#54444 Incorrect textdomain in Calendar block defect (bug) normal I18N
#54446 Remove reference to Gutenberg from option name defect (bug) normal 5.9 Editor
#54467 Twenty Twenty Two: Add missing theme text domains defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#54507 Site Editor does not load when using "almost pretty" permalinks defect (bug) normal REST API
#54527 missing self-URL check in RSS block defect (bug) normal Editor
#54542 Update link in grey section box in themes directory enhancement normal Site
#54547 Fatal error when updating to 5.9 Beta 1 using WP-CLI on LocalWP defect (bug) normal Upgrade/Install
#54573 Reserved color slugs in theme.json? defect (bug) normal Editor
#54588 cURL incompatibility with Kaspersky (kesl) defect (bug) normal General
#54590 Bug in footer of full site editing WP 5.9 Beta 1 defect (bug) normal Editor
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.