Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (201 - 300 of 747)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#49138 Media Text Block CSS is-image-fill applied to all children defect (bug) normal Editor
#49143 Deprecated constructor warning in Blogger Importer defect (bug) normal Import
#49212 960px'ish width screen collapses admin menu but not Gutenberg defect (bug) normal Editor
#49234 Editor / Categories metabox: form fields issue on small screens audrasjb defect (bug) normal Editor
#49341 Justify curl (and other) exceptions when submit plugin feature request normal Site
#49342 Auto QA plugins - no QA time wasted on our tiny issues during dev defect (bug) normal Site
#49405 CSS overflow issue on editor post sidebar defect (bug) normal Editor
#49441 Problem with custom taxonomy defect (bug) normal Editor
#49459 Allow Ctrl+Y redo in post editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#49516 IE11 Undefined reference when creating empty block in page aduth defect (bug) normal Editor
#49517 Regression: the block editor toolbar visual order and DOM order mismatch defect (bug) normal 5.4 Editor
#49519 Regression: IE11 block editor error when deleting a block using the keyboard defect (bug) normal 5.4 Editor
#49531 Bug in new gradient bar for add new step defect (bug) normal Editor
#49629 WordPress 5.4 RC2 - Top plus block missing and icons covering content. Mouse over space not working properly either. defect (bug) normal Editor
#49651 Featured image is missing 'Alt Attribute' value on the edit window defect (bug) normal Editor
#49745 Video player controls disappear after closing fullscreen (WPTV) defect (bug) normal Site
#49752 The reset button in text setting is broken for Spanish, Portuguese, Deutsch... defect (bug) normal Editor
#49795 Content loss when switching between code and visual editor with the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M) defect (bug) normal Editor
#49844 Confirmation prompt for first 'Publish' in the block editor is not prominent enough enhancement normal Editor
#49862 Spacer block min size defect (bug) normal Editor
#49882 Enhancement in gallery block enhancement normal Editor
#49883 enhancement in "recent post block" enhancement normal Editor
#49886 Introduce a timeline block feature request normal Editor
#49890 Media/Text Block: Cropped Linked Image Background Display Issue defect (bug) normal Editor
#49897 Vertical alignment for text in tables feature request normal Editor
#49983 [SUGGESTION] Add sorting by tag in "The last posts" Gutenberg block feature request normal Editor
#50000 Alot of tickets are now JavaScript related alot defect (bug) normal General
#50005 Welcome Message Pop-up on Firefox defect (bug) normal Editor
#50014 is a simple "lightbox" style for the image block a good idea? enhancement normal Editor
#50056 Unselectable registered block style in list block sub-item defect (bug) normal Editor
#50057 "No block selected" when trying to edit reusable block inline defect (bug) normal Editor
#50071 Row span and Col span feature to table block feature request normal Editor
#50081 orderby datetime field defect (bug) normal Query
#50101 Server side Gutenberg block add example cache defect (bug) normal Editor
#50102 Little design issue defect (bug) normal Site
#50142 Getting console error while uploading media file in Gutenberg Editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#50230 CSS Validator error in wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css defect (bug) normal Editor
#50242 update jQuery version string in file to confirm not stock 1.12.4? defect (bug) normal External Libraries
#50276 PHP Coding Standards - Yoda Conditionals - Absolute Phrasing enhancement normal General
#50299 Focus lost on every key press in Block class(es) area defect (bug) normal Editor
#50327 Anchor popup floating away when you press CMD+B defect (bug) normal Editor
#50336 Reusable blocks that are in draft don't have the 'put in trash' feature defect (bug) normal Editor
#50364 Facebook video embeds broken defect (bug) normal Embeds
#50399 Gutenberg Editor Direction when Site language is Arabic and the Profile Language is English defect (bug) normal Editor
#50424 Privacy Page navigation link enhancement normal Editor
#50497 can give review in Products without star rating (0 star) defect (bug) normal Site
#50524 Incorrect city name defect (bug) normal Date/Time
#50528 The documentation of WP_Comment_Query is incorrect defect (bug) normal Comments
#50608 5.5 beta - Search block on front end is just a box noisysocks defect (bug) normal Editor
#50611 Improve Server Performance - globally defect (bug) normal Site
#50632 Open/Close button "More tools & options" defect (bug) normal Editor
#50652 Editing a link removes the existing CSS classes defect (bug) normal Editor
#50689 Visibility of RGBA values on gradient defect (bug) normal Editor
#50690 Gallery block CSS could be more efficient enhancement normal Editor
#50693 RTL issue in block editor breadcrumbs defect (bug) normal Editor
#50725 Browse All Blocks sidebar missing close feature enhancement normal Editor
#50739 i18n: Merge similar translation strings in rss block whyisjake defect (bug) normal I18N
#50782 String should use singular/plural defect (bug) normal I18N
#50783 Strings should use singular/plural defect (bug) normal I18N
#50796 Call to a member function add_node() on string enhancement normal Toolbar
#50804 New post Social icons don't fit on mobile width defect (bug) normal Editor
#50806 New post Social icons don't fit on mobile defect (bug) normal Editor
#50819 Editor mobile & tablet preview is collapsed if metaboxes are present defect (bug) normal Editor
#50839 WooCommerce Product type option Gone defect (bug) normal Administration
#50966 Gallery UI is not clear when wanting to add additional media audrasjb feature request normal Editor
#50997 Block Editor showing blank in WordPress 5.5 defect (bug) normal Editor
#51010 Full Screen Editor Lacks Published URL link feature request normal Editor
#51026 page/post preview requires multiple clicks enhancement normal Editor
#51066 missing 'balanced-match' dependency in block editor install package for windows defect (bug) normal Build/Test Tools
#51076 "Preview" button requires two clicks feature request normal Editor
#51078 Strange behavior with columns block defect (bug) normal Editor
#51089 Classic Editor Shortcut Support in Block Editor to switch b/w <p> & headings enhancement normal Editor
#51120 Share Icon SVG in social-link block missing 'width' and 'height' attributes defect (bug) normal Editor
#51160 Block navigation needs to highlight child element instead of the highest parent block enhancement normal Editor
#51185 Undo function in Classic block resets to last save point defect (bug) normal Editor
#51187 Feature Request: Block Editor shortcuts feature request normal Editor
#51232 Spacer Block: Height in pixels auto-complete is disruptive defect (bug) normal Editor
#51250 Need add "open in new tab" feature in social share in Gutenberg feature request normal Editor
#51272 Inability to easily opt-out of the "welcome to the new block editor" recurring pop-up when creating new pages or posts defect (bug) normal Editor
#51314 Pasting into the title field from a spreadsheet cell causes new table block to be created defect (bug) normal Editor
#51382 Multisite: Add missing options to the list of languages defect (bug) normal I18N
#51535 Add Reusable blocks tab on Blocks panel when are posts with post_type wp_block in the trash enhancement normal Editor
#51536 Forbid to embed reusable block into the block itself and switch of the Reusable block tab for post_type=wp_block defect (bug) normal Editor
#51554 Twenty Twenty theme styles get in way within editor defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#51561 Hebrew is unrecognize in slag defect (bug) normal Editor
#51577 DOMException: Failed to set the 'selectionStart' property on 'HTMLInputElement' defect (bug) normal Editor
#51601 I can't move a button block into a column defect (bug) normal Editor
#51639 Date/Time editor closes after a single click defect (bug) normal Editor
#51694 Add a hook to change the parameters of the Gutenberg Latest Posts block feature request normal Editor
#51697 [PHP8] Uncaught TypeError: array_flip(): defect (bug) normal 5.6 Administration
#51753 Block editor: hide Custom Fields from Options screen (when custom fields are not supported) defect (bug) normal Editor
#51771 Application Passwords Plugin misses 'rest_add_application_passwords_to_index' defect (bug) normal Login and Registration
#51835 I18N - Is there an alternative word for "Drawer" in the core transaltion strings enhancement normal I18N
#51897 add usemap attribute to images in gutenberg enhancement normal Editor
#51914 Twenty Twenty-One: Difficult to use typography settings defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#51936 Gutenberg Editor - Components Popover defect (bug) normal Editor
#51979 WordPress 5.6.1-alpha-49778 update defect (bug) normal Upgrade/Install
#51983 Inline Image width z-index issue with the media library defect (bug) normal Editor
#51998 After updating to 5.6, all HTML blocks have no styling defect (bug) normal Editor
#52000 Columns number reset to 3 in gallery settings defect (bug) normal Editor
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.