Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (101 - 200 of 747)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#46201 REST API limit number of embedded terms defect (bug) normal REST API
#46274 Description for Gutenberg button to include the word "link" sami.keijonen feature request normal Editor
#46337 Tab order for Date defect (bug) normal Editor
#46341 Formating Block Elements in Gutenberg enhancement normal Editor
#46370 Fonts API: a proposal for creating an API to register and enqueue web fonts hellofromTonya feature request normal General
#46380 Parent Pages not Working in Latest Gutenberg Update defect (bug) normal Editor
#46383 All Media Items Filtering Missing defect (bug) normal Media
#46413 Page Attributes: Parent Page Drop Down menu not populating correct page listings defect (bug) normal Editor
#46430 Gutenberg Handbook is missing codeispoetry.png defect (bug) normal General
#46435 Injected editor-styles invalidate :root declarations thus breaking custom properties defect (bug) normal Editor
#46506 Internet Explorer not showing Media & Text Blocks Correctly defect (bug) normal General
#46535 Proposing new dashicons feature request normal General
#46552 Page Preview not working defect (bug) normal Editor
#46572 posts editor breaks defect (bug) normal Editor
#46788 layout differences between Firefox and IE11 defect (bug) normal General
#46817 Add option for "start" attribute in numeric list enhancement normal Editor
#46827 Wrong Toolbar in Cover defect (bug) normal Editor
#46861 Block Editor: Classic block missing content in Preview SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal Editor
#46906 When 'fr' is in the additional CSS area, WordPress shows error. defect (bug) normal Customize
#46974 Add preloading of autosaves for block editor talldanwp enhancement normal Editor
#47000 Monaco font on the handbook on Chromium doesn't show underscores at 100% size defect (bug) normal Site
#47028 TinyMCE is failing WAVE accessibility plugin validation enhancement normal TinyMCE
#47202 Gutenberg doesn't honor the wp_targeted_link_rel Filter defect (bug) normal Editor
#47213 Blocks are disappearing when clicking on right side column/ left side column defect (bug) normal Editor
#47291 (Featured Image metabox) Author can't choose others images defect (bug) normal Media
#47328 Apostrophe use in WordPress posts and pages with escaping issues defect (bug) normal Editor
#47335 Permalink is not well converted with German characters with Block Editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#47348 The separator is almost impossible to select at times defect (bug) normal Editor
#47361 Upgrade 5.2.1 issue with VVV setup defect (bug) normal Upgrade/Install
#47371 "File" Block: We are getting error message in the backend upon replacing the link to view the file with another text link. defect (bug) normal Editor
#47372 Gutenberg block column with "alignright" not working as expected defect (bug) normal Editor
#47374 Avoid adding a space character at the end of a translatable string defect (bug) normal Editor
#47382 Embed Twitter and Web sites automatically in Preformatted Blocks defect (bug) normal Editor
#47432 Issues with Gutenberg and Grammarly. defect (bug) normal Editor
#47474 Media & text Reusable blocks preview should be display proper defect (bug) normal Editor
#47501 Security docs in Plugins hanbook for developing in block editor context enhancement normal Site
#47504 Need to reduce the header height on hovering over the Heading block defect (bug) normal Editor
#47525 Extra spaces added when pasting large chunks of text into blocks defect (bug) normal Editor
#47548 `transition_post_status` hook is triggered twice when a post is scheduled in the block editor defect (bug) normal Posts, Post Types
#47576 Duplicate Custom Fields are created in new post defect (bug) normal Editor
#47596 Pre-publish panels is not visible for contributors defect (bug) normal Editor
#47597 Feature request to Video Block. Allow to specify alternative video formats when uploading media elements. defect (bug) normal Editor
#47598 Malformed string in code example defect (bug) normal Site
#47613 Translation of images on the pages of plugins feature request normal I18N
#47628 French translation - Incorrect text on the link to go see the post just published defect (bug) normal Editor
#47641 Missing documentation for Rest Api search endpoint defect (bug) normal REST API
#47691 Translator comments aren't picked up when started on second line of comment block defect (bug) normal I18N
#47705 Gutenberg: Copy/Paste does not copy internal links href="#ID" as-is but replaces them with links to admin-side defect (bug) normal Editor
#47741 Empty Paragraph created under a block defect (bug) normal Editor
#47753 Issue with add comment manually in any post from back-end. defect (bug) normal Editor
#47791 error: update button stops working editing page defect (bug) normal Editor
#47808 WP Media Gallery incorrecy showing "alt text" defect (bug) normal Media
#47809 Can't send notification message to just people that attended WordCamp defect (bug) normal Site
#47881 CSS Validator error in wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css defect (bug) normal Editor
#47892 Changes lost when switching from code editor to visual editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#47917 block editor confirmation message is not translated defect (bug) normal Editor
#47933 Gutenberg incorrect paste of list text into list block defect (bug) normal Editor
#47949 Copy and paste block results in extra classic block defect (bug) normal Editor
#47979 Edit table dropdown disable defect (bug) normal Editor
#47991 Update doc for Requests -> Session Handler defect (bug) normal External Libraries
#47996 Most used tags in WordPress 5.0+ defect (bug) normal Editor
#48018 Chrome 77 breaking WordPress editor defect (bug) normal Editor
#48034 Video embeds fail if embed block is converted to a reusable block. defect (bug) normal Embeds
#48064 Bugs with Gutenberg defect (bug) normal Editor
#48132 Unsaved changes prompt triggered by "content_save_pre" filter defect (bug) normal Editor
#48136 Please show the full URL address at the top of the editor. feature request normal Editor
#48139 Please keep our "MOST USED" icons for the "Add A Block" feature for each editor. feature request normal Editor
#48150 Twenty Twenty: Dropdown category widget exceeds parent div williampatton defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#48211 Minor Gutenberg/editor bug defect (bug) normal Editor
#48238 add indication of sources for citations as translator comments enhancement normal I18N
#48274 WordPress beta 5.3 - Meta Checkbox - SVG Blue color defect (bug) normal Editor
#48276 Hide the snackbar action components link on focus defect (bug) normal Editor
#48318 External library link for The Incutio XML-RPC Library leads to 404 page defect (bug) normal Help/About
#48320 WP 5.3 RC1 - Getting error message when saving post/page when the Gutenberg plugin is activated. defect (bug) normal Editor
#48342 Twenty Twenty ::selection color invisible with dark backgrounds defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#48349 Requests::request_multiple() should have the option documentation in phpDoc defect (bug) normal HTTP API
#48388 Overlapping controls in customizing Width of Inline image defect (bug) normal Editor
#48418 Style issue Gutenberg Image block defect (bug) normal Editor
#48448 Audio in Twenty Sixteen are lacking bottom margin defect (bug) normal Editor
#48449 Parameters differ between instances of widget_comments_args filter defect (bug) normal Comments
#48538 Making tags easier to use by adding a multi select drop down enhancement normal Editor
#48547 My tickets page on mobile should be improved defect (bug) normal Site
#48581 Core contributor list enhancement normal Site
#48615 parameter types for both parameters of set_image_handler use invalid phpdoc keywords defect (bug) normal External Libraries
#48631 gutenberg block fullwidth additional option 'inherit inner width' enhancement normal Editor
#48669 Minor issue with CSS of "Get WordPress" button enhancement normal Site
#48750 Button Block default style not updated in Gutenberg defect (bug) normal Editor
#48797 Add "image from this post" feature not available in Gutenberg feature request normal Editor
#48808 Wrong URL for "Learn more about manual excerpts" enhancement normal Editor
#48813 WP 5.3 can't longer use editPost to change content defect (bug) normal Editor
#48828 wp rest api renders loads and executes content for all pages when gutenberg retrieves a list of pages for the page parent select defect (bug) normal Editor
#48904 Heads up: Facebook oEmbeds not working but only with curl 7.67.0 defect (bug) normal Embeds
#48911 LTR, RTL direction functionality to the heading blocks. feature request normal Editor
#48926 Block "Latest Posts" strings missing i18n. defect (bug) normal I18N
#48959 Add a way for third parties to perform additional save validation defect (bug) normal Editor
#48968 hoverintent-js.min.js conflicted amp audrasjb defect (bug) normal Toolbar
#48997 Edit post design issue defect (bug) normal Editor
#49066 Twenty Twenty: Font characters rendered as symbols defect (bug) normal Bundled Theme
#49092 Visibility Status defect (bug) normal Editor
#49114 Pagination on the plugins search page breaks for the tag 'rss' defect (bug) normal Site
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.