Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (31)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#30180 wp_get_attachment_image_src does not return alt or meta assigned enhancement normal Future Release Media
#39630 PDF Thumbnails in Media Library Don't Fall Back to Full Size assigned defect (bug) normal 6.7 Media
#39968 Media Library: deleting all items on the last page loses the pagination/navigation buttons and shows message reopened defect (bug) normal Future Release Media
#41977 media_handle_upload() un required second parameter assigned enhancement normal Future Release Media
#44641 Customizing Button Text in Custom Media Manager Frame Doesn't Work Anymore assigned defect (bug) normal Future Release Media
#45886 Media modal .edit-attachment link opens in new tab rather than in modal assigned defect (bug) normal Future Release Media
#46241 Bug Report: Creating Multiple Gallerys with Gutenberg and Latest WordPress accepted defect (bug) normal Future Release Gallery
#46554 Uploaded images goes to wrong folder/date structure assigned enhancement normal Future Release Media
#47545 Getting undefined after click on featured image preview assigned defect (bug) normal Future Release Media
#50061 Image_meta original_image as valid image_size accepted enhancement normal Future Release Media
#50866 Media Uploader Blows Up File Sizes assigned defect (bug) normal Future Release Media
#53787 Allow changing number of attachments displayed assigned enhancement normal Future Release Media
#54091 Attachment details pane navigation not working after opening 81st (or greater) item and refreshing the browser assigned defect (bug) normal 6.7 Media
#55036 Sharpen thumbnails with Imagick adaptiveSharpenImage() assigned enhancement normal Future Release Media
#55840 Internationalization support for sizes added by 'edit_custom_thumbnail_sizes' filter assigned enhancement normal Future Release Media
#56344 Filters for Sharpening Images assigned feature request normal Future Release Media
#58051 Attachment custom fields not rendered after upload assigned defect (bug) normal 6.7 Media
#58137 WP creates unnecessary "cropped-"[filename] icon file assigned defect (bug) normal Future Release Media
#58611 wp_get_missing_image_subsizes can return incorrect subsizes for a rotated image assigned defect (bug) normal Future Release Media
#59521 Issue with update_post_thumbnail_cache if using get_posts accepted defect (bug) normal 6.7 Media
#59684 'filesize' metadata not updated after resizing media assigned defect (bug) normal 6.7 Media
#59742 Media library should display the number of pages/posts/urls a particular media file is being used in. assigned enhancement normal 6.7 Media
#60082 "Copied" tooltip should be hidden when another attachment URL is copied (in list mode) assigned defect (bug) normal 6.7 Media
#60250 Feature Req – Media Library Grid-List assigned feature request normal 6.7 Media
#60369 Shortcut for Select Button in Media Library assigned enhancement normal 6.7 Media
#60569 Generate UUID for media slugs if attachment pages are inactive. assigned enhancement normal 6.7 Media
#60632 The focus outline of the "Upload files" button is cut off assigned defect (bug) normal 6.7 Media
#60798 Investigate potentially failing Imagick PDF alpha channel test reopened defect (bug) normal 6.7 Media
#61057 Media Library not showing new uploads when filtering by date assigned defect (bug) normal 6.7 Media
#61133 Update `get_attachment_link()` to return image URL when attachment pages are turned off. reviewing defect (bug) normal 6.7 Media
#61383 Add new filter to attachment_url_to_postid() for short circuit assigned enhancement normal 6.7 Media
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