Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (21)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#26504 Semantic elements for non-link links semantic-buttons a11y-task needs-patch joedolson task (blessed) accepted normal
#31476 Semantic elements for non-link links: /wp-admin/includes/widgets.php semantic-buttons has-patch has-screenshots afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#31487 Semantic elements for non-link links: /wp-admin/customize.php has-patch semantic-buttons afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#32213 Semantic elements for non-link links: Quick Edit and Bulk Edit has-patch commit semantic-buttons afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#32236 Semantic elements for non-link links: media views buttons has-patch semantic-buttons wonderboymusic defect (bug) closed normal
#32494 Semantic elements for non-link links: Help and Screen Options has-patch commit semantic-buttons afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#35126 Improvements for the new .button-link CSS class semantic-buttons has-patch Cheffheid enhancement closed normal
#36555 Semantic elements for non-link links: /wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php has-patch commit semantic-buttons joedolson defect (bug) closed normal
#36627 Theme preview/details: change non-links to buttons and remove disabled buttons from tabindex has-patch semantic-buttons afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#38671 Semantic elements for non-link links: async-upload.php semantic-buttons has-patch has-screenshots afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#38674 Semantic elements for non-link links: update-core.php (show/hide hidden updates) semantic-buttons has-patch has-screenshots commit afercia enhancement closed normal
#38676 Semantic elements for non-link links: class-wp-comments-list-table.php semantic-buttons has-patch enhancement closed normal
#38677 Semantic elements for non-link links: class-wp-posts-list-table.php semantic-buttons has-patch afercia enhancement closed normal
#39305 Media: make the inline uploader button a real button has-screenshots has-patch semantic-buttons afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#40448 Semantic elements for non-link links: edit-form-advanced.php semantic-buttons has-patch has-screenshots commit afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#40453 Semantic elements for non-link links: class-bulk-upgrader-skin.php has-patch semantic-buttons has-screenshots commit Cheffheid enhancement closed normal
#40747 Semantic elements for non-link links: theme-install.php semantic-buttons has-patch enhancement closed normal
#43376 Semantic elements for non-link links: class-wp-comments-list-table.php semantic-buttons has-patch defect (bug) closed normal
#43382 Terms list table: the Quick Edit link should be a button semantic-buttons has-patch afercia enhancement closed normal
#43412 Comments: row action links and forms accessibility improvements semantic-buttons has-screenshots has-patch afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#47149 Tab structure does not use tab semantics needs-post-mortem wpcampus-report has-screenshots semantic-buttons has-patch i18n-change afercia defect (bug) closed normal
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