Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (11)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#16206 Comment text not marked as required has-patch has-screenshots required-fields has-dev-note joedolson defect (bug) closed normal
#32510 Add HTML5 "required" attributes to the login form has-patch required-fields needs-dev-note joedolson enhancement closed normal
#37331 New site form has non-required fields that have to be filled in required-fields has-patch rianrietveld defect (bug) closed normal
#38460 New user form on network site has non-required fields that have to be filled in required-fields has-patch audrasjb defect (bug) closed normal
#38606 Accessibility: required fields in login/register/password-reset forms required-fields has-patch defect (bug) closed normal
#39045 W3C Validator warning: Attribute aria-required is unnecessary for elements that have attribute required. required-fields good-first-bug has-patch fixed-major lakenh defect (bug) closed normal
#54344 Required inputs on multisite site registration page lack required attribute required-fields has-patch add-to-field-guide joedolson defect (bug) closed normal
#54392 Core themes need to display required text field information required-fields has-patch has-dev-note joedolson defect (bug) closed normal
#54438 "Required fields are marked" shows up without required fields being present required-fields needs-patch enhancement new normal
#55717 aria-hidden="true" attribute in comment template for visible text (required fields) has-patch required-fields has-testing-info has-dev-note audrasjb defect (bug) closed normal
#60062 Add required attribute to username and password field in wp_login_form function. required-fields has-patch has-testing-info commit needs-dev-note audrasjb defect (bug) closed normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.