Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (1001 - 1100 of 1533)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#47657 Menu: In wp_link_pages() function add new args to wrap a tag new needs-patch dev-feedback feature request normal
#47682 The links "hover" color has insufficient color contrast accepted wpcampus-report color-contrast has-screenshots needs-patch a11y-task joedolson task (blessed) normal
#47880 Extend unit tests for Site Health component. new needs-unit-tests needs-patch task (blessed) normal
#47890 Indentation within Post Publish (Classic Editor) and Comment Save Metaboxes: new has-screenshots needs-patch enhancement normal
#47900 Error on update MCE Views in gutenberg block "Classic Editor" new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#47925 Twenty Nineteen: Size of style.css seems excessively large (225% as large as the next largest theme's CSS) new needs-patch enhancement normal
#47990 Opening/Closing the 'Add Items' slideout in the Customizer Menu editor loses the check icon new has-screenshots needs-patch enhancement normal
#48048 Parent pages are not visible in the Page Attributes metabox new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48111 Update usage of `multi_resize` to utilize new `wp_create_image_subsizes()` function assigned needs-patch kirasong defect (bug) normal
#48256 WP remove first <p> in <td> new needs-patch needs-unit-tests defect (bug) normal
#48257 REST API: post-process endpoint cannot be discovered from media creation endpoint new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48311 Page removal in wp clean install "The response is not a valid JSON response" new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48345 Add Caps lock message to login screen new needs-patch needs-design feature request normal
#48361 Select Files on iOS doesn't trigger on modal if start on Upload Files tab and switch to Media Library tab assigned needs-patch needs-testing adamsilverstein defect (bug) normal
#48365 No 301 redirection for Numeric style permalink structure new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48375 Introduce a separate capability for trashing a post new granular-capabilities needs-patch enhancement normal
#48393 Fix from #38903 prevents options autoload parameter update accepted 2nd-opinion needs-patch SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#48456 Update CodeMirror to latest version new needs-patch early enhancement normal
#48478 Allow omitting meta keys from the REST API response if they do not exist new needs-patch enhancement normal
#48485 Custom image size not generated if identical to original size accepted needs-screenshots has-testing-info needs-patch joedolson enhancement normal
#48488 Easier disabling of PDF thumbnail creation new needs-patch 2nd-opinion feature request normal
#48519 Comment reply form in admin incompatible with most custom fields plugins new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48622 `editable_slug` filter does not pass the correct value new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48656 Views details blocked by SAMEORIGIN new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48684 Twenty Twenty: Issue with primary color in the block editor new has-screenshots needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48710 PDF uploads are treated like images: empty alt attribute and PHP notices accepted needs-patch 2nd-opinion joedolson defect (bug) normal
#48718 Twenty Twenty: Block Left/Right Align Display Issues assigned needs-patch has-screenshots defect (bug) normal
#48730 Twenty Twenty: Wide and Full Width blocks top and bottoms margins don't respect original design causing layout issues new dev-feedback needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48740 Add constant for database date format new needs-patch dev-feedback enhancement normal
#48793 Issue in selecting option from auto-suggest drop-down using plugin editor. new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48802 Twenty Twenty: Fixed Background Image on Cover template bugs on iPad new has-screenshots needs-patch needs-testing defect (bug) normal
#48837 Twenty Twenty: Wrong cover height in Chrome mobile new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48915 Gutenberg Paragraph Block, Drop Cap missing sanitize rule for initial hard return line <br> new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48935 Need to Remove strtotime() usage from core new needs-unit-tests needs-patch enhancement normal
#48936 Remove mysql2date() usage from core new needs-patch needs-unit-tests enhancement normal
#48955 WP 5.3.1 changes cause potential backwards compatibility breakage with kses new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#48974 -1 being added to image uploads since version 5.3.1 reopened needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49014 Silence set_time_limit() call in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php reopened needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49044 Links in the text widget now require quotes reviewing needs-patch audrasjb defect (bug) normal
#49171 Trying to get property 'post_type' of non-object in wp-includes/link-template.php on line 682 new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49203 Requests::request_multiple() does not honor $auth option new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49330 REST API: introduce block-editor context new needs-patch enhancement normal
#49345 User with admin privileges cannot edit some pages/posts new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49355 "Publishing failed. Error message: Could not update post in the database" caused by encoding new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49356 Add hook into get_user_locale() new needs-patch dev-feedback enhancement normal
#49369 redirect_canonical() should strip trailing protocols new needs-patch needs-unit-tests defect (bug) normal
#49385 wp_remote_get() cannot retrieve webcal URIs new needs-patch needs-unit-tests defect (bug) normal
#49421 Cannot use conversion specifications in `theme mod` default values new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49428 Extend get_the_post_pagination() to consider total argument assigned needs-patch needs-testing luludak enhancement normal
#49443 Safari Browser - Component Color Picker not getting closed on Custom Color Picker button click new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49470 Script loader: simplify maintenance new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49515 SSL requirement during installation with SQL command through admin if mixed content new needs-patch dev-feedback feature request normal
#49538 Can't get a subset of `_embedded` using `_fields` new needs-patch needs-unit-tests enhancement normal
#49559 Post Category Restoration new needs-patch enhancement normal
#49587 Add error handling for the media manager Ajax response new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49599 Wrong PHPDoc wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins new 2nd-opinion needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49633 Trim cookie paths new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49714 Explore UI for destructive controls & contexts assigned needs-patch needs-screenshots reporter-feedback Travel_girl enhancement normal
#49728 [PHP 8] Prepare for the internal functions throwing `TypeError` or `ValueError` exceptions on unexpected types/values assigned needs-patch needs-unit-tests needs-dev-note php80 needs-docs defect (bug) normal
#49820 Input and select elements are misaligned in the admin area new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49830 Store rotation data for uploaded videos new needs-patch enhancement normal
#49857 Groups disappear after inserting something inside it in Gutenberg new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#49876 Menu section improvement accepted needs-patch ryokuhi enhancement normal
#49969 Previewing the page designated as "latest posts" shows the frontpage new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50027 Retire Phpass and use PHP native password hashing new 2nd-opinion needs-unit-tests needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50055 Add more user-actionable information to the timezone health check new needs-patch enhancement normal
#50060 Header Video: Use playVideo after mute instead of autoplay to prevent video blocking because of autoplay with sound enabled new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50072 Users with email addresses containing a single quote cannot reset their passwords new needs-patch needs-unit-tests defect (bug) normal
#50098 CSVs that contain HTML fail upload test new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50123 Roles & Caps: give anonymous users the `read_post` meta cap for public posts. new needs-patch needs-unit-tests defect (bug) normal
#50141 Data erasure/export links should notify the user that the action has already been confirmed new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50169 Consistency in Gallery and Image block settings reopened needs-design needs-patch needs-screenshots enhancement normal
#50172 Flickr embed not embedding content new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50182 Majority of bundled themes have broken mobile nav menus when JS turned off new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50184 Proper margin for inputs in 'Discussion Settings' page mobile/tablet view new needs-patch has-screenshots defect (bug) normal
#50188 Disable Media uploader if PHP file_uploads is disabled new 2nd-opinion needs-patch enhancement normal
#50191 Propose https prefix, not http for external links new needs-patch enhancement normal
#50202 Use <strong> tag instead of <b> tag in `Walker_Comment::html5_comment` new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50209 Remove all uploads between test methods new needs-patch enhancement normal
#50279 add_query_arg() removes equal sign from assigned value new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50409 REST API about links should be embeddable. new needs-patch enhancement normal
#50437 Add leniency to the overdue check for plugin and theme auto updates new needs-patch task (blessed) normal
#50439 Post name permalinks htaccess directives do not consider subdirectory installation assigned needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50442 Add prefixes to all admin notices (Warning, Error, Success, Info) accepted needs-design needs-patch early joedolson enhancement normal
#50460 Don't minimize the `script-loader-packages.php` file new needs-patch close enhancement normal
#50486 Improve the admin notices accessibility accepted needs-patch dev-feedback joedolson defect (bug) normal
#50506 PHP warning appearing in 404 page and 'post_type' query var is Array new needs-patch needs-unit-tests enhancement normal
#50623 Discoverability of plugin and themes autoupdates assigned has-screenshots needs-patch audrasjb enhancement normal
#50653 Remove the _doing_it_wrong from WP_Block_Patterns_Registry::unregister() new 2nd-opinion needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50654 Fix the filter docs in sanitize_post_field() new needs-patch enhancement normal
#50667 New attachment size is created even the source is smaller new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50674 Plugin and Theme Update Hooks accepted 2nd-opinion needs-patch pbiron enhancement normal
#50696 UI issue in customizer menus section new has-screenshots needs-patch needs-design defect (bug) normal
#50699 Fix and improve arranging metaboxes accepted needs-design needs-patch joedolson enhancement normal
#50703 WordPress classic editor accessibility issues for insert/edit links list accepted needs-patch joedolson defect (bug) normal
#50726 Pagination error on 4 digit page when category and year are in the permalink structure new needs-patch defect (bug) normal
#50781 500 error caused by customize_changeset_uuid for non-authenticated users new needs-unit-tests needs-testing needs-patch 2nd-opinion defect (bug) normal
#50787 Consolidate the logic for displaying WP & PHP compatibility messages for themes accepted needs-testing needs-patch SergeyBiryukov task (blessed) normal
#50815 Use consistent checks for displaying the Filter button in different list tables reviewing needs-patch SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal
#50817 TinyMCE: default_link_target is ignored new needs-patch enhancement normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.