Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (72)

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#40175 Upload Validation / MIME Handling assigned has-unit-tests early needs-dev-note defect (bug) high
#54582 Problem with deleting old files at the end of a core update when the filesystem is case-insensitive accepted needs-testing early early-like-actually-early has-patch changes-requested needs-testing-info SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) high
#56780 shortcode block in block-based template part in a classic theme does not get expanded assigned has-testing-info has-screenshots has-patch has-unit-tests changes-requested needs-testing early costdev defect (bug) high
#4328 Redirect Old Slugs feature needs to redirect slugs for pages, not just posts, and redirect old permalink structure reviewing needs-unit-tests needs-patch early SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#9102 Inverse proxy breaks permalinks assigned has-patch needs-testing needs-unit-tests early needs-refresh defect (bug) normal
#10483 Change post_name's length from 200 to 400 reviewing dev-feedback early has-patch needs-testing SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#14060 Misleading "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." reviewing has-patch needs-testing has-screenshots early SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal
#16839 Category Base Should be Slugified accepted needs-patch early needs-refresh needs-docs needs-testing needs-unit-tests SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal
#17019 add hooks for Media Library attachment counts reviewing has-patch needs-testing has-unit-tests early needs-testing-info SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#18315 Add an index to the GUID column in the posts table reopened has-patch dev-feedback early needs-refresh enhancement normal
#18408 Can't wp_reset_postdata after custom WP_Query in an admin edit page assigned needs-testing has-patch early needs-unit-tests audrasjb defect (bug) normal
#18857 get_plugin_page_hookname uses menu_title to construct subpage load-hooks assigned has-patch has-unit-tests early chriscct7 defect (bug) normal
#20902 redirect_canonical() on using permalink: Not all $_GET being redirected reviewing has-patch needs-testing early chriscct7 defect (bug) normal
#23309 Not all WP_Query::query_vars get updated during WP_Query::get_posts() new needs-patch needs-unit-tests early defect (bug) normal
#24142 Zero value for posts_per_page value in wp_query custom instance and for 'Blog pages show at most' option reviewing needs-testing early has-patch dev-feedback SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal
#24251 Reconsider SVG inclusion to get_allowed_mime_types reopened early 2nd-opinion enhancement normal
#24447 Avoid losing data after nonces expire assigned needs-patch early iseulde defect (bug) normal
#34676 Optimize bulk plugin updates assigned has-patch needs-unit-tests shiny-updates early needs-refresh francina enhancement normal
#37698 wp_kses_split global variable pollution new has-patch needs-testing early defect (bug) normal
#37840 Optimize full size images assigned has-patch needs-testing early enshrined enhancement normal
#37868 Avoid default width styles in the markup of the audio player assigned has-patch early needs-refresh wonderboymusic enhancement normal
#38133 Core widget fields fail to render value of "0" when empty() checks are used reviewing has-patch early needs-refresh stevenkword defect (bug) normal
#38597 Discourage usage of legacy properties in WP_Network reviewing has-patch early jeremyfelt enhancement normal
#39186 Bulk actions not correctly applied when selecting bulk actions in both the top and bottom bulk actions dropdowns assigned has-patch needs-unit-tests early needs-testing engelen defect (bug) normal
#40351 Term post re-counts scale poorly, are common and difficult to avoid reopened has-patch has-unit-tests early whyisjake enhancement normal
#41305 Add lazily evaluated translations assigned has-patch early dev-feedback needs-testing has-unit-tests timothyblynjacobs enhancement normal
#42278 Speed up tests by using shared user fixtures new needs-unit-tests has-patch early dev-feedback enhancement normal
#42352 Support use of native MySQLi prepared queries new early enhancement normal
#42947 REST API wrong total pages assigned has-screenshots has-patch has-unit-tests early spacedmonkey defect (bug) normal
#43539 Custom feed types breaks redirect_canonical behavior reviewing has-patch has-unit-tests early SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal
#46484 Cleaning WP from any reference to php4 new early enhancement normal
#46748 authenticate filter hook does not behave as expected for priority values less than 20 accepted has-unit-tests early needs-patch dev-feedback SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal
#47280 SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS is deprecated as of MySQL 8.0.17 reviewing has-patch has-unit-tests early changes-requested johnbillion enhancement normal
#47642 Order by comment count - posts list tables reviewing has-screenshots has-patch early early-like-actually-early has-unit-tests johnbillion defect (bug) normal
#48222 "Show password" button overlaps with the LastPass icon assigned has-screenshots has-patch needs-design-feedback early needs-refresh enhancement normal
#48456 Update CodeMirror to latest version new needs-patch early enhancement normal
#49278 Improve meta query new has-patch dev-feedback early early-like-actually-early has-unit-tests enhancement normal
#49985 REST API: Using _embed and _fields query parameters in the same query assigned early has-patch has-unit-tests TimothyBlynJacobs defect (bug) normal
#50163 Perform a canonical redirect when paginated states of the front page are not found assigned has-patch has-screenshots early has-unit-tests hellofromTonya defect (bug) normal
#50442 Add prefixes to all admin notices (Warning, Error, Success, Info) accepted needs-design needs-patch early joedolson enhancement normal
#50568 Improve WP_Term's sanitization calls new has-patch needs-unit-tests early defect (bug) normal
#50683 Parse content for shortcodes instead of using regex reviewing has-patch has-unit-tests early needs-testing early-like-actually-early needs-testing-info johnbillion enhancement normal
#51124 Can we get an additional parameter in wp_add_inline_script to set the script type? accepted needs-patch needs-unit-tests early audrasjb feature request normal
#51317 Remove deprecated JavaScript i18n globals new early needs-patch enhancement normal
#51525 Add new functions apply_filters_single_type() and apply_filters_ref_array_single_type() new 2nd-opinion php8.x early has-patch has-unit-tests feature request normal
#51812 Update jQuery step three reviewing early needs-testing needs-dev-note has-patch SergeyBiryukov task (blessed) normal
#51852 "any" value in "post_type" param in "get_posts" by default ignore attachments assigned needs-patch needs-unit-tests early defect (bug) normal
#52723 Admin options.php default value to NULL for option_value may lead to MySQL Integrity constraint violation error, potential other bugs new has-patch needs-unit-tests early defect (bug) normal
#53333 Better handling for forced plugin autoupdates new has-patch early defect (bug) normal
#53348 No form to log in when visiting wp-login.php with a given query string reviewing has-patch needs-unit-tests early SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal
#53450 [WP_Meta_Query] Add faster LIKE based 'STARTSWITH' and 'ENDSWITH' compare modes for value query new dev-feedback has-patch needs-docs needs-codex has-unit-tests early early-like-actually-early needs-testing enhancement normal
#54042 Extending wpdb::prepare() to support IN() operator new has-patch dev-feedback needs-testing early has-unit-tests changes-requested enhancement normal
#54351 Checking for temp update directories may throw warnings new needs-patch needs-testing early dev-feedback defect (bug) normal
#54356 Determine and apply best default quality settings for WebP images assigned has-patch dev-feedback has-unit-tests early adamsilverstein enhancement normal
#54589 Audit and preload current "from" version files into memory before upgrading filesystem to the "to" version new early has-patch has-unit-tests enhancement normal
#54761 Save the prefered language from login page (since WP5.9) new 2nd-opinion early has-patch needs-testing enhancement normal
#54829 Allow classic themes to be optionally block themes if 'templates' and 'parts' folders exists new has-patch has-unit-tests needs-testing 2nd-opinion early enhancement normal
#55207 WP_Query returns published sticky posts when post_status is set to draft new early needs-refresh defect (bug) normal
#55604 Update SimplePie to version 1.8.0 new needs-patch needs-dev-note early needs-unit-tests 2nd-opinion task (blessed) normal
#55999 wp_suspend_cache_addition should also disable cache setting? new has-patch 2nd-opinion has-unit-tests early defect (bug) normal
#57586 term_exists() return type not consistent regarding wp_insert_term() new has-patch dev-feedback early needs-dev-note needs-testing enhancement normal
#57979 Can't upload images to WordPress Comments new has-patch 2nd-opinion dev-feedback needs-testing changes-requested early defect (bug) normal
#58087 Fix the 'data' dynamic property in WP_Term accepted php82 needs-testing has-patch has-unit-tests early hellofromTonya defect (bug) normal
#58763 Inconsistent add/get/update/delete_post_meta() functions leads to deleting post metadata. new has-patch needs-testing has-testing-info has-unit-tests early defect (bug) normal
#58905 Ensure locate_template only loads theme files new has-patch early needs-unit-tests needs-testing-info defect (bug) normal
#59402 Plugin cannot be uninstalled if uninstall crashes assigned has-patch early needs-testing changes-requested defect (bug) normal
#59774 Undefined array key when using wp_list_pluck function reopened has-patch has-unit-tests changes-requested early hellofromTonya defect (bug) normal
#60352 Fix the architectural design of `/wp-includes/blocks/index.php` new early has-patch defect (bug) normal
#60414 Core PHP autoloader proposal new has-patch has-unit-tests early enhancement normal
#60875 Handler proposal for known dynamic properties that are initialized and set late only when getting its value new php82 early defect (bug) normal
#61103 update all update_option calling in core to set the autoload option assigned has-patch early pbearne defect (bug) normal
#56091 Using %i for table/field names in wpdb::prepare() assigned has-patch early craigfrancis enhancement low
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.