Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (28)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#29158 Customizer UI Design lacks contrast for visual hierarchy and does not match wp-admin color-contrast ui-feedback has-patch needs-testing needs-refresh helen task (blessed) closed normal
#31548 Fix color contrast on wp-login.php to meet minimum accessibility standards has-patch color-contrast has-screenshots commit rianrietveld defect (bug) closed normal
#33030 Admin menu update/comment count notification accessibility color-contrast has-patch afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#34904 The design of the focus outline on buttons/elements could be improved needs-post-mortem color-contrast wpcampus-report has-patch has-screenshots 5-3-admin-css-changes has-dev-note audrasjb task (blessed) closed normal
#34957 #a11y-focus: Standardizing the handling of :focus and :hover color-contrast adamsoucie enhancement assigned normal
#35596 Color contrast: checkboxes and radio buttons has-screenshots color-contrast has-patch ui-feedback form-controls defect (bug) closed normal
#35604 Color contrast: TinyMCE icons color-contrast has-patch has-screenshots afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#35622 Color contrast: audit all the "#f00" and "red" reds color-contrast has-patch has-screenshots defect (bug) closed normal
#35659 Color contrast: audit all the oranges (colors!) needs-patch has-screenshots color-contrast ui-feedback defect (bug) closed normal
#35660 Color contrast: the list table views count and all the #999 grays has-screenshots color-contrast has-patch afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#35661 Color contrast and other improvements for the WP badge has-screenshots color-contrast has-patch commit melchoyce defect (bug) closed normal
#35777 Color contrast: the input placeholder has-patch color-contrast has-screenshots afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#35923 Color contrast: the toggle "handles" has-screenshots color-contrast has-patch commit afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#36967 Color contrast: the Edit Comment screen "Status" box labels has-screenshots color-contrast has-patch commit afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#37016 Minor Fixes: Text color for "Delete" button on widget should be Red has-patch has-ui-feedback color-contrast afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#37018 Underline for "Move to Trash" in post editor is missing has-patch color-contrast has-screenshots afercia defect (bug) closed normal
#38150 Stop using dashicons to show checked state of checkboxes color-contrast form-controls defect (bug) closed normal
#39970 Improve the "dismiss notice" button color contrast has-screenshots color-contrast good-first-bug has-patch rianrietveld defect (bug) closed normal
#40633 Update wp-admin gray colors aka 50 Shades of WordPress color-contrast needs-screenshots enhancement closed normal
#44606 Color contrast: input fields, textareas, select elements etc. color-contrast has-screenshots form-controls defect (bug) closed normal
#44749 Redesign input fields, checkboxes and other form components for contrast and consistency needs-patch ui-feedback color-contrast form-controls enhancement closed normal
#45095 Dashboard links don't always have sufficient color contrast for vision impaired users needs-patch color-contrast needs-design-feedback defect (bug) closed normal
#47150 Insufficient contrast on empty field borders has-screenshots wpcampus-report color-contrast form-controls has-patch audrasjb defect (bug) closed normal
#47151 Button has insufficient color contrast has-screenshots wpcampus-report color-contrast needs-design has-patch defect (bug) closed normal
#47153 Field boundaries have insufficient color contrast needs-post-mortem has-screenshots wpcampus-report color-contrast form-controls has-patch 5-3-admin-css-changes has-dev-note audrasjb defect (bug) closed normal
#47157 Insufficient contrast on link text on 'Media Dialog' and 'Block Types' wpcampus-report has-screenshots color-contrast has-patch defect (bug) closed normal
#47498 Revise checkbox/radio button css for better compatibility with text zoom wpcampus-report form-controls color-contrast 5-3-admin-css-changes has-patch has-dev-note audrasjb task (blessed) closed normal
#47682 The links "hover" color has insufficient color contrast wpcampus-report color-contrast has-screenshots needs-patch a11y-task joedolson task (blessed) accepted normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.