Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (801 - 900 of 982)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Status Focuses Owner Type Priority
#57129 Wrong Page Template Displayed in 6.1.x new ui defect (bug) normal
#57145 Deactivate button "Copy site info to clipboard" until health check has completed new ui enhancement normal
#57156 Icons missing in iOS Lockdown Mode new ui, administration, privacy defect (bug) normal
#57176 Table pagination issue new ui enhancement normal
#57200 WP_List_Table::pagination use singular and plural new ui, administration enhancement normal
#57219 Additional CSS not visible in editor on List block new ui, css defect (bug) normal
#57229 Improve wording on updates page about auto-updates new administration, ui-copy enhancement normal
#57231 Missing ":" in strings with links. new ui enhancement normal
#57316 Twenty Twenty-Three: Alignment issue in Button block new ui, css defect (bug) normal
#57330 Show number of scheduled posts in calendar popup when scheduling new ui enhancement normal
#57365 "Attempt Block Recovery" functionality broken for buttons "Convert to.." click new ui, javascript, css, administration, template defect (bug) normal
#57369 Insert Media dialog gets ad-hoc controls: Thumbnails squared/proportional + Sort order by date/name asc/desc new ui, css enhancement normal
#57393 Unify checkbox handling and match wording with function on the User Profile screen new ui enhancement normal
#57408 Show at which sites in the multisite a plugin or theme is installed new ui, administration, multisite feature request normal
#57415 Twenty Twenty One: Text color not reflected backend and Front side in media & text block new ui, css defect (bug) normal
#57454 Multisite: Users without a role are not returned in sub-site search results new ui, multisite defect (bug) normal
#57476 hash characters at start of wp post titles are stripped upon pasting new ui defect (bug) normal
#57488 The "Showing X of Y media items" area in Media Upload screen gives wrong information. new ui defect (bug) normal
#57517 Expose MutationObserver instance in wpEmoji new ui, javascript, performance enhancement normal
#57519 Sundry Menu Bugs new ui defect (bug) normal
#57597 Have a button to copy permalinks on the post & page overview new ui, administration enhancement normal
#57606 Recently Active instead of Recently Deactivated new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#57626 Searches to add a link in post-edit, to be sortable/filterable to better find tags new ui enhancement normal
#57637 ImageEdit component can be exited with unsaved state new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#57672 Help: only repo plugins and such can be updated on the help page? new ui, administration enhancement normal
#57721 Twenty Twenty-Three > Site Editor > stylizing of captions in the Image block new ui feature request normal
#57753 Quickedit characters on date fields new ui, javascript, administration defect (bug) normal
#57772 wpfooter credit hide the plugin activation button assigned ui, css defect (bug) normal
#57773 wpfooter credit hide the plugin activation button assigned ui, css defect (bug) normal
#57785 How about displaying links to rudimentary Learn WordPress tutorials and videos on the dashboard? new ui, administration feature request normal
#57922 Changing class-wp-editor.php Insert/Edit Link header from H1 to H3 or other new ui enhancement normal
#57925 Unclear message when URL for non-existing admin page is called new ui enhancement normal
#57931 Add Border Radius to WP Dashboard Post Boxes new ui, css enhancement normal
#57948 Media toolbar elements height /size is inconsistent across views new ui, css defect (bug) normal
#57950 Multisite filter count not adding up. new ui, administration, multisite defect (bug) normal
#57951 Multisite filters not filtering new ui, administration, multisite defect (bug) normal
#57962 The active state is not being displayed in the Justify content of the quick edit. new ui defect (bug) normal
#58037 Use a placeholder icon when an icon is unable to load/be found in the plugin directory new ui, administration enhancement normal
#58062 Positioning of custom post type submenu new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#58171 Twenty Nineteen: The pullquote block appears to have a problem when selecting the text color. new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#58264 Adding spinner to submit_button with wrap new ui, administration, template enhancement normal
#58293 Improve default positioning of dashboard widgets new ui, administration enhancement normal
#58307 Theme Search Filter Not Working new ui, administration enhancement normal
#58354 Translate screenshots for the About page new ui feature request normal
#58370 Add 'Activate' button to View details modal new ui enhancement normal
#58391 Ugly looking file editing section new ui, css feature request normal
#58455 The admin menu remains sticky when displaying warning or error messages on the Site Health page. reviewing ui, css audrasjb defect (bug) normal
#58473 The menu messages rework new ui, ui-copy enhancement normal
#58483 UI issue in uploasd multiple media in mobile new ui, css, administration defect (bug) normal
#58491 UI problem when search for block while adding a post new ui defect (bug) normal
#58492 Plugin Search Issue: Trimming of Keywords with Ampersand (&) upon Page Refresh new ui defect (bug) normal
#58508 Gutenberg and CSS new ui, css, administration defect (bug) normal
#58527 Rest password error handling issue for email new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#58608 Twenty Twenty-One: Text color is not reflected when having background color assigned ui, css defect (bug) normal
#58610 Allow Custom CSS to Site Admins in Multisite new ui, css, administration, multisite feature request normal
#58638 Add 'close' button to dashboard widgets assigned ui, administration oglekler enhancement normal
#58639 Entity Name vs. Entity Number, for 6.4 new ui-copy defect (bug) normal
#58640 Navigation Block renders wrong menu new ui, template defect (bug) normal
#58693 wordpress posts custom-meta box issue new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#58709 Bug 6.3 beta-3: Black screen when selecting blocks in List view outside the block editor viewport. new ui defect (bug) normal
#58729 Incorrect Information Displayed in Media Library Window when Uploading Featured Image new ui, javascript defect (bug) normal
#58730 Media not getting removed from the media library popup after clicking "Delete permanently" button new ui, javascript, administration defect (bug) normal
#58733 The load more button appears even when there is only one image in the feature image selection window. accepted ui, javascript joedolson defect (bug) normal
#58774 Sorting Posts after Published Date OR Last Update should be a standard function new ui feature request normal
#58781 Change wording of field description for tagline new ui-copy enhancement normal
#58824 Add a filter to change the classes in posts list table in admin new ui, css, administration enhancement normal
#58837 Horizontal Scroll Issue in theme/plugin Editor Page File Navigation Section new ui, css defect (bug) normal
#58842 Add a "change date/time notation" / "timezone" checkbox when changing site languages new ui, administration enhancement normal
#58880 HOLD 6.3 and FIX Template Parts vs. Patterns new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#58909 width problem in the administration interface new ui defect (bug) normal
#58949 Directory 'code' missing from 'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins' new ui, javascript defect (bug) normal
#59022 Bulk Action Issue For Plugin Component new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#59072 the new version(6.3) can't use the widgets new ui defect (bug) normal
#59085 Command Palette - switching posts wrong url redirect for non FSE sites new ui defect (bug) normal
#59112 Plugin Dependencies design feedback new ui defect (bug) normal
#59133 Collapse Menu title consistency new ui, administration enhancement normal
#59182 Plugin/theme zip update screen max-width new ui, css, administration enhancement normal
#59192 New image crop interface don't work in windows 10. Scale works. new ui defect (bug) normal
#59201 Taxonomy Query Loop new ui, template feature request normal
#59207 Twenty Thirteen: correct styling for Button & File block links in front-end widget areas (Footer & Sidebar) new ui, css defect (bug) normal
#59276 Wrong notice is showing up on the Privacy Policy page settings in WP dashboard. new ui defect (bug) normal
#59340 "Open in new tab" checkbox in hyperlink entry doesn't save new ui defect (bug) normal
#59423 Datepicker in wordpress do not follow the Date format set in the settings new ui, javascript defect (bug) normal
#59440 WP_Comments_List_Table bulk actions do not account for user permissions. new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#59515 Multiple color palettes and font pairs new ui, javascript, css, template, coding-standards feature request normal
#59518 I getting ::marker and unable to remove bacause html not support new ui, css defect (bug) normal
#59586 Missing Features for FSE / Block Themes new ui, javascript, administration enhancement normal
#59742 Media library should display the number of pages/posts/urls a particular media file is being used in. assigned ui antpb enhancement normal
#59746 Adding User Biographical Info without space breaks the container and adds horizontal scroll new ui defect (bug) normal
#59798 Schedule time is offset by 1 hour during switch to/from daylight saving time new ui defect (bug) normal
#59843 Headers of the table on make.wordpress blog breaks after a few second of load ( check the url in description) new ui, docs defect (bug) normal
#59889 Bulk plugin update should show the plugin name/slug being updated new ui enhancement normal
#59915 Preview Whilst Editing Broken new ui, javascript defect (bug) normal
#59970 We need a "New Menu" button, similar to "New Post"? new ui, administration enhancement normal
#59978 Classic editor cursor control new ui defect (bug) normal
#60035 FSE: sidebar has incorrect breaking point new ui, css defect (bug) normal
#60061 Rename "add new plugin" button new ui-copy enhancement normal
#60072 No upper limit restriction for number of posts set via Site Editor and the value entered by the user chang new ui, javascript, administration, template, sustainability defect (bug) normal
#60082 "Copied" tooltip should be hidden when another attachment URL is copied (in list mode) assigned ui, javascript antpb defect (bug) normal
#60091 Improve language dropdown usability assigned ui, accessibility, administration defect (bug) normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.