Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (101 - 200 of 982)

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Ticket Summary Status Focuses Owner Type Priority
#29124 missing icons in editor on windows 7 phone new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#29128 Number of pages owned by a user is not shown under Users >>> All Users new ui, administration enhancement normal
#29276 Ability to edit and preview any revision, not just autosaves new ui, administration enhancement normal
#29299 Plural forms not available for some strings reviewing administration, ui-copy SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal
#29368 Pasted media do not appear in the library new ui feature request normal
#29458 No longer able to catch click event of dashicons edit/delete new ui, javascript defect (bug) normal
#29634 gallery bulk upload new ui, javascript defect (bug) normal
#29687 Original image should be visible in media-library after image-processing new ui, administration enhancement normal
#29838 Post editing area: keyboard accessibility, tab order and focus assigned ui, accessibility rcreators defect (bug) normal
#29923 Improve the writing experience on mobile new ui enhancement normal
#30023 Chrome autofill password keeps showing after wp_attempt_focus clears password field new ui, javascript defect (bug) normal
#30039 Email validation not working correctly new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#30170 "Start Date"/"End Date" are confusing in the exporter new ui, administration enhancement normal
#30227 Inaccurate wording when creating a user with a reserved email address new multisite, ui-copy defect (bug) normal
#30274 wp-login.php Logo Image Use "img" tag rather than CSS background reopened ui enhancement normal
#30325 WP List Table: allow filtering view switcher modes new ui, administration enhancement normal
#30687 Ajax media attachment save has no error handling new ui enhancement normal
#30720 In editor, add a button to refresh/invalidate (oEmbed) embeds cache new ui enhancement normal
#30729 Rework Theme Install and Preview Flow in wp-admin assigned ui, administration enhancement normal
#30759 If Featured Image is selected, but not saved, editing the image will drop the selection after a save new ui, javascript, administration defect (bug) normal
#30917 Add "Save and Close" button to page/post edit screen new ui, administration enhancement normal
#30979 Check for context menu before closing commentReply accepted ui, administration SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#31006 Use classes instead of setting and directly animating background colors in JS new ui, javascript enhancement normal
#31029 Allow 0 columns in gallery settings assigned ui, javascript rhurling defect (bug) normal
#31084 Export capabilities should allow the current user to export their own posts new ui, administration enhancement normal
#31139 Allow editing of video embed parameters in the media modal reopened ui wonderboymusic enhancement normal
#31177 Captions video not saved with the post and are lost on attachment page assigned ui, accessibility postphotos defect (bug) normal
#31192 Enable sorting of search results on "Add Plugins" admin page new ui, administration enhancement normal
#31240 Combine domain and path UI in Add New Site flow assigned ui, multisite jeremyfelt enhancement normal
#31254 Post errors show success borders new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#31258 SVG replaced by default image in media library reopened ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#31283 Setting poster image for videos inside a video playlist is not very intuitive new ui, javascript enhancement normal
#31284 List tables with fixed header on scroll new ui, administration feature request normal
#31395 Indicate difference of two visually equal, but otherwise different images in non-list media views new ui, administration enhancement normal
#31414 Paginating Themes, Plugins, and Media new ui, multisite feature request normal
#31416 An accessibility issue with the Publish metabox new ui, javascript, administration defect (bug) normal
#31483 Improve UI to change Default Category new ui, administration enhancement normal
#31504 Add new item gives bunch of errors if disabled new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#31531 Shiny Updates: Updates on update-core.php assigned ui, javascript, administration task (blessed) normal
#31532 Shiny Updates: Don't activate plugins with PHP errors assigned ui, javascript, administration enhancement normal
#31534 Shiny Updates: Language pack install support new ui, javascript, administration enhancement normal
#31634 Minor UI improvements to bulk editing accepted ui, accessibility joedolson enhancement normal
#31638 Bulk Edit & Quick Edit User Interfaces should be consistent new ui enhancement normal
#31640 Menus: hiding all sections from the left column using "Screen Options" makes it confusing to add new menu items new ui enhancement normal
#31696 Better select, multi-select, and autocomplete/suggestion inputs in the admin new ui, javascript, administration, performance enhancement normal
#31715 Small UI redesign proposal for media uploader new ui enhancement normal
#31751 Using PgDn and PgUp keyboard keys in the editor scrolls both post edit box and the whole viewport new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#31778 Opening the collapsed admin menu doesn't close toolbar submenus new ui, javascript, administration defect (bug) normal
#31818 Uniform Search Form Display/Experience accepted ui, accessibility joedolson enhancement normal
#31945 Deleting a user without reassigning should have clearer messaging about the implications new ui, administration enhancement normal
#31980 Customizer Theme Switcher Details Modal: previous/next/close buttons require double taps on IOS new ui defect (bug) normal
#32041 Bulk updating selected Plugins with and without updates fails new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#32097 Extra margin in `post_submit_meta_box()` on non-public post types new ui defect (bug) normal
#32194 Post Locked Notification Dialog is not Responsive new ui enhancement normal
#32337 Menu and widget items removal without toggling new ui enhancement normal
#32386 Draft's Last Modified date incorrect if it is Scheduled assigned ui, administration obenland defect (bug) normal
#32507 Admin notices remove styling of lists new ui, administration enhancement normal
#32528 Create a new search_form_content hook in get_search_form() new ui, administration feature request normal
#32558 More compact handling of the filter bar on small screens new ui, administration enhancement normal
#32622 Make the text of the Image delete AYS dialog clearer new ui enhancement normal
#32626 List tables CSS: inconsistent alignments new ui, css enhancement normal
#32678 Audit toolbar links and content assigned ui helen enhancement normal
#32815 Color schemes silently disabled in source checkout of core new ui enhancement normal
#32849 Allow option of Grid AND List View of the gallery when inserting media into post new ui, javascript, administration enhancement normal
#32861 Site Icon: Provide display for all existing site-icon cropped images reopened ui, administration enhancement normal
#32892 List table: Select %s shouldn't be a row header assigned ui, accessibility defect (bug) normal
#32942 Taxomony term list counts do not respect post_type parameter new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#32952 Select elements don't have the same size as input elements new ui defect (bug) normal
#33002 List table: avoid redundant Edit links and reduce noise for screen readers new ui, accessibility defect (bug) normal
#33009 Alignment of header in category table new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#33147 Updated message on install.php, Username can't be change directly after installation new ui defect (bug) normal
#33308 Responsive list tables don't handle primary columns that are not the first non-checkbox one new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#33374 Improvements for the messages visible in the plugin manager new ui, administration enhancement normal
#33469 Customizer Menus: Restore active menu to a location after selecting and unsetting another menu new ui, javascript, administration enhancement normal
#33473 Shortcodes + Widgets + Nav Menus. Unified "component" API (aka Content Blocks) new ui feature request normal
#33566 Keyboard shortcuts for all functionality of Dashboard + Admin Menu while in read mode reopened ui, accessibility enhancement normal
#33574 Add ability to scroll through long toolbar menu items assigned ui, css morganestes enhancement normal
#33704 Reduce reliance on wp_is_mobile() assigned ui, javascript enhancement normal
#33713 Customizer: allowing to set files other than image for Header background and background image new ui, javascript defect (bug) normal
#33743 Theme location x Menu location new ui-copy defect (bug) normal
#33773 Media, Featured Images: The media modal doesn't remember filter settings in the context of featured images new ui enhancement normal
#33833 Quick/Bulk Edit are not visually consistent reopened ui, administration enhancement normal
#33931 Complex simplification and standardisation of all the list and quick edit screens new ui, administration enhancement normal
#33936 Alignment issue in dashboard update count new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#34088 Add delay to admin menu arrow's disappearance new ui defect (bug) normal
#34116 Rethink default install content like "Sample Page", etc. new ui-copy enhancement normal
#34223 Core support for image regeneration new ui feature request normal
#34324 Tag picker for attachments new ui, administration enhancement normal
#34367 Image Editing: Orientation-aware rotation icons reviewing ui enhancement normal
#34389 Comment pagination settings should discourage infinite comments-per-page new ui, performance enhancement normal
#34465 Uploader in Media Modal Not Working When Certain Library Arguments Present new ui defect (bug) normal
#34610 Unify Add plugin with Add theme: load tabs through ajax new ui, administration enhancement normal
#34641 Inline menu item editing in backend new ui feature request normal
#34753 Remove use of "Toggle" in strings new ui, javascript, ui-copy enhancement normal
#34778 A better indication of action happening on buttons. new ui enhancement normal
#34907 List for translation updates new ui, administration enhancement normal
#34932 Custom Field meta box in Taxonomy Term after WP 4.4 new ui, administration enhancement normal
#34957 #a11y-focus: Standardizing the handling of :focus and :hover assigned ui, accessibility adamsoucie enhancement normal
#34991 Introduce a typographic measure for the admin screens assigned ui, accessibility, css feature request normal
#35018 The authentication check modal dialog appears just once new ui, javascript defect (bug) normal
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