Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (1 - 100 of 982)

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Ticket Summary Status Focuses Owner Type Priority
#33405 Pagination - use of helip / "..." not logic in some cases new ui, template enhancement lowest
#7745 Private posts cannot have unpublished or pending review status new ui enhancement low
#11472 Should QuickEdit remove posts from lists as needed? new ui, administration enhancement low
#12769 Disappearing posts/pages (in quickedit mode) new ui, javascript defect (bug) low
#24040 Use "posts" instead of "topics" (in tagcloud tooltips) new ui-copy enhancement low
#25419 Add icon support for widgets on the admin page and customize screens new ui, administration enhancement low
#26960 Audit extraneous HTML/CSS for the admin menu new ui, performance enhancement low
#33141 Search form clear button is clipped in Safari (OS X) new ui defect (bug) low
#33573 Use the site icon introduced in 4.3 for the My Sites page new ui, multisite enhancement low
#33714 Add custom post types to the 'At a Glance' widget new ui, administration enhancement low
#37145 Admin submenu opens underneeth editor link tool assigned ui, css, administration defect (bug) low
#38863 Text change when activating a theme new ui-copy enhancement low
#39106 Make hierarchy level indicator text changeable [WP List] assigned ui, administration enhancement low
#39282 The process for approving and then replying to a comment can be made more visible new ui, javascript, administration enhancement low
#46354 Update Count - Value Should Change as Updates are Applied new ui, administration enhancement low
#49432 Need of maximum character limit for Site Title new ui, administration defect (bug) low
#55075 WordPress admin bar does not contain a link to the Customizer new ui, administration enhancement low
#58335 WordPress Dashboard Collapse Menu Transition issue. new ui, css defect (bug) low
#61014 Duplicate HTML id attribute in Quick/Bulk Edit on pages and post list assigned ui, accessibility rcreators defect (bug) low
#6286 Proposed changes to "E-mail me whenever" Discussion Options new ui, administration enhancement normal
#7965 Database upgrade complete message should be an admin notice new ui, administration enhancement normal
#11895 Allow more specific image size editing new ui feature request normal
#12684 Add Edit to Bulk Actions menu on Categories screen assigned ui dipalidhole27gmailcom feature request normal
#12801 Add Info link to plugins management screen reviewing ui, administration chriscct7 feature request normal
#13273 Allow "'non-clickable" menu items new ui, accessibility enhancement normal
#13821 Changing visibility to password-protected without entering a password does not warn user accepted ui, administration kapeels defect (bug) normal
#14097 Idea for placeholder text new ui enhancement normal
#14125 Seperate out non-editable options in edit site accepted ui, multisite sorich87 enhancement normal
#14432 Role-based help text assigned administration, ui-copy garyc40 enhancement normal
#14877 Ability to create exclusive custom taxonomies accepted ui helen feature request normal
#14969 menu element "all (direct) child pages" new ui feature request normal
#15317 My Sites limited to 23 sites on Admin Bar assigned ui, multisite, rest-api morganestes enhancement normal
#15993 Sort arrows improperly wrap on narrow columns reopened ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#16020 Upload custom avatar for user in Dashboard accepted ui, administration, privacy whyisjake feature request normal
#16216 Hide core updater if running an svn checkout new ui enhancement normal
#16413 Settings page needs HTML refactoring and UI improvements accepted ui, accessibility joedolson enhancement normal
#16828 Add filter on initial_meta_boxes for nav menu new ui enhancement normal
#17370 Screen options and meta box settings can lose per-blog meta box positions new ui, administration, multisite defect (bug) normal
#17913 Site-level comment options may override individual post settings. Improve help/docs. new ui enhancement normal
#17948 Enhancements to the login and registration forms new ui, multisite wpdavis enhancement normal
#18163 Include more usermeta fields in the Network Admin's "Add User" view new ui, administration, multisite feature request normal
#18264 Future private posts listed as already published with future date specified new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#18271 Item hierarchy should be maintained when adding to menu new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#18275 Can't get perfect thumbnail sizes with image editor new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#18301 Activating a new theme on multisite is very long-winded accepted ui, multisite DrewAPicture enhancement normal
#18400 Suggested label change for "Stick this post to the front page" new administration, ui-copy enhancement normal
#18499 User count / roles inconsistency if roles no longer exist but users still do new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#18556 Toolbar dropdowns when dragging items accepted ui, javascript, css, administration drecodeam defect (bug) normal
#19711 Posts edit list window display no information about filtering assigned ui, administration chriscct7 enhancement normal
#19867 wp_dropdown_users() still not scalable assigned ui, accessibility, performance enhancement normal
#20140 Ask old password to change user password reopened ui, administration feature request normal
#20578 Allow users to delete a plugin without uninstalling reviewing ui enhancement normal
#21132 List tables' "select all" should let you really select all, regardless of screen options new ui, administration enhancement normal
#21583 Improve discoverability and visual design of Screen Options and Help Panels new ui, accessibility enhancement normal
#21666 Customizer Revisions (previously reset/undo/revert) assigned ui melchoyce feature request normal
#22128 Adding upload mimetype in Multisite does not work if mimetype is not already defined new ui, multisite defect (bug) normal
#22198 Realigning the Discussions Settings page assigned ui, administration chriscct7 enhancement normal
#22579 Confusion of WP admin Discussion settings new ui, administration enhancement normal
#22623 Some string tweaks - duplicity, context, mistake new ui-copy defect (bug) normal
#22880 Customize Themes without activation new ui enhancement normal
#22894 Need WordPress Media Uploader Stop or Cancel Button in WP Version 3.5 reopened ui enhancement normal
#22938 Presentation of hierarchical taxonomy in Media modal should be checkboxes rather than comma-separated tag list assigned ui, javascript wonderboymusic enhancement normal
#22976 Remove reference to category to tag converter from the tools page new ui, administration enhancement normal
#23233 Radio Button instead of Checkboxes on Comment Moderation option? reopened ui, administration enhancement normal
#23391 User in contributor role can add images to post only via the text editor new ui, administration enhancement normal
#23432 Review usage of target="_blank" in the admin accepted ui, accessibility sabernhardt task (blessed) normal
#23637 wp-signup.php has overly aggressive CSS new ui, css, multisite defect (bug) normal
#23857 Delete User Should Delete Comments new ui, administration enhancement normal
#24766 Title attributes galore. They serve no useful purpose. accepted ui, accessibility sabernhardt task (blessed) normal
#25060 Quick Edit Comments inline edit save breaks the alternating table row backgrounds assigned ui, javascript, administration helen defect (bug) normal
#25103 Submit buttons on form fields in the Add Media panel accepted ui, accessibility, javascript joedolson defect (bug) normal
#25219 DISALLOW_FILE_MODS shouldn't remove update notifications new ui enhancement normal
#25696 Double clicking update on list table inline edit removes row from dom assigned ui, javascript defect (bug) normal
#26268 Add UI to Category page to indicate default category reviewing ui, administration helen enhancement normal
#26311 Updated (responsive) Tools -> Export admin screen new ui enhancement normal
#26504 Semantic elements for non-link links accepted ui, accessibility, javascript joedolson task (blessed) normal
#26524 Quick edit form looks strange for localized version new ui defect (bug) normal
#26546 themes.php Buttons Randomly Appear/Disappear on iPad new ui defect (bug) normal
#26605 Appearance of recent/future posts in dashboard looks off on mobile. new ui enhancement normal
#26691 Admin Color Schemes: generic classes for colors new ui, css enhancement normal
#26695 Themes: add support for multiple screenshots in themes new ui, administration enhancement normal
#26764 Welcome panel - misleading text reviewing ui, administration, ui-copy chriscct7 enhancement normal
#26861 Too easy to delete a site in Multisite reviewing ui, multisite flixos90 enhancement normal
#26905 Follow CSS coding standards for SASS/SCSS files assigned ui netweb defect (bug) normal
#26940 Toolbar Search: Drop down instead of expanding new ui enhancement normal
#26953 Network Admin "Site Edit" page needs Settings trimmed down new ui, multisite enhancement normal
#26968 Theme Administration Screen: Not enough themes displayed at high resolutions new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#26988 Need a Button to Cancel/Revert Page/Post Edits in Progress new ui enhancement normal
#27076 double newlines inserted before captions new ui, javascript, administration defect (bug) normal
#27127 Improve plugin search on installed plugins page new ui, javascript, performance enhancement normal
#27404 Widget Customizer: Allow adding inactive widgets to widget areas assigned ui, javascript melchoyce feature request normal
#27405 Widget Customizer: Fade out sidebar sections that lack any rendered widgets new ui, javascript enhancement normal
#27412 Category meta box: cannot see chosen subcategory if many items in subcategory new ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#27427 Edit Gallery view does not display images in original aspect ratio new ui, javascript defect (bug) normal
#27473 Thickbox width and height parameters are ignored when using TB_iframe new ui, javascript, administration defect (bug) normal
#27511 Upper "Select All" checkbox for list of plugins to update on update-core.php does not work on first click reopened ui, administration defect (bug) normal
#27514 Weird focus/color behavior on touch devices (like iOS) new ui defect (bug) normal
#27543 Flyout submenu items can be hidden on Windows touch devices new ui defect (bug) normal
#27632 `wp_registration_url()` doesn't have a redirect argument reviewing ui chriscct7 defect (bug) normal
#27743 "Change role to..." omitted from bottom of users table shown to single site admin in multi-site assigned ui, multisite defect (bug) normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.