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Results (601 - 800 of 1132)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Component: Media (47 matches)

Ticket Keywords Milestone Owner Status Summary Created
#42560 has-patch Awaiting Review reopened mp4 files do not play in Safari 7 years ago
#42794 has-patch has-screenshots Awaiting Review new Can't upload new media files when multiple media dialogues are present on a single page 7 years ago
#42838 has-patch needs-refresh Awaiting Review new Manipulating uploads and images can break when using stream wrappers 7 years ago
#43009 has-patch Awaiting Review new Create Video/Audio Playlist hooks not working as expected 7 years ago
#43046 has-patch dev-feedback has-unit-tests needs-refresh Future Release assigned `has_image_size()` returns false for Core image sizes 7 years ago
#43119 has-unit-tests has-patch needs-refresh Future Release new Allow passing empty post ID to media_handle_sideload() 7 years ago
#43560 has-patch has-screenshots Awaiting Review new Entering single quotes in Add Media dialog after recropping causes browser to hang 6 years ago
#44641 has-patch needs-testing 2nd-opinion Future Release antpb assigned Customizing Button Text in Custom Media Manager Frame Doesn't Work Anymore 6 years ago
#44790 has-patch needs-testing needs-refresh close Future Release new Attachment Overlay does not trigger spinner for compat fields 6 years ago
#44801 needs-unit-tests has-patch Future Release new `image_constrain_size_for_editor()` forcing the `$content_width` messes up dimensions 6 years ago
#46971 has-patch needs-testing has-screenshots dev-feedback Awaiting Review new Selected Image gets overflow in Edit Image in Media upload - iPhone - 6/7/8 5 years ago
#47527 has-patch needs-testing needs-design Future Release joemcgill reviewing Add visible class to media library sidebar on library frames 5 years ago
#47713 has-patch needs-unit-tests Future Release SergeyBiryukov reviewing image_get_intermediate_size does not return size if it equals original size 5 years ago
#47868 has-patch dev-feedback Awaiting Review new wp_delete_attachment returning successfully, deleting all DB data, but NOT deleting files, and NOT returning false 5 years ago
#47889 has-patch Awaiting Review new uploading image contains special characters will return a wrong image url 5 years ago
#48236 has-patch needs-refresh Future Release new Media attachment browser no longer provides id of attachment 5 years ago
#48489 good-first-bug has-patch needs-unit-tests Future Release new Big image size threshold should take into account registered image sizes. 5 years ago
#49086 dev-feedback has-patch Awaiting Review new The "site_icon" option isn't always removed when the site icon is deleted 5 years ago
#50681 has-patch Awaiting Review new default-filters.php contains non-tweakable parameters 4 years ago
#50692 has-patch Future Release new WordPress v5.4.2 Escaping Problem in the Edit Media Screen 4 years ago
#50866 has-patch has-unit-tests dev-feedback needs-testing has-testing-info Future Release antpb assigned Media Uploader Blows Up File Sizes 4 years ago
#51058 has-patch needs-testing Awaiting Review new attachment_url_to_postid does not retrieve post ID of really large images 4 years ago
#51243 has-patch Awaiting Review new [JS] Exception when setting or trying to upload a featured image in a post 4 years ago
#51929 has-patch needs-testing Future Release new Video links on Attachment pages 4 years ago
#52181 has-patch Future Release new wrong mimetime for gzip files 4 years ago
#52373 has-patch has-unit-tests Awaiting Review new URL returned by get_attachment_link() can 404. 4 years ago
#53944 has-patch Awaiting Review new Video resolution in portrait orientation 3 years ago
#53981 has-patch Awaiting Review new The 'media_buttons' hook does not work for contributors. 3 years ago
#54193 has-patch needs-refresh Awaiting Review new PHP fileinfo extention identifies JSON as text/plain; wp_check_filetype_and_ext then prevents upload 3 years ago
#54943 has-patch reporter-feedback needs-testing-info needs-unit-tests changes-requested Awaiting Review new image_get_intermediate_size(): size data is a bool, not an array throws notice / warning 2 years ago
#55290 has-patch needs-testing needs-unit-tests needs-refresh Future Release joedolson accepted Not all image edits are applied to all subsizes 2 years ago
#55465 has-patch Awaiting Review new Fix hiding playlist buttons from Add Media modal dialog 2 years ago
#55492 has-patch has-screenshots needs-testing Awaiting Review reopened `Dismiss Errors` button alignment is not centered in Media Library. 2 years ago
#57239 has-patch Awaiting Review new Notice undefined array keys width and height when using full svg image 20 months ago
#57276 has-patch Awaiting Review new Failing TIFF image uploads to S3 buckets using WP Offload Plugin 20 months ago
#57637 has-patch Awaiting Review new ImageEdit component can be exited with unsaved state 18 months ago
#57813 has-patch Awaiting Review new wp_get_missing_image_subsizes() can give error if image_meta exists, but not height/width 17 months ago
#57948 has-screenshots needs-design-feedback has-patch Awaiting Review new Media toolbar elements height /size is inconsistent across views 17 months ago
#58137 has-patch changes-requested Future Release antpb assigned WP creates unnecessary "cropped-"[filename] icon file 16 months ago
#58240 has-patch Future Release joedolson accepted wp_read_image_metadata() doesn't handle Exif array values 15 months ago
#58304 has-patch Awaiting Review new wp_update_image_sizes 15 months ago
#58730 has-patch changes-requested has-screenshots Future Release new Media not getting removed from the media library popup after clicking "Delete permanently" button 13 months ago
#59939 has-patch Future Release new Media: "Copy URL" tooltip text may wrap 8 months ago
#60628 avif has-patch has-unit-tests Awaiting Review adamsilverstein assigned Issues with avif image imagecreatefromavif not working. Resizing not possible. 5 months ago
#61220 has-patch Future Release new manage_media_columns filter conflict 2 months ago
#61515 has-patch Awaiting Review joedolson accepted wp_audio_shortcode() outputs invalid HTML 4 weeks ago
#61758 has-patch Awaiting Review new Improve speed of AVIF image generation 38 hours ago

Component: Menus (20 matches)

Ticket Keywords Milestone Owner Status Summary Created
#13822 has-patch needs-testing Future Release nacin reopened Menu items that get unpublished still appear 14 years ago
#18209 has-patch Awaiting Review assigned Capabilities with misplaced dependencies in edit_theme_options 13 years ago
#24146 dev-feedback has-patch needs-testing Future Release SergeyBiryukov accepted Menu items with blank labels are removed on saving 11 years ago
#28140 has-patch has-unit-tests Future Release new Position for first menu item on menu is 0 when it should be 1 10 years ago
#33743 has-patch needs-copy-review Future Release new Theme location x Menu location 9 years ago
#36202 needs-testing has-patch needs-refresh Future Release ryankienstra assigned Menus screen: fix persistence of toggles for displayed nav menu item properties 8 years ago
#36212 has-patch has-screenshots Future Release audrasjb accepted Empty menu items are deleted without warning 8 years ago
#37344 has-patch needs-unit-tests Future Release new Side effects on 'nav_menu_item_args' filter when appending to arguments 8 years ago
#38486 has-patch needs-unit-tests needs-testing Awaiting Review williampatton assigned current_page_parent class wrongly added to menu item 8 years ago
#39077 has-patch needs-testing dev-feedback Future Release new Navigation menu items should be defined as being hierarchical 8 years ago
#39196 has-patch needs-testing Awaiting Review new When saving large menus the JSON encoded string was not used. related to #14134 8 years ago
#41502 has-patch has-unit-tests Awaiting Review new _wp_expand_nav_menu_post_data() corrupts multiple select (array value) 7 years ago
#43076 has-patch reporter-feedback needs-refresh Future Release audrasjb assigned current-menu-item for archive menu item on singular page 7 years ago
#46382 has-patch Awaiting Review new [walker-nav-menu] Undefined property stdclass::$current in class-walker-nav-menu.php 5 years ago
#51565 has-patch Awaiting Review new PHP Notices from wp_setup_nav_menu_item when object_id doesn't exist anymore 4 years ago
#54217 has-patch has-screenshots Awaiting Review new Menu Screen has some UI inconsistency issue 3 years ago
#56491 has-patch Awaiting Review new unregister_nav_menu() does not update theme mod 'nav_menu_locations' 2 years ago
#58932 has-patch reporter-feedback Awaiting Review joemcgill reviewing wp_setup_nav_menu_item() throws PHP warning when using virtual menu-items 12 months ago
#59390 has-patch changes-requested Future Release hellofromTonya assigned Incorrect method / function args used in bin/tests/core/tests/rest-api/wpRestMenuItemsController.php 10 months ago
#60832 has-patch Awaiting Review new add_meta_box breaks on plugin sub-pages if add_menu_page has dynamic title 4 months ago

Component: Networks and Sites (18 matches)

Ticket Keywords Milestone Owner Status Summary Created
#18088 has-patch has-unit-tests Future Release flixos90 reviewing Network Admin Email setting in wp-admin/network/settings.php fails silently 13 years ago
#25293 has-patch dev-feedback 2nd-opinion Future Release new Switch_to_blog not switching the siteid 11 years ago
#36507 has-patch 2nd-opinion Awaiting Review reopened Invalid URLs in network admin when WP Core is in custom subdirectory 8 years ago
#39170 2nd-opinion has-patch has-unit-tests Future Release new Remove connection between network email and super admin account 8 years ago
#40362 has-patch 2nd-opinion Awaiting Review new Remove `blog-id-cache` cache group 7 years ago
#40682 has-patch Awaiting Review new get_current_blog_id() and get_current_network_id() are loaded before absint() 7 years ago
#42389 has-patch has-screenshots Awaiting Review new Wrong password on confirmation page after manual activation of additional sub sites 7 years ago
#43390 has-patch Awaiting Review new get_super_admins() should not return "admin" by default 6 years ago
#45755 has-patch needs-refresh Future Release reviewing Theme Editor WSOD functionality doesn't work with Multisite 6 years ago
#48323 has-patch Awaiting Review new Signup link redirect is not filtered on multisite when a blog is not found 5 years ago
#50814 has-patch Awaiting Review new Success Message Displays on Failure to Update Site Address 4 years ago
#51926 has-patch needs-unit-tests Future Release new Network Site Search should search more than just wp_blogs.path 4 years ago
#52464 has-patch needs-unit-tests needs-testing needs-testing-info reporter-feedback Awaiting Review SergeyBiryukov reviewing The value of argument passed to the update_option_new_admin_email() is not a valid email. 3 years ago
#53355 has-patch needs-testing has-unit-tests Future Release SergeyBiryukov reviewing wp-signup.php with `new` in the query string results in a "site does not exist" message even if the site does exist 3 years ago
#53694 has-patch needs-testing Awaiting Review new Multisite: Capability check isn't strict enough when hard deleting a site 3 years ago
#55515 has-patch Awaiting Review new About the problem that the php file of the theme editor and plugin editor cannot be edited in multi-site 2 years ago
#57483 has-patch Awaiting Review new Improve optimizations for WP_Site::get_instance and WP_Network::get_instance 19 months ago
#59522 has-patch needs-testing Awaiting Review new Bug handling multisites where main site URL and main blog URL are different 10 months ago

Component: Options, Meta APIs (22 matches)

Ticket Keywords Milestone Owner Status Summary Created
#15335 has-patch Future Release markjaquith reopened register_setting() filter for sanitization callback needs to indicate 2 arguments accepted 14 years ago
#21989 dev-feedback has-patch needs-testing Future Release pbearne accepted update_option() calls sanitize_option() twice when option does not exist 12 years ago
#28701 has-patch needs-unit-tests Awaiting Review new Deleted option is not deleted if value was ever null 10 years ago
#29299 has-patch 2nd-opinion settings-api Future Release SergeyBiryukov reviewing Plural forms not available for some strings 10 years ago
#32565 has-patch has-unit-tests needs-refresh Awaiting Review SergeyBiryukov assigned Adding an underscore prefix meta key with a meta value provides an incorrect error message 9 years ago
#35379 has-patch has-unit-tests needs-testing Future Release jeremyfelt assigned update_network_option changes stored option value if sanitize_option detects error 9 years ago
#38931 has-patch Awaiting Review new `update_option()` race condition with non-autoloaded options 8 years ago
#40115 has-patch Awaiting Review new Duplicate Custom Fields are created 7 years ago
#40353 good-first-bug has-patch Awaiting Review loru88 assigned Site URL and Home URL inputs are not properly validating 7 years ago
#40369 has-patch Awaiting Review new Mail server settings page (options-writing.php) has no validation 7 years ago
#43069 has-patch Awaiting Review new Docs: improve documentation for register_meta() function 7 years ago
#45078 has-patch Awaiting Review new null is being set on a NOT NULL options_value column in the options table. 6 years ago
#46660 has-patch reporter-feedback Future Release reopened PHP Warning: Countable Error in update_metadata() 5 years ago
#52345 has-patch has-unit-tests Awaiting Review new Transient with expiration never expires when storing expiration failed 4 years ago
#52723 has-patch needs-unit-tests early Future Release new Admin options.php default value to NULL for option_value may lead to MySQL Integrity constraint violation error, potential other bugs 3 years ago
#52798 2nd-opinion has-patch has-unit-tests Awaiting Review new delete_option() does not clear cache if option is missing in database. 3 years ago
#55952 has-patch Future Release new add_option() racy behaviour 2 years ago
#56047 has-patch has-unit-tests Awaiting Review pbearne assigned test for pre_option_{$option} filter 2 years ago
#58246 has-patch Awaiting Review new 'update_meta_cache()' doesn't correctly handle the return value of the 'update_{$meta_type}_metadata_cache' filter 15 months ago
#58619 has-patch Awaiting Review pbearne assigned absint() causes unexpected behavior for metadata functions which use get_metadata_raw() 13 months ago
#58903 has-patch has-unit-tests 2nd-opinion changes-requested Future Release new set_transient() allows invalid transient name 12 months ago
#59246 has-patch has-unit-tests Awaiting Review new update_option returns true, even when the value didn't change, potentially adding back old data 11 months ago

Component: Permalinks (17 matches)

Ticket Keywords Milestone Owner Status Summary Created
#3329 has-patch needs-refresh needs-unit-tests 2nd-opinion Future Release pishmishy accepted Need to strip % from the auto-permalink in the editor. 18 years ago
#9102 has-patch needs-testing needs-unit-tests early needs-refresh Future Release assigned Inverse proxy breaks permalinks 15 years ago
#10249 has-patch needs-unit-tests Future Release westi reopened Page slug in cyrillic = Error 404 - Not Found! 15 years ago
#13459 has-patch needs-testing Future Release petitphp assigned Conflict between post and page slugs/permalinks when permalink setting is set to /%postname%/ 14 years ago
#32322 has-patch needs-testing has-unit-tests needs-dev-note Future Release kdoole assigned Custom permalink structure incorrect for Future posts 9 years ago
#39321 dev-feedback has-patch Awaiting Review new Issue with get_permalink when using wp_update_post() and %author% is part of your permalink 8 years ago
#40032 has-patch needs-testing Awaiting Review new Automatic redirects with _wp_old_slug won't mantain GET parameters if present 7 years ago
#46266 has-patch Awaiting Review new Add auto-draft to list of statuses faked in get_sample_permalink() 5 years ago
#47565 has-patch Awaiting Review new WordPress permalinks flip in hebrew 5 years ago
#50233 has-patch has-unit-tests needs-testing dev-feedback Future Release SergeyBiryukov reopened Limit pagination for comments 4 years ago
#51715 has-patch Awaiting Review new get_permalink: stdClass treated as WP_Post causes bad behavour 4 years ago
#53910 has-patch has-unit-tests dev-feedback Future Release SergeyBiryukov reviewing `sanitize_title_with_dashes` returns partial encoded values in permalink 3 years ago
#55066 has-patch Awaiting Review new Inconsistency in post URL when parent and child category assigned to the post and permalink structure includes category 2 years ago
#55189 2nd-opinion has-patch changes-requested needs-unit-tests Future Release new Automatic removal of "Zero-width non-joiner" in URL 2 years ago
#56229 has-patch Awaiting Review new Attempt to read property "user_nicename" on bool in link-template.php on line 265 2 years ago
#58722 has-patch needs-testing has-testing-info Future Release new Fix RTL display in Optional grouping on Permalinks Settings page 13 months ago
#61393 has-screenshots has-patch has-testing-info needs-testing changes-requested needs-unit-tests Awaiting Review new Trailing Slash Issue in Category Pagination URLs with the_posts_pagination() 7 weeks ago

Component: Pings/Trackbacks (7 matches)

Ticket Keywords Milestone Owner Status Summary Created
#5130 has-patch needs-refresh needs-unit-tests Future Release new Linking to multiple posts on your site breaks pingback due to comment flooding 17 years ago
#25582 has-patch needs-refresh Awaiting Review new Ping status always disabled when quick editing a post type that doesn't support trackbacks 11 years ago
#38282 has-patch Awaiting Review new Trackbacks do not return proper XML on double entries and flood 8 years ago
#42007 has-patch Awaiting Review new still using HTTP 7 years ago
#45389 has-patch dev-feedback needs-unit-tests Future Release SergeyBiryukov reviewing trackback_url_list() trackback excerpt for multibyte correspondence 6 years ago
#58511 has-patch needs-refresh Awaiting Review new Escaping function missing in wp-trackback.php 14 months ago
#39960 has-patch Future Release new Separate Supported Status for Trackbacks and Pingbacks 7 years ago

Component: Plugins (31 matches)

Ticket Keywords Milestone Owner Status Summary Created
#14060 has-patch needs-testing has-screenshots early Future Release SergeyBiryukov reviewing Misleading "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." 14 years ago
#18857 has-patch has-unit-tests early Future Release chriscct7 assigned get_plugin_page_hookname uses menu_title to construct subpage load-hooks 13 years ago
#26735 has-patch Future Release new Plugin bulk deletion attempts to define WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN constant multiple times 11 years ago
#31183 has-patch Future Release new Users with "update_plugins" capability can not see update details 9 years ago
#32422 has-patch needs-testing reporter-feedback Awaiting Review new add_menu_page() returns incorrect $hookname when using plugin filename as $menu_slug 9 years ago
#34052 has-patch dev-feedback Awaiting Review new Plugin-Install/Update Sections 9 years ago
#34358 has-patch needs-unit-tests needs-refresh Future Release new plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) returns plugins directory when plugin symlinked to mu-plugins 9 years ago
#36406 has-patch needs-refresh needs-unit-tests Future Release reviewing $network_wide is unreliable 8 years ago
#37470 has-patch needs-refresh shiny-updates Future Release reopened Shiny Updates: Erroneous Plugin Deactivation 8 years ago
#38112 needs-testing shiny-updates has-patch needs-refresh Future Release assigned Deleting an Active Plugin via Bulk Actions Fails Silently 8 years ago
#38211 ux-feedback uniform-search has-patch needs-testing Future Release adamsilverstein assigned Interference of AJAX search with input field auto-complete 8 years ago
#39338 has-patch Future Release new class-wp-hook.php - apply_filters() infinite loop 8 years ago
#39794 has-patch Future Release SergeyBiryukov reviewing Notice if update_plugins cap is off 7 years ago
#41638 has-patch needs-testing needs-refresh dev-feedback Awaiting Review new Must-Use Plugin File Still Available With a dot at the beginning of a filename (aka supposedly hidden) 7 years ago
#41736 has-patch Awaiting Review new validate_file function will always return error for file paths in windows dev environments 7 years ago
#42637 has-patch needs-testing dev-feedback close Awaiting Review new Wrong button text for plugin installation failed! 7 years ago
#45861 dev-feedback has-patch Awaiting Review new Global variable in plugin main file 6 years ago
#46032 has-patch has-screenshots Future Release SergeyBiryukov reviewing Plugin details text direction layout (RTL) 6 years ago
#46982 has-patch needs-refresh needs-testing Awaiting Review new Avoid loading dot files in the mu-plugins directory. 5 years ago
#49021 needs-design has-patch Awaiting Review new Misaligned rows in Plugins list table on mobile after deleting some plugins 5 years ago
#50319 has-screenshots has-patch Awaiting Review new Plugin Page : Remove unnecessary space in table nav topbar in Plugin Page on a small device 4 years ago
#52405 has-patch needs-testing Awaiting Review new activate_{$plugin} not passing $network_wide boolean to action handler 3 years ago
#53979 has-patch Awaiting Review new Non-valid plugins should be removed from the 'active_plugins' option 3 years ago
#55133 has-patch 2nd-opinion needs-dev-note Awaiting Review new Using an array containing a single object as first $arg in do_action() 2 years ago
#58057 has-patch changes-requested Awaiting Review new Replace loose comparison operator in plugins.php 16 months ago
#58492 has-patch Awaiting Review new Plugin Search Issue: Trimming of Keywords with Ampersand (&) upon Page Refresh 14 months ago
#59022 has-patch Awaiting Review new Bulk Action Issue For Plugin Component 12 months ago
#59375 has-patch Awaiting Review new Plugin_Upgrader assumption causes incorrect "Activate Plugin" link after plugin installation resulting in "The plugin does not have a valid header" error 10 months ago
#61214 has-patch Awaiting Review deepakrohilla assigned Hello Dolly : Uncaught exception 'Error' with message 'Call to undefined function add_action() 2 months ago
#61215 has-patch Awaiting Review new Getting warning in Hello Dolly Plugin when checking with PHPCS 2 months ago
#61525 has-patch Awaiting Review new Plugins page keeps making HTTP requests for plugin dependencies which are not in the WordPress Plugin Directory 4 weeks ago

Component: Post Formats (1 match)

Ticket Keywords Milestone Owner Status Summary Created
#42910 has-patch needs-testing Awaiting Review reopened Default Post Format doesn't apply on post created from Quick Draft 7 years ago

Component: Posts, Post Types (37 matches)

Ticket Keywords Milestone Owner Status Summary Created
#3670 has-patch needs-unit-tests Future Release andy new Removing CDATA close tag ( ]]> ) unbalances the CDATA block 18 years ago
#11235 has-patch 2nd-opinion needs-screenshots needs-unit-tests Future Release new Pages whose ancestors are not all "published" cannot be used as parents for other pages. 15 years ago
#13972 has-patch needs-testing needs-refresh Future Release new Add new category link - capability check needed 14 years ago
#17115 has-patch dev-feedback Awaiting Review new Publishing an empty post results in success 13 years ago
#19826 has-patch, needs-refresh Future Release piontkowski assigned Error behavior for deleting trashed posts is different for Bulk Delete versus Empty Trash 13 years ago
#29117 has-patch needs-refresh close Awaiting Review new Custom Field metabox shows table header information even though it has no data to show. 10 years ago
#29999 has-patch dev-feedback Awaiting Review new update post overwrites slug if current_user is contributor 10 years ago
#31254 needs-screenshots has-patch Awaiting Review new Post errors show success borders 9 years ago
#31977 good-first-bug dev-feedback has-patch Future Release pareshradadiya assigned Ping status of pages changes to "closed" in quick edit 9 years ago
#32295 has-patch needs-testing Future Release new Pagination on preview/scheduled posts 9 years ago
#36462 has-patch 2nd-opinion Future Release new Updating or publishing a (custom) post that hasn't loaded completely closes comments 8 years ago
#38507 has-patch has-screenshots needs-refresh Future Release new Quick Edit: Parent label without input when editing page 8 years ago
#39351 has-patch Future Release new Passing 'none' to menu_icon of custom post type displays broken image in admin menu 8 years ago
#39992 has-patch has-unit-tests Awaiting Review new Bug in get_the_content 7 years ago
#40528 has-patch Awaiting Review new Title with ascii paragraph separator is not being filtered on post save 7 years ago
#40585 has-patch needs-testing Awaiting Review reopened 'Update' vs 'Schedule' 7 years ago
#41226 needs-testing has-patch needs-unit-tests Awaiting Review reopened Static "posts page" preview not working 7 years ago
#41471 has-patch needs-unit-tests Future Release new Page dropdown walker must check selected against value field 7 years ago
#41949 has-patch Awaiting Review new Allow multiple values for the same meta key to be passed to `wp_insert_post()` 7 years ago
#41980 has-patch Awaiting Review new show_in_menu doesn't work with int value 7 years ago
#42146 has-patch Awaiting Review new Admin side menu id not displaying proper when name is long 7 years ago
#42323 has-patch needs-unit-tests needs-testing Awaiting Review assigned Posts vs CPT user permissions issue 7 years ago
#42936 good-first-bug has-patch close Future Release johnbillion assigned get_adjacent_post won't find any posts that are published in the same minute 7 years ago
#44270 has-patch Awaiting Review new Non-public custom post types have rewrite rules enabled by default 6 years ago
#44497 has-patch Awaiting Review new get_page_link() doesn't check if a valid post object is returned before trying to access its properties 6 years ago
#44524 has-patch dev-feedback needs-testing Future Release new Allow Users to View Custom Post Type Admin Page 6 years ago
#44530 has-screenshots has-patch Future Release new Post or page custom fields give wrong error message when enter value only. 6 years ago
#44631 has-screenshots has-patch Awaiting Review new Limit the displayed search phrase for the posts list table 6 years ago
#44752 has-patch Future Release SergeyBiryukov reviewing wp_get_archives() with the parameter limit = 0 generates an error 6 years ago
#46296 seo has-patch Awaiting Review new Posts set to 'private' and password protected should return a 403 HTTP header status 5 years ago
#47307 has-patch Awaiting Review new wp_insert_post: status 'future' is saved although 'publish' selected 5 years ago
#47640 has-screenshots has-patch Awaiting Review new WP_Posts_List_Table::get_views() doesn't allow the "Mine" counts to be filtered 5 years ago
#47642 has-screenshots has-patch early early-like-actually-early has-unit-tests Future Release johnbillion reviewing Order by comment count - posts list tables 5 years ago
#47849 has-patch has-unit-tests Future Release SergeyBiryukov reviewing Post excerpts accept spaces 5 years ago
#48006 has-patch has-unit-tests Awaiting Review new post_date not as expected 5 years ago
#49153 reporter-feedback has-patch Awaiting Review new Undefined Variable Warning 5 years ago
#49478 has-patch needs-testing 2nd-opinion Awaiting Review new get_post_type_object has the wrong type of validator for its parameter 4 years ago
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.