Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (1 - 100 of 712)

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Component Ticket Summary Type
Administration #6877 preg_replace in wpautop deletes all the text in the post defect (bug)
General #9189 add_magic_quotes now double-escaping post content when saving defect (bug)
General #9592 Could committers check has-patch tested tickets please? defect (bug)
General #9618 Reloading the DB upgrade confirmation screen causes upgrade routine to go from b2 to 2.8, messing up password hashes defect (bug)
TinyMCE #9659 MS Word Import Function not working defect (bug)
Widgets #9703 widget save procedure is inconsistent with js on and off defect (bug)
Date/Time #9758 GMT-relative timezones inverted defect (bug)
Upload #2682 Paths should be relative for images and uploads defect (bug)
Date/Time #3962 WordPress should adjust for DST ("location" appropriate) task (blessed)
General #6519 Permanent URL for author not working with space defect (bug)
Permalinks #6603 bad next_posts_link when using a Static Front Page and custom permalink structure. defect (bug)
General #6609 Magpie improperly parses Google ATOM feeds defect (bug)
Optimization #7415 "using filesort" in default install defect (bug)
Feeds #7563 html_entity_decode at RSS Feed import doesn't respect charset of Blog defect (bug)
XML-RPC #7794 Got and fixed an error 'faultCode -32700 faultString parse error. not well formed' on XMLRPC request. defect (bug)
Upgrade/Install #7875 consolidate plugin/theme/core upgrade/install functions task (blessed)
General #8014 dbDelta Breaks on backtick defect (bug)
Optimization #8561 query in meta_form() function in /wp-admin/includes/template.php causes post/page editing to load slowly defect (bug)
Security #8689 WordPress must not use preg_replace with /e defect (bug)
Warnings/Notices #8701 WordPress throws E_DEPRECATED notices all over the place with newer PHP 5 installs defect (bug)
Autosave #8710 Pages - clicking "save draft" or "publish" during autosave results in duplicate defect (bug)
I18N #8729 "WordPress 2.7 is available! Please update now." Displayed in WordPress 2.7 Dashboard. defect (bug)
HTTP API #8766 wp-includes/http.php warning defect (bug)
JavaScript #8859 Load JavaScript In Footer On Specific Pages Using "admin_footer-$hook_suffix" defect (bug)
JavaScript #8884 Bug In wp_enqueue_script() In Footer defect (bug)
General #9036 wp_get_attachment_link variable upgrade task (blessed)
Administration #9289 Theme and Plugin editor broken defect (bug)
Administration #9294 Typo in wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php from rev 10730 defect (bug)
TinyMCE #9317 Safari 4 + Visual Text Editor defect (bug)
TinyMCE #9334 Explicitly define CSS button foreground colors in modal dialog boxes defect (bug)
Widgets #9349 Load widgets.php Before Plugins Because Of New WP_Widget Class defect (bug)
Press This #9361 If attempting to quote more than one paragraph, quote does not work. defect (bug)
Taxonomy #9397 Quick edit creates new tag from existing tag-name defect (bug)
Upload #9413 Update to SWFUpload final task (blessed)
Administration #9433 Patch for #9199 adds extra backslashes to pending-review previews defect (bug)
Administration #9438 Some Hook names are localized and therefore rendered useless defect (bug)
Template #9457 get_body_class() breaks the loop_start and loop_end hooks defect (bug)
Themes #9472 wp_list_pages() doesn't apply the "current_page_item/parent/ancestor" classes when browsing image/attachment pages defect (bug)
Widgets #9504 Using "Cancel" link in widget admin causes that widget to lose all its options on save defect (bug)
I18N #9521 RTL fixed for admin dashboard defect (bug)
Media #9526 Custom header returns black image defect (bug)
Permalinks #9598 get_comment_reply_link() Fix for non english slug defect (bug)
Administration #9606 screen_layout for plugins feature request
Upgrade/Install #9615 “Incompatible Archive” in FTP upgrading after r11025 (pclzip) defect (bug)
Warnings/Notices #9616 Trunk throws warnings on php4 sites defect (bug)
Permalinks #9643 Category child pretty permalinks 404 defect (bug)
Taxonomy #9647 initial taxonomies defect (bug)
Administration #9675 SCRIPT_DEBUG broken defect (bug)
Users #9682 Make wp-login.php form pluggable enhancement
HTTP API #9699 Invalid HTTP host sent when using WP_Http_Fsockopen over SSL defect (bug)
Widgets #9721 Multi-widgets with no control can no longer be added defect (bug)
Administration #9746 Missing "echo" in plugin installer defect (bug)
HTTP API #9754 all calls to should_defalate are passing wrong argument defect (bug)
UI #9783 .invisible class doesn't work as expected in some browsers (such as camino, which is FF based) defect (bug)
Date/Time #9793 Duplicates in the timezone drop down defect (bug)
Widgets #9800 Widget API won't work with PHP 4 defect (bug)
Feeds #9810 Revert RSS mime to text/xml defect (bug)
UI #9833 Update Plugin Browser table to 2.7 style columns defect (bug)
Upgrade/Install #9863 PHP Notice: Constant ABSPATH already defined at install.php defect (bug)
UI #9904 Add confirmation step to theme upgrader feature request
TinyMCE #9912 “Are you sure you want to navigate away” on Save Draft after r11437 defect (bug)
Comments #9934 Apostrophe in comment author causes comment to be spammed - esc_html defect (bug)
TinyMCE #9950 TinyMCE fullscreen mode doesn't keep changes defect (bug)
Widgets #9952 Unregistering default widgets is not backwards compatible defect (bug)
Widgets #9961 New Widgets API doesn't allow to return feedback on save defect (bug)
General #9985 'category__and' stopped working defect (bug)
Formatting #9994 Only a blank page returned when access blog home page defect (bug)
Widgets #10020 Extra hook needed over in the widgets defect (bug)
Template #10047 [Code Review] An array should not be directly put into a string defect (bug)
I18N #10066 Issues with timezone picker in RC1 defect (bug)
Upload #10083 Media buttons crash Windows XP Firefox defect (bug)
Widgets #10091 calendar widget disappears when no posts are in wp_the_query defect (bug)
XML-RPC #108 I get an XML Parsing Error whenever i got to my journals rss feeds defect (bug)
General #1626 user_nicename should be unique defect (bug)
Template #2395 Minor addition to _page_level_out enhancement
Template #2959 wp_list_pages does not add current_page_item class on page_for_posts defect (bug)
I18N #3727 WP->parse_request() won't replace $pathinfo when $req_uri contains any %## encoding character. defect (bug)
HTTP API #4011 add global proxy support in options task (blessed)
Optimization #4013 post_ID in schema not consistent across tables defect (bug)
General #4051 blogroll not functional for internal links defect (bug)
General #4064 Extra API Hooks enhancement
Themes #4131 Edit Theme should allow editing files in subfolders task (blessed)
Optimization #4170 author pages do an uncached user_nicename lookup defect (bug)
Upload #4396 Permalink leads to wrong attachment defect (bug)
Template #4531 Add limit parameter to get_pages enhancement
Widgets #4588 can't place search widget in multiple widgetized sidebars enhancement
Widgets #4594 Widgets API to check for active sidebars enhancement
General #4616 is_email isn't rfc2822 conformant defect (bug)
General #4697 RSS feeds give incorrect content types defect (bug)
Template #4736 Tag Functions plugin needs to be included in core enhancement
Security #4762 new function: absint() enhancement
Template #4832 In comments_popup_link(), why bomb out when on a page or single post? defect (bug)
Widgets #4933 "Meta" widget breaks WordPress architectural standard defect (bug)
General #4960 Remove deprecated admin-functions.php and upgrade-functions.php task (blessed)
I18N #4984 RSS Widget does not change encoding of RSS feed defect (bug)
General #4994 Default Timezone settings defect (bug)
General #4996 Allow control over setting commenter cookies enhancement
Administration #5057 cannot remove all categories from a post defect (bug)
Optimization #5109 Patch (wp-includes/functions.php): eliminate triggered error from wp_ob_end_flush_all() defect (bug)
Widgets #5112 Links widget could use an option screen enhancement
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.