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Weight (mass, if you prefer, but unless you leave Earth's gravity field not going to be much difference) is more accurate than volume in portioning ingredients, though if you are using recipes done by volume rather than weight then you are up against the accuracy of a volume to weight conversion factor.

Weight is more accurate than volume in portioning ingredients, though if you are using recipes done by volume rather than weight then you are up against the accuracy of a volume to weight conversion factor.

Weight (mass, if you prefer, but unless you leave Earth's gravity field not going to be much difference) is more accurate than volume in portioning ingredients, though if you are using recipes done by volume rather than weight then you are up against the accuracy of a volume to weight conversion factor.

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Weight is more accurate than volume in portioning ingredients, though if you are using recipes done by volume rather than weight then you are up against the accuracy of a volume to weight conversion factor.