Community Outreach

From KZN to the world



The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) is deeply committed to community engagement, addressing the pressing challenges faced by communities. Beyond its core mandates of teaching, learning, and research, UKZN recognises its responsibility to benefit society by addressing societal needs through sustainable community participation.

UKZN's community engagement projects are designed to impart knowledge and skill development in various areas. These initiatives not only enrich the lives of students, fostering responsible citizenship but also equip community members with valuable skills in areas such as small business management and entrepreneurship.

UKZN actively encourages more staff and students to participate in these vital programmes and to initiate new projects. We also extend an invitation to communities and businesses to collaborate with us in this crucial endeavour. By joining forces, we can drive meaningful change and create lasting impact.

Normah Zondo

Executive Director: Corporate Relations

Print Publications

2017 UKZN Outreach

2016 UKZN Outreach

2015 UKZN Outreach

2014 UKZN Outreach