
Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? Check out the new WordPress Code Reference!

tc:New To WordPress - Where to Start

如果你是 WordPress 的新手且你擔心不知從何開始,那你就來對地方了。這裡是給剛開始用WordPress的使用者的一個非常簡潔步驟。請記住,如果你在使用的過程中 需要說明 , 再這篇文章中有列舉很多可以幫忙你的連結可供選擇。歡迎來到這令人興奮的WordPress世界!

安裝完WordPress和閱讀完以下的步驟表後,你可以考慮安裝你的第一個擴充套件 Codex and Forum Searcher Plugin。 這個套件可以讓你直接在WordPress的控制台搜尋WordPress Codex 和 WordPress Support Forum 。 當你使用WordPress時,只要點選搜尋結果就會另開視窗或標籤(TAB),就可以閱讀Support Forum和WordPress Codex裡的文章和討論。如此一來,資訊唾手可得,縮短跳槽到WordPress的陣痛期。

第一步 - 讀

在你投入你的寶貴時間和精力來安裝WordPress前,請先閱讀過以下的文件。 WordPress是一個很棒的產品,且易於使用,它非常強大,但並不是一定適合每個人,就像蓋房子,你必須選擇適合你的工具。

第二步 - 計畫




  • 你將安裝WordPress在根目錄、次目錄抑或你只想架個測試網站以確認你是否要用它?
  • 你已經把 分類都列出一個清單了嗎? 並知道WordPress只可以將分類按照字母排序或者是ID順序(經由 Manage > Categories 所輸入的順序), 所以如果分類的順序對你而言是很重要的,開始排序你的分類清單吧。
  • 你已經列好你想要新增的頁面(例如AboutContactEvents)清單了嗎?

第三步 - 安裝 WordPress


第四步 - 設定 WordPress

完成安裝後,接下來就可以設定你的偏好設定。當你更改設定時,建議你可以點在控制台 右上角的View Site隨時瀏覽你的網頁 你也許會選擇用任何順序去執行這些步驟,不過按照以下這些順序會讓你遇到的麻煩減少:

花點時間瀏覽WordPress Codex, 這是WordPress的官���文件,你可以找到對你有幫助的資訊 WordPress Lessons,和這些非常有幫助的文件:



這時你可能正在為選擇適合你的網站主題傷腦筋,或者你想更深入了解你的WordPress Theme是如何運作。這些簡單的指南可以幫助你修改你的WordPress Theme:

If you want to create a new WordPress Theme from scratch, or do major renovations, or even design WordPress Themes for public release, you will need to be familiar with HTML, XHMTL, and CSS. The following documents will get you started:

If you want a custom-made WordPress Theme created especially for you by expert web-designers, it is recommended you search for qualified web-designers on the Internet, or look in your local community, or draw from the List of Recommended Web Page Designers by Laughing Squid.

加入 Plugins(擴充套件)

There are many "add-on" scripts and programs for WordPress called Plugins that add more capabilities, choices, and options to your WordPress site. WordPress Plugins do many things, including; customizing the results of your site information, adding weather reports, adding spell check capability, and presenting custom lists of posts and acronyms. For more on how to work with Plugins and where to find WordPress Plugins for your site:


Now that you are familiar with the basic features and functions of how WordPress works, it might be time for you to plunge deeper into the power of WordPress. The links below will expand your familiarity with PHP, HTML, XHTML, and CSS:


As simple and easy as it is to use WordPress, if troubles arise, if something is confusing, if things aren't working, don't despair because help is available! Even though WordPress is free and open source, there are literally hundreds of volunteers eager to help you. Here are some helpful resources for WordPress:


Now that you're a full fledged WordPress user, consider contributing to the WordPress Codex, Support Forum, Development, and other volunteer efforts that keep WordPress going. WordPress is free and totally supported by volunteers, and your help is needed.