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Questions tagged [permutations]

A permutation is a particular ordering of some list of objects. Problems tagged with permutation usually involve finding or generating permutations, including anagrams of text.

3 votes
18 answers

Check if two lists are permutations of each other [duplicate]

Challenge Given two lists of equal length, find if one of them is a permutation of the other. Output truthy or falsy values, or 1 or 0. Test case Examples ...
Andy Liu's user avatar
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8 votes
8 answers

Find the child anagrams of a word

Select any word from with length greater than 1. For each letter on that word, remove it and check if any rearrangement of the remaining letters is present ...
enzo's user avatar
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10 votes
16 answers

Numbers with distinct decimal digits

Write a program or function that outputs all positive integers with distinct decimal digits (OEIS: A010784) Examples: ...
bsoelch's user avatar
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15 votes
18 answers

First odd then even indices

Your task is to find out how often you need to "shuffle" a given list with the following operation until you get back the original list. ...
bsoelch's user avatar
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16 votes
17 answers

Count N-Rich Permutations of an Integer Sequence

Given a sequence of integers with length \$L\$ and an integer \$1 \le N \le L\$, an "\$N\$-rich" permutation is one whose the longest strictly increasing contiguous subsequence has length ...
EphraimRuttenberg's user avatar