

Add incredible versatility to your editor without bloating it with tons of one-dimensional Gutenberg blocks. With GenerateBlocks, you can learn a handful of blocks deeply and use them to build anything.

GenerateBlocks works hand-in-hand with GeneratePress, but is built to work with any theme.

Looking for more features? Check out GenerateBlocks Pro.






用先进的排版技术制作丰富的文字内容——从标题到段落 – 完全控制您的文字。



Query Loop

Build a list of posts from any post type using advanced query parameters.


Add static or dynamic images to your content to make a visual statement.


我们认真对待性能。只会为所需的区块生成最少的 CSS ,我们的 HTML 结构也会尽可能简洁,同时保持最佳的灵活性。

Coding standards


Fully responsive





有两种方法可以安装 GenerateBlocks。

  1. 转到仪表盘菜单下的“插件>安装插件”页面,并搜索“GenerateBlocks”
  2. 从 下载 .zip,并通过 FTP 将该文件夹上传到/wp-content/plugins/目录。

In most cases, #1 will work fine and is way easier.



  • 创建新页面或文章
  • 添加新区块并找到 “GenerateBlocks” 分类。
  • 选择您的区块并开始构建。
  • 建议从容器区块开始入手。


GenerateBlocks was built to work hand-in-hand with GeneratePress. However, it will work with any theme you choose.


2024 年 7 月 8 日 1 回复
Thanks a lot guys! Maybe it would be useful to have some extended tools like: The ability to Hide or show divs based on media screen size; Animations (using animate.css class added by admin with select option, for example) Thanks a lot for your work!
2024 年 6 月 7 日 1 回复
To create a plug-in, which makes Gutenberg “useable” and then not charge for it, deserves a lot of praise. Thank you for doing so and for backing it up with great support – We shall support you on your journey, by purchasing the theme and blocks
2023 年 12 月 12 日 3 回复
Impossible to use a full width container if you’re using with fse theme. Nice…


“GenerateBlocks” 是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「GenerateBlocks」插件已被翻译至 17 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。






  • Fix: Patterns not loading properly in Chrome
  • Fix: Pattern search mixing up active libraries
  • Fix: Broken pattern preview in bulk select mode
  • Fix: Headline editor margin when set to div
  • Tweak: Improve pattern preview loading performance


  • Security: Disallow scripts in custom field values
  • Feature: New Pattern Library
  • Feature: Add support for new Global Styles in Pro
  • Feature: Added opt-in defaults cache filter: generateblocks_use_block_defaults_cache
  • Feature: Added new generateblocks_do_inline_styles filter to force inline styles if needed
  • Feature: Add styles indicators to local block controls if Global Styles exist
  • Feature: Keep p tag when converting core paragraph block to Headline block
  • Feature: Use arrow keys to increase or decrease values in unit control
  • Fix: Button URL dropdown closing on input
  • Fix: Undefined $fontFamily in old Headline version
  • Fix: Missing block width alignment in block themes
  • Tweak: Remove “one-time” block CSS and include it for specific blocks when needed
  • Tweak: Added new (min-width: 768px) media query to filterable queries
  • Tweak: Replace Twitter icon with X icon
  • Tweak: Use core Block Name for block labelling


  • Security: Add user capability check to Query Loop post status


  • Fix: Border colors not showing when old attributes are set.
  • Tweak: Add support for the newly created core function “wp_img_tag_add_loading_optimization_attrs”


  • Fix: Icon padding controls order
  • Fix: Global styles overwriting local attributes
  • Fix: Editor controls spacing using RTL languages


  • Feature: Add flexbox alignment matrix component to Container toolbar
  • Feature: Add new Borders panel with width/style/color options for all four sides
  • Feature: Add new dimensions components in Spacing panel
  • Feature: Mix and match padding/margin units across sides and devices
  • Feature: Add more available units to all options that accept them
  • Feature: Allow text values (calc(), var(), etc…) in options that accept them
  • Feature: New “Add to Container” icon added to the toolbar of all blocks
  • Feature: Allow removal of Container block around innerBlocks
  • Feature: Display text field to allow user to replace image URL
  • Feature: Headline block show text in List View
  • Feature: Button block show text in List View
  • Feature: Image block show alt/title in List View
  • Feature: Add Block Label option to label Container, Query Loop, and Grid blocks in List View
  • Feature: Only show one dimension field if synced
  • Feature: Add option to disable Google fonts
  • Feature: Allow all unit types in UnitControl
  • Feature: Add help icon to unit list
  • Fix: Attributes merging incorrect values when multiple blocks are selected
  • Fix: Color and Background panels are visible/accessible on responsive views
  • Fix: Template lock system not applying to inner blocks
  • Fix: Button with dynamic content not displaying the aria-label
  • Fix: unique id not regenareted correctly on widgets editor
  • Fix: React createRoot warning
  • Fix: Double-click when selecting Grid template
  • Fix: Query loop parameter delete button size
  • Fix: Advanced select jumping when near the bottom of the page
  • Fix: Triple captions using static image with dynamic link
  • Fix: Flex icons based on direction in device previews
  • Fix: Container appender icon spacing
  • Fix: useDeviceType state was one state behind when triggered from core buttons
  • Fix: Use unit in UnitControl if value starts with decimal
  • Fix: Remove trailing spaces from UnitControl numeric value
  • Tweak: Require at least PHP 7.2
  • Tweak: Move block alignment to Layout panel
  • Tweak: Remove help text from Grid vertical alignment
  • Tweak: Remove the Button Container variation
  • Tweak: Clean up UnitControl display across all browsers
  • Tweak: Show all Google fonts in font family dropdown
  • Tweak: Remove top/bottom margin from Query Loop in the editor
  • Tweak: Force lowercase units in UnitControl
  • Tweak: Improve UnitControl unit visibility
  • Tweak: Show units in 2 rows
  • Tweak: Use same unit list for all UnitControl controls
  • Dev: Rebuild how block migrations run
  • Dev: Migrate spacing attributes to new spacing object attribute
  • Dev: Migrate typography attributes to new typography object attribute
  • Dev: Migrate icon padding and size attributes to new iconStyles object attribute

Full changelog can be found here.