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The official VALORANT Champions Tour Stage 1 Masters broadcast revealed Fade as the next agent coming to VALORANT after minor details like her splash art leaked days earlier via ValorLeaks. A full reveal trailer is scheduled during the tournament’s grand final on Sunday, according to the broadcast.

Will Fade be the next Initiator?

Leaks about a new initiator first surfaced in March through ValorLeaks, though her name was unknown at the time. Then, on April 15, they revealed her name as Fade and her country of origin as Turkey. ValorLeaks also included a quote representing her vibe as a character.

“> Bury your fears, or she will hunt them,” the quote read. “Fade, VALORANT’s new Turkish Agent, stalks her prey with equal parts terror and tactics. Go ahead, try to hide.”

Then, on Monday, Twitter user ChowZ put to rest the community’s discussion of what Fade would look like by posting images of her splash art just before Riot Games revealed her on the broadcast.

Fade’s leaked abilities

According to ValorLeaks, Fade will bring abilities focused on crowd control and revealing enemies to the table. Her leaked abilities are as follows:


Send out a creature that can follow trails OR be controlled by moving your mouse. Upon reaching an enemy, they will be Nearsighted for three seconds. Only one creature per trail.


Equip and fire an orb which will stay in the air for a max of one and a half seconds and then slam to the ground. When the orb hits the ground, enemies within the radius will be tethered, take damage and be deafened.


Equip and fire an orb which will stay in the air and then hit the ground. Then it will go back into the air and turn into an eye. If enemies get seen by the eye, they will be revealed and a trail de-buff is applied.

NightFall (Ultimate)

Send out a wave of dark mist. If the mist hits an enemy, they will be deafened, trailed and decayed.

Michael Kloos is a Dutch esports journalist and enthusiast with a particular like of Rocket League and VALORANT. He is also an avid fantasy/sci-fi reader and writer. He spends most of his time trying not to be in the real world.