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We provide authoritative information about the past, present and future climate, as well as tools to enable climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies by policy makers and businesses.
From widespread floods to severe heatwaves, ESOTC 2023 puts Europe’s climate in focus
C3S’s new tool to monitor the state of our climate at a glance
The 2023 annual climate summary
Highlights of the June monthly summaries


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Case studies

The Copernicus Climate Change Service recorded yet another series of record high temperatures for April 2024. Globally we had the warmest April on record, with temperatures 0.7 degrees Celsius above the 1991-2020 average, or 1.58 degrees Celsius above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average for the month.

This month Climate Now travels to Ireland to see the strategies deployed to slash emissions and boost biodiversity at Farm Zero C.



ECMWF’s Code for Earth 2024


18 Sep 2024

Team up with earth sciences, computer science or artificial intelligence machine learning experts to develop innovative open source software.

Read more

Get involved with the Copernicus Climate Change Service

There are many ways to engage with C3S as a user, a data provider, or applying for a job.

CDS Facts

  • 314 238

    registered users

  • Users from


    different countries

  • 836 M

    total number of data requests

  • 174 036 TB

    total data volume delivered

Status as of