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Este tema no ha sido actualizado en 2 años. Puede que no ya no sea mantenido o soportado, y que tenga problemas de compatibilidad cuando se utiliza con versiones recientes de WordPress.

Neville is a very clean and purposeful WordPress theme that has been designed with a unique outlook. It can be used for sophisticated online newspapers or magazines, attention grabbing blogs or your daily simple journal. You can have fun creating a ravishing home page by using 5 custom made sections: Slider, Blog, Category, Ad banner and Instagram feed (more to come). Installing Jetpack and activating the Sharing module will enable some nice article sharing options, like fixed/sticky buttons next to the article. Neville also includes a custom title design module, allowing you to use italic and bold characters. Some of these features are available for free after installing/activating Neville Extensions plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/neville-extensions/. You can view a full demo here: http://demo.acosmin.com/themes/neville/

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