Confirm your billing cycle

  • {{ (isBundle() ? context.bundleUndiscountedAmount : fullPrice()) | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }} {{ itemOrderDescription() }} {{ itemOrderFullPriceBreakdown() }}
  • -{{ annualDiscountAmount() | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }} Annual discount (Save {{ context.annualDiscount }}%)
  • -{{ multiSiteDiscountAmount() | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }} Multi-{{ licenseUnitLabel() }} license discount (Extra {{ multiSiteDiscount() }}%) Multi-{{ licenseUnitLabel() }} license discount (Save {{ multiSiteDiscount() }}%)
  • -{{ context.bundleDiscountAmount | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }} Bundle discount (Extra {{ context.bundleDiscount }}%) Bundle discount (Save {{ context.bundleDiscount }}%)
  • {{ price(context.billingCycle) | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }} Subtotal ({{ formattedSubtotal }} x 12 months)
  • -{{ context.proratedDiscountAmount | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }} {{ proratedDiscountLabel() }}
  • -{{ context.renewalDiscount.initialRenewalDiscount | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }} {{ getPluginFirstRenewalsDiscountDesc() }}
  • -{{ context.couponDiscount | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }}
    Have a promotional code?
    {{ getCouponDiscountDesc() }}
    {{ '00' == context.couponCountdown.days ? '' : (context.couponCountdown.days + ' ' + (1 == context.couponCountdown.days ? 'day' : 'days') + ' & ') }}{{ context.couponCountdown.hours }}:{{ context.couponCountdown.minutes }}:{{ context.couponCountdown.seconds }}
  • {{ calcFirstPaymentTax() | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }}
    {{ tax.getTaxLabel() }} ({{ tax.getTaxInPercentage() }}) Calculating tax...

    Tax is calculated based on your billing address.

  • -{{ calcFirstPaymentTaxExemption() | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }}
  • {{ (isTrialMode() ? '0.00' : priceWithTax()) | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }} {{ context.currency | uppercase }} {{ getTodayTotalLabel() }}
  • Your free trial begins on {{ trialStartDate }} and will end on {{ trialEndDate }}. You can cancel anytime before {{ trialEndDate }} to avoid being charged and we’ll send an email reminder {{ trialEmailReminderDay }} days before the trial ends.

Enter your account details

Billing information

Why do we need this for a free trial?

Don't worry, we won't charge you now...

We ask for your payment information to reduce fraud and provide a seamless subscription experience. Your account will renew automatically on {{ trialEndDate }}. You can cancel anytime before then to avoid being charged, and we’ll send you an email reminder {{ trialReminderDay }} days before your free trial ends. You won't be charged now.

PayPal requires setting up automatic payments in order to start a trial, but you'll only get charged one time if you continue using the product after the trial ends.

Your free trial begins on {{ trialBeginDate }} and ends on {{ trialEndDate }}.

Review your order

  • Your free trial begins on {{ trialBeginDate }} and ends on {{ trialEndDate }}.
  • On {{ trialEndDate }}, your card ending in {{ ccSuffix() }} will be charged {{ firstPaymentAmount }} {{ firstPaymentCurrency }} (plus {{ firstPaymentTax }} tax). On {{ trialEndDate }}, your card ending in {{ ccSuffix() }} will be charged {{ firstPaymentAmount }} {{ firstPaymentCurrency }}. On {{ trialEndDate }}, your PayPal account will be charged {{ firstPaymentAmount }} {{ firstPaymentCurrency }} (plus {{ firstPaymentTax }} tax). On {{ trialEndDate }}, your PayPal account will be charged {{ firstPaymentAmount }} {{ firstPaymentCurrency }}.
  • After the trial, your {{ planCycleAdjective() }} renewal payments will be {{ renewalPaymentAmount }} {{ context.currency | uppercase }} (plus {{ calcRenewalPaymentTaxWithExemption() | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }} tax). After the trial, your {{ planCycleAdjective() }} renewal payments will be {{ renewalPaymentAmount }} {{ context.currency | uppercase }}.
  • To avoid {{ planCycleAdjective }} charges, cancel before the renewal date.
  • We’ll send an email reminder {{ trialEmailReminderDay }} days before the trial ends.
  • Your plan renews automatically on {{ planRenewalDate }}. Your plan begins on {{ planBeginDate }} and renews automatically on {{ planRenewalDate }}. Your paid plan renews automatically on {{ planRenewalDate }}. Your paid plan begins on {{ planBeginDate }} and renews automatically on {{ planRenewalDate }}.
  • Your card ending in {{ ccSuffix() }} will be charged {{ firstPaymentAmount }} {{ firstPaymentCurrency }} (plus {{ firstPaymentTax }} tax). Your card ending in {{ ccSuffix() }} will be charged {{ firstPaymentAmount }} {{ firstPaymentCurrency }}. Your PayPal account will be charged {{ firstPaymentAmount }} {{ firstPaymentCurrency }} (plus {{ firstPaymentTax }} tax). Your PayPal account will be charged {{ firstPaymentAmount }} {{ firstPaymentCurrency }}.
  • Your {{ planCycleAdjective() }} renewal payments will be {{ renewalAmount }} {{ context.currency | uppercase }} (plus {{ calcRenewalPaymentTaxWithExemption() | currency:context.currencySymbol:2 }} tax). Your {{ planCycleAdjective() }} renewal payments will be {{ renewalAmount }} {{ context.currency | uppercase }}.
  • To avoid charges for the next year, cancel before the renewal date. To avoid charges for the next month, cancel before the renewal date.
  • We'll send an email reminder 30 days before your subscription renews.

{{ context.upgradeError }}

{{ context.isProcessingUpgrade ? getProcessingText() : getPurchaseButtonText() }}

You've Unlocked an Exclusive Offer

Have you ever calculated how much it would cost you if your website got hacked? Our friends at WPMatic are offering a 50% discount, exclusive for {{ context.plugin.title }} customers, on all of their security and maintenance plans.

Check out this special offer and save hundreds of dollars a year.

Sounds interesting! No thanks

Thanks for giving {{ context.plugin.title }} {{ context.plan.title }} plan a spin! The payment method of your {{ context.plugin.title }} license was updated! Thanks for renewing your {{ context.plugin.title }} license! Thanks for subscribing for {{ context.plugin.title }}! Thanks for upgrading {{ context.plugin.title }}! Thanks for purchasing {{ context.plugin.title }}! Thanks for subscribing to {{ context.plugin.title }}!

Notice: One of your checkout attempts failed due to an incorrect ZIP Code. This charge may temporarily appear as pending on your credit card statement before being removed.

Got it Sending... Didn't Get It - Resend email

Didn't get the email? Try checking your spam folder or search for emails from {{ context.fromEmailAddress }}. Can't find it? Click here to resend it.

{{ currency | uppercase }}
API Testing