Oleg Valter is with Ukraine

Oleg Valter is with Ukraine
Oleg Valter is with Ukraine
chat user since2019-06-07
last message230d ago
last seen12d ago
about ☕ and code
parent user Oleg Valter is with Ukraine
10.1k 8 39 62


Owner of these rooms

ElectionBot Development (SO)

Testing of ElectionBot. Feedback and suggestions welcome.
2d ago – sloshy

Userscript newbies and friends

Repository (under construction) at https://github.com/userscripters
7d ago – sloshy
double-beep: 33d ago, 3108 posts (2%)VLAZ: 33d ago, 5363 posts (4%)

Bad Stack Overflow Reviews

Room to discuss and report incorrect Stack Overflow reviews. Avoid one-boxing please.
VLAZ: 26d ago, 616 posts (4%)Ryan M: 132d ago, 1095 posts (8%)Karl Knechtel: 221d ago, 11 posts (0%)Andrew T.: 634d ago, 2 posts (0%)

Burnination HQ

A room for discussing and coordinating current and future burninations. https://github.com/SOTagBurners. Website: https://sotagburners.github.io. Burn statistics and queue: https://sotagburners.github.io/stats.html
4d ago – Zoe
NotTheDr01ds: 4d ago, 109 posts (2%)aynber: 26d ago, 119 posts (2%)VLAZ: 32d ago, 541 posts (10%)

Google Apps Script chat community

For discussion about anything related to apps script or it's meta. Pending requests here: https://chat.stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5B%2A-pls%5D&Room=217630&page=1&pagesize=50&sort=stars

 [dev] SpotDetector

Development room for SpotDetector
5d ago – sloshy


Keeping track of FAQ proposals
5d ago – sloshy

Google Apps Script tag wikis and exce

Discussion on changes for the wikis and excerpts of all GAS-related
1474d ago – Oleg Valter