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5:47 AM
@CrisLuengo I know
3 hours later…
8:59 AM
@CrisLuengo I'm looking for a video: A few months maybe a year ago I shared a video of a talk of somebody, who made some demonstrations using fiji, and I think I remember that you mentioned that you knew the person in the talk. Do you happen to remember who that was?
I cannot find that video anymore
@flawr this
5 hours later…
1:52 PM
@flawr Glad you found it. After seeing those posts, I remember the conversation. But I didn’t before seeing them. I would have been useless for help. :)
9 hours later…
10:42 PM
Q: We spent a sprint addressing your requests — here’s how it went

JNatYou may have noticed posts getting status-completed at an unusually high rate last week — there’s a reason for that, which I’ll get into further down. But first, some context for those who might need it. Back in 2020, we introduced a process that allowed y’all to escalate issues that require staf...


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