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10:59 AM
You dare break the sssssilence?! Get him, brothersssss!
And with a banned word as well! Fight the power!
11:29 AM
2 hours later…
1:18 PM
I am trying to reload a module(avoiding to exit the interpreter)...this the code:
from scrap import run
from importlib import reload

I get this error though

NameError: name 'scrap' is not defined
I got the answer from here stackoverflow.com/questions/437589/…
Do import scrap
this is what i see in the terminal:
<module 'scrap' from 'C:\\Users\\30697\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311\\Eortologio\\scrap.py'>

Nonetheless the script is not Refreshed
scrap contains run()
calling run() does not reflect the refreshed content
Right, but now you can do reload(scrap) and it'll work
Oh, but yeah, run will still be the old function
Access it as scrap.run
yeah...with that way it works...I still cannot understand though why if I use from scrap import run....then reload and then call run() will not work
1:33 PM
Do you understand what's going on here? That's essentially what you're doing, except with a module instead of a dict and a function instead of a string
scrap = {'run': 'old value'}
run = scrap['run']

scrap['run'] = 'new value'
print(run)  # old value
1 hour later…
2:37 PM
@DimitrisPapageorgiou Can you say how the code here didn't work for you
3:00 PM
@Peilonrayz I will tell you after I check it....I could not remember which day that comment was made and as such could not find it....
but I will look at it alright
I want to scrap this dictionary xlinux.nist.gov/dads/… every term leads to a page with an explanation....any suggestions as how I could do it?
2 hours later…
4:44 PM

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